Ex-husband wants to come back: is there anything to hope for?

In this article we will tell you:
  1. Reasons for the ex-husband's desire to return to the family
  2. Signs that your ex-husband really wants to come back
  3. What to do if your ex-husband wants to return to the family

If the ex-husband wants to return, in this situation the woman most often feels confused. She faces a choice: to understand, forgive or completely erase him from her life. It’s one thing when the separation happened quite recently, but what if quite a lot of time has passed and then the ex-spouse begins to make attempts to return to the old relationship?

Is it possible to mend a broken cup? Why do men come back after a breakup? How to recognize the sincerity of his intentions? How to behave if your ex-husband wants to come back? You will find answers to these questions in our material.

Why do men leave?

The strong half of humanity is often unable to resist family problems. Why do men leave? Each situation is individual, but there are several main points:

  1. Mistress. The new woman, who pays more attention, looks better and is more interesting than the spouse. It’s good if a man dared to admit it and left, revealing the truth.
  2. Lack of sex. Sexual life is the basis of relationships for a man, it is so inherent in nature.
  3. Thirst for freedom. Predators by nature, men do not want to limit themselves to just one woman.
  4. The monotony of family life, including everyday trifles, quarrels and incessant scandals.
  5. Excessive jealousy. Sometimes husbands do not look at other women, but wives provoke scandals and conflicts with excessive questions and suspicions.

Why doesn't he want to return to his mistress?

Why did the husband return from his mistress? If the husband returned home from his mistress, the reasons for this phenomenon are serious. He completely rethought his life and his actions, realized that he would not be better than at home anywhere, no matter how sexy and active his mistress was in bed. But many mistresses are absolutely sure that if the main goal is achieved - he left the family, now they can relax a little. But in reality, everything is not as simple as it seems.

In practice, the most difficult thing is to keep a strange man next to you. According to statistics, more than 65% of men who leave for their mistresses return to their previous family after a certain period of time.

Changes in life, especially in terms of everyday life, very frighten representatives of the stronger half of humanity. At first it is the novelty of sensations and passion that hold them back. But over time, this passes, the passion decreases, he begins to be strongly drawn to his former home, and a real longing for his native walls appears.

And no matter how much effort the new woman makes, often she remains second, and in first place remains his wife, who shared both his grief and joy. The mistress will never be able to create the same living conditions as the wife created, since she is a stranger who has her own foundations and habits.

Yes, the new wife can even cook better, be a better housewife, but she won’t be able to do it the way he loves and is used to. The main reason that he wants to come back is the everyday routine.

Signs your ex wants to get back together

There are several basic clues that will make it clear that your lover wants to return. But one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind and answer honestly is how positive the relationship was. If you are sure that they were positive and you parted very stupidly, then most likely your loved one will return.

Below is a list of signs that will indicate that your ex-boyfriend still loves you and wants to get back together. So, 12 signs:

  • after several months of silence, he wrote you one or two messages;
  • you broke up because of the distance between you. Perhaps you had to move to another city or leave for certain reasons. But if you really have feelings, then distance will not be a problem and you will be able to reunite;
  • his relatives called you and said that the faithful misses you;
  • a handwritten letter of love came from him;
  • your chosen one has not removed you from friends on social networks;
  • the separation passed calmly, without quarrels and mutual insults;
  • it is possible that the lover had too many problems, so he needed to focus on solving them. So, most likely, he will want to return;
  • he is jealous of you, so he cannot allow you to date someone else;
  • mutual acquaintances and friends tell you what he remembers about you;
  • your ex-boyfriend is trying to meet you by any means;
  • leaves statuses on social networks that confirm that he misses you;
  • your beloved gets nervous and angry when he sees you next to another representative of the stronger sex.

Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

When will the husband walk up and return back to the family?

When will the husband return from his mistress back to the family? This question is one of the most common in the work of a family psychologist. And it is very difficult to convey to a woman upset by her husband’s departure that the process of returning a husband who has left the family home can take several months, sometimes even years, and often the return will never happen. Why is that? Yes, simply because there are at least fifteen important points on which both the very possibility of returning the husband back to the family and the speed of the man’s decision-making about this depend. I will try to show them by sharing with you one of my methods for assessing the situation and determining a strategy for returning husbands to the family. But before that, I will say: it is not always necessary to return a man who has left the family back! If a man behaved unmanly in marriage, drank, beat his wife and children, was a parasite, etc., then there is no need to return him at all. If the husband was generally a worthy representative of the male tribe, planning to return him to the family, the following should be taken into account:

What will speed up the return of a prodigal husband from his mistress back to his family?

First. The degree of meaningfulness of a man's behavior.

People vary greatly in the degree to which they plan their actions. If we take (as I do in the practice of my work) a scale of planning from 0 to 10, where 0 is complete impulsiveness and chaos in a person’s life, and 10 is total thoughtfulness of everything that is said and done, then the pattern is simple. Men with little meaningful behavior most often leave their wives impulsively, unexpectedly for themselves, and therefore most often find themselves in an unprepared reality: no home of their own, no free money, parents and friends are not morally ready to accept his actions, etc. Hence, the likelihood of such men returning quickly is very high. Men with very meaningful behavior prepare their departure from the family in advance, many months and even years: they secretly purchase housing, save money, create a business for their mistress, etc. Accordingly, when such husbands leave, literally rooted in their new life, their return is unlikely. Moreover, in a short time.

And even if a very planned and careful man still falls deeply in love with his mistress (mistresses are called that for a reason), then the chance that he will gradually come to his senses, be horrified by what he has done and gain the strength to admit his mistake and ask to return to the family is higher .

Second. The degree of success of a man at the time of leaving the family and immediately after that.

Point zero - when a man leaves his family during a difficult period of his life - his career collapses, his income falls. Such men return to their families quite quickly. It's another matter when a man's business goes uphill. There is generally a clear pattern:

The more successful a man is in career and income

– the higher the chance of him leaving the family.

The more difficult he lives and the more difficult it is to achieve success -

the higher his wife celebrates her golden wedding anniversary with her husband.

Because a successful man believes that he has enough money to support two families - both the existing one (almost the previous one) and the future one. And as long as he feels confident and suppresses his conscience by generously supporting his ex-wife and children, the lower his chance of returning. That is why, if after a successful husband leaves the family, the wife or some life circumstances manage to deal a blow to his career and income, the chances of the departed husband returning increase.

Third. The degree of financial security of a wife after her husband leaves the family.

While the departed husband’s conscience is still working in the first days and weeks, the wife needs to use it. The more the husband leaves to his wife and children during this time, and the faster and more legally competent the wife formalizes this for herself, the higher the chance of the return of her husband, who has deprived himself of everything. The less the departed husband left to his wife and children, the less formalized this is, the lower the chance of the husband returning to the family, and the higher the chance that the spouses will then quarrel over the division of property and never get back together.

Fourth. The degree of responsibility of the departed husband for his wife.

If the wife of a departed husband is sick or has never worked, her chances of getting her husband back are higher, since he is accustomed to the idea that this woman cannot exist without him and his level of responsibility for her is very high. If a woman is absolutely healthy and successful in her own career, the wife’s chances of getting her husband back are noticeably reduced. (Except for those cases when the husband is a loser in life and has always been financially dependent on his wife. Such people usually return to their wife).

Fifth. The degree of integrity and scandalousness of the wife.

If the wife behaved correctly at the time of her husband’s departure and indicates her position to forgive the stupidities committed by her husband, it is easier for the man to accept the idea that he can return and will not be insulted or kicked out for years. And then his chance of returning is higher. If the wife, after her husband’s departure, behaves either very scandalously or out of vehemence clearly conveys to her husband her tough position on his rejection back (left means gone forever), the man understands that after his return it will only get worse for him or this is obviously impossible . And then he won’t even try. And he also won’t want to believe his wife, who then changed her anger to mercy and will be afraid.

Sixth. Sexual activity of the husband and the existing level of sex in the family.

It's no secret that the main reason men cheat and leave their family is sexual dissatisfaction. And the higher the husband’s sexual activity and the worse and less frequent the sex in the family, the lower the chances of the fugitive returning. And the lower the husband’s activity, but the more regular and comfortable the sex in the family, the higher the chance of his return.

Seventh. Husband's level of jealousy .

The less jealous the husband was, the more calmly he will come to terms with the idea that his ex-wife will have another partner and the less likely the chances of him returning to the family. The more jealous the husband was throughout the family relationship, the higher will be his desire to control his ex-wife and the stronger will be his desire to return back to the family if there is a threat that his wife will find another man, especially one more successful than the departed husband.

Eighth. The degree of external showiness of the wife.

The fatter, more neglected and old-fashioned the wife, the more inferior she is to her mistress, the lower her chances of returning her departed husband. The more slender, well-groomed and sexy the wife is, relative to her mistress, the higher the wife’s chances of getting her husband back.

Ninth. The degree of love of the departed husband for the children.

The stronger and more noticeable the husband showed his paternal qualities while still married, the more often and warmly he communicated with the children, the higher the chance of his returning to the family. The more the husband was a formal father (he only gave money and scolded), the less he will feel the loss of his former home and the lower the chance of his return to the family.

Again: if a man has no children in his existing family, the chances of his husband returning to his family are minimal. It is especially bad if the wife had abortions against her husband’s will or consciously refuses to have a first or second child with him. And the more children a man has in his family, the higher the chance that he will return.

Tenth. Age of the man's children.

If a man's children (of marriage) are under twelve years of age, the likelihood of the husband's return is greater and the rate of return is higher. If the children are over twelve years old, the likelihood of the husband returning is less and the speed of return is slower.

Eleventh. The position of the children of the departed husband.

If children (especially teenagers and adults) continue to communicate with him after their father leaves the family and show him their love, the chances of returning the husband to the family increase. If children, after their father leaves the family, stop communicating with him and demonstrate a tough position, most often the chances of him returning back are reduced.

Twelfth. Whether a man works with his mistress or not.

The less a man connects with his mistress, the more it is just feelings, the higher the wife’s chance of getting her husband back. Just love and sex are zero on my scale. But if a man and his mistress have points of intersection in work and leisure, the lower the wife’s chances. The most dangerous mistresses are those who work together with a married man, the super dangerous ones are those who know how to become indispensable to him in his work or business. This is ten on the “non-return” scale.

Thirteenth. The degree of correctness of the mistress's behavior.

By and large - the degree of experience and activity of the mistress. At first, a man who left his family has complete chaos in his head. And the more competent and calm the mistress behaves, the more care and warmth she envelops her fugitive husband, the lower the chance that he will return to the family. The more inexperienced and scandalous the applicant mistress, the higher the wife’s chances of regaining her departed husband.

The more a mistress gives a married man, the higher her chance.

The more his mistress demands from him, the less she will receive.

Fourteenth. Do the man and his mistress have children?

If a healthy child has already been born in the emerging couple or the mistress is pregnant, the chances of getting her husband back are slim. If a given couple has no children and no pregnancy, plus the mistress cannot or does not want to give birth, or she has her own children, and the man’s family has his children and they love their dad, the chances of the husband returning are high.

The fifteenth. The wife’s degree of readiness to improve her behavior in the family (if mistakes were made).

If the wife is ready not only to admit her mistakes in family behavior and change for the better (stop being hysterical, share her husband’s goals in life and his interests, become slimmer and more active, etc.), but is also ready to start doing this quickly - the chances of your husband returning quickly increase. If a woman does not admit her mistakes (if there were any) and does not change anything, there will be no motivation for her husband to return.

It is these 15 points that characterize the situation in a family where the husband has left that are especially significant. When I work with a couple or separately with a wife or husband, I mentally (or on paper) fill out a special table “Will the husband return and when?” Where all the points are indicated in the first column, and then a sign (+) is placed in the column that means the position of the husband, wife, children or mistress on a scale from 0 to 10. That is, little, medium or strong. Then everything is assessed as a whole, which allows us to come to final conclusions and determine the wife’s strategy of action.

Table: “Will the husband return and when?”

Significant point0-34-67-10
1. The degree of meaningfulness of a man’s behavior
2. The degree of success of a man at the time of leaving the family and immediately after that
3. The degree of financial security of the wife after her husband leaves the family
4. The degree of responsibility of the departed husband for his wife
5. The degree of integrity and scandalousness of the wife
6. Sexual activity of the husband and the existing level of sex in the family
7. Husband's level of jealousy
8. The degree of external showiness of the wife
9. The degree of love of the departed husband for children
10. Age of the man's children
11. Position of the children of the departed husband
12. Does a man work with his mistress or not?
13. The degree of correctness of the mistress’s behavior
14. Do the man and his mistress have children?
15. The degree to which the wife is willing to improve her behavior
They work for their wife -
Working for a mistress -

As an example, I will show you two filling options, based on what I hear. The first option is sad for the wife. The second is optimistic.

Table 1 option: “Sad for the wife.”

Significant point0-34-67-10
1. The degree of meaningfulness of the man’s behavior (The husband was preparing to leave as planned, he himself told his wife that he was leaving when he bought an apartment for his mistress. This is bad for the wife) +
2. The degree of success of a man at the time of leaving the family and immediately after that
(the husband’s career and his income are going up)
3. The degree of financial security of the wife after her husband leaves the family
(Average - husband and wife receive an apartment each)
4. The degree of responsibility of the departed husband for his wife
(The wife works, has a salary, the husband has no responsibility for her)
5. The degree of integrity and scandalousness of the wife
(The wife’s position is unstable, which spoils the situation)
6. Sexual activity of the husband and the existing level of sex in the family
(The husband needs a lot of sex, the wife does not and she did not give it to her husband in the required amount)
7. The level of jealousy of the husband
(The husband is moderately jealous)
8. The degree of external showiness of the wife
(The wife has neglected herself and the husband has nothing to hold on to)
9. The degree of love of the departed husband for the children
(The husband loves the child very much)
10. Age of the man’s children
(My son is 16 years old and already has his own interests)
11. Position of the children of the departed husband
(16-year-old son, in solidarity with his mother, does not communicate with his departed father)
12. Does a man work with his mistress or not
(A mistress is a man’s right hand at work and is very important to him)
13. The degree of correctness of the mistress’s behavior
(The mistress does not put pressure on the man and creates in him the illusion of his own decisions)
14. Do the man and his mistress have children
(No children)
15. The wife’s degree of readiness to improve her behavior
(The wife does not know what exactly to do)
They work for their wife - only 1 point (husband loves son)
Working for a mistress – 14 points.
In this case, the wife has no chance of winning. Even with the help of a psychologist, there will be a long and difficult struggle.

Table 2 option: “Optimistic for the wife.”

Significant point0-34-67-10
1. The degree of meaningfulness of the man’s behavior (The husband did not prepare for leaving, he made the decision spontaneously when the wife found out everything, there is no material basis, it’s good for the wife) +
2. The degree of success of a man at the time of leaving the family and immediately after that
(Husband’s career and his income are average)
3. The degree of financial security of the wife after her husband leaves the family
(Low - the wife depends on her husband and the housing is the same and there is a mortgage. This benefits the wife)
4. The degree of responsibility of the departed husband for his wife
(The wife works, but the husband bears the main money for the family, the husband has responsibility)
5. The degree of integrity and scandalousness of the wife
(The wife definitely wants her husband back)
6. Sexual activity of the husband and the existing level of sex in the family
(The husband needs a lot of sex, the wife does not and she did not give it to her husband in the required amount)
7. The level of jealousy of the husband
(The husband is very jealous)
8. The degree of external showiness of the wife
(The wife has neglected herself and the husband has nothing to hold on to)
9. The degree of love of the departed husband for the children
(The husband loves the child very much)
10. Age of the man’s children
(Daughter 6 years old)
11. Position of the children of the departed husband
(Daughter loves dad very much)
12. Does the man work with his mistress or not
(The mistress is a casual acquaintance of the man, the relationship is based only on sex and alcohol)
13. The degree of correctness of the mistress’s behavior
(The mistress puts pressure on the man demanding a divorce, but does not do this very actively)
14. Do the man and his mistress have children
(No children)
15. The wife’s degree of readiness to improve her behavior
(The wife has read books on the psychology of men and clearly knows what to do)
They work for the wife – 12 points, which ensures the husband’s return within 1-3 months
They work for their mistress - 2 points (sex and she are more interesting than the wife). This is not enough to take a man from his family. If she doesn't make a breakthrough, she will be doomed to lose her man.

Of course, in order to bring all the points together into one single whole, a high degree of objectivity and certain skills are required. It’s not easy to do this without a specialist – a family psychologist, but it’s still possible.

In general, I personally find this table very useful, since even those women who are doing well with her husband and he is not going anywhere from the family can use it. Because by honestly filling out the table, a woman can clearly see the gaps in her family life and can assess the degree of her protection from her husband, God forbid, becoming interested in another woman and leaving the family. Accordingly, a smart wife will be able to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and protect her marriage from contenders.

Actually, that's all. I hope this information will be useful to you.

If you cannot cope with filling out the table or can develop a plan to improve relations in your couple or return your husband, I will be happy to give advice from a family psychologist in a personal or online consultation (via Skype, Viber, WhatsApp or telephone).

Why do men leave

Every marriage has its problems. And to answer the question why men return to their ex-wives, you must first understand why they leave their faithful ones.

  • The first is, of course, due to a basic misunderstanding. People change with age, and it is stupid to reproach a person that he is no longer the same as he was before. This is quite natural. A person develops, his interests and goals change. And this means that you need to come to terms with your new personality, and not try to return the past.
  • The second is eternal employment. Often a woman does not even notice that every day she devotes less and less time to her husband. Household chores, children, meetings with friends and parents take up all your free time. There is simply no time left for love. And in this situation, a man begins to look for warmth and understanding on the side.
  • Third, there are material problems. A young family should always live separately, but, unfortunately, not all people have the opportunity to buy their own apartment. When newlyweds live with their parents, constant quarrels begin between them. The older generation tries to teach children how to live and constantly interferes in their problems. Many people do not have the strength to endure this for a long time.

How to build a relationship so that the man does not leave

Building ideal family relationships is not so easy. If a woman tries to do everything to prevent her husband from leaving, she can do exactly the opposite. The first thing to remember is that a man cannot tolerate restrictions on his freedom and he can leave precisely because of its lack. A tyrant woman will never be able to keep her lover close. In addition, passion and feelings dull over the years; it is easier for husbands to find them on the side than to restore them in their own family.

A woman must rethink who she has become over these long years of marriage. Often, after 25 years of living together, a husband suddenly says that all this time he did not like his wife’s hairstyle, her habits, and so on. Once a woman loves herself, she will blossom. A man will not be able to miss such an internal and external transformation. As a result, any affair on the side will seem like a terrible mistake to him and he will soon begin to want to return.

You should not think that a man’s leaving the family is entirely his fault; often, the woman herself, without noticing it, has a hand in her husband’s departure. There are many reasons for separation, and it is not always possible to avoid them. It is worth remembering one truth, there is no need to forcefully restrain someone who has decided to leave; perhaps not only the spouse begins a new, happy life, but also his ex-wife.

Naive male psychology

Men who decide to get a divorce believe that they can live just fine without their wife. However, this can be doubted. Statistics show that only a small part of the stronger sex gets divorced for good reason and then builds their lives further. The other part just wants to prove something - youth, success, attractiveness. Men go through three main stages after divorce.

  1. At the first stage, he is a male, completely confident in himself. I want to conquer the highest peaks and meet beautiful girls. Now the representative of the stronger sex does not regret the divorce.
  2. At the second stage, the man calms down a little. He no longer wants sexual pleasures from strangers, he just wants to relax for his own pleasure.
  3. At the third stage, understanding and awareness of what has been done occurs. A man regrets leaving his wife and understands that he wants to restore the relationship after the breakup and get back together with her. There is also an understanding that he is no longer as young and full of strength as he thought.

Statistics show that most men return to their family after the third stage. At least they want to do it. In the future, everything will depend on whether the woman accepts her husband again and agrees to forgive him.

Why do many men return to their wives after cheating?

Husbands return to their wives after cheating because they realize they were wrong: Men are aware of the fact that during their affair they were not able to think rationally.

Most often, men's hobbies with other women are based on fantasy, not reality. The other woman seems to offer something that is missing in life and therefore can solve the problems or relieve some of the man's stress. But over time, men come to the conclusion that their assumptions were not accurate.

At first, romantic relationships seem easy, fresh and new. But in the end, the husband begins to see his mistress with clear eyes, and the betrayal too. All the fairy dust and magic of love dissipates. The other woman usually begins to show who she really is and becomes like a wife with the same demands. And the husband eventually realizes that he has not received anything new.

Relationships also end because of the guilt experienced by the man. Cheating can last until a married man sees his wife’s reaction, her pain and resentment. Then he realizes what a huge mistake he has made. By cheating, a man does not want to offend anyone or change anyone’s life. But as soon as he realizes that this happened, his attitude towards his own action changes. The terrible feeling of guilt for betraying someone who completely trusted and loved you often makes a person realize the seriousness of what he did.

Another reason why men leave their mistresses is love for their wife. Husbands love their wives despite cheating. Men share intimate relationships on the side and family. This is difficult for women to understand, but this is purely male thinking, and it is, according to psychologists, biologically programmed in the brain of a man. Literally, men can separate and separate physical intimacy and emotional attachment. They can communicate with other women without getting involved in emotional relationships. This is why some men admit that their cheating on their wives means nothing.

When cheating, a man compares his mistress to his wife and realizes that his wife is the only one who offers any stability.

Fear of the unknown is a huge incentive to end the affair and return to their wives: Many married men cannot overcome deep and extreme doubts about the complications that will arise from abandoning their wife and children for another woman. The consequences can be very severe, from psychological to financial. It is these doubts that help a man make a choice in favor of a wife and not a mistress.

Eventually, cheating husbands may come to believe that they are trying to live in a fantasy world that cannot last long or be healthy. There usually comes a time when a man realizes that the problem he was running from has not gone away, and that now he has even more problems. Usually at this point it becomes very clear that he would be much better off staying at home and solving his family problems.

Despite the deception, men stay to give their children a stable family, especially if they are not yet grown up. Regardless of whether a man gets along with his wife, his children can force him to stay in the marriage for their sake.

The husband covers his beloved wife with a blanket

Psychology of divorce: do husbands/wives regret cheating and leaving the family?

Photo 2For most, divorce is an unpleasant situation that brings a lot of pain and moral distress. However, in some situations, the divorce process becomes a long-awaited way out of a difficult relationship for a couple.
Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether husbands or wives regret cheating and leaving the family. Everything will depend on what exactly pushed the spouse to cheat and leave the family.

If the new hobby was not of a serious nature and was started only for fun, for variety or for the purpose of self-affirmation, regret about the lost family well-being and status will most likely subsequently force the negligent husband or wife to regret his behavior and attempt to go back.

It’s another matter if the feelings between the spouses have cooled down and the family is fictitious. As a rule, in such situations, an affair on the side is a real psychological salvation for the spouse, so the cheater attaches great importance to the relationship that has begun and almost never subsequently experiences regrets about leaving the family.

And if the new love also turns out to be more convenient in everyday life than the former spouse (for example, cooks tastier soups, does not create scandals over trifles, and so on), then there is no talk of returning to the “old haven” at all.

Male psychology

conversation with wife about divorce
Falling in love sooner or later weakens, youthful illusions dissipate. Everyday family life, which replaces holiday romance, may seem unbearably dull and even annoying for people. A relationship crisis sets in, and if it is accompanied by factors such as a midlife crisis in the husband and age-related changes in the wife’s appearance (as a rule, not for the better), then this can lead to the complete inability of people to get along together and get along with each other - spouses get divorced.

Initially, a man enjoys the new opportunities that open up after a breakup: he can meet other women, indulge in entertainment at any time and in any quantity. There is no need to listen to your wife’s intrigues and hysterics, spend money on whims, or visit her parents once a month.

Over time, over the course of about a year, the realization of the disadvantages of single life comes.

These shortcomings do not always outweigh the advantages in the eyes of a man. Casual and fleeting romances become boring, constant revelry begins to have a negative impact on health, and the lack of moral support and hot food upon arrival home brings despondency and melancholy.

Family of different cultures
The man is trying to find a permanent partner. If he finds himself a new woman, then sooner or later their relationship will enter the same negative phase that he experienced with his ex-wife. And then he thinks about returning to her. Indeed, he has known her for a longer time, many memories connect him with her, and often he has children together. In addition, it is easier for people who have known each other for a long time to live together. Why stay with your mistress and relive all the crisis moments of the relationship if they have already been passed with your wife?

But if a man really finds a better life in a new family, or if a bachelor’s life, with all its shortcomings, gives him greater satisfaction, then the chance of returning to his ex-wife is minimal.

Why does he want to return?

Entering a midlife crisis, a man suddenly realizes that all his victories, including in intimate terms, are left behind, he is no longer as young and not as desirable as before. His worldview begins to change dramatically. Frightened by the loss of his own importance, he can’t think of anything better than to assert himself on the side, replacing his boring wife and family life with a new hobby, new sensations and emotions with a new passion. It would seem that here it is, a new life, live and rejoice! But not everything is as rosy as we would like.

Quite a bit of time passes, the flurry of emotions subsides a little, and it turns out that everything is not as good in the new relationship as he would like. It turns out that he is no longer that sexual giant who can gush with inexhaustible passion around the clock (which is what a young companion needs). And her cooking tastes bad, and she can’t clean it properly. The man realizes that in the new family everything that was before awaits him - all the same family responsibilities, the same way of life and the same fatigue.

But now it’s much harder for him. After all, before they understood him and accepted him for who he really is. And now we have to rebuild relationships, adapt to another person. And sometimes the whims of a new passion, her demands become simply unbearable. He just wants to run back to the one who always understood his fatigue, supported him, tried to listen, without demanding anything in return.

What does it take for a man to want to return to his wife?

  1. His current life after the divorce should be less interesting, happy and comfortable than life in marriage.
  2. In the eyes of a man, the ex-wife should look more interesting and attractive than she did during the marriage.
  3. He should see more benefits in getting back with his ex than continuing to live without her.

It doesn’t matter whether a man left his wife for his mistress or went on a free voyage, all three factors are important. And if all three of them are involved at once, then the man becomes more confident that he wants to return.

That is why women can often read that after a divorce there is no need to shed tears and be sad for your ex-husband, but that you should take care of your appearance, start getting involved in something, and move on with your life. If a woman continues to live and becomes happier than she was in marriage, this makes her more attractive and interesting to her ex-husband. If a man sees a new, beautiful, interesting and happy woman who was once his wife, then he will obviously want to return to her, since he is often already accustomed to her life, cooking and other little things.

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Why ex-husband wants to come back: reasons

Why did my ex-husband return?Why did my ex-husband return?
You are very mistaken if you think that since love still exists, you can simply return everything back. However, nothing will work out if you never learn anything and don’t draw any conclusions from the current situation, but simply start from where you left off.

Statistics show that usually things can really work out in couples, but this is only if they have reviewed and changed their behavior after the divorce, have not lost qualities that are attractive to each other, and also build relationships taking into account past mistakes. So why does an ex-husband want to come back after a divorce?

There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • Practicality

When a man wants to return to his family, this does not mean how much he loves his wife. It just happens that a man cannot live independently and needs constant care. Until a man meets a new woman who will do everything to take care of her, he will continue to try to return, especially if he knows that he is expected and accepted. Such couples can constantly come together and separate.

There is also a situation when the husband has been away for a long time and suddenly appears full of affection and tenderness. However, it quickly disappears again. Here, only one conclusion suggests itself - he became bored and wanted closeness, and there was no one to go to except you.

When a man begins to convince you that he loves you and is ready to bring things right now, then do not rush to accept him right away. It's better to ask why his behavior changed so quickly. Maybe he simply has nowhere to live and is considering you as a backup option.

  • Fear of responsibility

Ex-husband is backThe ex-husband has returned
Some men may be very frightened of change and for them the usual course of life is more familiar. For example, the birth of a baby. This means that he will have to take on more responsibility, but he is not ready for this.

He may think that you will pay less attention to him and, in order not to lose first positions, he simply leaves. But since he is already accustomed to one way of life, he still returns, because he supposedly has come to his senses.

Such men rarely understand what they want and they do not have any clear goals. They are not able to make decisions themselves, are afraid of responsibility, are not ready for difficulties, and in general they are immature. You can never rely on such people and predict their behavior. So, there are chances to get into a difficult situation again.

  • Thirst for thrills

There are families in which scandals and outbursts of emotions are a way to tickle their nerves. If during a quarrel a man runs away and slams the door, then rest assured that he will return within a week. He didn’t even think about leaving you, there were just too many emotions and he needed time to calm down.

  • Outside influence

It also happens that all friends or relatives put pressure on a man and claim that you are not a couple. Such pressure can lead to a man leaving the family. However, over time everything will work out and he will return. In this case, think about whether the man is capable of making a serious decision on his own. Maybe he is susceptible to other people's influence? Is it true that the husband finally decided to return or will he leave again later?

  • Ownership and the desire to possess a woman

Male ownerThe Owner Man
In many cases, women react with hysterics, tears and scandals when a man leaves. But not everyone does this. Wives may not make a scene, but simply accept their husband’s decision and take the situation calmly.

As a rule, men are not ready for this and expect to be stopped. This gives a good blow to pride and after a breakup, a man thinks for a long time and often decides to go back.

Usually in families, wives are emotionally attached to their husbands, even to the detriment of their own personality. They leave all their friends and interests. Men are naturally hunters and need to pursue women. And if there is no need for this, then he begins to look for other prey.

If after a breakup the wife returns to her old life and goes out again, then this hurts him and he wants to come back again. What to do in such a situation? You need to draw the right conclusions, otherwise you will get divorced.

  • Coincidence

Often, a man’s problems may be to blame for a couple’s separation—money problems, dismissal, relocation, illness of loved ones. And a man doesn’t want to be a burden, and he can’t do anything. Accordingly, he leaves, and when everything gets better, the couple can be together again. There are other reasons for leaving, it all depends on the character.

  • Rethinking

The most pleasant moment for a woman is the moment when a man understands all the reasons for the breakup and comes to his senses, but this happens extremely rarely. Remember that after a divorce, a man is left alone with his thoughts and he has time to realize and weigh everything. Often men, having already lost everything, understand how dear a woman was to him and now he would like to return back.

When you live with a person for a long time, you begin to understand his behavior, character, temperament, and so on. Yet, women often attribute qualities to men that they do not have. In this case, the question arises - how to understand that the husband really wants to return and not make a mistake? Above all, remember that actions always speak louder than words.

Every man can say beautiful things, but not everyone can back up his words with actions. If your ex-husband, even after a divorce, is ready to help you in everyday life, financially, then this means that he is not ready to let you go.

Also, if a man starts a conversation, then this is a manifestation of interest in continuing the relationship. If he is silent and doesn’t talk about his feelings in any way, it means he simply hasn’t decided what he wants yet. It’s just convenient for him to have his ex-wife nearby, for example, for sex or other purposes.

Remember that men do not like to talk about feelings, goals and it is extremely difficult for them to admit that they are wrong. Although, if your man doesn’t talk about his thoughts, then it’s worth thinking about, because he doesn’t seem to want to be with you, but at the same time he doesn’t want you to be with someone else.

How to behave if your ex wants to come back?

If you still love this man and have been waiting for him to return, in this case you need to accept his apology and get back together. Talk to him about your breakup and the conclusions you have drawn from past failures so that the relationship becomes stronger and more harmonious.

But if you are sure that you no longer need to have any communication with him, then do not make contact and try not to meet him anywhere. Move on with your life. In addition, you need to know that your ex wants to get back into the relationship for a number of reasons, which include:

  • he feels guilty towards you;
  • wants to ask for forgiveness in order to remain friends;
  • wants to give the relationship another chance;
  • just wants to know how you live, without changing anything;
  • he wants to know if he can manipulate you again;
  • There are only failures in his life, he needs money, so he wants to make peace.

What can I do to make him want to come?

It’s a paradox, but if the husband leaves, most often his sense of ownership remains with him. He really believes that if he can have a mistress, then his wife has no right to even think about someone else. And it often turns out that the husband returned from his mistress when he found out that she also had a new crush.

According to experts, if you want to get your husband back, try to make sure that he has virtually no time left for his mistress. At the same time, the reasons for his visits should not be far-fetched, but true (for example, play football with your son, spend time with your daughter, fix a broken faucet/TV/phone). The familiar atmosphere will give him a reason to think - is it necessary to go somewhere at all?

What do children think

When parents divorce, most of all those around them feel sorry for the child. After all, now he will have to live without his dad. Even if the father is present in the life of his child, it will not be constantly as before. Of course, young children cannot answer a complex question, but teenagers find the answer. They believe that the father leaves the family because of them, and returns back also because of them. Children are selfish, and this is quite normal. Their universe revolves around family, and when things go wrong, they may blame themselves.

How often do men actually return to their families for the sake of their children? Statistics show no. This will surprise few people in Russia. A man can return to his wife, to his usual way of life and, as a result, to his child. But for the sake of children, few of the stronger sex will leave their mistress.

How often do spouses return to the family: statistics

Photo 3Scientists have not established the exact number of reunited married couples.
After all, for the rest of their lives, under the influence of their own impulses and passions, they continue to lead the life of a “traveler,” periodically returning to their family for a break. Others, after the return of the prodigal spouse, continue to live under the same roof, but because of the resentment they experienced, they cannot fully restore the lost warmth of the relationship and trust. Therefore, their family is fictitious and is unlikely to be among those reunited.

Psychologists unanimously claim that most couples who have experienced a divorce do not return to their previous relationships and then go their own ways through life. If all of the above is translated into statistical figures, it turns out that after a divorce, every fourth man returns to his ex.

As for women, the statistics are slightly different. Since women are monogamous by nature, betrayals on their part are a little less common, just like returns to an ex-spouse (they occur about 2 times less often than among men) who are not happy with them.

Approximately 45% of marriages are still officially registered again. And this is a big number!

Do husbands return to their families after divorce?

The desire to return to the family depends on what kind of relationship the spouses had and what the reasons for the divorce were. In a male environment, returning to your ex-wife is not considered a cause for pride.

However, a large number of men return to their ex-wives. There can be many reasons, the most common of which are a lack of past comfort, love, or awareness of past mistakes.

When do ex-spouses return?

Do husbands return after divorce? Of course, some people prefer to cut ties once and for all. Men can return after a divorce; the timing depends on the reasons that influenced their departure. For example, a crisis inevitably sets in in a relationship with a mistress; the prospect of staying with her no longer seems so wonderful. The man begins to think about his wife, with whom it was so good.

A crisis with a mistress usually occurs a year after the start of the relationship - this is how long the husband will want to return to his ex-wife. All terms, of course, are conditional and depend on the specific situation.

Why is this happening?

It's not easy to explain another person's behavior. Common reasons for men returning:

  1. Lack of interest in other representatives of the fair sex. Men do not tolerate loneliness. The ex-wife turns out to be the only person who needed him.
  2. Rethinking conflict. The reasons for divorce are often violent quarrels that lead to hasty and wrong decisions. Time passed, and the man realized that he was wrong.
  3. Common children, worries, affairs, meetings - joint activities unite.
  4. Love. Sometimes it's enough to be apart a little to understand how dear a person is.
  5. Error correction. The reason for divorce could be the man's financial insolvency, which did not suit the woman. Having eliminated this factor, the man wants to return the relationship.
  6. The attractiveness of the ex-wife. Women prefer shopping and changing their image as psychotherapy. It's no wonder that many ladies become even more beautiful after a breakup. The ex-husband will be one of the first to appreciate the changes.
  7. Ex-wife has a new man. Jealousy is an effective driver, and the strong half of humanity are owners by nature. Getting your ex-woman back becomes a matter of honor.

Especially often those men who have lived in marriage for a considerable part of their lives return. It’s too hard to create something new; it’s much easier to patch up old wounds. However, returning your ex-wife will require a lot of strength and energy.

Do people get back together after divorce?

From the very beginning, it seems that after a divorce there can be no talk of any reunion. But according to the same statistics, every third man who leaves his family dreams of returning to his wife, and every fourth man does just that. Do ex-husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce? The answer is unequivocal - yes.

After marriage, most men become disillusioned with marriage and are burdened by family ties. Most of them admit that the large number of responsibilities entrusted to them irritates them, they want ease and are not averse to looking for intrigue on the side. And then the thought arises about a radical solution to the problem - divorce. At the same time, a man experiences a breakup much easier than a woman. Despite the simplicity of what is happening, many of those who leave soon try with all their might to return back to their family.

Consequences of leaving family

The most obvious consequence of a husband leaving the family is the woman's disappointment. But nevertheless, the same feeling befalls the man himself. Dreams about a beautiful and easy life, about meeting that same beautiful girl, often do not come true, the dream about an easy life does not turn into reality. Even if it is possible to build a new relationship, in most cases a man cannot get that strong feeling of love, attention and care from a new passion. Euphoria is followed by the understanding that expectations did not coincide with reality.

Statistics data

Goskomstat keeps records and statistics of figures on divorces and other aspects of social life in Russia. The calculations of these data are, unfortunately, disappointing. In 2013, only 157,000 families broke up in the country; a year later, this figure increased to 172,000. Statistics showed that about 60% of marriage dissolutions occur in Russia per year. This means that 3 out of 5 families end in divorce.

Why men come back: the point of view of the stronger sex

Ex-husbands return for a number of reasons:

  • grievances become dull, everything bad no longer seems so terrible;
  • the spouse rethinks his behavior and admits the mistakes he made in marriage;
  • there remains a feeling of love that does not fade away;
  • the presence of children does not give a man peace and he feels an obligation to return to his ex precisely for their sake.

Whether the ex-husband will return after a divorce or not depends on his psychological state and the reason that prompted him to leave.

Psychology of men

For those who were not alarmed by the first list, and also who did not see their ex on it, let’s dig deeper. According to studies among 6 thousand people, psychologists have found that separation is more shocking to a woman, even if she is the initiator. But this does not mean that men do not grieve. They worry no less, it’s just usually deep within themselves. But it all depends on the psychotype of the ex-partner:

  1. Leader. By nature, alpha males with high self-esteem and demands for life. They are usually the first to leave, even when experiencing strong feelings they will not trample on their pride for the sake of love. In a word, they don't come back.
  2. Sensual. Romantics suffer just like their beloved. They need the support of loved ones and friends, and actively post their experiences on social networks. Even after leaving, they can send messages and like photos. Such a man, if he left, most likely after a conflict or offensive words, so he will return himself and with flowers.
  3. Infantile. The type of men who will ask for forgiveness, knock on doorsteps, and suffer openly, even if they themselves provoked the breakup.
  4. Analyst. Such a partner can take a significant break, survive all 5 stages of a breakup with honor, and then decide that maybe everything wasn’t so bad after all. There is a possibility of an announcement years later.

This division affects exclusively behavioral characteristics. If a man is sincerely, deeply in love, neither pride, nor obstacles, nor time will stop him, he will come back. It doesn’t matter if it’s a gesture of condescension or a kneeling apology, the main thing is that you will want to return, repenting of what you’ve done. Sometimes it’s worth thinking about letting a man go so that he can come back. The exes feel that their passion continues to live instead of depression, and they rush back.

But the above division does not apply to married men rushing from mistress to wife. So, having broken up with his mistress, a traitor cannot openly show his feelings so that his wife does not suspect something is wrong. Therefore, he locks his emotions inside, indulges in memories alone, and idealizes the image. But in the end he is restored to family and comfort. And when he leaves his wife for his mistress, he thinks about his former family, children, and the comfort created over the years. Sometimes, after the passion stops, a man goes back to his family and loved ones.

How to understand that your husband's intention is sincere?

People who have been married for several years know the habits, desires, their partner, his life story. A man who wants to return a woman “arms himself” with just such knowledge. The main signs of the sincerity of an ex-husband:

  1. Perseverance. When the desire to restore the family is real, the man will not stop after his wife says “no.”
  2. Romance (flowers, sweets, entertainment). The ex-partner is not shy about doing what his beloved likes.
  3. Past memories. The man, through his behavior, persistently tries to remind him of the time when both were happy.
  4. Apologies. A person’s frank admission of his mistakes and omissions in the past.

The list goes on and on. Usually women are able to simply sense whether their husband's intentions are true. The experience of living together allows you to see through a person.

A serious conversation about the advisability of restoring relationships will help put everything in its place. It is also necessary to look at the events that happened from the outside. Was the decision to divorce hasty, or is this an irrevocable and final ending? In the first case, there is no doubt about the sincerity of intentions. The second option involves weighing the pros and cons, reasoning and observation.

Don't rush to accept your ex-boyfriend

In any case, the ex will make attempts to restore the relationship. They usually do this via SMS, calls or messages on social networks. If he calls or writes, try not to show your feelings, get offended or throw a tantrum. Since the decision was not easy for the beloved and it took him a lot of courage to contact you.

Therefore, be calm and try to communicate positively. Do not remember the past and mistakes of your loved one. You should have done this during the separation period. And if you rub his nose into his unsuccessful past again, you will only indicate to him that you do not believe in his sincere desire to make peace.

Why your ex will never come back

And although you want to believe that your ex-lover will someday return, this is not always the case. If he does something from the list, then most likely he will never return:

  • the man stops any communication with you, does not call or write;
  • blacklists on social networks;
  • starts an affair with another woman;
  • speaks poorly of you among friends and tells how you ruined his life;
  • you parted hard, it’s likely that one of you cheated.

Does a woman need her ex back?

When a husband leaves the family, a woman usually suffers and waits for his return. But should you wait for your ex to return? Even if he comes, will the relationship become more harmonious and stronger? Answer yourself these questions:

  1. Has your husband changed since your separation? Understand that along with your husband, those problems that caused you to quarrel and even break up will return. Can you now solve these problems together?
  2. What are the motives for restoring relationships? A man does not always return from love, just as a woman does not always forgive out of warm feelings. Often people are afraid of loneliness, cannot live independently, use each other, etc. How important are such reasons for restoring relationships?
  3. Do you need a relationship? If you love your husband, then you want to be with this man. But if you don't really love your husband, then why bring him back? It may be better to figure out your motives on your own so as not to depend on a man who is not interesting to you.
  4. Do you need to sacrifice yourself for some goal? Often wives agree to live with their exes for the sake of children or for financial support. Women should understand that they will waste their time on men who will deprive them of the opportunity to meet their soul mates and begin a relationship with them.

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Advice from psychologists

Advice from psychologists will help you make an informed decision – whether to get together or not to get along with your ex-husband:

  1. Listen to yourself and listen to your husband. First of all, you need to understand what you yourself want, whether you love your spouse or no longer. And when you answer the question you asked yourself, you can carefully “interrogate” the man to check whether he really misses you, and not the homemade borscht.
  2. Blame no one. You are already divorced, so blaming each other and remembering old grievances is pointless. Just draw conclusions, understand the mistakes you made, and don’t repeat them in the future.
  3. Do something together. Try something you haven't done before with your spouse - go to a fancy restaurant, go skydiving, take a dance class. Then you will feel how comfortable you are with the new version of the “old” man.

History knows many couples who separated, and then got back together and lived happily. But whether to revive your relationship with your ex-spouse or not is up to you to decide.


According to experts

Psychotherapists say that the main reason why the faithful want to be accepted back into the family lies in the fear of change. Indeed, each of us wanted to radically change our lives at least once. And how many people decide to do this? Let's take a morning run, for example. A person who sets himself the goal of running in the morning will perform this ritual for three, maybe four days, but will run without joy. Well, then he decides that running is simply not his sport. That's all the changes.

What percentage of men return to their ex-wives? Experts say that it is about 90-95%. Men may want change, but many of them quickly give up. Lack of self-confidence and the desire to stay in your comfort zone are what prevent you from starting to live in a new way.

What does a woman need to do to get her ex back?

A young lady who has broken up with her lover and wants to return him should not provoke scandals. Psychologists recommend adhering to the following tips:

  • do not write angry messages;
  • do not pester your loved one with endless calls;
  • do not push for pity;
  • avoid discussing relationships during a chance meeting with your loved one;
  • show that you are independent and positive;
  • Organize a date yourself if your spouse does not offer it;
  • think over your image, the main thing is that it is natural.

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