The nuances of applying for maternity leave: what documents are needed, etc.

Certificate that I was on Maternity Leave

Issued (full name of the employee in the dative case: Ivanova Maria Sergeevna) that she really works in (full name of the organization in the prepositional case: Tomat-Chernozem LLC) and occupies the position ... (the official name of the position in the genitive case: courier). Based on the order dated (day/month/year) No. (...), Maria Sergeevna Ivanova is on maternity leave from... to.... (indicate vacation dates).

In accordance with the requirements of the law (Article 91 of the RF IC), the court determines the amount of financial support, taking into account the applicant’s level of security and other arguments. One of them is the required certificate of maternity leave: the document confirms that the woman does not have the opportunity to work full-time and provide a decent standard of living on her own. Therefore, in such cases, if the child has already been born, alimony is due to both her and the child.

What should the paper look like? (read more…)

Where are the certificates from the Social Insurance Fund about non-receipt of a lump sum benefit at birth?

There is no regulated format for a certificate of non-receipt of a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child, but there are some rules that must be followed when preparing it. The main nuances that an employer who issues a certificate of non-receipt of benefits should pay attention to are the following:

  • it must be printed on company letterhead;
  • the certificate should contain:
  • number;
  • Date of preparation;
  • name of the employing company;
  • executive visa;
  • employer's stamp (if available).

A sample certificate of non-receipt of a one-time benefit drawn up by the employer is available on our website.

failure to receive a one-time benefit

What documents will be required?

To issue a certificate, the employer accepts a written application from the employee.
You can attach to it documentary evidence that the employee has the right to maternity leave and receive benefits: The certificate of being on maternity leave does not have a single form established by law, so the choice of wording remains with the employee who prepares the paper. Such documents are drawn up in the accounting department and human resources department at the place of work of the pregnant woman or woman in labor. Accordingly, the employee needs to contact an accountant or HR department employee with a request to issue a certificate.

How to get a?

The certificate of being on maternity leave does not have a single form established by law, so the choice of wording remains with the employee who prepares the paper. Such documents are drawn up in the accounting department and human resources department at the place of work of the pregnant woman or woman in labor. Accordingly, the employee needs to contact an accountant or HR department employee with a request to issue a certificate.

If the institution where the document will be presented has described specific requirements for the paper (the presence of certain details, seals, certain wording), the employee should inform the person who accepts the application for the certificate about this.

Please note that the law does not stipulate exactly how the document should look , and does not put forward clear requirements for the presence of certain elements, so it makes no sense to insist on a specific form. However, it is acceptable to ask for it. The clearer the understanding for what purpose the data is needed, the more correct the finished certificate will look.

What documents will be required?

As a rule, obtaining a certificate is closely related to material aspects: the child’s mother applies for alimony or expects to receive social assistance from the state. The need to obtain such a certificate is documented.

A part-time woman has the right to receive maternity leave and benefits in all organizations where she is officially employed. Therefore, a certificate can be obtained from each employer.

To issue a certificate, the employer accepts a written application from the employee. It can be accompanied by documentary evidence that the employee or employee has the right to maternity leave and receive benefits:

  • application for leave and receipt of maternity benefits (addressed to the head of the employing organization);
  • a certificate from the housing complex about the registration of a pregnant woman (indicating the deadline for registration);
  • a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth issued at the antenatal clinic.

Based on the available documents, an accountant or personnel officer can issue a certificate of maternity leave. As a rule, at the time of applying for such a certificate, the employer already has the necessary package of documentation from the pregnant woman or woman in labor, so contacting the accounting department or human resources department may look like a request for official paper (oral or written). Then you do not need to provide anything additional to the application.

  1. Female students apply for the document at their place of study. In this situation, the wording will be slightly different from the common ones. The student is issued a certificate stating that she is on academic leave.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs receive information from the territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund.
  3. Military personnel on maternity leave issue a certificate by contacting the relevant administrative divisions of the military unit.

Unemployed citizens and individual entrepreneurs who do not pay contributions for themselves are not entitled to maternity benefits. In this case, an individual entrepreneur can issue a leave certificate for himself, regardless of the benefit. Unemployed people cannot have maternity leave.

An accountant or HR department employee does not have the right to refuse to issue a written certificate to an employee. According to Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide any reference information in writing within three working days from the date of application. The number of copies is not regulated, and no fee is charged for providing data.

The only condition is that in order to prove the fact of applying for a certificate, you need to write an official statement. If the certificate is of a rare and incomprehensible format, the verbal request may not be recorded and fulfilled.

What should the paper look like?

There is no single template for issuing a certificate established by law , but organizations have experience in issuing such papers, so accountants and personnel officers have an idea of ​​what the document should look like.

(document header)

  1. There should be details of the organization that issued the document. This may be an official letterhead or a rectangular stamp indicating the full name and address.
  2. At the top of the sheet the registration number and the date of issue of the certificate are indicated (on a stamp or in a separate column).


Issued (full name of the employee in the dative case: Ivanova Maria Sergeevna) that she really works in (full name of the organization in the prepositional case: Tomat-Chernozem LLC) and occupies the position ... (the official name of the position in the genitive case: courier). Based on the order dated (day/month/year) No. (...), Maria Sergeevna Ivanova is on maternity leave from... to.... (indicate vacation dates).

Director (signature) initials and surname of the director

  1. The certificate is certified with a wet round seal and a living signature of the manager. Printing should not obscure significant information.
  2. At the bottom of the form, information about the executor can be indicated - the employee who compiled and executed the document.

Sometimes social security or other organizations ask the applicant to provide information on her income level for the last 3 months. In such a situation, the certificate can be supplemented with information about wages and social benefits (even if there were none).

If the fact of payment of benefits is important to the employee, the certificate can be supplemented with the following paragraph:

At the same time, we inform you that Maria Sergeevna Ivanova was assigned and paid maternity benefits in the amount of ... (specify the amount). The payment was assigned... and made... (indicate the dates of accrual and payment of benefits).

Certificate that I was on Maternity Leave

In addition, you need to choose which employer will calculate and pay the monthly benefit. In this case, a certificate is provided stating that maternity leave is not assigned and is not paid at the second place of work.

  • details of the organization or institution that issues the document;
  • information about the person to whom it is issued;
  • name of the document and its title (what is it about);
  • number, date and place of issue;
  • confirmation that leave has not been granted and maternity benefits are not paid;
  • Full name and date of birth of the child;
  • place provision;
  • signature of the person who issued the document;
  • signature of the head and seal of the organization;
  • Contact details of the person who filled out the form are needed for communication for the purpose of possible verification of information.

What is it for? (read more…)

Help for Putin's manual: what is it?

To receive a new child benefit, the family needs to collect documents and submit them to the MFC .

What certificates are needed to apply for Putin's benefits? First of all, these are income certificates, which include:

  • wages and any benefits in favor of the employee;
  • business income;
  • state payments in the form of pensions, scholarships, benefits (including child benefits already received);
  • survivors' benefits or other payments to the legal successors of insured persons who die;
  • compensation for performing government duties;
  • financial support for military personnel and human rights workers

Confirmation of income is often done by submitting a 2-NDFL certificate - this is how employed parents report their earnings.

The Putin payments calculator will help you calculate whether you are entitled to benefits.

In addition to the above, if the family is not full, you need to take into account that the alimony that the child receives also applies to family income.

To confirm their payment and receipt, social security employees may require a certificate of alimony.

Certificate that I was on Maternity Leave

I request that you grant me maternity leave for a period of 140 days from __.__.____ to __.__.____. Attachment: certificate of incapacity for work No. ___ dated __.__.____.

  • Certificate about being on maternity leave

The commonly used concept of “maternity leave” is not legal. Moreover, in everyday life its interpretation varies: it is understood as both maternity leave and a combination of maternity leave (hereinafter referred to as Maternity Leave) and childcare leave. The ambiguity of interpretation entails legal inaccuracies and questions about how much leave a woman wants to receive by writing an application for maternity leave, and what benefits she is applying for.

Documents for applying for benefits during maternity leave (read more...)

Deadlines for submitting documents

The law provides for the following time restrictions when submitting documents for accrual of maternity benefits.

Maternity benefits, early registration benefits. Paid after providing sick leave and a certificate from the antenatal clinic. The deadline for submitting documents is 6 months from the end date of the B&R leave indicated on the sick leave.

Care allowance for up to one and a half years. You must submit documents to receive this benefit no later than 6 months from the date your child turns one and a half years old.

Compensation paid one-time at the birth of a child. Each region has its own benefit amount, depending on the regional coefficient, the base value is 16,350 rubles. Documents to receive it must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date of birth of the child.

To go on maternity leave, you need not only to know what documents are needed, but also not to forget about the deadlines for submitting them. Here you will find additional recommendations on how to properly go on maternity leave.

Documents required for maternity leave

  • Birth and labor leave usually lasts 140 days (70 before childbirth + 70 after). Any complications serve as a basis for extending the vacation, in particular:

Nevertheless, there is still no legislative definition at the moment, therefore, in order not to miss anything when considering the list of documents required for registration of maternity leave and the procedure for its provision, we will further consider maternity leave as a combination of parental leave and leave for labor and employment.

Nuances if a woman is unemployed

A working woman has the right to maternity benefits, because... her employer makes contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, from whose funds this benefit is paid. But there are several categories of unemployed women for whom this payment is guaranteed by the state, these are:

  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise;
  • undergoing military, customs and other types of civil service under contract;
  • full-time students, incl. and graduate students.

What you need to do to apply for maternity leave

Replacing a certificate of incapacity for work, etc. At the same time, the letter from the Social Insurance Fund “On clarification of certain issues...” dated December 23, 2011 No. 14-03-11/15-16055 explains that the requirement to have the certificate certified by the signature of the medical commission is unfounded. A certificate is issued to a pregnant worker right before she goes on vacation, at the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (or 28, if the pregnancy is multiple).

Next it is indicated to whom the document is issued - the employee’s full name. It is confirmed that she works in a specific organization in a specific position. It is recorded that from a certain date to the present she has been on maternity leave, while she retains her job.


Registration of a certificate of non-receipt of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child or a monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years is usually not difficult. It is drawn up in any form, but with the obligatory indication of the details of the legal entity issuing it. In this case, payments are often made by the child’s mother, who requires a certificate from her husband about not receiving a one-time benefit.

Sources: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 N 1012n

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Certificate that I was on Maternity Leave

  • for a singleton pregnancy provides 140 days;
  • in case of multiple pregnancy, this period increases to 194 days;
  • if childbirth occurs with complications, then the duration of disability will be 156 days.
  • Certificate about being on maternity leave
  • wages are determined for 2 years;
  • the resulting value is divided by the number of days in two years;
  • the average daily wage is multiplied by the length of vacation.

Child care (read more...)

I'm looking for a sample certificate of income for a maternity leaver

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below in the right corner: Ref. No. from . October 2013 (the accountant himself must say what number and from what date, since this piece of paper is an accounting one!)

lower center: help

further text: Given the full name of the person working in the LLC in the position. from 00.00.00 to the present. Since 00.00.00 he has been on maternity leave for a child up to 1.5 (or 3 years old). Payments are received through the State Institution of the National Financial Institution of the Social Insurance Fund, branch no. Income for the period May - October 2013 amounted to 00-00 rubles. May 2013 - 00-00 rubles June 2013 - 00-00 rubles. October 2013 - 00-00 rubles (all 6 months must be registered, and the year must be written everywhere)

The certificate was issued on the basis of the employee's payslip and personal account. The certificate was given for submission to the social protection authorities.

Director of LLC ". " _____________________ / Explanation of the chief accountant of LLC ". » __________________/Decoding print

if only the director’s signature, then there must be a note “with the right of one signature”

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Period of woman's incapacity for work

  • the legislation establishes the maximum and minimum amount of sick leave;
  • if the employee’s total insurance experience is less than six months, then the benefit will be calculated taking into account the minimum wage;
  • if in one of the two years used for calculation, a woman has already taken leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, then she can replace it with another year of work, for this purpose an application is drawn up in any form addressed to the employer, a similar procedure is possible if the condition is met - if This will increase the benefit amount.


Certificate of incapacity for work

To issue a sick leave certificate, there is a special form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. It consists of two parts, each of which is filled out by the medical organization where the pregnant employee is registered, and by the employer, respectively.

If errors are detected in filling out the form, it is handed over to the woman to return to the medical institution and receive a new document.


Requirements for filling out the document:

  • the cells are filled with block letters;
  • entries are made with a black gel pen or on a printer;
  • corrections and erasures are prohibited;
  • if the inscription does not fit on the line, it breaks off on the last cell;
  • misspelling the name of an organization is not an error.

A photo of a sick leave certificate for pregnancy and childbirth can be found below:

The completed document is submitted to the accounting department for calculation and accrual of maternity benefits.


The electronic certificate of incapacity for work is filled out by the medical institution and sent directly to the employer without being handed over to the patient. Immediately after closing the sheet, the data is sent to the Social Insurance Fund; processing takes three days instead of ten on paper. Not all organizations accept electronic sick leave; you should check with your employer in advance.

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