Length of leave for teachers
Duration of annual leave for kindergarten teachers and assistants - how many main and additional days?
08/11/2019 0 1874 4 min. The Labor Code provides all working citizens with a guarantee of paid rest
Standard instructions on labor protection when working on personal computers
GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1.1. Only trained persons are allowed to work with personal electronic computers (PCs).
Sample application for part of annual paid leave
Application for vacation - sample Application for vacation - a document that you need to be able to draw up
The term of a fixed-term employment contract ends during vacation
In the course of its activities, every enterprise or organization resorts to the help of hired employees, in
Photo 4
Who, according to the law, pays maternity benefits - the employer or the state?
Pregnancy and motherhood are a special time for every woman. To the mass of impressions and experiences of the young
Types of orders at the enterprise. We create, communicate to employees and cancel
THREE TYPES OF ORDERS Our dictionary An order is a legal act adopted by the head of an organization, acting alone,
job description for occupational safety specialist
Occupational safety specialist: job description. Occupational safety specialist: main responsibilities
As you know, every employee at any enterprise must have his own job title.
Additional agreement for the extension of a fixed-term employment contract
Home / Labor law / Employment / Employment contract / Additional agreement Back Published:
When do you need a medical certificate when applying for a job?
What kind of certificate may be required when applying for a job? Usually a certificate 086u is required, but it is possible
Application for voluntary dismissal with an open date: some aspects of judicial practice
When this is possible Drawing up such a document is often a tool of manipulation on the part of the employer. Sometimes
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