LifeWhy legalize same-sex marriage and who does it bother?

Modern democratic states fully adhere to the principle of humanism, which is based on the full development of the individual, regardless of his religion, gender, nationality and sexual orientation. It is the latter aspect that has become the subject of numerous disputes and conflicts, since not all members of modern society accept same-sex relationships, much less same-sex marriage.

Let's consider the question of where registration of such unions is allowed, what international acts exist in this regard, and also where such love is prohibited at the legislative level.

What is same-sex marriage

According to the current family legislation in Russia, marriage is usually understood as:

  • voluntary union between a man and a woman;
  • has passed a certain registration procedure with the registry office;
  • the result of which is the receipt of the appropriate certificate, as well as affixing the necessary stamps to the passports of the spouses.

The current RF IC does not contain the concept of same-sex marriage, however, based on the norms of international law, we can conclude that this is a union concluded between persons of the same sex, that is, between two men or a couple consisting of women. In everyday life, such relationships are usually called homosexuality (between men) and lesbianism (between women).

Despite the fact that homosexuality has been recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization, this form of union exists, and its participants call for its legalization and acceptance by society.

A number of countries accept this form of relationship and allow same-sex marriage to be legalized, but this union can never replace the traditional one. In some countries this is not possible due to established traditions, cultural values ​​and customs.

A big question for such couples is procreation, since physiologically a man cannot conceive and bear a child from his partner, just as a woman cannot conceive a child from another woman.

In society, this form of relationship is in most cases considered a psychological deviation from the norm, since only people of different sexes can marry.

International regulation and legalization

As mentioned above, homosexuality and lesbianism were until recently recognized as a disease, but in 1990 homosexuality was removed from the list of diseases.
This phenomenon is associated with the worldwide struggle for equality, including the right to choose a life partner. In 1994, the Cairo International UN Conference was held, during which the following decisions were made:

  1. The basic principles of human rights and freedoms are formulated;
  2. The right to choose any sexual partner is defined;
  3. The right to enter into any union is determined, regardless of the gender of the couple;
  4. The equality of people is proclaimed regardless of race, skin color, religion and sexual orientation.

Moreover, since 2013, May 17 is celebrated annually as World Day Against Homophobia.

In 2011, the UN adopted a resolution according to which it is prohibited to discriminate against homosexuals.

Read also: Marriage age in the Russian Federation

Today, around the world, there is a mixed opinion on the issue of legalizing same-sex relationships. A huge part of the state completely denies and prohibits this form of love, even to the point of imposing the death penalty on its participants.

Some states do not relate to same-sex marriage in any way, that is, they support the traditional form between a man and a woman, but at the same time do not react or punish couples consisting of women or men.

Some countries, due to the lack of legislative regulation on their territory, recognize marriages registered in another state.

And the most loyal countries not only support this form of marriage, but also allow such same-sex marriages to be legalized.

Same-sex marriage is now legal throughout the United States. It would seem that this is good, because universal equality before the law can only make us happy. However, not everyone agrees with this. The speed of modern news and communication is so great that almost immediately the news of the Supreme Court verdict was followed by furious objections - as well as dire prophecies of the impending collapse of society. The easiest way to attribute such a reaction to the senseless anger of people who are not ready to admit that humanity is not obliged to adhere to their outdated views. Many people perceive it this way. But what if they are wrong? What if there are serious scientific reasons to fear same-sex marriage? After all, as we know, when same-sex marriage was legalized in Britain, it led to terrible floods, and now, when we are talking about a country of the size and importance of the United States, the consequences can be very catastrophic. Here are a few possibilities to consider. Perverting the laws of nature Governor Mike Huckabee noted that the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage would pervert the laws of nature - and this is impossible. He wrote on his Twitter page: "The Supreme Court is unable to overturn the laws of nature and God on marriage - just as it is unable to overturn the law of gravity." However, now same-sex marriage is legal, which means that people are still capable of perverting the laws of nature. This conclusion gives rise to many problems, since these laws are responsible for literally everything on our planet. If LGBT people really know how to change them to their liking, we, of course, will hope that the matter will be limited to an increase in the number of rainbows, but no one can guarantee this. What if some frivolous homosexual, unable to cope with a heavy suitcase, decides to reduce the mass of the Earth in order to reduce gravity? We will all suddenly fly out of the atmosphere! Of course, nothing like this could happen if same-sex marriages were as natural as opposite-sex marriages. After all, in nature, heterosexual marriages occur all the time. Crowds of creatures of all kinds constantly rush to natural registry offices to sign naturally occurring documents, thanks to which their marriages will be recognized within the framework of natural law. Penguins are especially famous for this - it’s not for nothing that they always wear wedding suits. Too Many Rainbows As expected, the celebrations over the new same-sex marriage law resulted in a huge number of rainbows appearing everywhere. The rainbow is an LGBT symbol, so it makes sense. And there's nothing wrong with rainbows, right? Wrong! Rainbows look harmless, but just think about how they affect the vision of all those who are forced to look at them. We perceive colors thanks to special photoreceptor cells located in the retina of the eye. Because of their organic nature, these cells become “tired” if they encounter the same stimulus for a long time. Accordingly, due to the ubiquity of rainbows, people may become unable to distinguish colors. This will be a real disaster! How then will they understand which light to cross the street at and which wire to cut when defusing a bomb? What will happen to the children? In childhood, the visual cortex of the brain is not yet fully formed, and its development depends on what the child sees. If he is constantly exposed to a series of bright primary colors arranged in the same sequence, it may permanently distort his color perception. Future generations are in danger! Please, someone, at least think about the CHILDREN! Climate change The legalization of same-sex marriage will have one obvious result - there will be more marriages. This means that there will be more weddings. Meanwhile, at weddings, many people usually gather in one place, and this place becomes very warm as each person generates a lot of heat. In addition, people travel to weddings, often traveling long distances. This requires vehicles, most of which emit carbon dioxide. The situation is further aggravated by “foreign weddings”, in which the happy couple and their guests fly abroad to celebrate - despite the fact that each flight means new CO2 emissions. An increase in the number of weddings will also increase the number of such weddings, and this increases the danger of global warming and its potential scale. Thus, opponents of same-sex marriage could quite convincingly appeal to the threat of climate change. It’s even surprising that none of them have done this before. Slippery slopes One of the main arguments against gay marriage is that marriage is necessary for procreation, and same-sex couples do not reproduce. However, if the legalization of same-sex marriage distorts the laws of nature, then the laws that do not allow same-sex couples to reproduce no longer apply, and such marriages may well produce offspring! There is another argument - the “slippery slope”. He suggests that the legalization of same-sex marriage will inevitably lead to the legalization of polygamy, incest, or even marriage with animals, such as cats and dogs. What if this happens and people start legally marrying animals? Since we have abolished the laws of nature, children will begin to be born in these marriages. How can this end? Of course, with the emergence of a race of hybrids, half-humans, half-beasts! We will turn the Earth into Dr. Moreau's planet, and human civilization will end. Yes, we still have to admit that most of these “possibilities” are unlikely and, rather, resemble feverish delirium. Dean Burnett has never been invited to a same-sex wedding, but he's not offended by it.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Countries that allow same-sex marriage

Here is a list of countries that have legalized same-sex marriage:

  1. The Netherlands has allowed such love since 2001;
  2. In South Africa, such relations can be legalized since 2006;
  3. Spain, Canada have accepted homosexuality since 2005;
  4. Belgium has legalized homosexuality since 2003;
  5. The USA, regardless of state, has been registering unions between male or female couples since 2015;
  6. Portugal has been registering since 2010;
  7. Norway has accepted homosexuality since 2009;
  8. Germany, Malta and Australia have allowed such marriages since 2017;
  9. Iceland and Argentina have allowed such love since 2010;
  10. New Zealand and Uruguay have accepted homosexuality and lesbianism since 2013;
  11. In Denmark, such relationships can be legalized since 2012;
  12. England, depending on the provinces from 2014, 2015;
  13. France accepted same-sex relationships in 2013;
  14. Colombia since April 2021, while the named state went the furthest and in 2021 formalized a marriage between three men at once;
  15. Finland accepts this relationship from 2021;
  16. Israel officially prohibits same-sex relationships, but it allows and recognizes relationships registered in another country;
  17. Sweden legalized a similar union in 2009;
  18. Mexico, depending on the cities, began to accept this love since 2010;
  19. Brazil has been registering marriages since 2013;
  20. Luxembourg has accepted homosexuality since 2015;
  21. In Slovenia, such relations can be legalized from 2021.

Below we list a list of countries where other forms of same-sex relationships are registered.

Civil partnership:

  1. Czech Republic since 2006;
  2. Andorra since 2005;
  3. Falkland Islands since 2005;
  4. Switzerland since 2007;
  5. Austria since 2010;
  6. Liechtenstein, Croatia since 2014;
  7. Cyprus, Greece since 2015.

Civil Union:

  1. Italy from 2021;
  2. Some states of Venezuela since 2006;
  3. Hungary since 2009;
  4. Ecuador since 2014;
  5. Chile since 2015;
  6. In Estonia, cohabitation agreements have been registered since 2016.

Read also: Field registration of marriage

As can be seen from the list presented, the majority of tolerant states in this regard are European countries; Russia is not one of them.

List of countries where other forms of same-sex unions are registered

Countries where same-sex marriage is legal refer to this decision primarily as a legal action that entails the acquisition or termination of rights, for example, in relation to:

  • property and inheritance;
  • testifying in court;
  • parenthood;
  • raising children;
  • other rights that unregistered couples are deprived of.

Gay activists are criticizing the replacement of marriage registration with the alternative solution of entering into a civil partnership. Indeed, in such cases, the couple is not subject to the rules of law related to the above points. They are guaranteed only when homosexual marriages are officially registered.

State nameLegal status
BelgiumLegalized cohabitation legally regulates the issues of renting housing, running a joint household and inheritance.
FranceA civil agreement of solidarity guarantees greater legal security than simple cohabitation, but less than marriage.
GermanyCivil partnerships concluded before 01.10.2017 continue to exist. After this date, same-sex couples are allowed to marry.
Great BritainCivil partnerships have the same rights and responsibilities as gay marriages in Europe.
CzechThe partnership gives the couple the right to alimony and inheritance. Widow payments and joint adoption of children are not permitted.
SwitzerlandRegistration of a same-sex partnership regulates issues of medical, pension insurance, artificial insemination and reproductive medicine.
GreeceRegistering a partnership guarantees rights related to taxation, property and inheritance.

The conclusion of same-sex unions regulates a different range of rights and responsibilities, and may be available in different countries for homosexual and opposite-sex couples.

Countries where same-sex marriages and unions are registered give the couple property and inheritance rights, but with restrictions on adoption, artificial insemination and surrogacy.

Which countries prohibit same-sex unions?

Here is a list of countries where same-sex marriage is simply prohibited:

  1. Russia;
  2. India;
  3. Almost all African countries;
  4. Asian states;
  5. States of South and Central America;
  6. Oceania.

In the following countries, if homosexuality or lesbianism is discovered, you can lose your life:

  1. Saudi Arabia;
  2. Iran;
  3. Sudan.

Serious punishments will also follow in:

  1. UAE;
  2. Malaysia;
  3. Pakistan;
  4. Tanzania;
  5. Barbados.

You definitely shouldn’t hope for changes in legislation, as well as relaxations for same-sex couples in countries on this list.

Denominations that strongly criticize homosexuality

Orthodox priests still have an extremely negative attitude towards same-sex marriage. They consider homosexuality a grave sin that must be actively fought against. Our country is an Orthodox state, so the answer to the question of whether same-sex marriage is allowed in Russia still remains negative and will remain so for at least several more decades.

In a number of states, same-sex relationships are not only condemned, but also strictly punished by law. These are countries such as:

  1. African states.
  2. Countries of Asia and South America.
  3. Oceania.
  4. United Arab Emirates.
  5. Sudan.
  6. Iran.
  7. Malaysia.
  8. Pakistan.
  9. Saudi Arabia.
  10. Tanzania.
  11. Barbados.

In these states, religion has a huge influence on the lives of citizens. It is worth noting that many of them are Muslim countries. Islam is a fairly strict religion with strong traditions and established foundations. Homosexual relations in Muslim countries are punishable by death.

What is the situation in Russia

If we consider the situation as a whole, out of the total number of countries in the world, which is 251 states, only 10% of the total number of countries allow this form of same-sex love.
Another 5% allow another form of registration of such relationships. Other countries adhere to traditional principles and recognize only heterosexual marriages, that is, between a man and a woman.

Russia is not among the countries that recognize, much less allow, registration of same-sex love. This is directly evidenced by the provisions of the current RF IC, in which marriage is understood as a union between a man and a woman.

Russia does not impose bans or penalties on such couples, but it does not give permission to legalize such relationships, and this situation is unlikely to change in the near future.

The question of whether same-sex marriage is legalized is particularly acute today, since over the past 20 years a number of countries have legalized such relationships. However, some states not only do not accept this form of relationship, but also punish it, and in some states you can lose your life because of same-sex love.

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