Bankruptcy auctions: where and how to sell the debtor's palaces and ships
Contents: 1. Bankruptcy auctions: concept and features 2. Basic conditions for participation in auctions
What to do if vacation pay is not paid on time: where to complain if there is a delay, sample applications for failure to pay on time, calculation of compensation, fines and liability
Offended by resignation
General procedure for payment of vacation pay upon dismissal Labor legislation has established the procedure and timing for payment of compensation
What does a third party mean in legal proceedings?
How third parties without independent demands can help win a dispute
Legal justification for participation in the case. What are the main reasons why third parties act in
Sample Power of Attorney for representation of interests in arbitration proceedings
Litigation always takes a lot of effort and time, and also requires specific knowledge
How to terminate a gift agreement by agreement of the parties?
When a deed of gift is useless
Citizens often enter into a gift agreement instead of a will. In most cases, deeds of gift are issued to relatives
Features of conclusion and sample of a civil law agreement
The GPC agreement is an alternative to an employment contract. It can be property, for the provision of services and production
The bankruptcy procedure for a legal entity, step-by-step instructions for liquidating an enterprise.
The procedure for liquidating a legal entity in case of bankruptcy Bankruptcy is aimed at resolving debt obligations, updating
The man thought about it
Topic 64 “Annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. Management company report"
Annual meetings of owners of apartment buildings according to the report of the manager Owners owning at least ten percent
Recovery of damages from the director in arbitration court
The director of the organization is the financially responsible person. That is, you can recover damages from him in
How can you find a job for the chairman of SNT?
Concept First of all, you need to figure out what kind of position this is - the head of the board. Saying this
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