Are there differences between the concepts of “staffing” and “staffing”?

By virtue of the law, each company maintains a number of mandatory and auxiliary documents at the local level, which allow not only the efficient use of labor resources, but also analyze their inflow or outflow.

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One of these documents is the staffing arrangement, which makes it possible to track many nuances of personnel processes in a single form.

What it is?

The arrangement, or list, as it is also called, is a table based on the staffing table, but with additional information to simplify the analysis of personnel movements.

In particular, the following data is reflected in the arrangement:

  • number of staff units with a simultaneous family list of employees;
  • the size of salaries and allowances;
  • additional information, for example, part-time work or the employee’s belonging to a preferential category;
  • information about admission, transfer or dismissal.

That is, just one form contains all the information about the company’s human resources, starting from the actual number of workers and ending with the range of salaries, not to mention recording the disabled or minors, as well as mothers on maternity leave and other categories, the specifics of which have some differences.

Normative base

The law does not establish the form of staffing, as well as the rules for its implementation, which does not mean a complete absence of regulation.

Thus, clauses 98-99 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 372 dated May 30, 2008 contain explanations on the rules for creating and maintaining the specified document, including the main subsections and a list of necessary information, as well as persons who may be authorized to draw up the arrangement.

Also, a mention of a staff certificate is contained in Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558, which approved a list of standard management documents issued in the course of the economic activities of a particular enterprise.

That is, the law does not contain a direct indication of the maintenance of the specified document, but the company has the right to approve the procedure for registering the placement independently, based on the need to streamline personnel information or on the basis of industry regulations, if any have been created.

Unified form T3 - how to fill it out correctly?

Standard form No. T3 “Staffing table” is confirmed by the order of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. As a rule, this form is used when preparing the staffing table.

You can download a staffing table template in WORD format here.

Some experts in the legislative field believe that the use of this form itself should be mandatory for employers, while attempts to draw up a schedule in any form will lead to problems with accounting both within the organization and with external regulatory authorities.

Sample store staffing table not in T-3 form.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

The question of the lack of alternative to form No. T-3 “Staffing table” arose from Article Nine of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ. According to this article, basic accounting documentation is taken into account only if it is drawn up in accordance with the configuration of unified forms.

Only certain options and sections of documentation that are not provided for in this section can be drawn up in free form, but they must certainly include all, without exception, the details noted in Article 9 of the Law “On Accounting”.

By Federal Decree No. 835 of July 8, 1997, the creation and confirmation of albums of unified forms of basic accounting documents was imposed on the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (now the Federal State Statistics Service).

From this we can conclude that if this committee has adopted one or another form or configuration, then it becomes standard without fail.

However, important information is missed here - after all, Goskomstat was given the authority to create unified forms of primary documentation. But what is such documentation?

A primary document is considered only such a document, with the help of which one or another business procedure of the company is drawn up, which finds a response in accounting.

However, the staffing table is not a document documenting any such actions. The staffing table is not used as a tool for accounting operations. That is, the employer has the right to draw up the staffing table in any form, and use the mandatory unified form only as a recommended sample.

When filling out the form in any form, a person does not violate any laws and is not subject to fines or sanctions.

What is it for?

As a rule, the staffing table contains only the name of the position with the number of units, while the arrangement is initially formed with the names of employees, which allows you to enter a lot of data into the table and thus solve certain problems.

In particular:

  • calculate the availability of vacancies;
  • track staff turnover;
  • determine part-time positions;
  • establish the number of disabled people or pensioners in the state, which is important when reporting to superiors or the same pension fund.

The arrangement also allows you to see the range of salaries, which is very convenient if at the enterprise positions are tied to ranks or classes, as well as bonuses and additional payments for those other achievements or working conditions.

And of course, you can enter data on vacations into the table, taking into account that some categories of employees may have several of them, for example, for long hours and dangerous working conditions.

That is, based on the staff list, you can easily quickly present a lot of data, ranging from the actual number of employees, to vacant positions and ending with preferential categories and the amount of earnings, not to mention the preparation of reports to the tax, pension fund or employment center in a short time .

What tasks does staffing help solve?

determine the availability of vacancies;

establish the number of pensioners and disabled people in the state;

analyze the salary range, etc.

In companies with a large number of employees and constant turnover, drawing up staffing will be especially relevant. If any position is vacated, an employee of the HR department, using this document, will be able to easily find a suitable candidate for the vacant position from among the existing employees.

Is it a mandatory document?

Despite the fact that Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558 in its list of standard documentation contains the name of the document as staffing, maintaining this document is not mandatory, and personnel employees may not create it.

However, if the requirements for maintaining a staff list are contained in industry orders, which is relevant for Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation, the list will need to be included in the list of mandatory personnel documentation.

Rules for filling out work books are presented on our website. Is an employment contract in electronic form legal? Find out here.

How is it different from staffing?

Both the staffing table and the placement of staff relate to personnel documentation, which, despite similar features, as well as the use of the same type of data, still has some differences, both in the form itself and in the order of compilation and maintenance.

Basic moments

The main differences in the two documents are as follows:

Required to be kept in the companyNot required
Contains the quantitative name of positionsIt is deciphered by surname with reference to each position
Has an approved T-3 formCompiled in random order
Reflects only data approved by lawHas additional columns to reflect personal information of employees, as well as data on personnel movements

Purposes of compilation

Despite the fact that both the schedule and the organization’s staffing arrangement have similar features, both documents have different purposes:

  • The schedule is intended to approve the number of workers in accordance with the available volume of work, as well as distribute them in accordance with the developed structural hierarchy.
  • The arrangement is for informational purposes only to simplify the preparation of planned reporting, not to mention tracking staff turnover or the availability of preferential categories in the state.

Differences in examples

The staffing form is approved by State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1 and has 10 standard columns reflecting basic information - from the title of the position to the salary.

Staffing table

The personnel list may have several more columns, where, for example, the names of workers, numbers of orders for transfer or provision of maternity leave are indicated, as well as information about the occupation of a part-time position by two employees at the same time.

Staffing arrangement

Procedure for accepting the ShR

The staffing table is compiled by any official of the organization to whom such powers are delegated (manager, accountant, human resources specialist). When drawing it up, it is necessary to rely on labor legislation and internal regulations of the company. In particular, these may be:

  • Charter;
  • enterprise structure (if any);
  • accounting policy;
  • professional standards;
  • calculations of monthly official salaries;
  • other legal and regulatory technical documents.

Sometimes, before drawing up the HR, another personnel normative act is drawn up - the structure of the organization: a diagram of all divisions, their relationship and subordination. This form is also not mandatory, but it is easier to draw up a sample SR based on it.

The staffing table can only be approved by an order signed by the head of the organization or another authorized person. Moreover, the right to issue such orders must be initially secured in the constituent documents. A round seal is not placed on this document, even if the organization uses it.

Important nuances

When defining professions and positions, you cannot take their names, as they say, “out of thin air.” You should adhere to the names contained in qualification reference books or approved professional standards. Moreover, in some cases this is mandatory: Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that if any positions, specialties or professions are related to the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of contraindications, then their names must strictly coincide with the names and requirements from regulatory documents , i.e.

professional standards and reference books. Similar requirements apply to specialists who have the right to early retirement. In this case, you should also be guided by lists 1 and 2 of industries, works, professions and indicators that give the right to preferential pensions (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26.

1991 N 10 and resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated 08/22/1956 N 1173). If these requirements are neglected, then an employee whose work book will indicate an actually fictitious profession may have problems when applying for a pension. And entries in the labor record can only be made in accordance with the staffing table and the employment order. In addition, for failure to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an administrative fine may be imposed on the employer.

Another difficulty may arise when in the SR form you need to indicate not a profession or position, but a specific type of work. This issue is not regulated by law, but in practice, employers are often forced to indicate exactly the type of work in order to avoid problems when confirming a reduction in staff or number of employees.

This is necessary when there are also positions in the organization. In this case, you can use the Procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20. This document states that the management of the organization can issue an order (instruction) and indicate all additional details to be entered into the form T-3. If the organization uses only types of work and the number of employees is small, the ShR may not be compiled.

Another difficulty that personnel officers encounter when drawing up a staffing table based on the T-3 form is related to freelance employees. Such employees can be considered persons who cooperate with the organization on the basis of civil contracts. By virtue of Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they are not subject to either labor legislation or other acts containing labor law norms.

Sample of filling out staffing - BankirKi

Therefore, they have nothing to do with ShR, because they perform one-time jobs. However, in practice, freelancers sometimes include workers employed on the basis of an employment contract and performing a specific type of work. If the employer has not issued an order and has not included such work in the SR, a peculiar situation arises: there is no position, but there is an employee. It is advisable to avoid such situations.

Changes in SR always occur on the basis of an order. Such amendments may be related to:

  • with the exclusion of vacancies due to organizational changes in the company’s work;
  • introducing new staffing positions if business expansion is necessary;
  • reduction of staffing units associated with a reduction in numbers or staff;
  • changes in salaries;
  • renaming departments, names of structural units, etc.

Changes can be made to the current ShR form or simply approve a new document based on the old sample. In both cases, documentation will be required, as well as related documents. In addition, legal requirements must be strictly observed. For example, when reducing the number of employees, it is necessary to issue an order to exclude certain positions from the staffing table, as well as to introduce a new schedule, observing the requirements of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This article defines the employer's obligation to provide notice of layoffs at least two months in advance. Therefore, the date of entry into force of the updated SR with occupied positions cannot occur earlier than two months after the issuance of the order to make changes (for example, the date of issue of the order to make changes is 02/15/2019, and changes must be put into effect no earlier than 04/16/2019 ). If the changes concern vacancies, this deadline may not be met.

Similarly, when changing salaries, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a change in the terms of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer is allowed only if it is a consequence of a change in organizational or technological working conditions. It is also necessary to notify all employees whose salaries are to change about this no later than two months in advance.

Staffing in 2021

In most cases, the personnel list is drawn up on the basis of the staffing table, but taking into account some nuances consisting in additional subsections intended to enter some of the information indicated above.

What does the form look like?

The personnel list is a form in the form of a table, which is based on the standard staffing table with several additional columns entered both in the middle of the table and at the end:

  • A list of employees by name is given immediately after column 4, which reflects the number of staff positions in order to clearly see who occupies what position and what qualifications they have.
  • After the note, which usually indicates some nuances of payment (for example, the amount of hourly wages), another column is entered, which reflects the employee’s presence on maternity leave or holding a certain position in a part-time mode.
  • This is followed by information about belonging to a preferential category and the amount of leave.
  • In the last subsection, it is advisable to enter information about the date the employee was hired or transferred in order to conveniently calculate the total length of service at the enterprise or the right to the same annual leave.

The fields can be filled out either electronically or in handwritten form, supplementing with the necessary information as needed.

What is a tariff-free wage system? Find out from the article. How to issue an order to transfer vacation to another date? See here.

Can your boss refuse to let you go on vacation? Read here.

How and by whom is it filled out?

As a rule, a personnel list is maintained to summarize information about the employees available on staff, so filling out the placement is mainly carried out by the personnel inspector, who has all the information about the reception and movement of the company’s labor resources.

Completed sample 2020

Of course, if you have computer skills, creating a table for entering personnel data is not difficult, but it is time-consuming, so you can download a sample for free on our website as a basis, which can then be optimized for the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Staffing arrangement (example)

Standard form (excel)

You can download the excel form below, given that it is more expedient to create documents in tabular form and subsequently work with them using the specified program.

Staff arrangement (form)

Who signs?

Considering that the arrangement is not obligatory to maintain and is filled out only for convenience in personnel work, the specified document is signed by the employee who actually maintains it.

However, if the preparation of a personnel list is regulated by industry orders and, therefore, is mandatory, in addition to the person responsible for maintaining the placement, the signature of the chief accountant must also be present.

How and by what is it approved?

The staffing table comes into force only after approval of the specified document by order of the enterprise. Accordingly, in order for the arrangement to gain legal force, a similar order must be issued for the personnel list.

Order (sample)

A sample order can be found below.

Order on approval of staffing

Who's leading?

As a rule, the human resources department, which may consist of several employees, works with a personnel arrangement. That is why, when issuing an order to approve the staff list, it is more expedient to immediately specify the person responsible for maintaining the specified document.

Shelf life

As part of Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558, the standard staffing table is stored at the enterprise in accordance with paragraph 71 for at least 3 years. But the shelf life of the arrangement, by virtue of clause 74, is 75 years, given that the specified document contains personal data of the company’s employees.


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Nuances of staffing when registering?

The unified form provides for signatures such as the head of the human resources department, the chief accountant, and a seal is not placed here. By law, no specific deadlines for approval of this schedule are established, and each manager is responsible for this issue independently. But he has the right to contact the marketing department for a service to set up Yandex Direct for his online company.

There may be amendments to the schedule when it is necessary to add a new position or structural unit, as well as write out. For the changes to take effect, an order must be drawn up. To make changes to the staffing table, you can go in two ways:

  • issue an order for the necessary changes;
  • issue an order to approve the new staffing table.

The company's staffing table is kept permanently, so it can be taken out when it is needed by the head of the company or his deputy.

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