Journal of registration of employment contracts and additional agreements

Features of accounting for employment contracts in the registration book



5 minutes.

HR employees are required to control not only the number of direct employees in the company, but also all documentation that is signed between the owner and the hired persons. The employment contract register is one of the reference books that helps to take into account all agreements concluded by the company with employees.


The organization enters into fixed-term employment contracts with employees. If the HR department keeps a log of employment contracts, this simplifies the task of monitoring the validity of such contracts. And this, in turn, minimizes the risks associated with the transformation of a fixed-term employment contract into a contract concluded for an indefinite period.

What to fill the magazine with: sample

The form of the employment contract logbook is arbitrary. Each employer decides for itself which fields, columns and details to include. In our opinion, it is advisable to reflect in the journal, in particular:

  • date and number of the concluded employment contract;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • structural subdivision;
  • position held;
  • type and nature of work;
  • the validity period of the employment contract indicating the date of its termination (for fixed-term employment contracts);
  • a place for the employee to sign that he has received his copy of the employment contract.

It is not necessary to include all of the above in the journal. Include only what you need. For example, a sample log might look like this:

You can also give an example of a completed log of employment contracts. In practice, the log might look like this:

Keep in mind that no one prohibits an employer from keeping a log of employment contracts in electronic form (even in Excel format). However, in this case, it will not be possible to obtain signatures from employees confirming receipt of employment contracts.

Tip: number and stitch paper contract logs. This is normal practice for maintaining such documentation. Please remember that the information contained in the journal is personal data. Therefore, we recommend that you be careful when storing your journal. Shelf life - 75 years (Article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004).

How to compose a book

The book of registration of employment contracts does not have a unified standard template, so it can be compiled in any form or according to a template valid within the enterprise. When forming it, in terms of structure, one should adhere to the norms of office work, and in relation to the text, the rules of the Russian language.

The list of required information that must be included in the book includes:

  • name of company;
  • document's name;
  • start and end date of bookkeeping;
  • storage period.

All this information is indicated on the title page of the book.

The main part of the book is usually formed in the form of a table consisting of several columns and rows (depending on the vision of the document by the specialist who draws it up). The form must include the following information:

  • date of conclusion of the employment contract, its number;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • the structural unit in which the employee works;
  • job title;
  • the nature of the contract (fixed-term, unlimited, temporary, etc.).

In addition, if desired, additional columns can be included in the form, for example, about all changes made to the employment contract, additional agreements to it, the date of termination of the contract, the employee’s signature, etc.

Journal of additional agreements to employment contracts

There are also no requirements for keeping a journal of additional agreements to employment contracts under the legislation of the Russian Federation. That is, this is also an optional personnel document. However, keeping this log can also be useful to the employer. After all, if you keep such a log, you can track, for example, which clauses of employment contracts have been changed. For such information, you can provide a special column, for example:

The journal of additional agreements can also be maintained electronically. But is it possible to combine the journal of employment contracts and the journal of additional agreements into one single journal? Yes, of course you can. If it is more convenient for you, you can make a single magazine. But then think over for yourself a magazine structure in which it will be convenient for you to work. Read also


Design features

All the details of the records produced comply with the general laws of maintaining primary documentation. Even an inexperienced HR employee can easily figure out how to correctly fill out the agreement log for employment contracts. If the need arises, you can collect certificates for the Pension Fund using this information. That’s why it is kept in the archives for 75 years. This way, the necessary data will not disappear. They may be needed during a tax audit, also for pension accruals to the Social Insurance Fund, some certificates for confirmation by a notary and lawyers.

Document format requirements

According to the rules, this accounting can be kept in paper and electronic versions. Most often, despite widespread computerization, the classic version prevails. There are several basic rules for the format:

  • the cover is provided in a hard or moderately thick version so that the book lasts longer;
  • in the book, paper is used with a density of at least 60 g per square meter;
  • the cover must contain the full name of the employing company;
  • each page is numbered;
  • on the last one write down the date when the magazine was stitched, sealed and archived.


Attention! There are no more rules and requirements specifically for the format, since it is not approved at the legislative level. This is a random document. But the listed nuances must be remembered so that the magazine does not cause criticism from inspection organizations.

Filling rules and order of maintenance

Each journal is filled in the form of a table, where the columns have a clear purpose. A personnel employee prepares the book, and he is also responsible for maintaining it. The classic copy should have 9 filled columns. But depending on the situation, the quantity may vary.

  1. The registration number of the employment contract is a number in the order of recording; it is important not to include the numbers of the agreement itself here.
  2. Date of signing.
  3. His immediate number.
  4. FULL NAME. new employee.
  5. Specialization or position.
  6. Which department was he admitted to?
  7. Until what date is the contract valid?
  8. Nature of employment (main job or part-time job).
  9. Additional documents.
  10. Notes.

Depending on the specifics of the company, other columns may be needed to enter information. This is the standard option accepted by most companies.

Ordinal digits of the recorddate of signingNumberEmployee's full nameJob titleSubdivisionValidityNature of employmentAdditional documentsNotes
№ 4501/12/201925447Vasiliev Pavel PetrovichChief AccountantLLC "Blue Whale" Smolensk branchIndefinitelyMain
№4614.02. 201925449Ivanova Anastasia PavlovnaNotaryLLC "Blue Whale" Moscow branchUntil 25.09. 2021 Main

Most often, the signature of the hired employee is additionally entered, since it confirms that the agreement was signed in two copies and one was given to the new employee.

Changing a record and an example of table design

According to the law, if a personnel employee makes a serious mistake in a document, then the contract registration log should be closed ahead of schedule. Changes that can be added to records:

  • the person was suspended from fulfilling official obligations;
  • working conditions have changed;
  • transfer between branches or representative offices of the company.

For such a case, the journal usually has annexes where additional agreements are recorded for each employee. You can draw up new columns for collective agreements, if such exist at the enterprise.

Advice! When opening a new book, it is necessary to notify the management about this, since only with their order can the journal be drawn up.

Electronic and paper versions

The paper version must be bound, certified by the supervisor, and all pages must be numbered. An electronic accounting document has its advantages. First of all, this is confidentiality. But the inability to put a personal signature often forces you to keep both copies at the same time.

There are other advantages of an electronic accounting system:

  • control of documentation safety;
  • copies of certificates and necessary orders are quickly generated;
  • It is easy to search for the required record.

To prevent the FMS inspection from finding fault, all foreign citizens working in this company must be included in such a document. Otherwise, the employer faces a serious fine.

Accounting for contracts with employees

Why do you need such a journal and how to keep it? Free logbook forms.

Russian legislation does not provide for the obligation to keep records of all employment agreements concluded by an enterprise, however, as practice shows, having comprehensive information about all employees hired (even temporarily) can be very useful. Inspection authorities will not require the presentation of such a log, but they may be interested in any data that will be much easier and faster to find if such systematized records are available.

How to compose them correctly? Again, there are no strict rules on this matter, but there are recommendations developed based on experience and offering the most rational way.

Electronic variant

To maintain the electronic version, the MS Excel computer program is used. This management option is considered more convenient. There are other advantages:

  • Electronic accounting of books
    easy control over the safety of documents

  • better level of confidentiality, since access to the document can be strictly limited to a limited number of people
  • quick access to obtaining certificates and finding the necessary information

Modern HR workers prefer an electronic version of the registration book, but many companies additionally maintain a paper version.

Contract registration log

Agreements are registered in a special accounting form - the Agreement Registration Journal.

Download Contract Registration Journal, xlsx, 18 kb

filling out the Contract Registration Journal, xlsx, 18 kb

Let's consider what information needs to be entered in each column of the journal.

  1. Record number. Not to be confused with the contract number! This is the serial number of the entry made in the journal.
  2. The contract number is the number that will be considered “official” for this document.
  3. Date of entry. Not to be confused with the contract date! This is the date of the day when information about the agreement is entered into the journal.
  4. Agreement date. How to determine the contract date, read below.
  5. With whom the contract was concluded. Name of the counterparty. It is recommended to write first the name of the organization, and then the form of ownership, without quotation marks: not Scarlet Sails LLC, but Scarlet Sails LLC.
  6. Who signed the agreement? Last name and initials of the executive from among the top managers of the organization who signed the agreement. The signatory is indicated only on the part of the company that maintains the journal.
  7. What is the agreement about? Information that this is a contract or purchase and sale agreement is not enough. It is advisable to describe in detail what the agreement is about. This will make it easy to find the required document if several contracts have been concluded with the same counterparty.
  8. Applications. List of annexes to the agreement, if any.
  9. Contract time. The date or event of the end of the contract (for example, “full fulfillment of obligations”).
  10. Contract extension. If the agreement contains a provision for its extension, then it must be reproduced in this column. This way, it will be clear which contracts need to be re-signed and when, and which ones will renew on their own, or vice versa - when you need to take the necessary actions so that the extension does not happen.
  11. Contract supervisor (department, full name). Information about the employee who maintains this contract.
  12. Note. Additional information if available.

Approval procedure

To approve the journal, you need an order from the director, clarifying the following nuances:

  • Which option for maintaining a document - in the form of a paper journal or on electronic media?
  • Who exactly is responsible for maintaining this book?
  • form of the document in question

The person responsible for maintaining the book is also responsible for ensuring that all mentioned contracts and agreements between the company and its employees are in the original and in complete safety. This employee must be familiar with the order and sign for it.

Storage periods for organizational documents

Please note: for periods that depend on the date of execution of documents, the designation “50/75 years” is used. A document drawn up after 2003 must be kept for 50 calendar years, and a document drawn up before 2003 for 75 years. The retention period means that after its expiration, the document can be selected for permanent storage.

Documentation categoryType of documentsPrevious termsNew terms
Tax accountingInvoices4 years5 years
Tax accountingRegisters of information on the income of individuals submitted by tax agents75 years old5 years
Tax accountingBooks of accounting of income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs and organizations using the simplified tax systemConstantly5 years
Tax accountingCalculations of insurance premiums for your employeesIf there are personal accounts - 5 years If there are no personal accounts - 50 years (if documents were issued since 2003) / 75 years (if documents were issued before 2003)50/75 years
Tax accountingCards for individual accounting of accrued payments and insurance premiumsIf you have personal accounts - 5 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
If you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
AccountingDocuments (acts, certificates, correspondence) on misappropriations, shortages and embezzlement5 years, for some of this documentation - permanently10 years after compensation for damage; in case of initiation of criminal cases are stored until a decision is made on the case
AccountingDocuments on wages and other payments (payslips, payslips)If you have personal accounts - 5 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
If you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
Personnel accountingOrders on disciplinary sanctions and documents that served as the basis for their issuance5 years3 years
Personnel accountingApplications regarding the need for foreign employees5 years1 year
Personnel accountingDocuments on the status and measures to improve working conditions and labor protection and safety regulationsConstantly5 years
Personnel accountingAccount cards, books, magazines, vacation databases3 years5 years
Personnel accountingDocuments for recording accidents and incidents at workConstantly45 years
Personnel accountingVacation schedules1 year3 years

Document retention periods

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Who makes entries in the book

According to the law, a journal of employment documents must be kept by a personnel manager or personnel employee.

Personnel worker
The responsible person is clarified by the manager when he signs the order about the need to keep a journal. Such an order is required for each new copy.

Storage periods for accounting documents

The storage periods for accounting documentation are regulated by the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011. Article 29 of this law establishes no less than a 5-year retention period for all accounting documents, with the exception of those that must be kept for the entire time the organization carries out its activities. At the same time, according to paragraph 1 of this article, specific deadlines for various types of documentation must comply with the rules for organizing state archival affairs. Therefore, in 2021 we must proceed from the deadlines established by the Federal Archive on February 18, 2020, but they should not be less than 5 years.

Is it necessary to conduct it?

Legislative opinion

Keeping such a log is not mandatory. The legislation provides for accounting in the form of a journal only for work books. Additional agreements (additional agreements) can be registered arbitrarily. If the records are kept in this form, the book must be stitched and sealed before putting it into the archives. According to FAS requirements, the storage period for such documents is 75 years.

However, according to the general rules of document management, all documents that require a response or are of an informational nature are subject to registration. In addition, there is a List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations with an indication of storage periods, which mentions the journal of employment contracts.

In addition, the GIT service, which visits all employers, is always interested in the availability of this document.

So, in order to avoid troubles, the personnel officer must keep a log of employment contracts and additional agreements.

HR experience

employment contract logbook HR experience

The journal is a convenient form that replaces in the archive a lot of employment contracts mixed with additional agreements and other documents of the same period. In the event of a lawsuit being filed by a hired employee, the absence of a contract registration book in advance makes the employer’s position vulnerable with the possibility of a decision being made not in his favor.

The journal is also necessary for issuing certificates for subsequent employers about previous employment. In the notes of the book, you can make notes about the type and essence of the work performed by the hired worker. Experienced personnel officers prefer to keep a journal of registration of employment contracts and additional agreements, stitching and sealing it with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the manager before making the first entry.

In the event of an inspection of the enterprise by the relevant authorities, the head of the QC, HR inspector or HR manager will have legal confirmation of the presence or absence of agreements, contracts, additional agreements with employees.

The abundance of documents in the HR department is no secret to anyone. Sometimes an HR manager manages about a dozen different books and magazines in parallel. But it is advisable to register employment contracts - the basis of cooperation between the employer and staff - so as not to get confused with the numbering.

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Why is it needed?

The need for documents is determined by the internal records management policy of each specific company. The book of registration of employment contracts refers to such forms. The law does not require having such a journal, but if the employer considers it necessary to keep records of agreements, then the form of this document and the procedure for its maintenance are approved by local regulations. To justify the need for the existence of this document, we present the following facts:

  • the presence of a document helps in conflict situations and in legal proceedings; with its help, it indirectly confirms the proper formalization of labor relations with the employee;
  • with its help, you can quickly search and process the necessary information about a person’s work activity, dates of employment and details of the documents used to formalize this appointment (convenient if you need to issue a certificate of employment);
  • it is convenient for internal use, in some way it replaces the inventory of the document archive;
  • in the “Notes” column they write information about the work performed by the hired employee, the results of the test, etc.

Graphs, difficulties with numbering

The log book can be traditional or electronic. The paper version is more popular and reliable (it is impossible to change the information). Before use, it must be stitched and numbered page by page. The contents of the journal are not determined by any regulatory document.

The following columns are recommended:

  • serial number of the record/employee;
  • contract number, date of signing;
  • Full name;
  • department and position;
  • employment order number and date;
  • number of the order to terminate the contract and date;
  • grounds for termination;
  • type of contract (indefinite, fixed-term with specification);
  • type of employment (main job or part-time job);
  • issuance of the 2nd copy in hand (two sub-graphs: date and signature of the employee);
  • additional agreements (document number, number and order number);
  • notes.

The graphs and their location may change. It is advisable to include the column “Case number for filing the document” or use the “Notes” column for this purpose.

To avoid confusion with numbering, you should remember that the “item number” means only the record number.

The contract number and additional agreement numbers are entered in separate columns that can be placed side by side, which will make it easier to find the necessary information and reduce eye strain.

Or in the notes (next to the additional agreements column) enter the phrase “to agreement No. XX.” Sometimes keeping various logs for contracts and additional items becomes the optimal solution.

Alternatively, the numbering of registered contracts can be started anew every year, which will reduce the number of digits in the first column and help avoid errors and confusion.

Having a logbook in electronic form simplifies its maintenance, but increases the risk of corrections and questionable facts.

You should take care in advance to block the information correction function, which will eliminate third-party interference and falsification of information.

Retention periods for personnel documents

The storage periods for such documents from February 18, 2020 are regulated by clause 8 of section II of the order of the Federal Archive. For certain documents, the retention period depends on the date they were issued. The storage period for documents issued before 2003 is 75 calendar years, starting from the year following the year of their creation. Personnel documents created after 2003 must be kept for at least 50 years. The list of personnel documentation includes employment and civil law contracts, author's contracts, personal cards of employees, as well as unclaimed originals of their work books, diplomas, military IDs, identification cards, and certificates.

For some documents, a special storage period was established that did not exist before:


Making any corrections if there is an inaccuracy or error in filling out is strictly prohibited.

In this situation, the personnel officer is obliged to close the journal. The reason for early closure is indicated on the final sheet of the document. The journal itself is stitched, a seal is installed on it, and the document is sent to the archive.

If changes are needed
If additional changes need to be made regarding a specific employee, there should be columns for this. Changes may concern several details:

  1. Removal from an existing position.
  2. Change in work conditions.
  3. Transfer of this employee to another position, change of department, unit, team

For these changes there may be a separate column or even a separate page where all changes are made indicating the date, number of the original contract and other details.

Major errors in design

A variety of mistakes are made during registration. The most common one is that inexperienced personnel officers write in the first column not the serial number of the record, but the number of the employment agreement.

Skipping signature
Even small errors in dates and in the full spelling of the name of the employing organization lead to the closure of the journal. It is necessary to notify the manager, who will approve the new journal by order.

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