How to transfer an employee to a part-time job from their main place of work
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring Back Published: 07/20/2016 Time
Is additional leave allowed after 20 calendar years of service in the armed forces?
It is undeniable that the activities of military personnel are one of the main ones in the Russian Federation, as they are associated with
Is it necessary to adjust the staffing table when changing the salary - design features and sample document
Reasons for change The reasons for which amendments are required to the staffing table may be
Category: Time off, vacations, report (sample) for time off for a military personnel, time off for military personnel for overtime, business trip, day off
REPORTS OF LEAVES OF FSB PS I. Option for providing days of rest. 1) For the main leave of the Chief
Time limit for consideration of a serviceman's report by his immediate superior.
With our help, a serviceman’s complaint is easy. During his military service,
Rules for drawing up a report on leave of absence for a military man
Report on the main leave of a serviceman under a contract: sample 2021
07/31/2019 0 62 4 min. If a serviceman needs to go on annual planned leave, then
Order on wage indexation: in what case is it issued, how to issue it in 2019,
How to develop a regulation on wage indexation
Indexation rules will be approved at the federal level. Over the past few years, trade unions have been raising the issue
Law Agency "M"
Legal consequences of illegal dismissal from work
Unilateral termination of an employment contract There is no suitable article for groundless dismissal, but legal ones can be found
How to write an application for a part-time job
Legislative regulation The rules on part-time work are contained in the Labor Code in Chapter 44. The right to
Recommendations for filling out an order for payment of overtime hours with a sample
ORDER “___”__________ ____, N _____, _____________ Due to the production need for