Why is a log of pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of drivers necessary?

How to organize pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations

The need for medical examinations is regulated by law; among other things, changes and additions are regularly made to regulations.

It is recommended that workers should not be allowed to drive a vehicle if they cannot perform the job safely. This must be done for:

  1. Road safety.
  2. Preserving the life and health of all traffic participants.
  3. Ensuring the safety of the vehicle and cargo.
  4. To protect the environment from external negative influences.

For post-trip MOs:

  • Determine cases of occurrence of natural hazards as a result of production activities.
  • The behavior of car drivers must be monitored.

After passing the medical examination, it is mandatory to undergo these types of examinations.

Which drivers undergo pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations?

The differences in medical examinations are as follows:

  1. Pre-trip tests are mandatory for every driver in the company. The exception is APT workers who leave immediately for a flight and are called by emergency response services. The time is set earlier, but every second is important in order to get to the place where the unexpected event occurred.
  2. Post-trip tests are mandatory for drivers of vehicles involved in the transportation of goods or passengers.

This and that type of inspection is carried out in accordance with the regulations. The type of work performed determines the need for it. In this regard, even if the individual entrepreneur performs the functions of a driver independently, he also needs to undergo medical examination.

The organization conducting this event must have a certificate indicating permission for this type of activity. Responsibility for the work carried out lies with employers, so they have options:

  1. Attracting employees from clinics, but it is worth checking the availability of a license.
  2. Add an employee to the organization's staff responsible for carrying out training activities. The organization of the office depends on the number of workers and the organization of the office in the first-aid post. The job responsibilities of a specialist should include not only conducting a medical examination, but also providing first aid.


The first page of the standard provision looks like this:

In this document, the employer must regulate the organization of pre-trip medical examinations of its employees, in particular:

  • indicate the content of medical examinations;
  • determine the implementation of individual procedures as part of the medical examination;
  • determine the conditions for the procedure;
  • establish criteria for allowing drivers to work after passing a medical examination;
  • determine the responsibilities of medical institutions with which an agreement has been concluded or establish the need to hire a full-time health worker.


Note! Drivers are required to carry waybills with them. And according to paragraphs. 2 clause 7 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 N 152 (as amended on November 7, 2017) “On approval of mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills”, a mark on the date and exact time of pre-trip and post-trip inspections is a mandatory requisite of such a sheet.

Who has the right to conduct medical examinations?

Let us pay attention to paragraph 1.6 of the Regulations page shown above. It says that conducting medical examinations is the prerogative of medical workers. This follows from paragraph 8 of the Procedure, approved by Order No. 835n. So, you can only trust this procedure to:

  • health workers with higher and (or) secondary vocational education (including employees on the employer’s staff);
  • medical organization or other organization carrying out medical activities.

In addition, if we are talking about a full-time medical worker, then on the basis of Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ, the organization will have to obtain a license to carry out medical activities. This is justified only in the case of a large staff of drivers. Most often, organizations and individual entrepreneurs simply enter into an agreement for the provision of such services with those organizations that already have a license. This point must be carefully checked before concluding a contract. By the way, all costs for these activities are borne exclusively by the employer, as provided for in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need a magazine?

After the event, information must be entered into the Journal.

Document maintenance is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Recording the driver’s health status at the time of the trip.
  • If an accident occurs, then all documents that reflect information about the employee are reviewed.
  • A traffic police inspector can stop you on the road and conduct an inspection, and request the logbook separately from the organization.
  • Logging is regulated at the legislative level, so it is a mandatory security feature.

Who's leading it

Medical examinations are carried out only by relevant employees, and it is logical that they are also required to fill out a procedure log.

Thus, a requirement is put forward that only a person with a medical education of an average or higher level can be hired for this task, or a clinic or hospital with the necessary licenses can be hired on the basis of an agreement.

Separately, a full-time physician should be specified, because if there is one, the company must obtain a license for healthcare activities.

This is only suitable for large companies with a large staff of drivers, and in most cases, contracts are simply concluded with institutions that already have the necessary permits to operate. This should be checked before signing a cooperation agreement.

Journal structure

There is no uniform approach to the structure of the journal, but there is a recommendatory form. Each organization can independently draw up a document and approve it with a regulatory act for the enterprise. There is a method according to the structure:

  • The first column indicates the serial number. The calculation begins from the moment the records begin.
  • The date of the medical examination is the second column.
  • The third indicates the driver’s full surname and initials.
  • The driver's age is indicated in the fourth column.
  • The fifth section provides a description of the complaints.
  • Body temperature measurement indicator.
  • Blood pressure level.
  • Alcohol test.
  • Driver's pulse.
  • Expert opinion.
  • Signature of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employee.
  • On the front page there is a line about the organization in which the training is supposed to be carried out.
  • In the middle of the sheet the name of the document is indicated: “Journal of pre-trip medical examination“
  • In the lower right corner: the date when the journal started and ended.

If there are additional nuances when filling out the document, the information is reflected in the regulatory act of the organization.

How to fill out a magazine, sample

Filling out the journal must be done in legible handwriting, without abbreviations. Filling is carried out in the following order:

  1. Serial number from 1 to last MO.
  2. It is indicated when the MO was carried out, that is, day, month and date.
  3. The driver's surname and initials must be written in full; abbreviations are not allowed.
  4. Date of birth or age of the ATP employee.
  5. If there are complaints about your health, this must be indicated. If they are absent, it is written: “no complaints.”
  6. After measuring body temperature, this indicator is written.
  7. What pressure is indicated in the next column.
  8. Using the device, the presence of alcohol in the blood is determined, that is, measurements are carried out with a special breathalyzer and recorded in a log.
  9. The pulse of the ATP worker is measured by a device, and the indicator is entered into a log.
  10. The specialist makes a conclusion about the general well-being of the employee, and a note is made as to whether he is allowed or not allowed to drive vehicles.
  11. The medical unit employee signs the log in the last column. This confirms the fact that the work has been done.

The most important changes this spring!

At the same time, from the list presented above it is clear that some documents are mandatory, without them it is impossible to undergo inspections, and some are recommended, created to strengthen control by the employer. There is no general form for the medical examination log; currently, it is allowed to use your own document, developed in the organization and approved by its head. Or you can use the ready-made form NU-1, developed for employees of federal railway transport institutions (Instructions of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation No. L-2257u dated 10/08/99). For violation of legal requirements, penalties may be imposed by government inspectors, depending on the severity of the incident.

According to paragraphs. 4 and 5 appendices to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2014 No. 835n, Russian employers who have drivers among their employees must organize pre-shift, pre-trip, as well as post-shift and post-trip medical examinations of such employees. The requirement to undergo such examinations also applies to individual entrepreneurs who independently manage transport (clause 3 of the appendix to order No. 835n).

However, order No. 835n, as well as letter of the Russian Ministry of Health No. 2510/9468-03-32, do not contain direct references to one or another unified form of the medical examination log. There is only its recommended form, designed to include data on the pre-trip examination.

After receiving payment, you will be provided with an activation key, which you must enter in the lower field and click on the “Accept” button. After activation, the Electronic Journal of Medical Examinations program will be available in the full version. Medical examinations are regulated by legislation, and their records are kept in a special journal. You can learn about the procedure for filling out a medical examination log from this article.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not approve a strict form for the journal. However, when developing the document, it is necessary to reflect all the information required to identify the employee. The number of lines may vary depending on the industry of the company, available positions and specialties, the presence of hazards and/or harmful working conditions. After development, do not forget to approve the document form with the head of the organization.

The driver's pre-trip medical examination log - a sample from 2018 can be found below - must be among the mandatory documents prepared by the employer using his own transport.

The control log of medical records, a sample located at the end of the article, is intended to track the movement of personal medical records of employees. From the name it is clear that not all employers are required to maintain such document flow, but only those whose personnel participate in medical and preventive examinations during work, as well as when applying for a position. What are the rules for filling out the journal? Who in the organization is appointed responsible for the completeness, timeliness and reliability of information? Let's look into the details further. The results of these activities must be recorded in journals (clause 15 of the appendix to order No. 835n). The order to reflect in a separate journal the results of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers is also contained in the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08.21.2003 No. 2510/9468-03-32 and the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 09.29.1989 No. 555.

Info Sewing fastening During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. How to register a medical examination? What information should you use? Before the event, the employee must present the direction. Afterwards you need to pass all the tests and visit all the specialists indicated in the referral.

How long to store

All empty lines must be filled in; until then, the briefing log is kept. On the front side, the start and end dates of the document are noted. Although the regulations do not stipulate anything about storage, you do not need to immediately destroy the magazine.

It must be stored at the enterprise for 5 years from the date of completion of maintenance; if there are grounds for storage longer than this period, then this will not constitute a violation. The recorded information is relevant during the work shift and can also be used for accident investigation purposes.

Responsibility for the absence of a journal in the organization

For the absence of a document confirming the daily medical examination of drivers, fines are imposed on a legal entity; their amount is:

  • For the driver - 3 thousand rubles.
  • For the employee responsible for the production of cars - 5 thousand rubles.
  • 30,000 thousand rubles. for the enterprise.

Responsibility for the absence of a log of pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of drivers
Administrative penalties are imposed on all motor transport structures.

Restricting access to truck controls

No one is exempt from responsibility, so you need to behave appropriately so as not to get yourself into trouble both at work and with the law.

An employee is suspended from driving in the following situations:

  1. A medical examination proved that the citizen was under the influence of alcohol. If the driver begins to drive in such a state, then an administrative penalty will be imposed on the health worker and management. Or what’s worse - if he gets into an accident, then the case will become criminal liability. And in this case, not only the culprit of the incident, but also all responsible members of the organization, including the medical worker, will fall under the article.
  2. Citizens with obvious health problems, such as heart disease or headaches, are not allowed to drive a vehicle.
  3. Conditions such as high or low blood pressure are carefully monitored. The fact is that the route of such workers is different, and therefore the climate. It is unknown how this or that terrain will affect the driver.
  4. Emotional problems also serve as a restriction on driving (aggression, post-stress state).
  • the manager must pay from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles. If it happens again, the fine will reach 40,000 rubles;
  • legal entities are less fortunate, as the fine can reach even 130,000 rubles. For committing a violation a second time, the amount will be up to 200,000 rubles. Also, authorized persons have the right to freeze the company for 90 days;
  • workers get off with fines ranging from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles.

How the event is held

Before you begin performing your duties as a driver, you must undergo a sobriety and health check. The event is carried out as follows:

  1. Examination by an ATP employee: gait, behavior and appearance are checked externally.
  2. A survey is taken about general well-being.
  3. The mucous membranes and skin are checked: injections, redness, pallor, dilated or constricted pupils.
  4. Blood pressure and pulse are measured using special instruments.
  5. Signs of alcohol intoxication, substance abuse or drug addiction are identified based on residual manifestations.
  6. If you carry out the latest research, you can use instrumental research. For example, when exhaling, the device shows the alcohol content in the blood.

When all stages have been completed, the employee conducting the inspection makes a conclusion about the employee’s admission to the flight for today. To do this, a stamp indicating positive completion of the medical examination is affixed to the waybill and certified by the signature of the person who conducted the medical examination.

If the driver fails to pass control, a protocol is issued, which specifies the reasons for the failure.

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