When concluding an employment contract, by agreement of the parties, it may provide for a condition on
What are disability codes on sick leave? This is the reason for the absence of a subordinate at the enterprise
In the article you will learn what types of liability for violation of labor protection requirements exist for
08/28/2019 0 202 5 min. Unsatisfactory financial condition of the company, as well as negligence in conducting
The main document of a working person has been and remains a work book. No matter how heated the debate is about
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 03/03/2016
One of the most common comments during scheduled and unscheduled GIT inspections is a violation
The head of the institution is responsible for the state of safe working conditions in his enterprise. Therefore it
Types of GPC agreements There are three types of GPC agreements, which differ in their content: contract agreement,
Filling out a payment slip for UTII: problematic details Other payment details may not be available in practice