What is included and how to calculate the total length of service according to the book

Since 2013, amendments have been made to the Law “On Labor Pensions”, according to which work experience during periods of child care and military service began to be taken into account. To find out the final amount of the insurance portion yourself, you should indicate the exact period of time the able-bodied citizen worked. How to calculate the length of service for a pension (calculator)?

This requires accurate information on the periods of employment and dismissal from work.

The concept of total work experience (GTS)

An entry about the professional employment of an individual before retirement must be made in the employee’s record book. The concept of total work experience (GTS) means the total result of all professional activities of a person, which is regulated by the state at the legislative level.

In other words, the total duration of work and other activities required to receive a pension benefit is counted as insurance experience (Federal Law “On Labor Pensions of the Russian Federation”).
The employee’s work record book confirms the person’s employment and is the main actual collection of information about the OTS. Using the total length of service index, the amount of pension benefits associated with old age, disability and length of service is determined.

The main requirements here are the need for professional employment only in the territory of the Russian Federation with previous confirmation of insurance payments to the Pension Fund (PF) for the established amounts of money.

Making insurance payments is allowed to citizens of the Russian Federation who are at work in other states, if this is confirmed by the relevant international contractual documents.

OTS is classified as a type of work experience, which also consists of continuous and special. An indicator of the general period is the emergence of grounds for registration of an age pension, the loss of a breadwinner due to his long-term illness or disability. Thanks to more time spent in professional activities, a person has the opportunity to retire early.

After the pension reform took place in 2002, the term OTS was replaced by the insurance period (SS). The concept of insurance comes from the obligation of an individual to make regular contributions to the Pension Fund, thanks to which the due pension benefit will be accrued in the future.

Calculator for calculating work experience: how to use it?

To make the calculation correctly, you will need a document confirming employment. This is usually a work book. However, during the period of activity there could be cases when the employer did not make pension contributions to the Fund. In this case, the Pension Fund does not take into account the period when there were no receipts of funds (Article 10, paragraph 1 of Federal Law No. 173). An additional condition for calculation is the fact that the citizen’s workplace must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To calculate length of service you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. If you have a work book, enter the dates of admission and dismissal from work in the empty fields.
  2. Indicate the number of years spent serving in the Armed Forces.
  3. Select the number of children you had to care for during maternity leave. For one small citizen, the length of service is accrued within 1.5 years.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button.

Online work experience calculator!

The resulting period can be compared with data from the Pension Fund. The information is indicated on the first sheet of information about the status of the individual account of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You can obtain it from the Fund by personal visit or electronically through the State Services portal.

ATTENTION! If a citizen did not work under a contract, but was listed as an individual entrepreneur, the years for calculation can be taken in tax returns.

What is included in the total work experience? How to calculate it?

Terms that are not included in the concept of general length of service include: the time of obtaining education, personnel retraining, caring for the sick, minors, people with HIV infection, being in occupation during the Second World War.
Regarding the time spent studying, it is worth noting that it is not work, therefore it is not taken into account in pension calculations. In addition, there are no insurance contributions to the Pension Fund here.

The OTS periods include:

  • Serving in the Armed Forces.
  • Caring for a baby up to one and a half years old.
  • Incapacity due to illness considered temporary.
  • The period spent registering with the employment service and receiving benefits for the unemployed.
  • Being in a pre-trial detention center, MLS due to unfounded accusations.
  • Public paid work.
  • Forced change of residence due to civil service.
  • Staying with a spouse who is a contract employee of the aircraft at the place of his assignment and the inability to find a job locally (only up to 5 years).
  • Caring for a disabled person of group 1 or a pensioner aged 80 or more.
  • Staying abroad, with monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Time spent with a spouse who is a diplomat or consul (no more than 5 years).

It will be necessary to calculate the total length of service after collecting the necessary documents for applying for a pension.
The legislation of the Russian Federation sets the full length of work experience for women at 20 years, and for men - 25. The amount of cash benefits is determined by the established average earnings and is 55% of it. According to the pension program, redundant years add 1 to 20% to the payment for each subsequent year. Therefore, for citizens who continue to work at retirement age, the coefficient is constantly adjusted.

The calculation is carried out in a simple and preferential way. In the first case, working years are counted manually, by putting indicators in a column for each place of work. The preferential method is the most convenient, as it is represented by a special program on a PC.

To receive the basic pension, you must have 5 years of OTS. Then the result obtained for all contributions made by the employee to the Pension Fund is added to the total years (counted by month) during which payments will be made.

Confirmation of experience is allowed with a work book or the testimony of several witnesses, contracts, orders, extracts. The need for confirmation arises during natural disasters when documents are irretrievably lost.

Any person can take care of himself in advance in his old age and make an informed choice in favor of an enterprise that operates officially.

Total experience

Total length of service is the sum of the duration of labor and socially useful activities, as well as periods of activity that are stipulated by law. Based on the total experience, the size is determined:

  • old age pensions;
  • disability pensions;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to determine the size of the long-service pension.

There are two key points for inclusion in the experience:

  • Professional activities must be carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary for payments to be made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the total length of service can include a period of work that was carried out outside the country, but subject to:

  • that this clause must be spelled out in an international treaty;
  • contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Total experience includes:

  1. The period when one of the parents provides constant care for the child until he reaches one and a half years old. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. It is important that previously, before January 1, 2014, the length of service included a period of no more than three years. Consequently, with an increase in this period, the amount of labor pensions, which was established before January 1, 2014, is subject to recalculation.
  2. The period of temporary disability during which payments for compulsory social insurance (sick leave) were received.
  3. Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and equivalent to it.
  4. The time when a citizen was in custody or in prison due to unjustified criminal prosecution.
  5. The period when a citizen is registered with the employment service and receives unemployment benefits.
  6. The period of participation in public works that are subject to payment.
  7. The time of moving or relocating for the purpose of employment to another area, provided that this is carried out in the direction of the employment service.
  8. The length of time the spouses of contract servicemen lived in places where they were unable to find employment due to the lack of such opportunity. It is important that in total this period should be no more than five years.
  9. The period of time when constant care is provided for a disabled person of the first group, for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years. It is important that care should be carried out only by an able-bodied person.
  10. The period of stay abroad by the wives/husbands of employees who are sent to carry out professional activities in diplomatic and consular institutions of the Russian Federation. Importantly, the total must be no more than five years.

An important point regarding the period of full-time study for students. Until January 1, 2012, full-time education, along with work, was included in the total length of service required to calculate a pension. But in connection with the current pension program, periods of study are not considered work activities, since the payment of insurance contributions to the country’s Pension Fund does not occur, which means that this period will not be included in the calculation of a future pension.

All of the above activities will be counted towards the length of service only if the requirement is met.

Professional activities must be strictly required before and after them. It is worth considering that there is no duration limit.

Periods that are not included in the total length of service:

  1. Training, various courses for training/retraining of personnel.
  2. The period of residence of citizens in occupied areas during the Second World War.
  3. Staying in concentration camps during the Second World War.
  4. Accommodation during the siege of Leningrad.
  5. Time for parents and other legal representatives to care for HIV-infected minor children.

Confirmation of work experience can be done in two ways:

  1. Based on entries in the work book of the established form. If you lose your employment contract, you can provide a contract, an order for hiring, as well as statements of deductions made from salaries.
  2. Corroboration by testimony of two or more witnesses. This method can be used, for example, if documents are lost during a large-scale natural disaster.

What is the difference and what is the connection between total work experience and insurance experience?

As soon as a person reaches the required age, he will be assigned a labor pension if he has at least 5 years of insurance work.
There is no difference between the total length of service and the insurance period - now these concepts are combined, they are one and the same. One term was replaced by another with the introduction of some nuances. Since 2015, labor pensions have been called insurance pensions. The insurance period consists of the paid funds contributed to the Pension Fund. Characteristics of periods of insurance coverage include:

  • the opportunity to receive benefits in case of temporary inability to work;
  • care for disabled people of group 1, minors, elderly people (over 80 years old);
  • leave related to caring for a child up to one and a half years old.

The term OTS itself evaluates all the rights of individuals who worked before January 1, 2002.
From the beginning of this year, pension insurance payments to people retiring will affect its size. Therefore, the term will be used for some time to come for a specific category of workers who worked before the beginning of 2002. The OTS is confirmed only by labor, and after 2002 - by documented accounting indicators according to personification.

The total length of service is calculated with the installation of accumulative capital and valorization indicators. The length of the period based on the total length of service greatly influences the determination of the monetary calculation of the pension payments due.

Minimum experience

Having found out how much experience influences pension accruals, it is necessary to find out how many full years of this experience a citizen must have in order to have the right to receive pension payments after taking legal leave.

Important ! Until the reform in 2015, the shortest period of work that allowed a citizen to receive an insurance pension was five years.

But today this figure increases by a year every year. If in the 15th year the increase occurred up to 6 years, then in the 16th year - up to 7, and in the 17th year - up to 8. Accordingly, in 2021 you need to have at least 10 years of experience (Appendix 3 to the Federal Law of December 28 .2013 No. 400-FZ).

You must have at least 10 years of experience to retire (in 2019)

This gradual increase in the minimum length of service is planned to be completed by 2024 - then the figure will reach 15.

Is the total length of service taken into account when calculating a pension?

Legislation in Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions” and Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” defines the requirements on the basis of which the due payment is calculated and accrued.
Total length of service until January 1, 2002 is considered a combined concept of all employment and employment useful to society. Its duration affects the accrual of the amount in the civilian’s personal account.

When issuing benefits, the UTS takes into account the rights of citizens affected by disasters (radiation or man-made); reduces the time for the start of pension payments due to prolonged stay or professional employment in the zone of radioactive contamination, especially after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (RF Law No. 1244-1).

The types of employment that count toward the total length of service include the following insurance periods:

  • length of military service in security, mine rescue units, communications;
  • creative activities (writers, theater-goers, artists, composers, filmmakers);
  • contract service in the Armed Forces, FSB, military units, internal affairs bodies, etc.;
  • work in all spheres and areas (from an employee to a member of a collective farm);
  • disability for a certain period of time that occurred at work: disability by group, work injury, occupational disease;
  • staying in MLS for more than the prescribed period;
  • assigned benefits for the unemployed; social work with payment; moving to another region of the Russian Federation due to professional needs.

The calculation of all days on the calendar must be carried out for all months, especially if the person worked before 01/01/2002, except for employment in:

  • water transport with navigation in companies with seasonal industrial sectors (the entire year of operation is included, regardless of frequency);
  • database of medical institutions that are related to leper colonies and anti-plague departments (counted as two years);
  • serving in units at the height of hostilities, injuries received in combat, long-term rehabilitation, radiation (OTS is awarded for three years).

Terms that increase the total length of service several times include:

  • labor during the Leningrad siege (1:3);
  • employment during the Second World War 1941-1945 (1:2);
  • labor in regions in the Far North (1.5 times);
  • conscript military service (1:2);
  • wrongful sentencing, holding a person under arrest, followed by rehabilitation (1:3);
  • forced work in the exclusion zone (for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 1.5 times).

Despite the fact that the reform has abolished the term OTS since 2002, this concept will be relevant for a long time with the possibility of its use in making calculations.
Before the transformations, OTS meant all labor and social activities, and after that it meant only the insurance period (how much money you paid, how much money you will receive in old age). The accepted concept of insurance length will eventually influence the restructuring of the entire pension system into an insurance one.
The number of years of total work experience by year affects the calculation when establishing pension payments until January 1, 2002. From January 2 of the same year, the pension is calculated on the basis of the collected insurance amount, which was formed in the Pension Fund account after monthly contributions at the place of work.

Why is calculation necessary?

Calculation of work experience is necessary for calculating a labor pension to a citizen upon reaching retirement age. It is believed that to receive such a pension, at least in the minimum amount, it is enough to work officially for at least 5 years. Further, with each additional year worked, the pension amount will increase.

As a rule, a pension is the main official source of income for older people

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