All about the report to the employment center for labor protection: sample filling, deadlines for submission

Why was the new report introduced?

The new report “Information on changes in the number and underemployment of workers in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection” was introduced by a separate order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 152 dated March 24, 2020. This type of monitoring is intended to analyze the situation on the labor market in Russia that has developed due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Restrictive measures—the widespread isolation of Russians—have led to a sharp decline in the level of employment of citizens. The number of unemployed is increasing. Businesses cannot withstand the absence of clients and consumers; employers do not have the funds to pay wages. If possible, employers transfer subordinates to remote work, send them on vacation, and declare downtime. But in practice, most of the workers were sent on unpaid leave or fired altogether. To analyze the decline in employment, officials are introducing a new type of reporting.

Operational monitoring of employment in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection differs significantly from standard reporting:

  1. Reporting can only be done electronically.
  2. To provide information, an account in the Unified Identification and Logistics Agency “Gosuslugi” is required.
  3. The employer needs to create a personal account on the “Work in Russia” portal.
  4. Information is provided only as personnel changes occur.
  5. Mandatory reporting will be introduced from 04/01/2020.

What it is

Job quotas are the allocation of a minimum number of jobs in organizations for the hiring of citizens who especially need social protection and have difficulty finding work: people with disabilities and some other categories.
Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” provides for the obligation of organizations with more than 100 employees to create or allocate jobs for the employment of disabled people. The size of such a quota is determined by the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and can be no less than 2 and no more than 4 percent of the average number of employees. For employers whose number of employees ranges from 35 to 100 people, the legislation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may also establish a quota for hiring disabled people in an amount not exceeding 3 percent of the average number of employees.

Currently, when calculating the size of the quota for hiring disabled people, the average number of employees is not included in the average number of employees whose working conditions are classified as harmful and dangerous.

Quotas for employment of other categories of citizens, as well as the categories of persons themselves who, in the opinion of local authorities, need special social protection, are established by regional laws.

Who rents

All Russian employers, without exception, are required to submit information about changes in the number of employees, as well as underemployment of employees due to the spread of coronavirus infection, but the report is submitted only as the number of personnel changes.

Grounds for submitting information for the purpose of operational monitoring of employment in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection:

  • dismissal (termination of an employment contract with an employee);
  • temporary transfer to remote work;
  • simple (suspension of activities);
  • reduction of working hours (transfer to part-time work);
  • staff reduction (regardless of the reasons).

If there are no changes listed above, then you do not need to submit a report.


Only organizations that have submitted information will be able to participate in events aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market, planned by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for submitting a report to the central control center

The labor safety report for the labor protection center is drawn up in paper form and submitted to the territorial body of the Employment Service at the place of registration of the organization (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur).

The deadline for submitting the report is established by local legislative acts of the region. As a rule, the report is submitted quarterly, within a specified period after the end of the reporting period (for example, within 10 days after the end of the quarter).

In order to receive a report form and find out the procedure for filling it out, the employer must contact the territorial central control center at the place of registration.

Which form to use

The report form “Information on changes in the number and underemployment of workers due to the spread of coronavirus infection” is not provided. Information must be entered into a special electronic form on the all-Russian portal “Work in Russia”.


To submit reports, you need to create a personal employer account on the “Work in Russia” portal. This can only be done by organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered on the Unified Identification and Logistics Portal “Gosuslugi”.

Occupational safety report to the Employment Service: who submits

Information on employers’ compliance with labor safety requirements for the Employment Service is a report, the procedure for drawing up and submitting which is regulated by regional executive authorities. This means that the report is mandatory and requires preparation and submission, subject to the presence of such requirements in the local legislative acts of the region.

In general, filing a labor safety report is required for all employers. However, local regulations may contain reporting requirements only for certain categories of employers. For example, in some regions the obligation to submit information on compliance with labor protection requirements is assigned to:

  • organizations with more than 100 employees;
  • enterprises that involve employees in harmful/dangerous working conditions;
  • companies that, according to the Rostrud classification, are assigned a high or medium level of risk.

Where and how to submit

Information is submitted on the official website “Work in Russia”. To do this, you need to create a personal employer account. Use your account on the State Services portal.

Instructions on how to create a personal account:

Step 1. Follow the link to the all-Russian portal “Work in Russia”. On the page that opens, select the option “Login for employers” - “Log in via ESIA”.

Step 2. In the window that opens, select the organization or individual entrepreneur that you plan to register in your personal account on the portal.

Step 3. After selecting a specific employer, the “Organization Registration” form will open. If a legal entity or entrepreneur with the specified OGRN/OGRNIP is registered on the portal, the system will offer to join the registered company. Select the appropriate item.

Step 4: Next, you need to define the role of the registrant. You must select the "Owner" role.

Step 5: Now click on the “Save” button. After this, the user gains access to his personal account on the all-Russian portal “Work in Russia”.


A new form regarding reporting for employees near retirement age exists and must be filed within the required time frame.

However, neither its form nor the rules for submission are established by law at the official level, which allows local authorities to independently regulate the options for submitting data, and on the other hand, ensures that employers avoid liability for ignoring the requirements.

How and where to submit information on employees of pre-retirement age - watch this video:

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How to fill it out correctly

Once you have access to your personal account, proceed to fill out the information.


Information must be submitted taking into account the regions: if an institution has several branches or separate divisions in different regions of Russia, then it is necessary to fill out information for each separately. To do this, select the desired subject of the Russian Federation in the “Region” field when filling out the electronic report.

Instructions on how to fill out the report:

Electronic report block Comments on filling
Section "General information about the legal entity" In the block we indicate:
  • full name of the organization or individual entrepreneur who is the employer;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • form of ownership;
  • TIN;
  • main type of activity according to OKVED.
Section "Location address" We indicate the legal and actual address of the employer.
Section “Data about the applicant” We enter the full name and position of the employer (indicate the middle name if available). Then enter your contact phone number and email address.
Section “Information on changes in headcount and part-time employment” We enter factual information about the number of personnel, planned layoffs, and the presence of wage arrears.

After filling out the information, check the report. If everything is specified correctly, click on the “Submit Information” button.

Sample of a completed report:

Sample employee employment report

Is it necessary to use the reporting form?

Based on the fact that in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no mention of a unified form of the document, and generally no requirements for its presentation, we can clearly say that it is not mandatory.

However, in presenting firm requirements, Rostrud indicates that this form is mandatory on the basis of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation - clause 3, section 3 of the minutes of the meeting No. 16, as well as in accordance with the provisions of Protocol No. 1 of July 10, 2021.

It follows that employers whose enterprises employ older people have an obligation to submit reports unquestioningly.

Sample of filling out a new report form.

How to fill out a report correctly

The new report should reflect basic information about the enterprise in the header, and employees in the main part, it follows that the form should be filled out as follows:

  • name of the organization;
  • TIN. How to obtain a TIN for an individual - read here;
  • checkpoint;
  • the number of employees in 1959 and 1962 who are at the enterprise or who quit during the reporting period. Find out how to calculate the average number of employees and when this indicator is needed by following the link.

It is important to note once again that the number should apply to all employees who worked and are working at the enterprise during the reporting period.

Based on the fact that this report concerns information regarding the number of employees, the number of employees should be indicated in its form, and there is no need to indicate the personal data of each.

Sample of filling out a new report form.


On the one hand, reporting is not mandatory and therefore there should be no penalties, but on the other hand, fines are provided on the basis of Art. 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to this document, the fines will be as follows:

  • for individuals - a warning or a fine of 100 - 300 rubles;
  • if the violator is an official, then liability is provided in the amount of 300 - 500 rubles;
  • for an organization, liability is measured much higher, from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 19.7. Failure to provide information (information)

Failure to submit or untimely submission to a state body (official), body (official) exercising (carrying out) state control (supervision), state financial control, organization authorized in accordance with federal laws to exercise state supervision (official), body (official) exercising (carrying out) municipal control, municipal financial control, information (information), the submission of which is provided for by law and is necessary for this body (official) to carry out its legal activities, or submission to a state body (official), body (official) exercising (carrying out) state control (supervision), state financial control, organization authorized in accordance with federal laws to exercise state supervision (official), body (official) exercising (executing) municipal control, municipal financial control, such information (information) in incomplete or distorted form, except for the cases provided for in Article 6.16, Part 2 of Article 6.31, Parts 1, 2 and 4 of Article 8.28.1, Article 8.32.1, Part 5 of Article 14.5, Part 2 of Article 6.31, Part 4 of Article 14.28, Part 1 of Article 14.46.2, Articles 19.7.1, 19.7.2, 19.7.2-1, 19.7.3, 19.7.5, 19.7.5-1, 19.7.5- 2, 19.7.7, 19.7.8, 19.7.9, 19.7.12, 19.7.13, 19.7.14, 19.8, 19.8.3 of this Code - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to three hundred rubles ; for officials - from three hundred to five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Job quotas Moscow reporting

I didn’t find a suitable topic, so I’m creating one. Only in one place. It is advisable to find a suitable sample and a blank form. Minimum pensions vary significantly in the regions of Russia, even if they are very close to each other.

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At the same time, the specific date for sending reports is not regulated anywhere, and it should be clarified with the regional office of the employment service. For failure to fulfill this obligation, the article provides for real liability - each failure to submit a report can result in a fine:

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