Half-siblings are... Family relationships

Author of the article: Anastasia Ivanova Last modified: January 2021 7281

Brothers and sisters are considered representatives of the collateral line and in some cases have the right to inheritance. And if a citizen who has made a will can transfer the inheritance to any person, then in the absence of such a document many questions often arise. For example, what rights do full and half-siblings have to receive property? Is there a fundamental difference in the transfer of inheritance?

Inheritance for full and half-blood relatives

A process such as entering into inheritance represents a transfer of rights and obligations from one owner of property to another.
Such a process can be carried out after the death of the testator, both on the basis of the law and according to the will drawn up. In the second case, this right can be exercised by a person who is defined by such a document and this is not always the one who is related by blood ties to the deceased. However, the first case requires mandatory establishment of relationship. How this happens and what you need to know about this process is what we will talk about later in our article. Who can exercise this right?

So, the law determines that only those persons who are related by blood to a deceased person can claim rights and obligations in relation to his property. This takes into account not just the degree of relationship, but also situations where there is incomplete relationship. That is, when there are children or grandchildren of the testator on one of the lines - mother or father. To establish such data about potential successors, the notary must check the documents and include in the list those that meet the requirements:

  • Having a relationship with the deceased. This is not just a biological, but also a legal connection based on the fact of origin between persons. It becomes legal in cases provided for by the norms of family law;
  • In case of adoption of the testator;
  • Upon adoption of the testator's child;
  • When entering into a marriage with a person leaving property;
  • In cases where there is property between the testator and the acquirer, which is provided for by law;
  • Availability of the recipient's stay on full financial support (disability, illness, incapacity for work or minority);

As we see, acceptance of an inheritance cannot arise by law without the presence of such a factor as kinship.

What does the law say about queues?

The order of inheritance is formed by laws and depends on the close relationship of the successor to the deceased. The closest ones fall into the first degree - these are the child, wife or husband, as well as the parents of the deceased. More distant are considered to be sister and brother, as well as grandfather and grandmother, whom the law classifies as next in line. This involves relatives on both lines of kinship, both father and mother. Let's pay more attention to this point.

A brother and sister who have the same parents are considered full siblings. They both have the same father and the same mother. This also includes screwed brothers - boys who were born out of wedlock and were recognized. A similar division occurs in relation to sisters. This group also includes twins - children who were born to the same woman as a result of one pregnancy. Half-parents include those children who have only one common parent. These may be uterine children who were born by the same mother, but they came from different fathers. The second option is half-blooded, that is, those who are born from the same father, but have different mothers.

A separate category are children, who are usually called step-children. They are not blood relatives, but were raised in the same family. Such a connection is not related, but has a connection with her. The law does not classify this category as the second stage, unlike the previous ones. But if representatives of the first priority are absent, then both full and half-blood relatives can take advantage of their rights.

In this case, the inheritance is formalized in exactly this order. Sometimes difficult situations arise when you can prove your case not just with a notary if you have all the documents, but through the court. Both categories of citizens in such cases are not without the need to defend their interests.

Lost evidence, the impossibility of establishing kinship due to the loss of archival materials leads to such cases. It is in these cases that the court helps to accept the inheritance in a separate process. It is worth noting that this is not a simple matter and you cannot do it without the knowledge of specialists. The thing is that such an authority always requires not just filing an application, but searching for evidence. This is where you will need to conduct a whole investigation, obtain many certificates from government bodies, such as the registry office for special requests, so that as a result the party can prove its case. Often, to prove the degree of relationship, a medical examination is initiated, and the question of searching for medical papers and other options is raised. The involvement of witnesses is also a standard mechanism in such cases.

Thus, the fact of kinship is an important part of the inheritance process in our state and cannot be ignored. The help of a qualified lawyer will help you avoid mistakes in the legal process and resolve the case in your favor. Documents, filing petitions, requests, appealing decisions - all this will help you on the way to receiving an inheritance.

Relatives in line for inheritance

The issue of receiving an inheritance, sooner or later, affects everyone. And then people have to deal with the legal intricacies of inheritance legislation. One of the main issues raised during the procedure is the establishment of the category of relationship that determines the right to receive an inheritance.

Branches of one tree

When a man and a woman marry, a relationship arises between them that extends to their relatives. Such relationships are called properties and in the event of a marriage breakdown, they cease.

Remarriage gives rise to a new relationship, in which children from the first marriage . Such children are called stepchildren or half-parents. The legislation will divide children living in the same family into several categories.

Which heir can be considered unworthy and what is needed for this, you will learn from this article.

A sister is a female representative who has similar rights. Twins and twins are also considered full-born. Children who have only one parent in common are considered half-parents.

Who are half-siblings? ppt-online.org

In accordance with this, they are called half-uterine (if the children have a common mother) or half-blooded (if the children have a common father). When a joint child appears in a family where there are incomplete children, he will be classified as incomplete in relation to the others.

Right of inheritance

In the situation of receiving an inheritance, the relationship between the heirs and the degree of their relationship with the deceased family member play an important role, allowing them to lay claim to a certain part.

All relationships are necessarily supported by law and formalized through legal services, including legal marriage or adoption of children. And only after the inheritance situation occurs, the notary begins to understand the intricacies of family relationships and the right of each family member to act as an heir.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the conditions for receiving an inheritance are regulated by the Civil Code, which describes the main legal subtleties of the inheritance procedure, as well as the conditions under which it occurs.
Who is a close relative according to law, details here.
Before determining the persons who have the right to receive the inheritance, the notary will have to understand the family and kinship principles. To have the right to inheritance, a citizen must provide evidence that meets one of the conditions:

  • Presence of a biological relationship with the testator in accordance with the Family Code;
  • The fact of adoption of the testator;
  • Adoption of the testator's child;
  • Registration of marriage with the person who left the property;
  • The fact that the property exists in accordance with the law;
  • The beneficiary's status as a dependent is subject to certain conditions.

How the order of inheritance works according to law, watch in this video:

The principle of priority

To make the procedure for transferring inheritance more orderly, the legislation establishes the order of inheritance; eight queues are distinguished, of which each subsequent one follows a decreasing degree of relationship.

  • The first line includes the closest relatives: parents, children and spouses. At the same time, children born not in a registered marriage, but recognized later, also belong to this queue.
  • The second line consists of brothers and sisters, both full and not, as well as grandparents on either side;
  • Thirdly, the same category of the testator's parents;
  • The fourth are great-grandparents;
  • The fifth are children from the property owner’s own nephews or nieces, and they also include the brothers and sisters of his grandmother or grandfather;
  • The sixth includes children of first cousins ​​or granddaughters, offspring of first cousins, and great-uncles.
  • The seventh unites stepsons, stepdaughters, stepfather and stepmother;
  • The eighth - disabled dependents who lived with the testator for more than a year before his death.

If we consider separately the category of sisters and brothers, full and half-blooded, then the former act as each other’s heirs, listed in the first line, while the latter inherit as participants in the second line.

Regarding half- and half-sisters and brothers, the legislation does not establish a difference.

Rules for transfer of priority

It is worth noting that the right of inheritance of each subsequent turn comes when the previous one is unable to exercise its right, this may be due to:

  • Absence of relatives of the previous stage;
  • Their lack of rights to inherit;
  • Removing them from the inheritance procedure;
  • Deprivation of inheritance or refusal of it.

What documents are needed to receive an inheritance, read here.

Any of the inheritors has the right to refuse their share, then it will be distributed among the remaining relatives or, if there are none, members of the next line.

Intervention by the testator

Another important point in the inheritance scheme is the will, according to which the principle of distribution of property can change significantly. However, relatives have the opportunity to challenge the will and, if they succeed, receive the part of the property due to them by law.

The order of succession according to law. myshared.ru

Entry into inheritance rights is formalized six months after the death of the testator; during this period, all interested parties must complete the appropriate documentation to prove their right to inherit.

However, the brother can challenge the will in court; the result of this proceeding depends on many factors, determined individually in each specific case. Despite the orderliness of the legislative conditions, each case of inheritance is individual and may differ from others.

In most situations, the procedure does not present any difficulties for lawyers, but there are also cases whose intricacies are resolved over several months, or even years, with serious court intervention. Therefore, making a will in the presence of significant income can seriously save time and money for future heirs.


Types of kinship relationships

The status of brothers and sisters is given to persons who are united by the presence of common relatives. Moreover, depending on their biological origin, this relationship is divided into three types officially approved by law: full-blooded, half-blooded, half-bred. Thus, the connection between brothers and sisters can be determined by both genetic factors (inherent in the first two types) and social ones (as a result of the conclusion of various types of unions). Most often, people know such concepts as “step” and “blood”, but not everyone knows what “half brothers and sisters” means. Let's look further at what this means.

Full and half-blood relatives

The consensual type of relationship is the most common in the world. It is popularly known as “blooded”. In this case, the children have common biological parents. Such brothers and sisters have a common genotype, are similar in appearance, and can, in most cases, act as donors for each other if necessary.

Half-siblings are relatives who also have a genetic connection, but it is due to the presence of only one common parent, regardless of whether it is the father or the mother. Therefore, the likelihood of having common external traits or character types is significantly reduced compared to siblings.

For persons who are biological children of the same woman, but have different fathers, the term “half-born” was introduced. In the opposite case, when children are united by a common father, but they are born by different women, they are given the status of “half-blooded”.

Degrees of kinship in inheritance

For persons who are biological children of the same woman, but have different fathers, the term “half-born” was introduced. In the opposite case, when children are united by a common father, but they are born by different women, they are given the status of “half-blooded”. What is the difference between stepfamily members and stepfamily members?

People often confuse the terms “consolidated” and “inferior”, despite the fact that the difference between them is noticeable. As mentioned earlier, half-siblings are individuals who share the same parent. For example, a woman who had a daughter from her first marriage remarried and gave birth to another daughter from her new husband. In this case, girls who have the same mother and different biological fathers will be considered half-sisters to each other.

Who are half-siblings? The specified relatives of the testator are considered to be heirs of the second priority according to the law. Siblings are considered to be persons who have a common father and (or) mother, i.e. who are in the second degree of collateral relationship. If both parents are common, then the brothers and sisters are full siblings.


If only one parent (or mother, or father) is common, such brothers and sisters are also siblings, but half-siblings. Siblings should be distinguished from half-siblings. Step brothers and sisters are considered to be persons who do not have a common parent, i.e.

Degrees of kinship in inheritance Based on the results of consideration of the case, the notary will issue a certificate according to the established model, with the help of which it will be possible to re-register real estate in Rosreestr in one’s name, and do the same with vehicles in the traffic police.

However, it carries a significant drawback - if you actually accept the inheritance, then you will not have a document on hand that will confirm the ownership of the property; accordingly, it will be impossible to re-register ownership of real estate and transport and begin to dispose of this property.

If you do not contact a notary for a certificate within six months, then after missing this period you will need to go to court to obtain a court decision confirming the actual acceptance of the inheritance. Such a court decision will have legal force equal to a notarial certificate.

What is the difference between stepfamily members and stepfamily members?

People often confuse the terms “consolidated” and “inferior”, despite the fact that the difference between them is noticeable. As mentioned earlier, half-siblings are individuals who share the same parent. For example, a woman who had a daughter from her first marriage remarried and gave birth to another daughter from her new husband. In this case, girls who have the same mother and different biological fathers will be considered half-sisters to each other. If in such a marriage, where the spouses already have children from previous relationships, a common baby is born, he will also have the status of half-parent in relation to everyone else.

The concept of step-kinship implies the complete absence of a genetic connection. In this case, a family relationship is formed as a result of civil legal relations, such as marriage.

An example would be a situation where a woman who gave birth to a son from her previous husband enters into a new marital relationship with a man with children. Then, according to the law, the woman's son will be a stepbrother for the man's children.

What does inferiority mean?

If brothers or sisters have only one parent in common, they are classified as half-siblings.

There are several categories of such relatives:

  • Those descended from one male representative are half-blooded;
  • Those born by the same woman are consanguineous.

Even though children have only one parent in common, they are considered relatives. But half-brothers and sisters are not even considered half-brothers, since their fathers and mothers are completely different. Accordingly, they do not have the right to be included in the number of heirs of the second priority.

If in a marriage a man and a woman who have their own children from other persons have a common child, in relation to brothers and sisters who are step-brothers, he is considered incomplete and accordingly receives the right to inherit after them.

The right to inherit from step-relatives

There come times in life when, after a person passes away, his property is inherited. If a formal written will has not been drawn up, the inheritance process will take place within the framework established by law.

In the issue of distribution of inheritance, the main role is played by the degree of relationship between the applicants and the deceased. It is this criterion that allows possible heirs to claim a particular share.

If the issues of marital relations are fixed by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, then the topic of legal inheritance is regulated by the Civil Code. Chapter 63 spells out inheritance rights in the absence of a written will. If the deceased has no relatives in the first line, namely spouses/parents/children, then the right of inheritance passes to the second line, which includes all his brothers and sisters. In this case, the type of relationship does not matter. Half-brothers and sisters are the same legal contenders for inheritance in the second line as full-bloods and step-sisters.

Who are half-siblings and what rights do they have to inheritance?

The Family Code states that close relatives are parents and children, grandparents, as well as grandchildren and other relatives in the direct and ascending line - these are full or half brothers and sisters. They are highlighted separately, but nevertheless included in the general circle. Since this term is spelled out in an article related to certain obstacles that may prevent marriage, it also mentions adoptive parents and adopted children who are not allowed to marry each other.

Therefore, this unclear status of the father or mother causes some problems when it comes to other branches of law.


These are children of one woman who developed and were born from one pregnancy. Half-siblings are children who have only one common parent: mother or father. They are divided into: Single-uterine (one-uterine) - descending from the same woman, but from different fathers. Half-blooded (same-blooded) - descending from the same man, but from different mothers. Such brothers and sisters are called half-blooded if they come from the same father. They are called half-bred if they have the same mother. The above categories should not be confused with stepbrothers, which are not considered relatives because their relationship is not kinship, but is based on property relations.

Spouses receive the right to inherit property only if they are officially married, and the deceased spouse did not mind. Relatives from the side line come second. These include siblings, grandparents, no matter what line. Half and full brothers and sisters are also found at this level.

The first are children or accomplished adults who have one common biological parent. Full siblings are those who have two parents in common. In the third line are relatives of the lateral line of the parents.

At the end there are great-grandparents, children of cousins, non-natural relatives, adopted or not adopted into the family (stepson, stepfather and others), as well as disabled dependents. Dependents receive the right of inheritance under certain conditions (Art.

If the deceased has no relatives in the first line, namely spouses/parents/children, then the right of inheritance passes to the second line, which includes all his brothers and sisters. In this case, the type of relationship does not matter. Half-brothers and sisters are the same legal contenders for inheritance in the second line as full-bloods and step-sisters.

Is it possible to change relationship status? Relationships in each family are individual, but sometimes undergo changes due to various life situations. There are often situations when blood brothers and sisters, by coincidence, do not want to maintain contact with each other. But there are also opposite phenomena, when half-siblings become so close that they begin to consider themselves relatives. Therefore, step-relatives are not included in the second line of heirs. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. If the deceased does not have heirs of the first stage, the heirs according to the law of the second stage are the half- and full-blooded brothers and sisters of the person leaving the inheritance.
  2. Modern legislation does not emphasize the differences between such relatives. Both (half-born and half-blooded) have the right to receive it.

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As noted above, heirs of the second priority can receive it if there are no citizens of the first priority, and there are no persons who can inherit instead of them by right of representation, or all persons on any other grounds, which are provided for in the second paragraph of paragraph 1 of Article 1141 of the Civil Code, will not be called upon or will not accept the property. They note that their children, nieces and nephews, can receive it by right of representation.

Everything that is acquired by a husband or wife during their legal marriage belongs to them on equal rights, regardless of who acquired it and with what means. If necessary, joint property can be divided equally. Adult citizens of different sexes can enter into marital relations, except in cases...

  • one of them is legally married;
  • presence of blood relationship (mother and son, father and daughter, grandfather and granddaughter, grandmother and grandson, brother and sister);
  • the existence of a relationship between an adoptive parent and an adopted child;
  • one of them has incapacitated status;

...former spouses Former spouses, that is, a husband and wife who have legally dissolved their marriage, lose all relations with each other. They are no longer family members and do not have the special privileges that the law grants to spouses.

Is it possible to change relationship status?

Relationships in each family are individual, but sometimes undergo changes due to various life situations. There are often situations when blood brothers and sisters, by coincidence, do not want to maintain contact with each other. But there are also opposite phenomena, when half-siblings become so close that they begin to consider themselves family.

Is it possible to change the relationship status in this case? This procedure is not possible, since the statuses that determine the relationship between brothers and sisters are not classified as “changing”, unlike the status of husband or wife. These statuses are determined solely on the basis of the birth facts of persons who are brothers and sisters. But this does not prevent them from treating each other like family.

Peculiarities of receiving inheritance by half-siblings

The wedding has died down and now you are not only official husband and wife, but also close relatives. Moreover, both of you have twice as many relatives, and these ties, according to the above classification, are social family ties.

What is the correct name for each of them?

Who relates to whom?

How not to get confused?

Kinship through marriage is otherwise called the word “property” (from the word “one’s own”) or “social kinship.”

    Spouses are married persons.

    Husband (spouse) is a man in relation to the woman married to him.

  • Wife (spouse) is a woman in relation to the man married to her.
  • Father-in-law is the father of the husband.
  • Mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law is the mother of the wife.
  • Matchmaker is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Matchmaker is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  • Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.
  • Brother-in-law - wife's brother.

    Shurich (obsolete) - son of brother-in-law.

  • Sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
    • Son-in-law is the husband of a sister, daughter, or sister-in-law. In other words, a son-in-law is a man in relation to his wife’s family: her parents. (father-in-law), her sister (sister-in-law), her brother (brother-in-law) and the latter’s wife.
    • A daughter-in-law is a son's wife in relation to his parents. (father-in-law and mother-in-law). Really a daughter-in-law (due to unpleasant associations in the word “daughter-in-law”)
    • Daughter-in-law is the wife of a son, brother, brother-in-law. In other words, a daughter-in-law is a woman in relation to her husband’s family: his parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law), his brother (brother-in-law), his sister (sister-in-law) and the latter’s husband. The daughter-in-law for the father and mother of the husband is also the daughter-in-law for his entire family.

      Yatrov (yatrovka) (obsolete) - brother’s wife.

  • Spouse (obsolete), sister-in-law - brother-in-law's wife. In other words, cohabitants are women whose husbands are brothers.
  • Brother-in-law is the husband of a sister-in-law. In other words, brothers-in-law are men whose wives are sisters.
  • Uyka (vuyka) (obsolete) - uya’s wife = mother’s brother’s wife.
  • In people's lives, close, non-family relationships are of great importance, which is also reflected in terminology.

    In Criminal Law, spouses, unlike the RF IC, are close relatives according to Art. 5 Code of Criminal Procedure. In addition to them, the relatives described in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are closely related. It is believed that this category of citizens is interested in the fate of another family member, and therefore may not testify against him. According to Art. 96 of the Criminal Code, when one of the spouses is detained by law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to notify relatives.

    Many disputes about family relationships arise in the Labor Code. By law, in the event of the death of loved ones, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with leave for five calendar days. The circle of people who have this right is regulated by the RF IC. However, the death of other members, for example, cousins, aunts, uncles, is an important event, but they do not belong to the immediate family. In labor relations, from the point of view of law, the provision of administrative leave is not prohibited. This issue should be regulated by the main agreement or additional regulations.

    Who is considered a close relative? The concept of “close relatives” in legislation

    The question of “who is considered a close relative” is of interest to people who need to know whether they are covered by the law. The fact is that the legislation establishes special legal norms for close relatives. In the article we will find out who is a close relative under the law, answer frequently asked questions on this topic (is a close relative a grandmother, wife, nephew, stepfather, ex-husband, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, cousin, stepsister, etc. .).

    Let us note that in the legislation, in addition to the concept of “close relatives”, there are the concepts of “family members” and “interdependent persons”. In this article we will tell you exactly who is a close relative.

    Close relatives - who are they according to the law?

    Currently, the law does not have a clear definition of the concept of “close relatives”. In addition, there is uncertainty: the Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation classify different persons as close relatives.

    Who are close relatives when donating?

    The need to find out who a close relative is may arise regarding the issue of taxation when donating real estate (house, apartment, land, garage), car. The fact is that, as a general rule, when donating listed property, the recipient of the gift must pay personal income tax. But income in kind (such as real estate, vehicles, stocks, shares, shares) received from close relatives and family members as a gift is exempt from taxation. Thus, on the issue of the need to pay tax, it is necessary not only to know the answer to the question of which relatives are considered close, but also to know who is recognized as a family member.

    Please note that when donating money between individuals, income in the form of donated funds is not taxed, regardless of whether the donor and recipient are family members and (or) close relatives.

    Full and half siblings

    The Civil Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the existence of legal significance in the course of inheritance for both direct and lateral family lines. Brothers/sisters are relatives assigned to the second group of the lateral line. They have equal rights of inheritance with relatives belonging to the direct line of the second kinship group.

    Heirs belonging to the second group of inheritance have the opportunity to inherit only when there are no heirs of the first, as well as persons who can exercise their rights of inheritance according to the right of representation, for any kind of reason, or if these persons, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph. 2 p. 1 art. 1141 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation due to circumstances, they will not be called upon to inherit or will not be able to accept it.

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    The principle of succession in inheritance

    When transferring property by inheritance, there is a sequence:

    1. Husband or wife, children and parents of the deceased.
    2. Grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers and sister of the deceased.
    3. Aunts and uncles.
    4. Great-grandparents.
    5. Cousins ​​and sister.
    6. Cousin grandchildren.
    7. Stepfather or stepmother

    The degree of relationship is also determined by the number of births between the heirs and the testator. Children who have a step-by-step relationship are treated like relatives. Adopted children are also considered equal to natural children.

    If the deceased did not have any natural children in marriage, then half-siblings followed by adoption are considered.

    Note! You can often find families where there is one child in common and one from the first marriage of the husband or wife. Such children are no different in rights from those of full blood. The only difference is the presence of one common parent. When inheriting, they look first at natural children, and then at half-blood children. From the point of view of the law this is true, although they have equal rights.

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    Full and half siblings of the testator: turn

    Taking into account the related principle, the legislator has set clear priority positions, defining the principle of priority in inheritance. The law provides for only 8 priority groups. Their distribution in descending order corresponds to the priority of the heir in relation to others.

    Heirs of the first stage after the death of the husband.

    Read about inheritance rights here.

    In accordance with Article 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the first priority includes the parents/spouse/children of the testator.

    Half-siblings: how half-sibling and full-sibling relationships are defined

    Newspaper of the Tverskoy district of the Central administrative district of Moscow “Karetny Ryad”,

    No. 8(211) for 2009, section “Notary’s Notes”

    Notary Ulyana Semyonovna Novopashina continues to advise you on your questions regarding the activities of the notary in Moscow. Our topic today is HEIRS BY LAW. Order of inheritance.

    We are waiting for your questions in our section. Please send questions in writing to the address: 127055, Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 14/19, building 1, office 4 (tel. 8-499-972-1991).


    Inheritance by law takes place when and insofar as it is not changed by a will.

    Heirs by law are called upon to inherit in order of priority,

    provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    In this case , the heirs of each subsequent queue inherit if there are no heirs of previous queues
    . That is, if there are no heirs of previous orders, or none of them has the right to inherit, or all of them are excluded from inheritance, or deprived of inheritance, or none of them accepted the inheritance, or all of them refused the inheritance.

    The concept of full and half siblings

    When parents separate and start a new family, the child may have half-siblings. Step relationships are not based on blood ties. Those. If a husband and wife already have children from previous marriages, then they are considered stepchildren. They are not considered relatives.

    Another case is full brothers or sisters, since they have the same mother and father. If only one of the parents is common, then the children are called half-siblings. Regardless of which parent is common, these children are considered relatives. Half-parent children can be divided into 2 groups:

    1. half-uterine, having a single mother;
    2. half-blooded, having the same father.

    Half-brothers and half-siblings

    When determining inheritance rights in the case of the presence of half- and half-brothers, as well as half-brothers and sisters, they are guided by civil law. Inheritance rights are designated as follows:

    1. half-brothers (sisters) have the right of inheritance in the absence of full-born (natural) children;
    2. a full sister or brother excludes the rights of half-bloods;
    3. half-brothers and sisters have the same rights;
    4. half-children acquire rights to inheritance earlier than first cousins.

    However, in practice, there are many nuances when different categories of brothers and sisters enter into inheritance. Litigation can take years. Life circumstances in different families make the process of accepting an inheritance almost unique.

    For example, citizen Sidorov enters into an inheritance according to the will of his own father. He is the only heir, but at the last moment he remembers his half-brother (maternal brother), who lives very poorly, and decides to share the inheritance with him. It turned out that it is impossible to divide the property, you can only write a waiver, but the waiver is written in favor of the full heirs in order, and the half-brother does not appear in this line, since he is not a relative of the testator.

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