Should you be afraid of claims from inspectors from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia if, when filling out a sick leave
For which organizations does the Calculation Note on the calculation of average earnings apply? It was developed for use by public sector organizations:
Home / Labor Law / Vacation / Study Back Published: 05/03/2016 Reading time:
September 07, 2020 Tips An employee has the right to a monthly benefit, even if he quit
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Retrenchment Back Published: 05/15/2016 Time
We draw up an advance report Upon returning from a business trip, the employee must within 3 working days
The policyholder is obliged to pay insurance premiums for himself and his employees (if he has the status
Salaries and bonuses Salaries of civil servants in Russia are formed on the basis of the Federal Law “On State Civil
Labor Code: business trips, payment How are employee travel days paid: from average earnings or simply
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Compensation Back Published: 03/18/2016 Time