What documents need to be completed after the birth of a child in 2021?

The birth of a child brings with it not only joys, but also troubles. Registration of documents for a newborn is often considered by young parents to be one of the most terrible bureaucratic tortures. Fortunately, in 2021, with the advent of multifunctional centers, almost all documents can be completed in one place and on one day. We hope that our simple step-by-step instructions will help you get documents for your baby quickly and painlessly.

This article is a set of short instructions on how to quickly get the entire list of documents for a newborn. For each document, we have collected the necessary minimum information: what documents are needed to obtain and where to go to draw up a specific paper. If you are interested in the intricacies of drawing up certain documents, you can click on the “more details” link after each item and read about how certain documents are drawn up in non-standard situations. All documents for a newborn from this list can be done at the MFC. If for some reason you are not comfortable using the MFC, you will need to visit a number of more traditional establishments, for example the registry office. All papers are issued free of charge, without duties. Let's look at the baby's basic documents in order of importance:

Registration of a birth certificate for a newborn

The list of documents for a newborn begins with a birth certificate. The birth certificate is the main document of the baby. Its presence is mandatory in almost every legal procedure, so it is mandatory to obtain it. The law requires parents to obtain the certificate within the first 30 days of the baby's life. True, there are no sanctions for missed deadlines: the only problem you may encounter is difficulties in obtaining other documents.

What documents are needed to obtain a birth certificate?

  1. Certificate of birth of a child from the maternity hospital.
  2. Parental passports
  3. If available - marriage certificate / or 350 rubles state fee for filing an application to establish paternity (if the parents are not officially married). The application is submitted simultaneously with the issuance of the certificate.

Where is a birth certificate issued?

  1. Civil registry office (any nearest, does not depend on the place of registration of the parents/child)
  2. MFC (similarly, you can choose any convenient MFC)

How long does it take to issue a birth certificate?

It is issued immediately, on the day of application.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining a birth certificate (for example, if a child was born outside the maternity hospital and there is no certificate) in a detailed article:

Registration of a birth certificate. Detailed instructions.

Who registers the birth

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all important milestones in a person’s life, starting from his birth, are documented by the civil registry office departments (civil status records).
Employees of these bodies register all changes occurring in the life of a Russian citizen: his birth, acquisition of citizenship, marriage and divorce, establishment of family ties, and ultimately, death. Read also: How to make a TIN for a child?

You can directly submit documents through multifunctional centers (MFC), but they only perform the functions of collecting and transmitting documents to the same department of the registry office.

Parents have the right to do what is easier and faster for them.

Both parents and authorized relatives or friends have the right to apply for registration of a child. Confirmation of this right is a notarized power of attorney.

There are some nuances: if the parents are not in a registered marriage, then in order to record them as father and mother, both of them must be present when submitting the application. If the marriage is officially registered, one of the parents is sufficient.


If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born in Russia, this item can be skipped. In most cases, no physical movements are needed to officially register a child’s citizenship. If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born on the territory of Russia, then he is automatically considered a citizen of Russia (this is confirmed by information about the citizenship of the parents recorded in his birth certificate). However, in some cases (the parents have different citizenships, the child was born outside the territory of the Russian Federation), he will still have to put a stamp on his citizenship on the birth certificate. Citizenship is needed to travel abroad and to obtain maternity capital.

What documents are needed to officially obtain citizenship for a child?

  1. Baby's birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports.

Where is the citizenship stamp placed?

  1. Federal Migration Service (Passport Office)
  2. Russian Consulate (if the case occurs in another country)
  3. MFC

Where will information about the child’s citizenship be entered?

The child will be stamped with Russian citizenship on the back of the birth certificate.

How long does it take to obtain citizenship?

On the same day.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining citizenship for a child in the article:

How is citizenship of a newborn obtained? Why does a child need a citizenship stamp?

Medical insurance policy

This document is issued at the children's clinic or you need to contact the insurance company that works with this clinic. While there is no policy, parents are given an Application Registration Sheet.

To receive the document you must present:

  • baby's birth certificate.
  • passport of the parent in which the registration is noted.

With this policy you can go to any clinic. If it is not in your area of ​​residence, then you need to take an absentee ballot. This way you can receive free food and medicine.

Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

Like any resident of Russia, the baby will need a policy in order to gain access to free medicine. Without a policy, a baby will be admitted to clinics only for 60 days from the date of birth (30 days from the date of birth are allocated for obtaining a birth certificate (which is necessary to obtain the policy), and another 30 days for the child to issue the compulsory medical insurance policy itself).

What documents does a newborn need to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport of one of the parents

Where does a child get a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. MFC (any one closest to you)
  2. Any insurance company accredited to issue compulsory medical insurance policies. (for example, Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie and the like).

How long will it take to make the policy?

The policy takes two to three weeks to complete. When submitting your application, you will be told when you will need to come for the completed document. During the registration of a permanent policy, the child will be issued a temporary one.

You can read life hacks on how to get a policy faster and easier in the material:

Registration of a medical insurance policy for a newborn. Instructions 2021.

Obtaining a policy for a newborn.

The policy can be obtained at one of the offices of the insurance company that issues compulsory health insurance policies.

To obtain it you will need the following package of documents:

  • Parents' passport.
  • The child’s birth certificate (this is why it is necessary to obtain it as soon as possible in order to be able to contact a medical institution).
  • SNILS (if already issued).

Compulsory medical insurance policy is obtained for no longer than 30 days. However, upon submission of an application, a temporary policy is issued, which begins to be valid on the same day.

Unfortunately, this service is not available in all regions when contacting a multifunctional center, although it is provided in a number of regions. Such information must be clarified at the territorial office of the MFC.

In the absence of a policy, visiting clinics, examinations and dispensing medications will be paid.

It is precisely these negative consequences that will befall parents who do not issue a policy in a timely manner.

Hospitalization or medical care will not be denied, but after it is provided you will have to pay according to the established tariffs.

After issuing the policy, you must come for it in person, as it is issued upon presentation of your passport against signature.

Along with compulsory health insurance, an additional health insurance agreement can be drawn up, according to which your child will have the opportunity to receive those types of services for which you usually have to pay.

The cost and term are an individual criterion of the contract, which is established by the parents and the insurance company by agreement.

Thus, if you have an additional health insurance policy, private clinics are often available, the cost of services of which is covered by insurance.

It is worth paying attention to children who have congenital defects that require constant medical supervision.

Registration of SNILS (pension certificate) for a newborn

SNILS is not one of the strictly mandatory documents for a baby, but its production will help you gain access to many preferential and social programs. It will also be useful for using the government services portal (if you pay for classes and sections through it). Mandatory for disabled children.

What documents does a newborn need to apply for SNILS?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport of the person applying for SNILS ( parent )

Where is SNILS issued for a child?

  1. Pension fund at the place of registration
  2. MFC (any)

How long will it take to make SNILS?

2-3 weeks. When submitting your application, you will be informed of the date when the document will be ready.

For details on why a child needs SNILS and how to get it quickly and without problems, read the article:

Registration of SNILS for a newborn in 2021: step-by-step instructions.

Secondary documents

It is not necessary to issue a TIN for a child right away; this can be done together with the issuance of a passport - as needed.

As for the note about children in the parents’ passports, this is no longer a mandatory procedure, but it can be done if desired. To do this, you need to contact the territorial department of the Department of Internal Affairs with your passport and birth certificate. There, an employee will check the information, enter information about the child into the passport and stamp it.

The child can be entered into the international passport through the MFC or at the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For this you need to pay a fee of 500 rubles. Data about children is not included in a biometric foreign passport.

That's all - the complete package of documents for a newborn citizen of the Russian Federation is ready.
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Child registration. How to register a newborn?

You can only register a child in a place where one of the parents is already registered (legislation prohibits a child under 16 from living separately from their parents). Although, according to the law, every person on the territory of Russia must have registration, all other documents can be obtained without it. But sometimes it can come in handy: for example, it makes it easier to get on the waiting list for kindergarten and school. Registration can also provide access to some social benefits and benefits - for example, benefits for those who have unfavorable living conditions (too many people live in one apartment).

Where does the child register?

  1. MFC
  2. Federal Migration Service (Passport Office)

What documents does a newborn need for registration?

  1. His birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports
  3. Marriage certificate/certificate of paternity
  4. If the parents are registered in different places, then an additional statement is written from one of the parents stating that he is not against the child’s registration with the second.

How long will it take for a child to register?

About a week. Attention! During the registration process, the parent with whom the child is registered will have their passport taken away. Instead, a special certificate must be issued.

In what document is the child's registration recorded?

The registration of the child at the place of residence will be recorded on a special form (registration certificate), which is considered an attachment to the birth certificate. Read about registration details in a separate article:

Registration of a newborn. How and where can I register a newborn child?

Baby registration sequence

The very first documents for a Russian citizen are received by his mother at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital or other medical institution on the territory of which he was born.

In the maternity hospital

Mom receives in her arms:

  1. Baby's exchange card. All information about the progress of labor, parameters at birth, the presence of abnormalities (if any), and an assessment of health status on the Apgar scale is reflected here. It is sent to the children's clinic and is the starting point for the child's medical record;
  2. Certificate of birth of the child. Information about the exact time of birth, information about the doctor who delivered the child. Based on this document, further registration of the baby will be carried out;

    Sample birth certificate for a child

  3. Mom's own exchange card. The course of labor and the woman’s condition before and after it are described. Transferred to the antenatal clinic.


Within a month after birth, one of the parents must come to the registry office at their place of residence and submit an application to register the child. Legally, this fact is enshrined in the “Birth Certificate” - the main document of the child until he receives a passport at the age of 14.

Registration at place of residence

According to the law, the child is registered at the place of residence of the mother or father, without the prior consent of the other residents of the home.

Copies of all documents must be certified by the head of the Housing Office or the Management Company. In the final part of this procedure, a corresponding mark is placed in the house register and a certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence is issued. It will later be useful for assigning various benefits.

Registration at a medical institution (children's clinic)

Possible only if you have previously received certificates and certificates.
The child will be assigned to one of the areas and the mother will be able to meet the doctor and nurse with whom she will take care of the baby’s health. In addition, at the same clinic you can apply for a health insurance policy. A temporary policy will be issued for the period of its manufacture.

Important: until the child is six months old, all medical care is provided to him free of charge, regardless of the presence or absence of compulsory medical insurance.

Receiving SNILS

If not so long ago this document was mandatory for working citizens, now it is issued immediately after the birth of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In central cities, representatives of the Russian Pension Fund are present next to doctors at the discharge from the maternity hospital and immediately draw up the documents necessary to obtain SNILS.

Read also: Which countries allow same-sex marriage?

Registration of Russian citizenship

A stamp indicating that the child is a citizen of Russia is affixed to the back of the Birth Certificate. From here it becomes clear that at the time of applying for this service, this document must be in the hands of the parents.

This is what a baby's birth certificate looks like

The procedure does not take much time and is carried out at the nearest hotel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On a note! The FMS ceased to exist as a separate ministry back in 2021, transferring its powers to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Russian Federation.

Stamps in parents' passports about the child

At the moment (2021) they are no longer strictly mandatory. It will help in any case when you need to prove the parentage of a certain child (for example, if he is lost in a shopping center, because rarely does anyone carry a birth certificate with them), and also, for example, to obtain a foreign passport with information about children.

What documents are needed to include a child in a passport?

  1. Passport in which a note about the child will be placed ( passports of the father/mother )
  2. Child's birth certificate

Where do they put a stamp in the parents' passport about the child?

  1. Federal Migration Service (passport office) regardless of place of registration
  2. MFC

How long will it take to process?

The stamp and signature of the authorized person will be affixed immediately, on the day of application.

Deadlines for processing documents for a newborn child

The baby's birth certificate is issued until the baby is one month old. But the law does not provide for penalties for late registration. The document is issued on the day of application.

Citizenship is also issued on the day of application.

Registration of an infant at the place of residence is completed 3 days from the date of submission of documents.

To receive an insurance policy, you must wait a month. A temporary insurance certificate is issued immediately on the day of submission of documents.

Other required documents

When the birth is over and the baby returns home with his mother, other documents necessary for life in a legal state are drawn up for him.

Child's birth certificate

To get it, you need to contact any civil registry office within 30 days after the birth.

Both mother and father can come. He can write a paternity statement.

To receive the document you need to have with you:

  • certificate from the maternity hospital;
  • parents' passports;
  • Marriage certificate.

On the same day, the registry office issues a certificate for processing a one-time payment in connection with the birth of a child, valid for six months. It is provided to the work of one of the parents or to the social security authorities, if both are not employed.

The birth certificate is the main document of the child.

Official citizenship of a newborn

In 2021, according to the law, a child born to Russians automatically becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some parents put stamps on one side of the birth certificate at the Federal Migration Service, which is necessary when:

  • obtaining a foreign passport for the child;
  • receiving a certificate for maternity capital.

In other cases this is not necessary. The mark is needed only if the parents do not have Russian citizenship, if the child was not born in the Russian Federation or the birth certificate does not indicate that the mother and father are Russians.

Compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

The child will need this document from the first days of life if he is observed in a government medical institution. To receive it, just contact the children's clinic or the insurance company recommended by it. In this case, you must provide the passport of one parent, birth certificate and SNILS of the newborn, if any. The policy will be ready in a month, and during this time they provide a temporary one.

SNILS of a newborn

Now SNILS has become electronic, so it is no longer issued in the form of a card, but rather a printout is provided with the information contained in the electronic document.

You can get it at the local branch of the Russian Pension Fund or through the MFC. All the baby’s data is entered into the SNILS form.

Registration for a child

Registration of a newborn is carried out according to one of 2 schemes:

  1. At the place of general registration of the parents. If they are registered at the same address, then an application, passports, marriage and birth certificates are provided to the passport office.
  2. When the mother and father are registered in different places, the baby is registered with either one or the other. The second parent provides a certificate stating that the son or daughter is not registered at his place of residence.

If the housing where the child is registered is not the property of his parents, but one or both are registered there, the owner’s permission to register the newborn is not required.

If parents have not registered within 3 months, they may be fined.

It is necessary to register a child at the place of stay within 3 months.

Registration of benefits for a newborn

The little citizen’s documents will be needed to apply for various benefits and payments, which will be a help for parents whose income will be significantly reduced.

One-time payment for the birth of a child

All mothers of newborns receive it. To register, you must provide the following documents to your place of work:

  1. Application addressed to the director of the institution or organization.
  2. Passports and their photocopies.
  3. Certificate from the registry office.
  4. Birth certificate and copy.
  5. A certificate from the second parent’s work confirming non-receipt of payment.

An unemployed mother and father write a statement to the social security authorities. There, along with all the listed documents, they also provide copies of work books with notices of dismissal or certificates from the Central Labor Office.

For registration

This benefit will be the first benefit for the mother if she is registered with the antenatal clinic within 12 weeks. They apply for it to the social security service with the following documents:

  • passport and its copy;
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic.

The application is written according to the model in the service itself. You can receive payment within 6 months after birth.

Monthly care allowance

Monthly payments are made until the child is 1.5 years old. They are equal to 40% of the salary of an employed mother for the last 2 years.

To apply for benefits, a woman must provide:

  1. Application addressed to the boss.
  2. Passport and its copy.
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Certificates from the father’s place of work stating that he has not drawn up and is not receiving payments.

Parents who do not have a job also receive money from social security, providing, in addition to the first 3 documents, a certificate of family composition and from the Central Employment Service that they are not registered.

Documents from the maternity hospital

The first documents are issued to the child in the maternity hospital for responsible use by the mother or father.

Fragment of an exchange card

A pregnant woman’s exchange card is an official paper that records the woman’s data, information about her health and the father of the newborn.

The document consists of 3 parts:

  1. The first contains information about the registered pregnant woman: full name, date of birth, address and telephone numbers for contacting the woman or her relatives, medical history, information about previous pregnancies and abortions, etc. Test results and information about the newborn (for example, stages of embryo development, etc.) are also entered into this part of the card.
  2. The next part is filled out by the doctor at the maternity hospital. He enters information about the woman in labor, information about the course of labor, and data about the newborn.
  3. The third part contains information about the newborn baby (its gender, physical parameters, presence of abnormalities, vaccinations, etc.).

The young mother gives the second part of the exchange card to the gynecologist who is observing her during a visit to the clinic, and the third to the pediatrician who will supervise the child.

Certificate of birth of a child

This is the very first document confirming the birth of a baby. It states:

  • date and time of birth;
  • floor;
  • Place of Birth;
  • information about the mother;
  • information about the maternity hospital.

The certificate is valid for a month and is needed to obtain a birth certificate.

A birth certificate is issued to the mother upon discharge from the maternity hospital.

Birth certificate coupon

A birth certificate is a document that allows medical institutions to receive payment for effective medical care. It is provided to pregnant women in the clinics where they are observed.

The essence of the birth certificate is that:

  1. It gives the right to choose a clinic, antenatal clinic and maternity hospital at the request of the pregnant woman.
  2. Helps analyze birth statistics.
  3. Helps improve the quality of services provided by physicians based on competition.

Thanks to this paper, up to 90% of medical services are paid for, which include:

  • embryo monitoring;
  • the process of obstetrics;
  • observation and care of the baby by neonatologists;
  • further monitoring of the child.

Certificate coupons No. 1-2 are required for monitoring a pregnant woman in the antenatal clinic and providing services in the maternity hospital.

Coupon 3-1 is needed to ensure monitoring of the baby in the first six months of life, and 3-2 is needed to extend this period for another 6 months (before the child turns one year old). Both documents are provided to the children's clinic chosen by the mother.

How to collect documents for a newborn

Their design is carried out in the logical sequence indicated in the list.

Types of documents for a child

The full list includes:

  • package from the maternity hospital;
  • papers prepared in the registry office;
  • confirmation of citizenship and registration;
  • SNILS;
  • medical policy.

All this is necessary for the full existence of a small citizen and to make life easier for his parents.

In what order to collect

There is a diagram that helps you decide on the order of paperwork:

  1. During the consultation, the mother receives the first part of the birth certificate.
  2. At the children's clinic they give her the third part of the birth certificate, get a card for the baby, and provide information on where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy.
  3. Parents take out a temporary policy and a permanent one within 30 days.

Parallel to this process, there is another, which includes visits to the registry office to obtain a birth certificate and paternity, if the marriage is not concluded.

The next steps will be:

  1. Visiting the housing office (IRC) to register a newborn at the place of residence of one or both parents and, within the prescribed period, receiving passports with notes about the child.
  2. Visits to the Federal Migration Service to affix a mark on citizenship.

After this, a certificate for maternity capital is issued.

When the heir’s certificate is in hand, the mother and father can receive SNILS at the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund. After registering the child at the place of future residence, municipal birth benefits and, if necessary, a certificate for a large family and transport benefits are issued.

At the Russian Pension Fund branch, parents receive their child’s SNILS.

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