Grounds and procedure for dismissal of a military personnel for health reasons. How to receive payments?

Today we will look at a fairly common question from military personnel about dismissal under category D. We are asked what is expected of the Russian Defense Ministry in this case. Therefore, now we will try to pay attention to this issue in more detail.

So, according to clause B clause 1 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, a serviceman is subject to dismissal from military service for health reasons - in connection with his recognition by a military medical commission as unfit for military service. Consequently, dismissal on this basis does not require writing a report. And the first question that worries our subscribers is what will happen to housing and payments. Let's start with housing. If a serviceman is a member of the NIS, then regardless of length of service, he will receive both savings and so-called additional supplements. For more information about the procedure for obtaining additional supplements, see our issue, the link will be below. If a serviceman applies for a subsidy, then one of the important points is that he has 10 years of service or more, then he will have the right to be recognized as needing housing.

And here, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that also after submitting the documents, housing authorities will check the existing intentional deterioration of housing conditions, the availability of the right to use, the availability of property - that is, everything in accordance with Articles 51, 53 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. For more information about this, see our previous issues, links will also be below.

That is, in this case, NIS participants, upon dismissal under category D, have more guarantees regarding housing, and at the same time, in fact, there is no risk of not getting anything. Next, in more detail in the 43rd military legal blog, we will look at the payments and social guarantees that are still provided for in such serious situations as the dismissal of a serviceman under category “D”:

Now let's move on to allowances and cash payments.

According to paragraph 16 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237, on the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit, a military personnel must be fully provided with the established monetary allowance, food and clothing supplies. Therefore, settlements will be made with you regarding cash allowance, food supply and clothing. Like any serviceman leaving under a positive clause, a one-time allowance will be paid (clause 152 of Order No. 727 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2021 “On determining the Procedure for providing monetary allowances...”). According to clause 79 of Order No. 727 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, annual financial assistance is provided in the amount of one salary; to receive it, you need to apply with a report. It is also necessary to clarify that, according to clause 21 of Order No. 727 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military personnel dismissed from military service, recognized by a military medical commission as unfit for military service and in need of exemption from official duties, are paid on the day of exclusion from the lists of military personnel parts.

Such a serviceman receives all the allowances and payments that he received before the conclusion of the Military Military Commission on his unfitness, except for those, the payment of which is conditional on the commission of some actions that are impossible upon release from military service duties. Also in the video blog we will touch on vacations, consider payments if a military personnel receives a disability, we will figure out when and what insurance payments he is entitled to...

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Housing subsidy for military personnel - calculation procedure and main misconceptions.

Discussion of dismissal for health reasons - according to D on our forum here >>>

Key Aspects

Any citizen in good health can become a professional military man. However, harsh conditions, exposure to harmful environmental factors, and constant physical activity have a destructive effect on the strongest organism.

Each soldier performs duties for a certain period of time. This period is called service life. The reasons for allowing dismissal from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are established by law.

Depending on the reason, termination of army activities is possible on the following grounds:

  • unconditional dismissal (reaching the age limit);
  • resignation;
  • going to reserve;
  • by court decision (conviction).

All officers and soldiers serving under contract have the right to leave the army at any time voluntarily or due to deteriorating health.
The problem of retirement (retirement) or transfer arises only with the development of an acute chronic disease. The main criterion for retirement is suitability for military service at any stage. Various health conditions can cause early termination of a contract.

Dismissal from military service for health reasons with payment of compensation has a number of features.

Payments upon termination of contract due to illness

From the moment of dismissal, the former contract employee becomes entitled to the following payments:

  1. Payment of benefits is carried out until the date of termination of the contract.
  2. Payment of one-time compensation. In cases where the period of service does not exceed 20 years, the amount of compensation is two military salaries. If the period of stay in the army exceeds 20 years, then the amount of compensation is seven salaries. If there is a state award or any honorary title, the amount of one salary is also added to the lump sum benefit. Calculation of lump sum compensation is carried out on the basis of the full number of years served (rounding with increasing service life is not allowed).
  3. One-time compensation for military personnel injured while serving. If a military man is declared unfit to perform military duties due to injury, he (depending on the severity of the case) is paid compensation in the amount of either 2 million rubles or 1 million rubles .


This benefit is mandatory and has no relation to the one-time compensation described in paragraph 2.

  1. Premium payment. She can expect discharged military personnel to reward them for performing their duties well. It is paid simultaneously with allowance for the period before the issuance of the order to terminate the contract. The size of the bonus payment is calculated based on the salary and can reach up to 25% of its size. The specific amount of the bonus is assigned by the commander, taking into account how well the contract soldier performed his duties. If the calendar month was not fully served, then the bonus is calculated according to the fact.


Bonus payments are not due to resigning contract employees in the following cases:

  • if the service took place in a military unit, where the methods of rewarding military personnel for well-performed service in accordance with the position held are carried out according to a different system;
  • if the service was carried out in a military department on the territory of another state, where payment of allowances was made both in foreign currency and rubles;
  • if the contract soldier’s service was carried out by order of the commander.

Also, bonus accruals are not due to contract employees who:

  • committed a violation of discipline, after which, by order of a higher commander, they were brought to justice;
  • during military service they did not demonstrate the proper level of knowledge and training in physical or command terms;
  • committed offenses in the conduct of economic activities or in financial matters, which were recorded in the acts of control inspections and brought losses to the state treasury.
  1. Material support. It is accrued to all contract soldiers once a year, and its size corresponds to the monthly salary. At the same time, the amount of monetary allowance depends on the rank and job responsibilities of the retiring military man. In view of the fact that financial assistance is assigned to a serviceman by order of his superior, this moment (receipt or non-receipt of material assistance) is accordingly noted in the dismissal order. Contract soldiers who are subordinate to their commander by order are not awarded financial assistance. In cases where such a military man was previously paid a payment, then upon termination of the contract it is not calculated.
  2. Cash payment to compensate for unused uniforms. A military man with 20 or more years of service is entitled to receive such compensation, provided that he did not use uniforms during his last year of service.
  3. Military pension pay accrued for length of service. This category of monthly payments can be used by military personnel whose military service is calculated for a period of 20 years or more. In this case, a pension for such a contract worker can be assigned at the age of 45 due to illness. But in this case, it is necessary to have a work experience of 25 years, half of which belongs to military service.

List of diseases

When making a decision to dismiss a military personnel for health reasons, the list of diseases according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) includes:

  1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (pressure changes).
  2. Diseases of the nervous system that cause dysfunction of the limbs.
  3. Problems of the musculoskeletal system that limit movement.
  4. Acute inflammation of the lower respiratory organs.
  5. Psychosomatic disorders (including mental disorders).
  6. Detected tuberculosis.
  7. Skin diseases.
  8. HIV infection.
  9. Venereal diseases.

The military legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that medical examinations of soldiers and officers are carried out by special military medical commissions.

Based on the results of the examination, the commission issues a conclusion, on the basis of which monetary compensation is paid upon dismissal.

Legislative aspect of dismissal of a military man

An ordinary employee has the right to terminate the employment relationship at his own request.
A serviceman can resign from the army only on certain grounds regulated by certain norms of the current legislation. An exhaustive list of possible reasons for the departure of a citizen of the Russian Federation from the ranks of the armed forces is established by Article 51 of Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998. One of these grounds is considered to be an inappropriate state of human health, identified by a military medical (medical) commission. The possibility of dismissing a serviceman for this reason is stipulated by subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 1 of Article 51 of the above-mentioned Law No. 53-FZ.

Another regulatory legal act - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of September 16, 1999 - clearly defines the inadmissibility of military service for persons suffering from specific diseases.

Subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 3 of Article 34 of this Decree stipulate that poor health may become grounds for a citizen’s dismissal from the army. In this case, the unfitness of a person for further military service is established by a military medical (medical) commission.

The procedure for the activities of the military medical commission (examination), its duties and powers are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of 07/04/2013. This Resolution provides for the need to conduct a medical examination and examination of military personnel (citizens) under the following typical circumstances:

  • initial enrollment of a citizen in military registration;
  • entry of an individual into military service (under contract, conscription);
  • visiting a military educational institution (upon admission);
  • military training;
  • performing military service (medical examinations are performed periodically, as well as when a serviceman complains of deteriorating health);
  • a military personnel receiving an injury or other illness;
  • other cases specified by the Resolution.

Upon completion of such a medical examination, the citizen is issued a corresponding certificate. This document establishes the suitability of a person for military service or the need for his removal from the armed forces. The basis for this or that conclusion is the state of health of the serviceman, verified by a military medical examination.

Where to go

All military personnel are required to periodically undergo a complete medical examination.

A medical examination is carried out in the following cases:

  • before signing a contract;
  • at regular examination to confirm satisfactory health;
  • when complaining about a disease;
  • upon receipt of injuries and injuries;
  • in case of a sharp deterioration in the health of a serviceman against the background of the development of a chronic disease.

If deviations are detected, the fighter is sent for inpatient treatment to a hospital.

After undergoing treatment, a medical commission evaluates the condition of the officer or soldier and issues a conclusion on his fitness for military duties.

How can a military man retire due to illness?

The brief (thesis) content of the conversation is recorded on the conversation sheet, in which both the commander (or other official who conducted it) and the serviceman being transferred to the reserve put their signatures. Such a conversation must be held within three (no more) days from the moment the commander receives a medical report from the military medical commission.

Military personnel assigned to the service by order of the relevant commander (chief) cannot be paid financial assistance. If for this category of citizens the specified payment was made earlier, then upon dismissal it can no longer be withheld.

Legislative basis

Legal regulation in the field of military service is carried out through the following regulations:

  1. Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” (reflects the procedure for admission, passage and discharge from the army).
  2. Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (establishes the rights to use social benefits and the amount of a one-time benefit).
  3. Federal Law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them” (determines payments to those resigning due to illness).
  4. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (on the right to receive housing certificates, on the choice of grounds for termination of a contract by the military).

If a serviceman dies as a result of injuries received or due to deterioration of health caused by professional activity, the state guarantees social benefits and pays benefits to his family.

Additional benefits for contract soldiers leaving the reserve due to illness

Upon cancellation of a contract due to deterioration in health, former contract workers are provided with some social guarantees:

  1. Opportunity to find work through employment agencies without waiting lists.
  2. The length of service of a former military man includes the time he served in the army.
  3. When an organization's staffing levels are reduced, the former contract employee has a legal advantage in maintaining his position compared to other employees.
  4. Children whose parents are former military personnel who retired due to illness are given priority places in kindergartens, schools, holiday camps and health resorts for 1 month after submitting the request.

What diseases can cause

The regulation on military medical examination, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, establishes an exhaustive list of diseases that entail dismissal due to illness for a military personnel.
The list of diseases according to the ICD that are reasons for dismissal includes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncology;
  • positive HIV status;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • severe forms of rheumatism;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • deafness and blindness.

Each type of disease on the list can cause temporary suspension from service or permanent termination of the contract. If an exacerbation of the disease is caused by alcoholism, the serviceman is deprived of the right to dismissal while maintaining military benefits.

Conditions for removal:

  1. An officer or soldier is subject to regular exacerbations of the disease.
  2. The doctor notes a high degree of destruction of body functions.
  3. A chronic disease requires treatment more than 3 times a year.
  4. A person holding a military position is on sick leave for more than 4 months a year.

Military legislation clarifies that the dismissal of a serviceman due to health problems is his right, not his obligation.

○ What additional Does a discharged military man have rights?

In 2006, the Constitutional Court adopted decision No. 187, which provided for the need to ensure the implementation of social rights of military pensioners working under an employment contract, which would guarantee them, in addition to military pension payments, the opportunity to receive the insurance part of their labor pension, taking into account the insurance contributions reflected on their individual personal accounts in the Pension Fund.

This conclusion of the country's highest judicial body led to the necessary changes that were made to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on pension issues.

Therefore, at present, military personnel (with the exception of soldiers, sailors, as well as non-commissioned officers of conscript service), upon reaching the generally established retirement age and having at least five years of insurance experience, simultaneously receive a long service pension and a labor pension according to old age.

Determination of the degree of suitability

All persons (conscripts, contract soldiers, professional military personnel) undergo a medical examination before entering military service. A commission consisting of specialists from various fields assigns a degree of suitability to each candidate.

The following categories of suitability are legally established:

  • A – it is possible to serve in troops of any kind;
  • B – military service is possible under certain conditions;
  • B – limited suitability;
  • D – military duties are temporarily unavailable;
  • D – further service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

Candidates for officer positions are subject to increased mental health requirements.
The assignment of categories is influenced by illness and injury. Having category A, a serviceman does not have the right to retire early for health reasons. Dismissal of a serviceman for health reasons (category D) means unconditional dismissal from the army.

Natalia Trunova

Hello. Payments due to a military personnel upon dismissal for health reasons

1. Monetary allowance. It must be paid to the officer (or warrant officer) until the end of service (exclusion from the unit lists). 2. One-time benefit. If the serviceman's service life is less than twenty years, then upon dismissal he will be paid a lump sum benefit in the amount of two salaries. If a soldier has served for twenty or more years, the amount of the benefit will be equal to seven salaries. If during the service the officer (or warrant officer) was awarded a state award or honorary title, then the amount of the specified lump sum payment is increased by one more salary. The lump sum benefit is calculated taking into account the full years of service (this period is not subject to rounding upward), based on the size of the serviceman’s official salary. 3. A one-time benefit when a military personnel receives a military injury during service. If a serviceman is declared unfit for further service due to a military injury, then he has the right to receive this payment in the amount of: two million rubles (if he is serving under a contract); one million rubles (if conscripted military service). The payment of this benefit does not depend on the receipt by the military personnel of the benefits specified in paragraph 2 of this article. 4. Bonus for effective performance of duties in the position held. This payment is made together with the monetary allowance on the day the relevant commander (chief) issues an order to remove the unit from the lists. The amount of the bonus depends on the military rank and position held by the serviceman; its size can be up to twenty-five percent of the salary. The specific amount to be paid is determined by the commander (chief) based on the quality of the serviceman’s performance of his duties in the month for which the payment is made. If on the day of exclusion from the unit’s lists a serviceman served for an incomplete calendar month, then the bonus is calculated in proportion to the time served. 5. Financial assistance. Its size is one salary of a military personnel. This amount, payable annually, is calculated based on the military rank assigned to the citizen and the military position he occupied at the time of dismissal. Since the specified payment is made on the basis of an order issued by the commander (chief), upon completion of military service, an appropriate note is made in the order to remove the unit from the lists about the receipt (or non-receipt) by the serviceman in the year of dismissal of the specified amount.

This is interesting: Report on the transfer of military personnel 2021

Additional rights of military personnel dismissed for health reasons: - priority employment when they apply to the employment service; — inclusion of military service time in continuous work experience; - having an advantage in case of staff reduction over other employees of the organization in which he is employed after termination of the contract, to remain at work; — providing children of military personnel discharged into the reserve with places in preschool and general education institutions, summer camps and sanatoriums within one month after their application.

Dismissal mechanism

If health problems interfere with the full performance of official duties, an employee of the armed forces has the right to terminate his service. Unlike workers in civilian areas, a military personnel must justify his dismissal by presenting evidence of the impossibility of being in the army for health reasons.

The dismissal procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Inpatient (less often outpatient) treatment and examination for professional suitability.
  2. Issuing a conclusion based on the information reflected in the medical history.
  3. Drawing up a special protocol in case of unsuitability for further service.
  4. Submitting a report on dismissal due to health problems.
  5. Preparation of documents on dismissal from office.
  6. Termination of the contract with a note about the reason for the termination.

The law stipulates that a citizen can leave the ranks of the armed forces only at his own request. While an employee is undergoing long-term hospital treatment, his dismissal is prohibited.

Consequences of dismissal

Leaving military service due to poor health is not a negative reason. A citizen who has left the army has all the benefits of military personnel who retired due to length of service or upon expiration of the contract.

Military pensioners are legally entitled to social benefits (for example, free travel or emergency medical care).

Guarantees enshrined in law include:

  • advantage in employment;
  • inclusion of service life in the total length of service;
  • maintaining the mortgagee's right to preferential loan terms;
  • the right to sanatorium and resort services in departmental institutions;
  • advantage to protect the workplace during the reorganization of a legal entity.

All payments and guarantees provided for by current legislation are aimed at adapting the former military personnel to civilian life.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to quit his job at his own request or due to health problems. This right is also granted to military personnel. However, due to the specifics of military duties, when leaving due to illness, it is necessary to follow a special procedure, which is confirmed by visitors to forums whose topics are related to military service.

Rules for writing a report

The report plays an important role in the process of leaving military service, so it must be drawn up as competently as possible.
A specific sample application is not fixed at the legislative level. The application is written in any form, but subject to certain requirements. The report must include the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, rank of commander to whom the appeal is addressed;
  • name of the document (dismissal report);
  • personal data of a serviceman who wishes to leave the armed forces (rank, surname, first name, patronymic, position, date and contract number);
  • reasons (presence of a disease that prevents service);
  • list of supporting documents (certificates, extracts, conclusions);
  • reference to regulations establishing the right to dismissal due to health problems;
  • a petition to transfer a personal file to the military commissariat at the place of future residence;
  • information about the availability (absence) of housing (the fact of the need to obtain a mortgage loan is also reflected in the report);
  • date and signature (signature decoding includes position and title in addition to full name).

If the unit commander agrees with the subordinate’s decision to terminate the contract early, a personal conversation with the candidate for dismissal must be held.

During the conversation, the official is obliged to:

  1. Inform the employee about the period during which the dismissal will take place.
  2. Inform about the benefits granted to a citizen when registering for retirement or reserve service.
  3. Determine the department of the military commissariat for registering the reserve.
  4. Receive information about your place of residence after termination of the contract.
  5. Find out if the serviceman has any additional requests.

The content of the conversation is drawn up on a special sheet, which is added to the personal file of the dismissed soldier.

Procedure for termination of military service due to poor health

To permanently leave military service due to deteriorating health, you must follow the established procedure. The dismissal procedure is as follows:

  1. The serviceman is treated in a medical facility and then undergoes a proper medical examination.
  2. The medical commission issues an appropriate conclusion after studying the medical history and conducting the necessary examination. The citizen is issued the necessary certificate.
  3. If further military service of a citizen is not possible, a special protocol containing the necessary information is drawn up.
  4. A soldier who wishes to resign draws up a proper report and submits it to his superior.
  5. The commander conducts a personal conversation with his subordinate after receiving this report.
  6. An administrative act is issued approving the dismissal of a serviceman.

Under these circumstances, a citizen terminates military service solely on his own initiative. Dismissal of a serviceman during illness at the request (demand) of the command is not allowed.

Medical examination procedure

Having received a serious illness or injury (or, alternatively, having undergone the necessary medical examination), a citizen is sent for a military medical examination. This medical examination is performed in the following areas:

  1. General physical condition of the examined citizen. An examination is performed taking into account the existing indications (symptoms).
  2. Documentation of treatment previously prescribed to the serviceman is being examined. In this case, special attention is paid to previous diagnoses.
  3. Laboratory tests are being examined.
  4. The mental state of the person is examined.

A verdict on a limited regime of military service is issued if the identified disease of a citizen cannot be permanently cured. A weighty argument is the ineffectiveness of a long course of appropriate medical procedures. Based on the results of this examination, the medical commission issues an official written conclusion, attaching the results of all examinations performed.

Drawing up a report for military personnel

The strict form of such a report is not regulated by law. However, this paper must include the following information (details):

  1. Information about the commander - the addressee of the sent report. His full name and title are indicated.
  2. The official name of the paper being submitted.
  3. Information identifying the soldier.
  4. Reasons (grounds) why the applicant intends to complete his military service.
  5. List of certifying (confirming) papers, certificates, certificates.
  6. A reference to the relevant legislative norm allowing the dismissal of a person on this basis.
  7. A request to redirect the personal file of the resigning subject to the military registration and enlistment office operating at his residence address.
  8. Information about the availability of living space. If necessary, a request is made to issue a military mortgage to the citizen.
  9. Date the paper was issued.
  10. Applicant's signature.

Housing is required to be provided to a retiring military personnel if his service is at least 10 (ten) years. In this case, a citizen has the right to choose a region to receive living space. In addition, a subject who finally leaves the army has the right to use funds from a personal savings account, which is clearly stipulated by the legislation on military mortgages.

Interview between superiors and resigning subordinate

If the request for dismissal is approved by the command, the boss personally talks with the subordinate (applicant). The entire course of this conversation (questions, answers) is displayed in the corresponding protocol. In this case, the presence of other specialists is allowed - representatives of personnel, financial, and legal services.

Fill out a questionnaire containing the following information:

  1. Requests, requests of a serviceman.
  2. Information about the subject’s availability of living space.
  3. Medical examination data (diagnosis, conclusion).
  4. Length of service of a citizen.
  5. Reasons for leaving the army.

Payments upon dismissal of a military personnel for health reasons

One-time payments to military personnel upon dismissal for health reasons include:

  • one-time benefit;
  • compensation due to loss of health.

The size of the lump sum benefit directly depends on the serviceman’s length of service. With a service period of twenty years or more, the amount of payments ranges from 7 to 15 salaries. In all other cases, when leaving the army, a citizen will receive only 2 to 5 salaries.

Upon dismissal without pension accruals, the former employee of the armed forces continues to receive salary payments for a calendar year.

Also upon retirement, military personnel are entitled to:

  1. Salary for the last month of service.
  2. Compensation for property.
  3. Award for performance of official duties.
  4. Payment for unused vacation days.

If an employee of the armed forces has alimony obligations, then the full amount of payments will be transferred to the benefit of the recipient.

Category D

Group D is assigned to military personnel who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses that do not allow them to perform their duties. Simultaneously with the assignment of the status of complete unfitness, the corresponding disability groups can be issued. The amount of compensation is calculated individually for each case.

Group B

Category B does not require unconditional dismissal from the army, but limits the range of official duties of the employee. Compensation when determining limited fitness is due only in the event of loss of health during service through no fault of the soldier. Insurance payments are made if there is insurance.

What should be paid to a military personnel upon dismissal?

Like other categories of workers or employees, military personnel are entitled to full payment . In any case, the resigning person is issued:

  • Salary for the last month of service;
  • Compensation for unused vacation;
  • Sick leave;
  • Bonuses, allowances and other payments in accordance with the law.

If a serviceman has alimony obligations, then they are withheld.

In addition to standard payments, due to the specific nature of the activity, as well as the circumstances of dismissal, a serviceman may be entitled to additional monetary benefits . They may be related:

  • With the occurrence of disability while in the army;
  • With the number of years of service;
  • With the title of resigning;
  • With the status of a military personnel (pensioner, citizen of pre-retirement age, serving under a contract);
  • With a lack of benefits during the period of service.

This is important to know: Benefits for military veterans over the age of 60

Conditional additional payments can be divided into:

  • One-time: For less than 20 years of experience – double salary;
  • If the length of service is more than 20 years - seven official salaries;
  • Availability of awards - 1 additional salary;
  • Monthly payments can be assigned to military personnel who have been assigned category D (completely unfit for duty) and assigned a disability group:
    • Appointed for a certain period, for example, if a dismissed person has reached pre-retirement age, payments are made to him until retirement (20 years of service or 25 years of total experience).

    Care due to illness is not considered a negative reason and does not carry any negative consequences for a former military personnel.

    Is there a pension?

    The amount of monthly pension payments associated with the presence of a disease depends on the assigned disability group:

    • 1st group – 14,000 rubles;
    • Group 2 – 7,000 rubles;
    • Group 3 – 2,000 rubles.

    The amount may differ more if the pensioner served in regions with a higher regional coefficient.

    If disability is not confirmed, then the law establishes monthly payments upon reaching the age specified by law or having a minimum total length of service.

    Necessary conditions for transfer:

    1. 45 years old and 20 years of military service.
    2. 45 years and a total work experience of 25 years (military period of at least 12 years and 6 months).

    If your service in the armed forces is at least 10 years, a reserve officer is entitled to preferential mortgage loan terms.

    ○ Medical insurance

    All military personnel are subject to mandatory medical insurance at the expense of the state. This requirement is enshrined in Federal Law No. 52 “On Compulsory Insurance of Military Personnel.” The insured event covers:

    1. Death during military service or contract, as well as during military training. The amount of monetary compensation, that is, the insurance premium that the relatives of the deceased receive, is two million rubles .
    2. The death of a military personnel within one year after the end of service, if the death was the result of an injury, injury or disease received during service. The insurance amount is also two million rubles .
    3. Assignment of group 1 disability that occurred during the period of service under a contract or conscription. This insured event is compensated by insurance in the amount of one and a half million .
    4. Receiving the first, second and third groups of disability within a year after dismissal, if this is caused by physical damage or illnesses received during military service, is recognized as an insured event. Payments are 1'000'500, 1'000'000 and 500'000 rubles respectively .
    5. Serious injuries, fractures, concussions, contusions or wounds are grounds for obtaining insurance in the amount of 200,000 rubles .
    6. Minor injuries, if they caused a commission, are subject to insurance compensation in the amount of 50,000 rubles .

    Dismissal at the end of the contract

    Hello! My husband was diagnosed with a hernia in his lower back, but they haven’t done the surgery yet because they said it’s still small. He immediately wanted to consult the hospital for pain in his leg, but they told him that he had psychologically instilled in himself the pain in his knee. And there is a question about the duration of his further service. My husband has been serving under a contract for 20 years, and after 20 years he decided to treat himself in a hospital, but they are threatening him with dismissal.

    Hello. On February 22, 2019, my contract expired. 22 calendar years of service, age 43, with the rank of warrant officer. A report of dismissal was submitted in advance. I serve in the Far East, reports go through Moscow. Now they are persistently offering to conclude a contract before the age limit because... Moscow did not approve of the dismissal. Tell me how I can quit and what payments I am entitled to.

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