Sample application
Monthly allowance and lump sum payments upon birth of a child in 2021
What payments are due? Payments for children can be one-time or monthly. Lump sums include: benefits
How to avoid mistakes in formalizing labor relations
In addition to the usual earnings in rubles, payment of wages in non-monetary form is allowed.
What taxes are charged on sick leave in 2021?
What taxes and contributions are levied on disability benefits? Is sick leave subject to personal income tax?
Taxes on sick leave: legal regulation The main regulatory document regulating what taxes are charged on
Notifications about the conclusion and termination of the contract from A to Z
Why do you need to draw up a notice of dismissal of a foreigner? In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art.
Baby with dad
Can a husband receive maternity benefits at his place of work if his wife does not work?
Photo: Updated: 03.27.2020 According to the law, the father has the right to parental leave
Part-time work at 0.5 rate: how to apply correctly
Many citizens of the country are forced to work at several enterprises at the same time in order to have enough money to pay
Formula 1
What is the effective income tax rate and how to calculate it?
The real tax burden is determined using the effective income tax rate. For domestic companies
temporary worker
Temporary worker: features of hiring and dismissal. Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Fixed-term employment contract
An employee whom the manager accepts as a member of the enterprise for a certain period is a temporary worker. WITH
The concept of wages and its legal regulation, according to labor legislation
The concept and composition of wages Remuneration is one of the main conditions of labor relations between
Contract agreement with an individual: payment and conclusion procedure
The difference between a civil contract and an employment contract When concluding a civil law contract (CLA), you must carefully monitor
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