Bank commission: grounds for its accrual The basis for accruing commissions are support agreements
When passing a medical and social commission, people with disabilities are assigned a disability group and are also prescribed
In addition to the usual earnings in rubles, payment of wages in non-monetary form is allowed.
The real tax burden is determined using the effective income tax rate. For domestic companies
The difference between a civil contract and an employment contract When concluding a civil law contract (CLA), you must carefully monitor
Is there a difference when calculating personal income tax on vacation pay and sick leave? To report 6-NDFL
Average headcount in DAM 1 Tariff code in DAM 1 2021 is especially important for
Should I submit 6-NDFL zero if there are no employees? Do you want to know how to fill in a zero?
Astral September 27, 2021 7901 Lifehack Charity has long become the norm for many people. TO
Rates of taxes paid upon dismissal under an agreement From the salary accrued to the employee, the employer in