Receiving financial assistance upon dismissal: to whom, when and in what amount is it paid? Upon termination
Is vacation extended for holidays Dear Galina. Yes, it is extended. According to part one of Art.
What's new in payroll in 2021 was provided for in 2021 Important
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Who can fire a director? If the director independently made such a decision, he can write a petition
Compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal in 2020 is calculated based on the number of unused vacations.
Purposes of reconciliation of settlements with the Pension Fund Reconciliation of calculations for pension contributions between the employer and the controlling
Some data According to the study, to the question “How much severance pay do you pay to employees,
In labor relations, reduction is usually called an organizational event that implies the elimination of the existing staff.
Mandatory payments upon dismissal Upon dismissal due to liquidation of the organization or reduction of staff