How to store employment contracts of dismissed employees: retention period

Selection of the most important documents upon request Retention period of the employment contract

(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Regulatory acts. Duration of retention of the employment contract

Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08/25/2010 N 558 (as amended on 02/16/2016) “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09/08/2010 N 18380) 657

Articles, comments, answers to questions. Duration of retention of the employment contract

A guide to labor disputes. Controversial situations regarding dismissal due to the expiration of the employment contract Facts of the case: The employer sent written notice of the expiration of the employment contract to the employee’s place of residence. The employee did not receive the notice and was returned to the employer due to the expiration of the storage period. The recipient’s failure to receive correspondence occurred due to reasons beyond the control of the employer and the postal organization.

A Guide to Corporate Litigation. Issues of judicial practice: Expulsion of a participant from a limited liability company Subsequently, Solodovnikova V.N. On 02/07/2013, she sent a written request to the second participant of the company, Kumar Rakesh, and the manager to convene an extraordinary general meeting of participants with the following agenda: to amend the charter of LLC “011” regarding the sole executive body of the company; on approval of the new edition of the company's charter; on the release from the duties of the sole executive body of the company, the manager of IP Kovrigina A.V. due to the expiration of the term of office; on the decision to elect Yu.A. Rynkovsky as director; on making a decision to transfer to the director all financial and accounting documents, business contracts, the entire list specified in clause 12.8 of the company’s charter; on instructing the chairman of the meeting to sign an employment contract with the director of the company; on the appointment of an audit of the financial activities of LLC “011” for the period from 2011 to 2012. The specified requirement was sent to the address of the company, as well as the managing company, and was returned by the communications authorities due to the expiration of the storage period.

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Shelf life table

The cabinet with personnel documentation consisted of several compartments. Accountant Savina N.P. began sorting through papers from the first compartment. The results of her work are presented in the table.

From the contents of the last column of the table it follows that part of the personnel documentation needs to be restored, since its storage period has not yet expired. And other papers simply take up space because their standard storage period has expired. We will talk about the consequences of analyzing personnel documentation in the next section.

Why save personnel documents, and what determines their retention period?

Storing personnel documents is the responsibility of all companies and individual entrepreneurs. This is determined by Art. 17 of Law No. 125-FZ on archiving in the Russian Federation. Everyone is equal before this requirement of the law: both businessmen and government agencies.

Personnel documentation occupies a significant place in the total volume of papers processed at the enterprise. If a company has several hundred or thousand employees, the number of personnel documents can reach several thousand. But micro-companies that employ 2-3 people cannot do without these kinds of documents. And all of them are subject to storage for legally established periods.

The main feature associated with the storage period of personnel documents is the length of the period during which they cannot be destroyed. For example, information related to the personnel of a company is subject to long-term storage (75 years or for the entire period of the company’s existence). Such personnel documents include employment contracts and additional agreements thereto, personal cards of employees and other documents created by the company related to the labor relationship between the employee and the employer.

The shelf life of cases generated in the personnel service is influenced by many factors. For example, due to the different degrees of importance of the vacation schedule and staffing schedule, the storage periods for these documents differ by 5 times (1 year and 5 years, respectively).

We will consider in more detail the features of the retention periods for personnel documentation in the following sections.

Most often they are of the following types:

  • Profile. This refers to all types of contracts and documents that directly relate to the scope of the enterprise’s activities and are stored for no more than 5 years.
  • Household. They are similar to the previous type of contract and are also stored for no more than 5 years.
  • Labor. Often, this type of agreement is also stored for no more than 5 years, but in some cases the period can be increased, for example, in a situation where there is no personal account, the period can reach 75 years.

Employee personal card

The employment contract is included in the employee’s personal card. In contrast to the case, it is brought against all persons, without exception, who get a permanent or temporary job. Its form is regulated by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

It is filled out based on the following documents:

  • employment history;
  • passport;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • for the military - military registration papers;
  • educational documents.

Sometimes, depending on the specifics of the company’s work, other documents may be required in accordance with the law, in particular, an employment contract, if one has been concluded. The card also includes several sections.

For example, the section devoted to admission and transfer to another job should contain references to the numbers of the relevant orders and dates, since they will be used to confirm work experience. In addition to this, it includes other data. Among them:

  • Foreign language skills;
  • all types of vacations used by the employee during his working life;
  • additional information, etc.

If we are talking about government positions, then a card of the appropriate form is used, but it has the same content. There are differences for cards open to workers in the fields of science, education and other activities.

The card is filled out manually by the HR manager. Entries should not contain abbreviations and should be as readable as possible. It is created in a single copy for each employee and stored in a safe in a separate file cabinet.

After the employee is dismissed, the card is removed from regular use of personnel documents, compiled into a separate folder, and then transferred to the archive.

Storage periods for personnel documents using an example

When she was hired, N.P. Savina, an accountant at Premiere LLC, was informed that in addition to her direct responsibilities related to accounting and reporting, she would have to keep personnel records. According to the management, the personnel document flow in the company is insignificant and little time will be required for this area of ​​work, since the company has a staff of 18 people.

Having agreed to such additional responsibilities, Savina N.P. began her duties. Since there was a lot of accounting work, direct accounting responsibilities took up all of her working time. The preparation of personnel documents was not required so often - new employees did not appear, the rest were successfully working in their places, no one was going on business trips yet, and internal transfers from one workplace to another were not practiced in the company. Therefore, almost no one looked into the cabinet with personnel documentation.

Nevertheless, accountant Savina N.P. did not forget about her personnel responsibilities, therefore, after submitting the next report, she began to study the personnel documents available at that time. The results of examining the contents of the “personnel” cabinet turned out to be disappointing - documents were arranged chaotically in folders, employees’ personal files were not fully completed, some of the documentation had become unusable due to long storage or contained difficult-to-read text. Some cases included documents with different storage periods (1 year, 3 years, 5 years and 75 years), including some of them that had lost their quality as information carriers.

Savina N.P. began work on sorting out personnel documentation by systematizing all available personnel documents. Before getting rid of damaged or unreadable documents, she decided to check the standard storage periods provided for in the List approved by Order No. 558. The results of her work will be discussed in the next section.

Document retention periods

When putting your organization’s personnel records in order, be very careful when destroying personnel documents. According to paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, “organizations and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity are obliged to ensure the safety of archival documents, including documents on personnel, within the deadlines their storage” established by law.

The storage periods for documents are defined in the List of standard management documents accompanying the activities of organizations indicating storage periods, approved by the Federal Archive (hereinafter referred to as the List). The list is intended for use as the main regulatory document when determining storage periods and selecting standard management documents for storage and destruction, that is, common to all or most organizations (including non-governmental ones). The storage periods for personnel documents are presented in the table on p. 89.

Section 8.1 of the List provides storage periods for documents related to the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees. Thus, employment contracts, orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, personal cards of form No. T-2, personal accounts of employees, personal files and registration forms for these documents have a shelf life of 75 years. Unclaimed work books, a book of records of work books and inserts for them are stored for 50 years. The storage periods for documents on personnel are established by the List of standard management documents accompanying the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods. All specified documents must be submitted to the archives. The personal files of dismissed employees are transferred to archival storage for 75 years. The personal files of the company's managers are kept permanently.

Temporary storage periods are applied by all organizations without exception, and permanent ones are applied by those state and municipal institutions whose documents are received for storage in the relevant archives, as well as non-governmental organizations with which agreements have been concluded, that is, sources of archive acquisition.

Retention periods for personnel documents

Photo 1

Determine the storage period by document type:

  1. Core contracts, as well as documents that are directly related to the activities of the organization. They are stored in archives for no longer than 5 years.
  2. Business contracts. The shelf life is the same as in the first case.
  3. Employment contracts. The shelf life of employment contracts for employees created before 2003 is 75 years. Documents dated after 2003 are stored for up to 50 years. In the event of liquidation or bankruptcy of an enterprise, employee files are transferred to the municipal archive in processed form.

Contact the professionals

If you would like to establish the exact storage period for employee employment contracts at your company, our representative can help you with this. The archivist will quickly put things in order in the document flow and deal with all the papers (including those whose shelf life is controversial or unknown due to the loss of the relevant organization regulations).

Labor relations, as well as the procedure for their registration, are regulated by the Labor Code. Article 85 of this document contains

collection of the employee’s personal data. This is information about a specific employee that is necessary for the employer in connection with the formation of an employment relationship with him.

The organization's processing of personal data of employees involves the receipt, storage, combination, transfer or any other use of personal data. According to Part 2 of Article 87 of the Labor Code, the procedure for storing and using personal data of employees is established by the employer, if it is not regulated by law.

The organization has the right to decide on its own whether it is necessary to open personal files for employees. They can be created for all employees of the company or for certain categories (for example, for management). It is necessary to draw up personal files in accordance with the current rules of record keeping.

According to the paragraph of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations (approved by the decision of the Board of the Federal Archives of Russia) “personal matters. are formed during the entire period of work of this person in the organization.”

A personal file is opened after the issuance of an order on appointment to a position. All documents in the personal file are filed in chronological order as they are received. They are stored in the company safe and issued for personal use only to a certain category of employees who have access to personnel information. Changes to personal files are made by personnel department employees. If the organization does not have such a position - accountant.

The list of documents that are attached to the personal file can be found in paragraph 5 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 640 “On the procedure for maintaining personal files of persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation in the order of appointment and public positions.” Despite the fact that this document regulates the management of personal files of civil servants, this list can also be used by other companies. As a rule, a personal file includes:

— copies of education documents (including all qualification certificates), identity cards;

— certificates and other documents confirming changes in the employee’s personal data (copies of marriage certificate, Taxpayer Identification Number, insurance certificate, children’s birth certificate);

The internal inventory lists all the documents that are filed in the personal file. The removal of documents from a personal file and the replacement of originals with copies are reflected in the internal inventory in the “Note” column. During the employee’s work in the company, every document in the personal file is taken into account in the internal inventory. Also, HR department employees keep a record of additional information about the employee and place it at the beginning of the case along with a personal personnel record sheet. When closing a personal file, the employee’s statement of resignation at his own request or other documents that serve as the basis for dismissal, and a copy of the order are filed with it. The internal inventory is signed by the compiler, indicating the position, the transcript of the signature and the date of compilation.

Saving data

All files of dismissed employees must be stored for the period that is regulated for a particular document. Dismissal orders, employment contracts, vacation applications, etc. are stored separately. Papers must be filed in chronological order. If there is no archive in the company’s office, they should be placed in a special fireproof cabinet. It must be remembered that storing employment contracts and personal files of working and dismissed employees in one place is not allowed.

As for the periods of storage of personal files of employees after dismissal, these rules were approved by the Board of Rosarkhiv. They do not apply to documents related to former employees and must be disposed of within 10 years or less.

By law, the storage period for contracts and other papers is 75 years. This list includes:

  • personal cards of people fired in 2003 or earlier;
  • travel affairs of employees working outside the country;
  • information about income, property and liabilities of employees;
  • rehabilitation data;
  • original copies of personal documents of dismissed employees - work books, certificates of qualification, certificates, certificates, etc. They should be stored during this period until required;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer of personal files during transfer (only for employees of government agencies);
  • papers about the subject of personal data (notification and consent to the processing of personal information).

Other documents in the archive should not be preserved for so long. In particular, the personal cards of those dismissed after the beginning of 2003 are in it for no more than 50 years. The following are stored for five years:

  • resumes and autobiographies of those fired;
  • characteristics;
  • official and memos;
  • travel certificates;
  • copies of orders and extracts from them;
  • statements.

If a person was never hired, then all documentation about him is stored in the archive for one to three years. HR or accounting representatives must strictly adhere to these rules as required by law.


The employee's employment agreement remains with the HR department. Some file such documents in the personal files of employees, others create a separate archive. Documents must be stored at the enterprise, as the parties may need them (to make changes, etc.). But this rule does not apply to dismissed employees.

Papers are often kept in the HR department for many years, so there are special rules for their maintenance. By law, the employer is obliged to ensure the safety of documents, so they are placed in special cabinets. It is desirable that they be protected from fire and other harmful external factors.

Many modern companies prefer to keep such important documents in electronic form. The management of the organization is obliged to take all measures to ensure that data is not lost, distorted or made public. In addition, there is a procedure according to which all electronic data must be rewritten to newer storage media from time to time.

Help: for more efficient work in a large enterprise, it is advisable to create your own separate archive.

Formation of a personal file

The procedure for forming labor relations with an employee is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It contains such a concept as personal data, which contains all the information about a person that his employer needs when applying for a job. The rules for their storage and use are established by the employer.

As for the formation of a personal file for each employee, the organization decides independently whether to open them for each individual or only for representatives of the management team. It is filled out during the entire time a person works in the organization, and is started after the order of appointment to the position is issued.

Documents included in the personal file are filed and stored in a safe as they are received. All changes are made by representatives of the HR department or an accountant. The list of documents may differ depending on the organization, but if we are talking about a government structure, it looks like this:

  • inventory (added as received);
  • questionnaire;
  • personal sheet;
  • autobiography or resume;
  • copies of certificates of education and employee’s passport;
  • in case of changes in personal data - certificates and documents that confirm this;
  • orders on appointments, transfers, business trips, vacations, etc.;
  • employment contract;
  • certification and other data.

If any document is removed from a personal file or the originals are replaced with copies, this must be reflected in the inventory. When the case is closed, a resignation letter and a copy of the order are filed, then it is transferred to the archive for storage.


One original agreement must be handed over to the employee after registration. Therefore, the personnel officer must follow the procedure. If the number is specified, it is entered in a special journal. Many people still use paper versions of such books, so special requirements are placed on them.

The magazine is stitched, pages are numbered, etc. In addition to the contract number, it may contain additional information. For example, information about a subordinate, his position, length of work, details of orders from superiors, etc. And only after this the employee receives his document, and the second copy is stored at the enterprise.

The need to revive old treaties

A logical question in a situation with the length of storage of employment contracts or employee work files is why they may be needed 20 or 30 years after the person stopped working for the company.

The fact is that the reasons why they may be required are completely different. In particular, this data must be provided in the event of requests from competent authorities, for example, courts, other representatives of law enforcement services or other government agencies.

This may be necessary during legal proceedings, when it is required to know for sure whether a particular person worked at a certain period in a specified company. Moreover, the statute of limitations for cases can be completely different.

Another case is tax proceedings. Sometimes it becomes necessary to certify that the employee represented the interests of the company. Sometimes former employees themselves need to confirm such data, and the goals may be different. This is protection before law enforcement agencies, confirmation of receipt of funds within a certain period, etc.

Decades later, descendants may need information when accepting an inheritance (and not only). It is impossible to collect all the cases in which contracts may be required in a list, since there are a lot of them.

Although the law requires that employment contracts, books or personal records of dismissed employees be kept for 75 years, in practice this is not always possible. The first reason is that not all organizations or government agencies operate during such a period. If a company goes out of business, the remaining documents that need to be stored for a long time or indefinitely should be transferred to special archival services. Interested parties can obtain them upon request based on certain documents.

Working with archives

Representatives of public or private structures are obliged to preserve information about former employees for a regulated period (up to 75 years).
To gain access to personal files, individuals or legal entities must submit a corresponding request to the archive and clarify the purpose of obtaining them. Depending on the situation and storage period, you need to contact either the archival service or the personnel department of the company where the person about whom you need to obtain data for one purpose or another worked. They are often requested to receive compensation, benefits, social or pension benefits. When the document has been used for its intended purpose, it will need to be returned to the archive.

It is possible to provide archival information upon request in electronic form. Sometimes such data (especially those stored for 20 years or longer) can be found in special departments of libraries, archives of government agencies or scientific organizations. In many ways, it all depends on the specific field in which the person worked.

There can be a large number of reasons why the personal file of an employee who worked at the company many years ago may be useful. Therefore, personnel officers must comply with the law and keep records of document storage in accordance with the specified period.

Employee personal card

The main document for registering the personnel of an enterprise is a personal card (unified form No. T-2). which is established for each employee hired for permanent and temporary work. The form was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated No. 1.

A personal card is filled out for employees hired in accordance with the order (form No. T-1 or T-1a). as well as on the basis of documents presented by the employee in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This:

— passport or other identification document;

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

— military registration documents (for those liable for military service);

- a document on education, qualifications or special knowledge, as well as additional information provided by the employee about himself.

In some cases, taking into account the specifics of the work, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, it may be necessary to present additional documents.

The section “Hiring, transfers to another job” should contain references to the dates and numbers of orders on the appointment, transfer or dismissal of employees. This information must be entered as accurately as possible, since it serves as the basis for confirming the employee’s work experience. At the end of each section of this record (in column 6) there must be an employee’s signature.

An employee’s continuous length of service is calculated on the basis of a work record book in accordance with the Rules for calculating the continuous work experience of workers and employees when assigning state social insurance benefits, approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 252.

Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for length of service, other benefits established in the organization) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book or other documents confirming the relevant length of service.

When information about an employee changes, data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a personnel service employee.

The main documents on the basis of which section II “Information on military registration” is filled out are (see below for a sample of filling out the section):

- military ID (or temporary certificate issued in place of a military ID) - for citizens in reserve;

Upon dismissal of an employee

In case of dismissal, personal files, contracts and other documents must be kept in the archives. For this purpose, folders are created where files are filed. If the organization's staff changes quickly, then a new folder is created every year. If, on the contrary, there are few employees, then one folder may contain documents for several years. Papers are separated by year using a blank sheet of paper. The date of filing can be indicated either in the year the person entered the position or in the year of dismissal.

How you store agreements doesn't matter much.

The main thing is to keep order in the archive and observe the retention period of employee employment contracts, so that the head of the organization does not face administrative or even criminal penalties for violating the rules.


In case of dismissal, contracts are dealt with in a special way. They are sent to the archive, where they remain for at least 75 years. The 75-year period is used to preserve the records of ordinary subordinates. As for managers, subordinates with various awards, and other employees, their documents are stored indefinitely.

If the TD is included in a personal file, then it must be properly filed in order to be transferred. This is done as follows:

  • paper clips are removed from all papers;
  • they are sewn together, and first you need to attach a form for the inventory, and at the end - a form for certification.

The documents will then be placed in a folder. All sheets of the personal file must be freely turned over.

When contracts are placed in separate folders, certain actions must also be taken before sending them. All TDs must be systematized by year of dismissal, as well as in alphabetical order. If there are too many documents, then the personnel officer should divide them into several volumes.

The shelf life of modern employment contracts is 75 years. Many experts have long been talking about reducing this period to 50 years. But, despite this reduction, the shelf life still remains quite long. Therefore, HR employees need to continue to follow the procedure for maintaining and storing TD, as well as their transfer after employees leave.

Procedure and period for storing an employment contract

As noted above, one copy of the contract is kept by the newly hired person, the other remains in the organization into which the employee is hired. On the employer's copy, the future employee signs, signs and dates it. The Labor Code does not contain rules regarding the procedure and terms for storing contracts . The procedure for storing documents on personnel, which includes documents reflecting labor relations, is regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ dated “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation.”

Taking into account the requirements of the law, local regulations of the enterprise may establish the procedure for storing internal documentation. In large institutions and government bodies, contracts with employees are formed into personal files after signing an order for employment. In small organizations, the procedure for storing such documents is established independently. They can be formed into a separate folder and sorted by date of acceptance for the position.

According to clauses 656 and 657 of the List of standard documents dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, personal files of employees and employment contracts that are not included in personal files must be stored for 75 years in the organization or until its liquidation.

Thus, personal files are kept in the organization for 75 years from the date of dismissal and then destroyed. For persons serving in government bodies, this period is 10 years of storage in the personnel service, then it is moved to the archive, where the personal file is stored for 75 years.


The procedure for concluding an employment agreement is known to all managers. The document must be registered and sent for storage. All work with employment contracts is carried out by a personnel employee, and in small companies - by a secretary or chief accountant.

The main thing you need to pay attention to is the date of the document. Firstly, it must be indicated. Secondly, no later than 3 days after the agreement is signed, the new employee must familiarize himself with the manager’s order. Office management experts advise issuing an order on the day the contract is concluded to avoid delays.

Duration of retention of an employment contract

Hello! Recently, a representative of the employer contacted me and, explaining that he wanted to sort out the archive, inquired about the retention period of the employment contract. and in general personal files and documents of employees.

Let's try to figure this out now!

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Section III, dedicated to the employment contract, does not say a word about the rules and terms of storage of employee documents. However, paragraph 3 of Art. 3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ dated “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” states that personnel documents are archival documents reflecting the labor relationship of the employee with the employer, which means their storage is regulated by this Federal Law.

At the same time, personal data of employees is private property. upon employment, transferred to the employer (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”). The employer has the right to create archives to store the necessary information, including on personnel - personal files of employees, which most often include: personal cards of employees, orders for a given employee (copies of orders), cards for issuing personal and collective protective equipment, employment contracts, copies of documents provided by the employee upon employment.

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Paragraph b) clause 4 of Art. 22. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ of the year states that documents on personnel are stored for 75 years. But this period applies only to those documents that, based on the results of the examination, the value of the documents were included in the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation (Clause 7, Article 6. Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”).

Previously, there was a List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by the Federal Archive on October 6, 2000. In accordance with this list, non-governmental organizations were required to store documents for up to 10 years. But this list has lost its validity due to the publication of Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 558 of the city.

Order No. 558 of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation approved a new List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods (List of standard documents).

Section 8 of the new List of Standard Documents contains a list of personnel documents, indicating storage periods to be stored in the organization.

In accordance with paragraphs 656 and 657 of the List of Standard Documents, personal files of employees and employment contracts that are not included in personal files must be stored for 75 years in the organization, or until the organization is liquidated.

Thus, the retention period of the employment contract is 75 years. But do not forget that this period can be changed by departmental regulations.

Good luck to you! If there is a desire to discuss this topic, I will be glad to receive comments!

Author: Baranovsky Sergey

Archiving employment contracts of dismissed workers

Features of the formation of certain types of personnel documents into files 1. Formation of personnel orders into files When creating files with orders, it is necessary to take into account the storage periods of documents.

Orders on personnel are formed into files depending on the storage period Orders on personnel in accordance with the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods of approval.

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  • The procedure for transferring personal files of employees to the organization’s archive
  • Archive of personal files of dismissed workers
  • The procedure for transferring personal files of employees to the organization’s archive
  • Archiving documents on personnel
  • Personal cards and personal files: systematization, prompt storage and transfer to the archive
  • Archival processing of documents

WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Memo on preparing and transferring documents to the archive

Storing documents of dismissed employees Good evening! All orders must be kept in nomenclature files. They have nothing to do with the employee’s documents.

This is the usual nomenclature: The year is over - the business was closed, a new one was opened. Applications for dismissal and transfer are also formed from the beginning of the year - in a separate nomenclature file. Vacations are a matter of nomenclature.

All documents must be formed into separate nomenclature files from the beginning to the end of the year. Nothing gets pulled out anywhere. Everything remains in chronological order. Those applications that are the basis for orders with a storage period of 75 years are stored for 75 years and are formed into separate folders when submitted to the archives.

Each document must be in its own nomenclature file. Current storage of documents means storing them in originals. Therefore, in the personnel services of organizations, all orders are stored in originals.

Copies of orders for personnel: The procedure for organizing the current storage of personal files is as follows: After the dismissal of an employee, his personal file is removed from the folder and prepared for transfer to archival storage.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the IP details in the contract: a sample of how to fill it out

The current storage of personnel documents, card files, accounting books and others is carried out, as a rule, in the premises of personnel services of organizations, which must be equipped with special cabinets or safes that are locked and sealed.

To ensure the timely receipt of archival documents from structural divisions or other sources of acquisition, ensuring their accounting, safety, streamlining their use and preparing for the transfer of documents for permanent storage in organizations, an archive is created.

The organization's archival fund consists of documents of long-term storage for over 10 years and permanent storage, including documents on personnel that have economic, social, political, cultural, historical and other significance. The transfer of cases to the archive is carried out according to a schedule approved by the head of the organization or the employer.

Documents must be accepted for storage primarily in the form of originals; only in their absence, certified copies are accepted.

However, in small commercial organizations, as a rule, there is no archive in the form of a special unit. The duties of the archivist are shared by the secretary or another person appointed by the manager.

It must be remembered that documents must be stored in conditions that ensure their protection from damage, harmful environmental influences and prevent the loss of documents.

Removal of documents from a file with a permanent storage period is allowed in exceptional cases and is carried out on the basis of an administrative document of the head of the organization with the obligatory preparation of a certified copy of the document and an act of seizure of the original in the file.

In order to ensure the safety of documents on the personnel of dismissed workers as a result of the reorganization or liquidation of legal entities, as well as the social protection of citizens, the founders of newly formed commercial and non-profit organizations can be recommended to include in their constituent documents rules for recording and preserving documents on personnel, as well as timely transferring them to state storage during the reorganization or liquidation of a legal entity.

Thus, the forms of the work book and its insert are stored in the organization as documents of strict accountability and are issued to the person responsible for maintaining work books, upon his application. At the end of each month, this person is obliged to submit a report to the organization’s accounting department on the availability of work book forms and the insert in it.

Unclaimed work books and a book of records of work books and their inserts are stored in the archives of the organization for 50 years, and then are subject to destruction in the prescribed manner.

The employer is responsible for organizing work on storing personnel documents and primary accounting documents.

Responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books lies with a specially authorized person appointed by order of the employer.

Article number.

Rule 4. Only executed and executed documents are filed. Rule 5. Only one original copy of the document is filed, with the exception of a number of cases. Rule 6.

Documents for a dismissed employee are stored separately from the employee’s T-2 personal card and employment contracts separately.

Question Hello, how to archive employment contracts with employees? At the end of the year, file a volume of employment contracts and additional agreements only for dismissed employees? Or all contracts and additional

The legislation does not establish a specific procedure for storing employment contracts, however, in practice, most often employment contracts are stored in the employee’s personal file. At the same time, keep the personal files of only working employees in the HR department.

Transfer the files of resigned employees to the archives for storage. Options for separately forming employment contracts are also possible.

Storage of documents Dismissal Question Good afternoon, tell me how to formalize the personal files of dismissed archive employees, we don’t have one as such, just a separate office.

Currently, I have made an internal inventory of all the documents that are in the personal files of those dismissed, placed this inventory as the first sheet in the LD, then they go in order - dismissal order, resignation letter, additional.

Personal file: Attachments to documents, regardless of the date of their approval or preparation, are attached to the documents to which they relate. Appendices in excess of sheets constitute a separate volume, about which a note is made in the document.

According to the established requirements, personal files must be filed in a hard cardboard cover with four holes or bound, taking into account the possibility of free reading of the text of all documents, dates, visas and resolutions on them.

Accounting and storage of contracts Storage of contracts in an organization The efficiency of all its production activities and even the state of finances may depend on how well the storage of contracts is organized in an enterprise. Therefore, it is important to comply with both the order and storage periods for this type of document.

These contracts, which are of a civil nature, are concluded, among other things: This list of types of contracts stored in the organization is far from complete.

Archival processing of documents on personnel and main activities Archival activities have their own slang and terms that are used in our activities. So: Document archiving, Document archiving, and Document archiving are one and the same.

Now about what it is and why it is needed in more detail: In the activities of any organization, regardless of the form of ownership, three conditional groups of documents are formed: Documents on personnel, shelf life 75 years; 2. Documents on the main activities of the organization, the storage period is permanent; 3.

Documents on financial and economic activities have a temporary storage period, storage period is 5 years; Organizations often mix documents with different retention periods.

Rule 4. Only executed and executed documents are filed. Rule 5.

Before submitting the case for archival storage, make a final entry on the inventory, indicating how many total documents are in the case and how many sheets it consists of.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what will happen at the intersection of a double solid line

This order is confirmed by the provisions of paragraph 3. The internal inventory contains information about the serial numbers of documents, their indexes, the name and number of sheets of the case.

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