Household characteristics for a child from parents for MSE sample filling

Household characteristics from parents for a psychiatrist sample

Characteristics from the local police inspector for submission. Sample of writing a character reference for a child. Approximate samples of characteristics from neighbors and the district police officer to the court. We draw attention to the fact that the sample characteristics are from neighbors. Sample characteristics from neighbors. Sample household characteristics for a psychiatrist. It may also be needed in a number of other cases. We have already written it many times, write what the child does at home, what he eats. Social and everyday characteristics sample for a psychiatrist from parents. Tell me how to correctly write a household reference for a child for a psychiatrist Information about a sample household reference for a child for a psychiatrist. R Characteristics for a psychiatrist. The profile contains information about citizenship, passport data, parents and family composition. Sample personal reference for a psychiatrist for registration of disability. When you need a so-called household characteristic, or a characteristic from neighbors.

For preschoolers

If a child has developmental problems, the characteristics are provided to the medical commission. Especially when it comes to making a decision about transferring to a group with a speech therapy focus or another specialized educational institution, the characteristics of the child in kindergarten play a big role.

When retelling the text, he misses the main events, as a result of which the meaning of the text is lost. The retelling is carried out using help (leading questions, repeated reading to adults). Difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures - the sequence of events changes.

Sample household characteristics for a child for a psychiatrist

He understands educational instructions, but finds it difficult to work on them independently, has difficulty navigating his way through notebooks in the Russian language and mathematics, and therefore needs help from a teacher and parents. During his studies, he showed himself to be a conscientious, diligent student.

The predominance of underdeveloped regulation of voluntary activity, insufficient focus, and the lack of formation of the self-control function are observed. Personal characteristics: - motivational-need sphere: all tempo characteristics are underestimated. Doesn't understand instructions for assignments the first time. Needs constant support from an adult. -game activity: stereotypical, there is no joint play with peers. Does not understand or accept the rules of the game, showing only short-term interest for no more than 2-3 minutes. Prefers to play alone, stacking cubes and pyramids according to a pattern. In a group of peers (Name) is “not accepted” and lacks initiative. He withdraws from the game. Play activities are not age appropriate.


6. Treats parents with respect, values ​​father's opinion. At the same time, he is afraid of his father and seeks protection from his mother. He doesn’t want to be like any of them. Has a positive and adequate attitude towards parents and grandparents.

We characterize Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich as a disciplined, modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, independent person, amenable to strangers, but at the same time has his own opinion, which he often defends.

Social characteristics sample for a psychiatrist from parents

Apartment buildings can be called a large anthill, in which families seem to live separately, but at the same time are in plain sight. Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact a consultant:. That is, in such houses, and in small villages too, neighbors always know about the basic lifestyle of the people who are next to them. And since, by virtue of the law, some procedures require a description of a particular citizen, they turn to neighbors for data. A household profile is a document drawn up in free form, which sets out basic data about a person, in particular, his lifestyle, social and living situation, as well as some personal qualities. For example, conscientiousness, responsiveness, or a tendency to abuse alcohol and frequently provoke scandals. Within the framework of the law, such a document as a reference from the place of residence from neighbors is not regulated, but at the same time, many procedures require general information about the identity of a person in order to make a final decision. After all, the decision to hire a law enforcement officer or the term of imprisonment in case of committing an offense may depend on how positively or negatively a person is characterized at his place of primary residence.

Characteristics of the child under care: from the class teacher, teacher - samples

To confirm the ability and ability to perform guardianship duties, you need to submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship department containing all the important information about the identity of the guardian and trustee, as well as a package of supporting documents (clause 4 of the “Rules...” approved by Government Decree No. 423):

Emotional, lively, sociable, disciplined, lately she has been reacting aggressively to teachers’ comments and not fulfilling their demands. Has many friends among his peers. A developed sense of collectivism, camaraderie, a sense of duty, and decency. A case of alcohol consumption was noticed (according to the parents). The girl maintains relationships with older boys.

If the applicant is an individual entrepreneur, he cannot write a reference for himself. In this case, the guardianship authorities may request a document from the kindergarten or school where the child is studying. There is also a chance that the OOiP staff will conduct an additional survey of neighbors to find out about the lifestyle of the future adoptive parent.

  • Full name, date of birth, employee position.
  • Seniority. The start date of work in a specific organization is indicated.
  • Description of the employee's job responsibilities. It is advisable to indicate how timely they are completed and whether there are any shortcomings in its work.
  • Information about education. If an employee has undergone advanced training courses, retraining, or constantly participates in seminars, this must be indicated in the document.
  • Professional quality. They are closely related to personal ones. Here it is indicated how the citizen managed to prove himself in his work, how determined he is and tries to achieve positive results from his work, etc.
  • Personal qualities. Relationships with colleagues, punctuality, and diligence at work are described.
  • Merits. If an employee has no fines, received bonuses based on performance, and has not been disciplined for violations, this must be reflected.

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Social and everyday characteristics from parents for a psychiatrist

Who needs? From a subjective point of view, the characteristic will undoubtedly be needed by the one who provides it - the conscript. It’s not for nothing that all young guys of the appropriate age are concerned about it. From an objective point of view - to the institution where the document is submitted, the military registration and enlistment office. Who gives a character reference for a conscript to the military registration and enlistment office? From the school from the place of study The characteristics of a school student are written by his class teacher, in some cases - the head teacher, or any other teacher of this educational institution.

Advice: information is not taken from close acquaintances, friends, relatives, since interested parties cannot give an objective assessment of the person. Regardless of the type of educational institution, the characteristics must indicate the institution that issued it.

Why collect so many papers?

A pedagogical reference for a student child is provided to the ITU authorities for passing a medical commission, which is necessary to confirm the status of a disabled person.

It is not necessary to submit this document with the entire package of papers at once; you can bring it on the day appointed for the examination.

A characteristic is required to establish disability and to develop an IPR. When sent to undergo a medical commission (ITU or previously this organization was VTEC), a list of mandatory documents is issued to determine the status of a disabled child, which includes characteristics for the student.

How the commission goes about determining disability in children and what documents may be needed for this procedure is described in detail in this article.

Grounds for issuance: “Rules for recognizing a person as disabled,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95.

Household characteristics of a child, sample for a psychiatrist

Drawing up a profile for a student or a group of students is one of the most popular, effective and accessible ways to determine and identify the individual psychological characteristics of students. Only a well-written testimonial helps a new teacher quickly establish contact with a student (class), get an idea of ​​his personal qualities, build a plan for further teaching work and create optimal conditions for the student’s development, while a biased testimonial can negatively affect the relationship between the teacher and a student.

Each class teacher is faced with the task of writing characteristics for students in his class: such characteristics may be required by the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, for admission to another school or college, or to the military registration and enlistment office.

Sample reference for a parent to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities

The atmosphere present in the family is reflected in the child’s mood and academic performance. An experienced and attentive teacher will quickly be able to identify the presence of family problems by calling parents for an explanatory conversation. Therefore, if it is necessary to assess the behavior of the mother or father of the child, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities entrust the writing of characteristics to the class teachers.

  1. The characteristic header is located not on the right, but in the middle. You should start with the title, writing the word “Characteristic” in capital letters. The next line indicates the last name, first name and patronymic of the parent (in the genitive case). Next, you need to write what relationship status the subject has with the child, the child’s full name, the school where he is studying and the class.
  2. The next block contains information about the mother or father: address, date of birth, information about education received and place of work. Here you need to write about the composition of the family. If it is a large family, then it is necessary to indicate the number of children, their dates of birth and the social status of this family.
  3. The characterization itself begins from this point. First you need to assess the behavior and attitude of the mother towards her children. It is advisable to write not in general phrases, but give specific examples: attendance at parent-teacher meetings, attitude towards the child and level of concern for him. It wouldn’t hurt to find out from the mother’s neighbors or work colleagues how much time she devotes to the child, and how she speaks about him in ordinary conversations.
  4. Based on the data described above, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about what style of education is present in the family and at what level of relationship the mother and child are.
  5. Next, we should list the personal and moral traits of the mother that can influence the educational process. If the quality of parental responsibilities can be affected by a woman’s work schedule or field of activity, then they should be indicated in the characteristics.
  6. At the end of the document, it is necessary to indicate the purpose of its preparation. The specification must contain the date and signature of the originator. The document is certified by the signature and seal of the school or kindergarten management.

Sample household characteristics for a child for a psychiatrist

The preparation of such a paper should proceed as follows: Characteristics from the place of residence from neighbors to Ermolaev Kirill Olegovich, born on November 24, 2021, living at the address: St. Petersburg, st. XXXX, house X, apartment X.

It is confirmed by the signature of the class teacher, certified in the reception area by the secretary, the date of compilation and two stamps are placed on the form. The following points must be filled out in the characteristics for expert assessment: To compile a pedagogical characteristic for a student sent to undergo ITU, brief basic recommendations are used: For this, be sure to read our other articles about ITU.

Sample household characteristics for a child for a psychiatrist

There are pronunciation defects in speech, insufficient level of vocabulary. Offers. those used by the child are not common, incomplete; constructs statements with the help of a teacher. 1 2. Characteristics of school-relevant skills When completing tasks, he is able to monitor his own activities using a visual model. 1 3. Assessment of study skills The program material is assimilated at a low level. Mathematics: Experiences significant difficulties in performing mathematical operations; ratios and numbers and figures. Reading: The pace of reading is slow, the reading method is letter by letter, retelling based on leading questions, fragmented. 1 4. Attitude to learning activities Learning motivation is not formed: during the lesson does not respond to the teacher’s words; does not understand that during the lesson you need to sit, listen and work; plays with school supplies like a little child. P accepts adult guidance. Poor self-service and work skills.

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Household characteristics

The title of the document indicates the type of document, the person’s name, patronymic and surname, residential address with all the details. Household information from neighbors may contain personal data such as date and place of birth, education, acquired specialties, work experience, since what year they have lived at a given address, composition of family members and the age of children. Why was he remembered by his neighbors, for what positive actions, etc.

Negative household characteristics are not uncommon, as often someone is deprived of parental rights for an immoral lifestyle. Such a description should reflect all complaints from people living nearby, describe the relationships established with neighbors, facts (if, of course, there was such a thing) of alcohol or drug abuse, compliance or non-compliance with hostel norms.

Characteristics of the child's family

In order to draw up a high-quality normative document, a teacher or social worker needs a sample or template for the future document. The standard form used to compile a profile for a child’s family includes the personal data of each family member. This includes full name, date of birth and age, education, as well as place of work or study. If the family lives with grandparents or other relatives, information about them should also be included in the description.

  • Title: “Characteristics...”;
  • Full name, date of birth, school number and class the child attends,
  • place of residence;
  • character traits;
  • degree of academic performance in core and elective subjects;
  • extracurricular interests and additional activities (clubs, sections);
  • behavior;
  • relationships with peers;
  • features of family relationships (cohabitation or separation with mother or father, presence of brothers or sisters, appointment of guardianship or trusteeship);
  • the presence or absence of basic things (seasonal clothing and shoes, school supplies), the degree of satisfaction of basic needs (safety, food, warmth, sleep, cleanliness);
  • date of;
  • signatures.

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Sample personal reference for a psychiatrist for registration of disability

There is no specific form for how to write a character reference from neighbors, but there is a main point - the document must contain basic information about the personality of the person in respect of whom the character reference is being written.

In modern realities, the old concept of a letter of recommendation has crept into our everyday life. The child is raised in a complete family, where in addition to him there is an older brother. The material and economic situation is satisfactory. The style of parent-child relationships is democratic. The family is interested in issues of education. They show interest in the consultations and recommendations of educators in the corner for parents, and also regularly attend parent-teacher meetings. Parenting is mainly done by the mother.

Characteristics of parents

The material will be of interest primarily to class teachers. Characteristics of the family of an 8th grade student. It reflects the role of each family member in raising and educating the child, and also describes the living conditions in which the girl grows up. Trying to create an accurate picture, all the details of everyday life were described.

The family is socially unstable, both parents are alcohol dependent. The sister was caught in a state of drug intoxication. She was detained by the police several times. The psychological situation in the family is tense. Parents are mainly busy getting money for drinks, paying little attention to their children. Daughters look for replacements in older comrades, choosing them, unfortunately, based on their similarity to their mother and father. This negatively affects the academic performance and education of children.

Household characteristics for a psychiatrist sample

If the documents available in the case materials about a person do not contain sufficient information, the lawyer or the defendant, on their own initiative, can provide the court with any other information about the person, including a description from the place of residence from neighbors, an example of which may be as follows: In the Leninsky District Court Moscow Petrova P.P., Volkova I.I., Vlasova A.A., living in the village.

Participates in cleaning the entrance and yard. They change the light bulbs on their floor at their own expense. He took part in the restoration of broken windows in the entrance, as well as in major repairs together with other residents.

Household characteristics from parents for a psychiatrist sample

The preparation of such a paper should proceed as follows: To the director of Lyceum No. 874. The rules for drawing up such a document are not very different from the assessment for an adult, but there is additional data that is worth indicating. Characteristics from the place of residence from neighbors to Kirill Olegovich Ermolaev, year of birth, living at the address: But still, it may be required in cases of registration of a child in specialized preschool or school educational institutions, as well as to determine the character and behavior of a child living in a family that adopted him.

The young man has his own room, where there is a sports corner and a designated place for studying. He often spends the evening time with his peers doing this activity, but always adheres to the curfew. He took part in the restoration of broken windows in the entrance, as well as in major repairs together with other residents. In this regard, try to determine the parameters that need to be disclosed as deeply as possible, and which ones are worth mentioning briefly. It is worth considering the organ for which the general portrait is being drawn up. Criteria that emphasize his individual personality are very important. XXPay your attention to ensure that the characterization describes the socio-psychological characteristics of the teenager in as much detail as possible. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain norms that directly provide for the obligation of a citizen to provide a character reference from neighbors. At the same time, in all branches of law (not only civil and criminal, but also labor, administrative, etc.), law enforcement and government agencies are recommended to thoroughly study the identity of the person in respect of whom a certain legal issue is being resolved. In this regard, there are often situations when it is desirable to provide complete characterizing material, including an assessment made by third parties. Sometimes positive information about a person's lifestyle plays a decisive role even in the most difficult life problems. Let us note that this list of documents cannot always fully “tell” about the defendant. Often, the district police officer simply cannot provide information on a particular person living in the supervised area.

“Characteristics of a child from a dysfunctional family”

Characteristics for a student of 2nd “-” grade

MBOU Secondary School No. 6

Full name, —.—.—- born, living at the address: st. ……., d. .., apt.

Family composition:

Mother: Full name. Didn’t work from (day, month, year) to (day, month, year). At the moment, she promised to get a job.

Father: Full name. Has not worked for the last three years.

Son: Full name

————— has been studying at this educational institution since September 1 of this year. Before school, he studied at —— “Kindergarten No. “————” ——- type.”

The family is in a socially dangerous situation and is included in the electronic data bank of the KDN and ZP.

——— lives in a complete, dysfunctional, low-income family (parents drink). Initially ———- lived at the address: st. ————, house —-, apt. ——. Due to a fire in the house at this address, at the moment the child’s actual residence address has changed: st. ————, house —-, apt. —.

Living conditions for living at home with parents were satisfactory at the last visit to the family with the school social teacher.

According to the latest information, the child lives with his grandmother, F.I.O., who is raising the child, providing the child with everything necessary and preparing the child for school. I. O. completes all homework with ————, the child comes to school neat and with completed homework. Grandmother ———— gets in touch with the teacher, is interested in the learning process, full name. During individual conversations with the class teacher, I.O. is always interested in the successes and problematic issues ————- regarding his studies, worries about his behavior in school lessons and during breaks. The child’s mother, full name and full name, does not contact the teacher; the father, from the moment the child entered school, has never called the teacher to find out how ———— is mastering the curriculum, and whether there are any comments or recommendations.

When teaching a child in 1st grade, his motivation to study was weak. Now, thanks to classes with grandmother F.I.O., the child shows special interest in studies and shows fairly good results in school.

———— Arrives at school on time, without delay. ———— Active in class. The child often raises his hand to answer the teacher's question. In class ————— Sometimes he gets distracted.

The boy is kind, polite, friendly.

Last school year I experienced difficulties in the Russian language and mathematics. In the current academic year, training is progressing more successfully. When checking homework in the Russian language, ————— shows knowledge of the studied rules of the Russian language, and also has no academic debt in mathematics and other academic subjects.

————— always follows the teacher’s instructions, obeys his requirements, the child is a good helper in the class. ————— especially loves it when the teacher gives him various assignments. The child performs them diligently and conscientiously. ————- helps the teacher with everything without fail.

The reaction to the teacher’s comments is adequate and positive. ————- tries to correct his mistakes, listens to the teacher’s opinion, and never argues.

Physical development and state of health ————- corresponds to age and normal, there are no serious diseases.

Self-service skills have been developed.

If —————- comes to school from his parents, his clothes have a specific unpleasant smell, including the child’s notebooks. From grandma ————— always comes in clean clothes, well-groomed.

The child has all school supplies, sportswear, replacement shoes, and a telephone to contact his family. The child’s mother does not deny that the grandmother is in charge of purchasing everything necessary for —————.

He is friendly with his peers in the class, he is respected in the team, he has friends in the class.

During the holidays ———— attends a school camp. At school ———— gets free meals.

Outside of school ————— visits section “——-c” (name of organization). The grandmother accompanies the child to the section and back.

In addition, grandmother F.I.O. agreed on classes with an English tutor, which will be held from November of the current academic year. I.O. plans to pay for classes with a tutor herself.

The teacher has no complaints against the child. Everything related to learning —————— can be completely accomplished by the child. Everything regarding the child’s education is satisfied by the teacher, all questions and recommendations regarding education are resolved with the grandmother —————.

- ---- -- G.

Cl. manager: Last name, title ______________

Director: Last name, title ___________________

Please help me find a sample testimonial from the material for my son at the military registration and enlistment office

1. Family composition: • mother works, education • father works, education • There are grandparents 2. Living conditions are very good, their own separate room. 3. The family’s financial security is above average 4. The general atmosphere of relationships in the family is friendly, the atmosphere of harmony and understanding 5. The attitude of family members is caring. 6. Treats parents with respect, values ​​father's opinion. At the same time, he is afraid of his father and seeks protection from his mother. He doesn’t want to be like any of them. Has a positive and adequate attitude towards parents and grandparents. During his time at school, he proved himself to be a very conscientious and responsible student. He was a participant in school, city, and regional Olympiads and was awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal). influence. Always consciously follows the rules of conduct, does not always follow them, does so at the request of the teacher, or ignores them. We characterize Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich as a disciplined, modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, independent person, amenable to strangers, but at the same time has his own opinion, which he often defends. He has a calm character, avoids conflict situations, and is tactful. . enjoys well-deserved authority. Has friends.

In communication he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone and often helps each other. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, he strives to find a compromise option. He thinks creatively, reads a lot, and attends an aircraft modeling club.

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