Where should the stamp be placed in the work book upon dismissal?
Briefly about the main thing Termination of labor relations for one reason or another is first formalized by order
Benefits and other payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dismissed for health reasons
An unsatisfactory body condition is grounds for transferring an employee to a position with a lower volume of work,
Night duty of doctors
What every employee needs to know about pay for night work
Night hours on a holiday: payment Since both night work and work on holidays
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Minimum length of service for retirement under the new pension reform
What is the minimum length of service for payment of a pension? Work experience is the total duration
Dismissal under category D: what is required?
Grounds and procedure for dismissal of a military personnel for health reasons. How to receive payments?
Today we will look at a fairly common question from military personnel about dismissal under category D. We are asked what
Compensation for unused vacation for police officers
How to correctly calculate compensation for unused vacation for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon dismissal,
Calculation of compensation upon dismissal in 2021, online calculator If the employee decides to quit, then
Comparison of the amount of compensation payments for unused vacation and vacation pay: which is greater
Compensation Every officially employed citizen has the right to paid leave. To receive it you need
Dismissal of a part-time worker under Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: rules for conducting a legal procedure
Grounds for dismissal of a part-time employee An employee working part-time can be dismissed: On general grounds (Art.
What documents should be required when hiring an external part-time worker?
Who is prohibited from working in an additional position? Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their labor capabilities and
How does a pregnant woman get fired during the liquidation of an organization and what is the right to a maternity leaver in connection with this event?
The topic of dismissal of pregnant women during liquidation always raises many questions. Let us note right away that in the case of complete
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