Order on timing of salary payment sample
What type of order is an order regarding the timing of payment of wages?
What happens if the deadlines for paying salaries are not fixed anywhere? If this fact is discovered by inspectors,
Accounting for other expenses of non-profit organizations in 1C: Accounting ed. 3.0
Bank commission: grounds for its accrual The basis for accruing commissions are support agreements
Unreasonable refusal to hire in 2021
An employer's groundless refusal to hire a specialist is not uncommon. Often the applicant feels
Account 58: financial investments. Example, wiring
In the process of financial and economic activity, enterprises strive to make monetary investments, using
Working hours for disabled people
How to hire a disabled person in 2021 according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
When passing a medical and social commission, people with disabilities are assigned a disability group and are also prescribed
Boorish behavior of an employee at work: procedure, responsibility
Rudeness at work is an unpleasant but common situation that brings discord into relationships within.
The procedure for changing an employee’s job function
Change in the labor function of an employee at the initiative of the employer in 2021 according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
06/18/2019 0 324 5 min. Upon employment, each employee is required to perform certain duties in
How is recycling calculated?
What fine is imposed on an employer for overworking an employee?
Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: general information Before approaching the study of Article 99 of the Labor Code
how much is maternity pay?
Maternity payments in 2021: how to calculate in a new way
Who is entitled to receive maternity benefits in 2021 Maternity benefits
General information about the internship
We are drawing up a Regulation on internship at the workplace: sample 2021
In what cases is it necessary Although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not define the concept of “internship”, in
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