How to correctly write a certificate of employment for presentation to various authorities

  • October 25, 2018
  • Legislation
  • Anastasia Vasilyeva

According to the interpretation in the Russian dictionary, the term “certificate” means a response to a request or information that has been received about someone or something. There is also another interpretation - as a document containing confirmation, description of events and facts. Organizations and institutions in various fields of activity resort to issuing certificates. Moreover, citizens themselves can become the initiators of their production.

Design standards

There are certain requirements for the preparation of a certificate, in particular, the document must contain the following data:

  • Name "Help".
  • Date and registration number.
  • Indication of the addressee to whom the certificate is intended.
  • Text.
  • Signature and transcript of the person.
  • Seal of an organization or institution.

The date means the day it was signed by an authorized person. The name of the authority that issued the certificate is located in the upper right corner. This is followed by the name of the document (but is not mandatory) and the text itself. For example: “Given to Ivanov V.V. is that he really is an employee of Vesna LLC as a salesperson.”

The purpose of issuing the certificate is not a mandatory item to fill out. However, if necessary or at the direction of the person for whom it is intended, it may be reflected after the main text. For example: “At the place of requirement.” Depending on the type of certificate, its validity period can range from several days to a month. Some of them contain an indication of this in the text itself. It is important to avoid using unnecessary phrases, conclusions and reasoning. The main content should include only factual information.

Does an employer have the right to refuse to issue a certificate?

By law, an employee has the right to receive any information from his employer regarding his work activities for subsequent presentation at the place of request. It can be issued in the form of a copy, an extract from an internal company document, or a certificate.

The period between the application requesting a certificate and its receipt should not exceed three days.

If the company refuses to issue the required paper for any reason, the employee has the right to go to court.

External and internal

Depending on whose address the certificate is to be issued, it can be of an informational, reporting or analytical nature. Such a document may be intended for internal or external use. As for the first, the content of the certificate will be of an informational nature. In the second case, some preparation is required for drawing up the document. As a rule, it is printed on the organization’s letterhead or according to an established template issued by government agencies (GOST R 6.30-2003).

It is not difficult to draw up a certificate using a unified form, since reference books and other similar documents contain all the necessary instructions for filling it out. The situation is much more complicated with the free form of its writing. This is associated with the risk of losing sight of important details and details.

One of the most popular forms of external certificates is 086у. Based on this document, the employer determines the professional suitability of the employee. You can get it at a medical institution that has the appropriate permission and licenses. To do this, you need to contact a therapist, who gives a referral to specialized specialists (ENT, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist), and at the end makes a conclusion. This form is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; today the order No. 834n dated December 15, 2014 is in force. Both sides of the medical certificate must be filled out with the obligatory indication:

  1. Dates, document numbers, information about the medical institution.
  2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the subject, date of birth, place of study/work where the document is being drawn up.
  3. Data on previous diseases and the presence of chronic ones, as well as information on vaccinations and vaccinations performed.

Information received from doctors during the examination is entered on the basis of test data and fluorography. Filling with a black or blue ballpoint pen is allowed. The certificate must be certified by the chief physician of the medical institution that issues this document; its validity period is six months from the date of issue.

Features of preparing a certificate

The help is divided into several parts:

  • Title to the content of the help (written in the format: “Help about something...”).
  • Main help text. Consists of 2 parts. First you need to indicate the reasons for drawing up the document, and then record the data related to the essence of the issue.

Help may contain tables and other systematization elements.

The document, regardless of its type, must contain the following mandatory details:

  • Company name.
  • Recipient indication.
  • Place of compilation.
  • Signature and seal.

Printing is not required in all cases. In particular, it is relevant for biographical information.

The contents of the official certificate include the facts and events that led to the completion of the document. It is permitted to refer to other documents that reveal in more detail the essence of the problem under consideration. For example, these could be orders, instructions, activity plans.

There are some nuances to filling out certificates drawn up based on the results of inspections. The document reflects this information:

  • Subject of inspection.
  • Reasons and purposes of control measures.
  • Facts established during the audit.
  • Found violations.
  • Positive aspects.
  • Full name of officials.

Personal certificates are requested to confirm any fact concerning the employee. For example, this could be the fact of employment, salary size, length of service.

Income certificates: 2-NDFL

As for the preparation of income certificates, it is customary to distinguish several types:

  • For individuals in form 2-NDFL.
  • According to the bank's form for obtaining a loan or loan.
  • For the purpose of obtaining a visa.
  • For government employees.

The most common type of certificate is the 2-NDFL certificate. This document is prepared by the accounting department of the organization where the employee works. For an enterprise that is a tax agent, this is a standard form for submitting reports to the tax office. It contains information regarding the income received for a specific period, most often six months or a year, and the amount of tax fees and deductions withheld in favor of the state. An employee may need such a certificate, for example, to provide to a bank when applying for a loan in order to confirm his solvency. The Labor Code determines the period for its production - three working days from the date of submission of the application. It is valid for one month from the date of issue.

The rules for issuing 2-NDFL certificates reflect the need to indicate the following items and details:

  • Information about the employer (full name of the organization, legal address, telephone number).
  • Information about the employee in whose name it is registered.
  • The size of the tax base (13%).
  • Tax deductions indicating codes (this includes investment, social, property, standard).
  • The total amount of income received for the specified period and deductions made.

According to the bank form

Since a loan has ceased to be difficult in terms of collecting a package of documents, conditions, etc., issuing certificates for the bank is not uncommon for anyone. This is an alternative to a certificate in form 2-NDFL. Using it, it is possible to indicate information about income that the employer cannot reflect in a standard document. If this document needs to be submitted to the bank, the latter, as a rule, provides either a sample or a ready-made form for the employer to fill out. There is another option when the organization in which the employee works issues a certificate on company letterhead reflecting the following details:

  • The position of the employee, his last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Date of hire or information about length of service. If a fixed-term employment contract is concluded, its expiration date is indicated.
  • The amount of wages for the last six months (a different period may be specified depending on the requirements of the recipient of the certificate). In some cases, the amount of tax deductions made may be indicated, but this is not mandatory.
  • Information about the employer, his full legal and actual address, name, contact numbers.
  • Signature of the manager, chief accountant (if he is not on staff, the certificate must indicate this), seal of the organization.

Document preparation

The certificate is written in free form:

  • On sheets in A-4 format containing the details and signature of the head of the enterprise

  • Their volume is individual and depends on the amount of information required
  • It is acceptable to submit a certificate by hand or in a printed version
  • The number of copies corresponds to the request of the authority that requested the certificate with the correct execution of each and them

The recipient is obliged to check the entries in the certificate for errors and inaccuracies. If available, ensure that a competent document is issued.

Certificate from work for obtaining a visa

As for issuing a certificate of employment, it is customary to distinguish between two types:

  • Production, based on instructions from management. As a rule, they are printed on company or special forms.
  • At the request of individuals, employees (for example, about the amount of wages, about confirmation of the fact of work in a given position or specifically in an organization, length of service).

If we talk about the classification of documents in an organization, then the certificate reflects information about the personnel of the enterprise’s employees. It is signed by a human resources employee or directly by the manager. If the provision of a certificate is necessary to obtain a visa at an embassy or consulate, then the name of the recipient organization must be noted in the text. Another important point is to indicate that the position held remains with the employee for the entire duration of the trip.

For individual entrepreneurs, separate registration of employment certificates in form 3-NDFL is provided. The main thing is to put a mark on its acceptance at the tax authority where it is registered. You can obtain form 3-NDFL for free at the tax office, which is located in the same locality where the individual entrepreneur operates.

Rules for preparing a certificate

There is no single, unified, mandatory sample of a certificate of employment. Enterprises and organizations have the right to write it in free form or use a template developed within the company (however, such templates must be registered in its accounting policies). Regardless of which option the company chooses, the certificate must contain a number of necessary data :

  • Name of the organization,
  • date of compilation,
  • information that needs to be confirmed
  • signature of the company director.

It is not necessary to put a stamp on the document, since since 2016 legal entities have been exempted from the obligation to certify their papers with seals and stamps (however, in this case it is advisable to include the organization’s details (address and telephone number) in the document, otherwise the certificate may simply not be issued accept where it is provided).

The certificate must contain only relevant and reliable information; entering into it knowingly false or unreliable information can lead to administrative punishment for organizations and officials in the form of a large fine.

If any documents or copies thereof are attached to the certificate, then information about this should also be recorded in the certificate itself in the form of a separate paragraph about the attached documentation.

Help for reporting civil servants

A standard document drawn up on a special form approved by the President of the Russian Federation. An employee in the state civil service is required to report annually on all expenses and income, including that of his family members, existing loans, and bank accounts of any nature. The procedure for filling out the state-issued form is quite clear for you to fill out yourself. As a last resort, the tax authority has a form for issuing a certificate in the form of a sample. Electronic filling of the document is allowed, which, after printing, is signed on each page.

The document itself consists of several sections that must be completed:

  • Data on income received (both property and cash are implied), the availability of shares and securities.
  • Information on expenses, all major purchases are reflected here, the amount of which is greater than the income of all working family members over the past three years. This could be the purchase of real estate, vehicles, or a garage.
  • Data regarding owned property.
  • List of accounts opened in credit institutions and banks (deposit, card, current).
  • Information about property ownership or temporary use.


A certificate is a document containing a description or confirmation of facts and events.

There are two types of certificates:

  • of a service nature;
  • of a personal nature.

Official certificate

A certificate of an official nature is submitted at the request of higher-level organizations, as well as third-party institutions and organizations (court authorities, investigators, prosecutors, state supervision, etc.). Such a certificate is issued on a form and has the following details: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, place of preparation, addressee, title to the text, text, signature. Certificates sent to higher organizations are certified with a seal.

Example of a certificate

Certificates of an official nature are used for presentation to the head of the organization on his instructions or to a collegial body. In such cases, the certificate can be issued on a blank sheet of paper, but indicating the same details. The help text may consist of several sections and paragraphs. It includes a link to the time period to which the data included in the certificate relates, as well as a link to the documents that served as the basis for drawing up the certificate. Unlike memos, the text of the certificate contains only a listing of some facts or a statement of the history of the issue.

Personal certificate

Personal certificates, as a rule, are issued to employees of organizations to confirm the fact of their work, salary, length of service, etc. The certificate must have the following details: name of the organization, name of the type of document, registration number, date, text, signature, seal.

When preparing certificates, stencil texts are often used, in which the main part of the text is printed in advance, and variable data can be entered by hand or on a typewriter.

The text of the personal certificate should begin with the surname, first and patronymic of the employee (in the nominative case). It is not recommended to use archaic phrases like: “This certificate has been given. ", "We hereby confirm that it does work. " etc.

The text of this document must indicate the organization to which the certificate is provided. The certificate is signed by an official (secretary, personnel service inspector), and the signature is certified by a seal.

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Medical certificates for children

The requirements for issuing medical certificates are slightly, but still differ from the others. The content of this document should include information that the patient has no contraindications for physical activity due to health reasons. Based on the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 834n dated December 15, 2014, it must be certified with three seals:

  1. Rectangular medical institution stamp.
  2. Round or triangular seal with the inscription “For documents” or “For information”.
  3. Round seal of the attending physician who issued the certificate.

In the case when documents for issuing a certificate are collected by a parent for a student who did not attend school due to illness, the period of sick leave must be indicated in the text. Also important is the reference to the fact that the child can start learning again from such and such a date. For schoolchildren who are going to go to the camp, a separate certificate form 079/u is provided. It must indicate:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the child, date, month and year of birth.
  • Number of school and class, clinic.
  • Information about past infectious diseases, vaccinations and vaccinations.
  • Level of physical development, physical education group and recommended regimen. In some cases, an indication of the absence of scabies and pediculosis may be required.

To obtain a driver's license

The adult generation has recently become increasingly interested in the question of how to obtain a certificate to obtain a driver’s license. According to the latest changes in the order of the Ministry of Health dated March 26, 2016, a similar document is provided when:

  • Applying for a job as a driver.
  • Obtaining a new category of driving license.
  • The desire to re-issue a driver's license after the driver was deprived of his license by a court decision.

A large number of motorists, both entering training and undergoing repeated medical examination, must provide this document before receiving the certificate itself. The procedure for issuing a certificate of this type is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n dated June 15, 2015. You can get it in a public or private clinic that has the appropriate license. The medical report is drawn up on form 003-Vu. In addition to the driver’s personal data, the text of the certificate indicates the category of the vehicle that he will subsequently drive. Its validity period is determined by order and is twelve months from the date of its issue.

Invoice certificate

The specificity of this document is that it is issued to the buyer of the vehicle and confirms that he has the right to register ownership of the car. The form itself refers to strict reporting documents. Issuing an invoice replaces the need to sign a purchase and sale agreement, and unscrupulous sellers often take advantage of this. To avoid getting into trouble, it is important to know the nuances of filling it out. Both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur can sell a car in this way. For example, very often recently certificate invoices have begun to be issued at car dealerships that sell used cars. This is where the first nuance lies, that an individual cannot sign it and replace it with the usual purchase and sale agreement.

You cannot entrust the preparation of an invoice to a separate commercial organization; it must be a car dealership that directly sells the car. Only the execution of this document does not guarantee the transfer of ownership; it is also important to register the car with the traffic police.

To obtain such a certificate, the car owner must submit the following documents:

  • A power of attorney issued by a notary that allows the seller to sell the car. If this is an individual entrepreneur, then a passport can replace it.
  • Technical passport for the purchased vehicle. It is necessary to have a mark indicating deregistration with the traffic police.

On the buyer’s side, the list of documents is similar, only if we are talking about a power of attorney, then it must state the right to purchase a car. You can cancel, get a copy or restore a lost invoice certificate only where it was issued.

For the Pension Fund

About a year before retirement age, the employer begins preparing documents to transfer them to the Pension Fund. This raises a lot of questions, for example, what documents do I need to collect to apply for a pension? The main document on which the amount of payments depends is information on income. It is necessary to provide a certificate of income for 60 months before January 2002, since after this date all information about the length of service began to flow directly to the Pension Fund.

If the work book contains filling errors, inaccuracies, or lack of stamps, a certificate from the place of work may be required. It is prepared at the request of a former employee within 3 working days, the form of preparation is arbitrary. If, during the preparation of certificates for the pension fund, it turns out that the future pensioner has had cases of registration with the employment center due to unemployment, then it is necessary to request a certificate from them about this.

For those citizens who belong to the category of preferential pensions and retire earlier than others, they must provide appropriate confirmation. If a citizen decides to take advantage of this benefit due to special working conditions, then he must bring a certificate of benefit from his place of work. It is issued within three working days upon application by the employee. The content of the certificate must reflect the following points:

  • Information about the employing organization.
  • Position, surname, name and patronymic of the employee who is entitled to the benefit.
  • The period of time when the employee took advanced training courses, student leave, leave without pay, cases of downtime.
  • Time spent on parental leave, additional days off to care for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood.

Such a certificate is signed by the manager, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. The document is certified with a corner stamp with the obligatory affixing of the date and registration number. Errors and corrections in the help are not allowed. The document is issued on the basis of one of the submitted documents: staffing table, order, personal salary account, card in the T-2 form and others.

Rules for issuing a certificate

The certificate can be written either by hand or in printed form, either on a standard A4 sheet or on the company’s letterhead (the latter option is convenient because it contains details). The certificate can be issued in as many copies as required, and each of them must be properly certified.

Upon receipt of the certificate, the employee must carefully check it and, if any errors are found, request the issuance of a new document - the solution to many important issues, as a rule, depends on the content of the certificate, so inaccuracies, corrections and blots in them are unacceptable.

Sometimes enterprises ask the employee to confirm receipt of the certificate by signing in the internal document log.

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