Is it possible to get married a second time, rules and how to get permission

Explanation of the sacrament of marriage: why you need to get married, and what it gives in marriage

As clergy say, when getting married, the bride and groom turn to God with a request to bless their family.
More precisely, they seem to invite the Lord to become a part of their union. Believers even call a marriage performed in a church a small church.

According to the clergy, a person who considers himself a Christian and loves his other half should turn to the church.

After all, a wedding is the highest point to which a married couple comes.

There is a belief that after a wedding, all life’s troubles and conflicts are resolved much easier.

Many couples who have gone through this ritual say that a wedding is a kind of foundation that binds the family together, giving strength to build strong, trusting relationships.

The Church does not consider an “uncrowned” tank to be sinful. A union legalized by the civil registry office is recognized and deserves respect.

Wedding ceremony of spouses

Unlike such a rite as baptism, a wedding cannot be performed on any day. Therefore, they carefully prepare for the sacrament and choose a date.

Preparation for the wedding

Preparations for the wedding consist of two stages:

  1. Internal, church.
  2. External - the choice of clothes for the newlyweds, wedding candles, rings, and so on.

People don’t come to a wedding spontaneously; they make arrangements with the priest and singers in advance.

First of all, the temple servant invites the couple to a conversation. The priest must tell the newlyweds what marriage is in the church sense. The priest explains how the wedding ceremony itself takes place and how the church blessing is given.

From this conversation, the clergyman understands whether it is really so important for the couple to carry out the sacrament of wedding. Father can give advice and recommend reading some texts from the Bible.

The newlyweds also buy rings in advance and give them to the priest. Traditions that have existed since ancient times prescribed that the husband should wear a silver or iron ring, and the wife a gold one. In the modern world, the bride and groom choose rings to suit their taste.

They also give the priest the wedding icons - the Savior and the Mother of God. After the completion of the ceremony, the faces of the saints return to the spouses.

Also, in order to get married, young people will need to purchase candles and a white towel, called a towel. This can be done right in the church immediately before the ritual.

There is no need to buy crowns; the church provides them to newlyweds.

What to wear for wife and husband

For the wedding, the bride and groom also choose special clothes.

According to tradition, the girl must wear a dress. It is not at all necessary that the outfit be white, because since ancient times in Rus' people got married in dresses of any color. The main thing is that the clothes are not colorful or too dark. Light, soft colors are appropriate.

By the way, the tradition of wearing a white dress for a wedding came to us from Europe.

How does the wedding ceremony take place?

The Church also sets a limit on the length of women's attire - the skirt must cover the knees. According to Orthodox traditions, it is not customary to wear a dress with a train to church. But today the attitude to detail is much simpler than in the old days. Therefore, you won’t be judged for wearing a floor-length dress in church.

It is also important that the outfit is not too revealing: a deep neckline and bare back are not welcome.

It is better to choose shoes with low heels. Since the wedding ceremony lasts a long time, standing in stiletto heels will be extremely difficult.

We should not forget that when entering church, women cover their heads. Therefore, in order not to wear a scarf, it is better to immediately take care of purchasing a veil for a wedding with a veil.

A wedding dress for a man should also be closed. It can be any suit or trousers with a shirt. It is preferable that clothes be light shades. You should not wear jeans or a tracksuit.

The most suitable time

You can't get married in a church on any day. There is a so-called “wedding calendar”, according to which you can choose the date of the ceremony.

Best time:

  • The period from Epiphany to Maslenitsa.
  • Autumn.
  • Summer days between Petrovsky and Uspensky fasts.
  • The Patriarchate welcomes weddings on Krasnaya Gorka, the first Sunday after Easter.

Traditionally, the sacrament is performed in the church after the Divine Liturgy. Therefore, the ceremony is usually scheduled for 11:00 - 13:00.

Church marriage

The church prohibits weddings on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Also, the sacrament is not performed during fasting:

  • Rozhdestvensky;
  • Great;
  • Petrovsky;
  • Uspensky.

What witnesses need to know

Witnesses must be present at the wedding ceremony.
But their function is not only to help the young during the sacrament, but also to become a kind of mentor for the new family.

Witnesses can be either a married couple or simply close friends of the bride and groom.

Divorced couples, as well as a man and woman living in a civil marriage, cannot become witnesses in church.

Witnesses must be baptized, and a few days before the ceremony they must perform the sacrament of communion and confess.

Clothing must also be appropriate. The witness's outfit must cover her knees and shoulders. You will need to throw a scarf or scarf over your head.

Witnesses also have a number of responsibilities during the ceremony:

  • Provide wedding rings to those getting married.
  • Place a white towel in front of the lectern.
  • Accompany the newlyweds during the triple procession.
  • Collect bouquets after the ceremony.

The participation of witnesses in the wedding sacrament is a tradition. But, if the newlyweds cannot find guarantors, the ceremony can only be performed with the presence of the newlyweds.

If the witnesses were not married before the ceremony, then after the sacrament of wedding, having become spiritual relatives, they will no longer be able to enter into a church marriage.

Rules for the second wedding

There are a number of rules that relate to performing a repeat wedding ceremony (video).

  1. The wedding will take place only after the presentation of two documents - “divorce certificate”, “marriage certificate”.
  2. If the sacrament is performed a second time, then before this the spouses should repent of their sins. To do this, you need to confess in front of a priest.
  3. A few days before the expected wedding date, you should fast. It consists not only in food abstinence, but also in the renunciation of worldly pleasures. This will give both spouses the opportunity to carefully consider whether they need to take an oath before God.
  4. On the eve of the sacrament, you should not drink or eat. The sacrament is performed on an empty stomach.
  5. You should learn several prayers - addressed to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and the Guardian Angel. Also during the wedding, the Follow-up to Holy Communion is read.

Many people ask, on what days can you not get married? In Orthodoxy there are rules regarding this issue. You cannot perform a sacrament:

  • during fasting;
  • during Maslenitsa and Easter weeks;
  • on the days of great church holidays.

The Holy Father can make concessions if there is a good reason.

In what cases is it allowed?

The wedding ceremony creates an inextricable spiritual connection and makes two people one, which is why you cannot resort to it simply as a fashion trend, without serious internal readiness. For the same reasons, you cannot simply take away your promise to God.
But life is not an easy thing. The spouse may die earlier, go missing or end up in prison, betray, get caught in the net of a bad dangerous habit, or suffer from mental illness. Sometimes keeping a family and staying close becomes dangerous for the life and health of the other half or children. What to do if one of the spouses does not have the moral or physical strength to bear a heavy cross?

The Church believes that it is better for people to live not alone, but in marriage, next to someone who is ready to share their joys and sorrows. But there are plenty of examples in history when famous personalities were married, including in church, again, and we are not just talking about the almighty Ivan the Terrible, who was married illegally five times.

If you want to get married again, you must write a detailed letter to the bishop explaining the situation, attaching certificates of divorce and new marriage. You can find out the name and address, as well as the necessary package of documents, at any church you visit. It is better to get a divorce in the same place where the wedding sacrament was held.

How to obtain a remarriage permit

Before carrying out the wedding ceremony a second time with a new spouse, you first need to get divorced from your previous chosen one. And then get permission to hold the ceremony again.

To do this, you should go to the church to the priest and write a petition to the bishop for permission to have a second wedding. In this case, two certificates will need to be attached to the completed petition: about divorce and about entering into a new marriage.

USEFUL INFORMATION: How to deprive an ex-husband of paternity: consequences

After this, the spouse, who has already been in a marriage union, must undergo the procedure of repentance. In the process, he must repent for the mistakes made in his previous marriage, and in life in general. Repentance can take the form of confession.

Only after completing all the procedures can the sacrament of marriage be performed again.

How many times is it possible?

The Church assures that the sin of bigamy is not as serious as those sins that a person can commit if he remains in an intolerable marriage or alone. Therefore, the possibility of creating a second family is provided for by church legislation.
The third – with great difficulties. But the fourth and subsequent ones are not. Despite the fact that any violation of the oath about the integrity of the family union is a sin in the eyes of the church, a chance for remarriage is given. But permission for this can only be obtained from a high priestly rank - the diocesan bishop. A simple priest can only talk to you, help ease your soul or try to find another solution to the problem.

Interesting! The easiest way is if one of the spouses was not married, and the other was widowed or divorced through no fault or initiative. Then the wedding is carried out according to the first order, as if there was no previous family.

In such a complex issue of weddings, the name of Patriarch Kirill is repeatedly recalled, who has spoken out on this topic more than once.

How many times can you get married in Orthodoxy according to the canons?

Therefore, the “Book of the Positions of Parish Presbyters” (§123) says that a priest, seeing tears or something else indicating an involuntary marriage, must stop the marriage and find out the situation. There is a provision in the code of laws according to which a marriage concluded with the use of violence against one of the parties should be considered illegal and subject to dissolution.

All of the above applies to those who are just about to get married.


However, sometimes it is necessary to marry spouses who have already lived in a registered marriage for some time, sometimes for decades. Obviously, these people no longer need to ask for a blessing for marriage

This list limits the absolute obstacles to marriage. Now it makes sense to talk about conditional obstacles.

For example, as a result of his partner’s betrayal.

The third time the opportunity to get married is given as an exception to prevent adultery of one of the spouses.

The possibility of holding the ceremony a fourth time is not even considered.

For any re-wedding, the blessing of the main church bishop is required.

Interesting fact: Ivan the Terrible had eight official marriages. He married five wives. How the Orthodox Church went about this, history is silent.

But, apparently, the evidence for the need for this sacrament was serious.

Attitude to divorce in the Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce. It is believed that a person is obliged to marry maturely and make a conscious decision that he will not want to change in a few months or years. Therefore, you should not be united in unbreakable ties if you are not sure of your chosen one and that living with him all your life is a blessing.

The problems that began after marriage are a test from God that must be passed with honor and dignity.
It is unacceptable to stop any attempts to improve everything immediately after the first difficulties. Compromise, humility, readiness to understand and accept - this is what is put at the forefront as the main values ​​of the Orthodox family. “They don’t get along” or “earns little” are not a valid reason to leave the person you have chosen as your spouse in the face of God.
Even more serious sins, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and domestic violence, the church first tries to solve within the framework of marriage, to reach the guilty party, and approves divorce only if all else fails.

The innocent side of a broken family is also obliged to attend confession and repent , because in any conflicts between a couple, according to Orthodoxy, two are always to blame.

Who is prohibited?

Despite all the mercy and desire to meet parishioners halfway, the church is uncompromising on some issues.

You will not be married if:

  • you are blood or spiritual relatives;
  • there is a mental illness of one of the newlyweds;
  • the previous church or secular marriage has not been dissolved;
  • one of the spouses is unbaptized or belongs to another denomination (exceptions can be made for Catholics or Protestants, but first you need to talk to the priest and get permission);
  • you are to blame for the breakdown of your previous marriage;
  • you have already had 3 marriages (attention, not only church, but also secular, and even unregistered civil marriages are considered);
  • your parents are Orthodox, but do not approve of marriage (if your parents are atheists or belong to another faith, their blessing is not necessary);
  • your relationship is not registered in the registry office;
  • you are subject to age restrictions: one of the spouses is under 18, or the woman is over 60, and the man is 70 (this particular rule allows for many exceptions, but you will still have to contact the bishop).

If you are sure that your case is special and he will find understanding, you should write a letter to the bishop or ask for a personal meeting. Exceptions to some rules do occur, but to do this, one must prove the seriousness of intentions and an ardent desire to sanctify the new union with the blessed light.

What else married couples need to know

There are several rules that married couples should familiarize themselves with.

church weddings

After several years of marriage

The wedding ceremony is carried out only after the marriage has been officially registered. Therefore, it does not matter when the wedding procedure is carried out. Weddings can be performed for people who have been officially married for 10, 25 and even 30 years. It doesn't matter how many years have passed since marriage. The main thing is that it is officially registered in the registry office. In this case, the church clergyman will not be able to refuse to carry out the wedding procedure for a married couple.

If second marriage

Marriage for deeply religious people is considered a rather serious procedure, and therefore some people who decide to remarry are treated with skepticism. Most often, such people are denied a wedding, but sometimes the church may allow remarriage. There are two reasons why remarriage is permitted. These include the madness of one of the spouses or betrayal. In this case, you will have to contact the church in advance and describe the situation in detail. A good priest will be able to understand the person asking for help and will allow the wedding to be held again.


Over time, some people can no longer live together and decide to separate. Therefore, they have to dissolve their previously concluded marriage. There are seven cases in which the Orthodox Church recognizes a church marriage as dissolved and invalid:

  • proven fact of adultery;
  • entering into a new marriage without prior church blessing;
  • renunciation of one of the spouses from the faith;
  • imprisonment;
  • abortion committed by the wife without the knowledge of the husband;
  • the emergence and development of mental illness;
  • infringement on the life or health of other people.

church weddings

All these actions are condemned by Christianity, and therefore any of them is considered a valid reason for dissolving a previously concluded marriage.

Choice and Behavior of Witnesses

The most important decision when preparing a wedding ceremony is the choice of witnesses. There are two things to pay attention to when choosing them:

  1. Witnesses who have previously gone through the baptism procedure are chosen for the ceremony. Therefore, each of them must have personal crosses.
  2. An important feature that should be taken into account when choosing witnesses is that the witnesses acquire a certain connection during the ritual. It is often equated with family ties, and therefore people who want to get married in the future should not be made witnesses. This way they will not be able to bind themselves spiritually ahead of time.

Select date

For many young couples, the problem becomes choosing a suitable date for a wedding ceremony in a church. There are several dates when it will not be possible to get married. The clergy do not allow the ceremony to be performed during:

  • multi-day and one-day Orthodox fasts;
  • Easter;
  • moving holidays.

Therefore, it is necessary to check the calendar in advance to make sure that the selected date does not coincide with any church holiday.

Rules for widows and widowers

The church is most loyal to widowed people. If your chosen one is getting married for the first time, then the ceremony is not much different from the first marriage, even crowns will be placed on the heads of both.

But the widow will no longer be able to put on a white dress or cover her head with a veil. The best option for her is a modest light dress of cream, sandy yellow, golden color and a scarf.

Two widowers or a widower and a person remarrying are married according to the second rank. If one of the couple has a third marriage, then without any rank at all.

Advice! In a controversial situation, it is best to first discuss the details with your priest. He will explain all the details and advise what steps to take.

Will the second wedding be any different from the first one?

As mentioned earlier, the primary sacrament is carried out with the laying of crowns on the heads of the spouses, with a solemn ceremony, burning candles in hands, etc. But how to get married a second time with another person?

The repeated ceremony will differ significantly from the primary one. It is not so long and solemn. In addition to the prayer for blessing, a prayer is read for the repentance of one of the spouses and the forgiveness of his sins.

Church divorce

So, what reasons give you the opportunity to get a divorce that is legitimate in the eyes of the church?

  • Cheating on the part of the spouse. In this case, the injured party has the right to a new marriage, but the guilty party can only try to obtain permission after sincere repentance and penance;
  • AIDS and other serious diseases that threaten the health of unborn children;
  • Drug addiction or alcoholism;
  • The husband has the right to divorce his wife who had an abortion without his knowledge, if there were no medical indications;
  • If one of the spouses converted to another faith;
  • Declaration of the other half missing or sentencing to a long prison sentence;
  • Infertility of one of the spouses. This is the most slippery moment, since the most conservative priests may not recognize the reason as valid. How many children there will be in a family is up to God, not people;
  • Mental illness of one of the spouses, since in this case he does not have the spiritual strength to fulfill marital responsibilities.

If your reason is not listed, don't despair. Time does not stand still, life changes, and the church along with it.
If you consider the problem sufficient to liquidate the family, then it is quite possible that the clergy will be in solidarity with you, will meet you halfway and make an exception. Any reason is considered first by the priest, but the decision on divorce is made directly only by the bishop of your diocese.

Important! Do not forget about the need for confession and repentance on both sides. Even if you are objectively not to blame for anything and are the injured party, the desire to cleanse your soul of anger, envy, and resentment will help you both get out of a previous relationship safely and create a healthy new marriage.

The procedure for debunking a church marriage

As mentioned above, there is no specific procedure for divorce in the church; the church can only bless a person for remarriage, hereinafter we will call this debunking.

The Orthodox Church allows the re-wedding of people who have already been married, and for this it will be necessary to contact the Diocesan Administration. So, how to properly debunk?

  • You must submit a petition to the bishop, attach the necessary documents and wait for a response.
  • You will have to undergo an interview with a priest who will want to know the reasons that prompted you to divorce. Remember that if the reason is not valid for the church, you may be denied a second wedding.
  • If you receive a blessing, you can get married again in any temple of your choice.

Ritual of debunking in the Orthodox Church

The process of disunion is re-marrying in a second marriage with another person with whom you previously entered into a marital relationship.

The wedding will take place the second time in the same way as the first, with the only difference that there will be no laying of crowns on the heads of the spouses.

A crown can only be laid on someone who is getting married for the first time. Otherwise, all the subtleties of the ritual are preserved in their original form.

Is it possible to get married without the consent of the husband or wife?

Since such a procedure as debunking does not actually exist, but there is only a blessing for a second wedding, there is no need to come with your ex-husband or ex-wife.

For a second church marriage, only the presence of you and your new chosen one is required; the former spouse is not required to be present at the second wedding.

What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait

If you decide to dissolve your previous union and remarry and go through the wedding procedure a second time, then you will need the following list of documents to correctly submit your petition:

  1. Passport,
  2. Certificate of divorce from first marriage,
  3. Church marriage certificate,
  4. If the divorce occurs due to the fact that the spouse has lost his legal capacity or is sick with an incurable disease, then medical documents confirming this must be provided, as well as a death certificate if the first spouse has died.

Along with these documents, you must submit a request to the Diocese for permission to perform a second wedding ceremony. Sometimes a petition for debunking is filed instead. Oddly enough, despite the absence of such a concept and procedure, a ritual, there is a statement about debunking (about removing crowns, removing blessings).

However, it is better to check which application form to use with the church in which you are going to have the wedding ceremony again. In the church they will tell you how and what kind of petition to write, or they will show you a sample, and tell you which diocese and in whose name to write.

The letter is submitted to the ruling bishop. The waiting period varies depending on how busy the Diocese is; when your application is reviewed, you will be called to a conversation with a clergyman, where it will be decided whether your marriage can be dissolved. Only the husband or only the wife can come to submit a petition; the presence of both is not necessary. This is the procedure for debunking in the church.

There is no fee for the wedding, only a voluntary donation, the amount of which will be told to you by the priest in the church where you decided to marry your spouse.

Who can get married and who can't?

Not everyone is allowed by the church to get married. There are many prohibitions.

  1. Those who are in a civil marriage, that is, cohabiting together, cannot marry before the Lord. Such relationships in Orthodoxy are considered fornication and equated with sin.
  2. Celibates and monks who have taken vows of celibacy.
  3. A woman or a man who has been married more than 3 times. The church accepts 2 marriages. But if a person has 3 or more of them behind him, then this is equated to sin - fornication.
  4. If a marriage breaks down due to the betrayal of one of the spouses, then the Church is unlikely to agree to the wedding. Only after deep repentance and confession is there a possibility of a ceremony.
  5. If one of the spouses is mentally ill. The Church will refuse to perform the sacrament, since such people are not responsible for their actions.
  6. Young people whose age has not exceeded about. The church will also refuse those who are 60 years of age or older.
  7. The priest will not undertake the wedding if the parents do not give consent. The opinion of mom and dad is valued by the church, so performing the sacrament in this case will be impossible.
  8. If the wedding is supposed to take place against the will of one of the spouses.
  9. A couple that is related (up to the third generation). Incest is a terrible sin.
  10. Those who have not been baptized in the Orthodox Church, atheists, and those who adhere to another religion will be denied a wedding.
  11. Without a marriage certificate received from the registry office, the wedding sacrament will not be performed. The same applies to those who have not yet filed for divorce.

Divorce in other religions

All world religions agree that divorce is sinful, but due to the weakness of human nature, it is pointless to put an absolute ban on divorce. If attempts to reconcile the spouses and return them to the family are unsuccessful, and an exceptional situation has developed in the family, the clergy will allow you to renounce these vows.

Important! The procedure will be preceded by a conversation with the confessor, and in the case of the Catholic Church, an entire church court, but ultimately the divorcees will still be met halfway.

Do Catholics have debunking in the church?

The Catholic Church treats divorces, on the one hand, much more uncompromisingly, and on the other hand, softer than the Orthodox Church. For Catholics, civil divorce and separation is considered normal. In some cases it will not even be a sin. But debunking, taking away one’s vows before God, is completely unacceptable.

After a Catholic wedding, the only possibility is to have the marriage declared invalid, annulled, and such a verdict will be made not by one clergyman, but by an entire tribunal.
Proceedings to annul a Catholic marriage often drag on for years.
Even if the guilt of one of the parties is objectively proven, no one guarantees a divorce. The reason for the breakup is most often betrayal, but other reasons are also possible - impotence, violation of obligations. In cases of domestic violence, mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction, the Catholic Church may suggest that the sick spouse undergo treatment and the other one wait.

In more complex, non-standard situations - resign yourself, endure and learn the lesson that life is trying to teach with this or that problem.

Is it possible for Muslims to get divorced?

Despite the popular belief that Islam does not allow any divorce after nikah, especially those initiated by a woman, this is not entirely true.

Allah has a negative attitude towards the collapse of a family, but getting a divorce if necessary is quite possible. It is enough for a man to say “you are divorced” or “you are single” for a “buffer period” to begin, during which the couple can change their minds and repair the broken love boat.
At the same time, the husband is not at all obliged to explain his decision, although such behavior is extremely unwelcome and can lead to certain social problems and consequences. A woman, if she wants to get a divorce, should seek help from an imam. He takes responsibility for protecting her interests in the divorce proceedings.
The reason for separation may be the husband’s insufficient financial security or any other incompatibility. Important! The family in Islam is sacred, marriage means the union of two families, and therefore divorces are so rare and they are used only as a last resort.

The opinion of the Orthodox Church on the second wedding

Is it possible to get married a second time with someone else? What do clergymen say about this?

The opinion of church workers is unanimous - the first wedding is more valuable than the second. After all, all sacraments performed within the walls of the church do not have a reverse effect. That is, divorce or debunking is not provided for in Christianity. Therefore, a second marriage before God has no special value in Orthodoxy. This is a kind of attempt by people to improve in new relationships.

Despite this opinion, the second sacrament of marriage is not prohibited.

Is it possible to get married without registering with the registry office?

Repeated celebrity weddings

The most sensational event of November 2021 was the wedding of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who had been officially married for 6 years. For the showman and parodist this was the first sacrament, while for the prima donna of the Soviet and Russian stage the wedding was the second.

Pugacheva entered into her first church marriage in 1994 with Philip Kirkorov. According to Alla Borisovna, it was her mistake, made out of stupidity and ignorance. She will repent for her for the rest of her life, since she met her real husband in Galkin. And she is immensely happy that she was allowed the second sacrament.

Surprisingly, Pugacheva’s re-wedding was accompanied by a magnificent celebration, with all the rituals and ceremonies. Many guests were invited, including famous people.

In addition, many Orthodox believers were a little confused by the fact that Pugacheva was 68 years old at the time of the wedding. And according to the rules of the church, women who have crossed the age line of 60 years are not allowed to “marriage in heaven.” But according to some information, at this age people are denied a third wedding.

As for Maxim Galkin, shortly before the solemn event he converted to Orthodoxy and was baptized in one of the Moscow churches. He converted specifically to marry his wife.

Is it possible for a widow to get married a second time?

Thus, Alla Pugacheva is a clear “answer” to the question of whether it is possible to get married a second time after a divorce. The main thing is that there is love and respect between spouses.

Features of the repeat ritual

The crown is placed only on the newlywed who is marrying for the first time, while the symbol is placed only on the shoulders of the second. Exceptions are widows and widowers who have the right to get married as if for the first time. The third sacrament has no order at all, is performed without crowns, and consists mainly of repentance.
Moreover, after it, newlyweds are excommunicated from the church for up to 5 years as punishment. Otherwise, the requirements largely repeat the standard ones for the sacrament of the first order. Only baptized Orthodox Christians are allowed into the church; young people fast for several days before the ceremony and do not enter into intimate relationships.
The bride should look decent - without exposed arms, shoulders, knees, and always with her head covered, but not with a veil, but with a scarf. It is better to avoid makeup altogether, but most importantly - no lipstick, because you will be kissing the image.

Icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, wedding rings, candles, and an embroidered towel are also used and must be purchased in advance from the church shop. Under no circumstances should you bring these things from your previous marriage to your second wedding. The price for the sacrament is not regulated, but usually the couple leaves donations after the ceremony in the amount that they can afford.

There are several other differences between the wedding of the second rank and the first:

  • The priest reads two additional prayers for the newlyweds’ repentance and asks God to guide the spouses to the light and help them overcome their sins;
  • The bride cannot wear a white dress or cover her head with a veil. It is better to choose a cream, yellowish or other light shade along with a modest scarf;
  • The wedding of the second rank is significantly shorter in time.

Where to apply for permission to remarry?

Figure 3. Meeting of the bishops' council

For a blessing for a new wedding, you need to contact the diocesan administration. Write a pardon addressed to the ruling bishop.

Attach documents: wedding and divorce certificates. If there are medical reasons for divorce (schizophrenia, drug addiction, abortion, etc.), confirm them with a medical certificate.

After the bishop recognizes the marriage as “graceless,” the creation of a new family is possible.

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How to get permission after divorce?

First of all, dissolve your previous marriage at the registry office or through the court. To dissolve a church union, you must come to the church in which you got married, or the one you visit, and ask for the address and name of the bishop of your diocese, if they are unknown to you.
A list of documents will be given to you there, usually this is a divorce certificate, a certificate of re-registration, in case of illness of the previous spouse - a medical certificate, in other situations - other supporting documents.

Write the letter as sincerely as possible, but with humility - attempts to shift all responsibility to the other party or to whitewash yourself in the eyes of the ruler will not lead to anything good. In controversial situations, you can also ask for a personal meeting.

Then all that remains is to wait for the verdict. If the bishop decides that your reasons are valid enough, then you will receive a blessing both for the dissolution of your previous marriage and for a second wedding. Most likely, additional repentance, confession, penance of one kind or another will be prescribed - fasting, reading prayers, pilgrimage.

Before the wedding itself, be sure to attend confession , and also eat lean food for at least three days and avoid intimate relationships with your spouse. This will help you cleanse yourself and tune into the necessary spiritual mood.

Wedding date

It is allowed to perform the ceremony on odd days of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday).

True, holidays should not fall on these days:

  1. Easter.
  2. The beheading of John the Baptist (as well as his eve).
  3. The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (as well as its eve).

Also, weddings are not held during Lent and Maslenitsa week.


Before the second wedding (as before the first), you should fast for three days.
You can confess and receive communion in advance. Some priests perform these rites right before the wedding ceremony. You should also prepare:

  1. Icons of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Either bring it from home or buy it.
  2. 2 wedding candles, white towel.
  3. Rings. You can't use the old ones, buy new ones.
  4. Pectoral crosses.
  5. Bride's outfit. It should be modest (all parts of the body should be covered) and light in color. The head must be covered. You should wear comfortable shoes as the process will be long.

Despite the fact that witnesses and guests are not allowed for a second wedding, it is quite possible to order a choir and ringing of bells.

Photo and video shooting should be discussed in advance. In some temples it is allowed.

Description of the ritual

The main difference between the second wedding and the first: the absence of crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. Even if the second spouse participates in the sacrament for the first time, he is not given a crown.

How the ritual takes place:

  1. At the church, the documents of the spouses and the petition addressed to the bishop are submitted. A voluntary amount is paid.
  2. If there is a blessing and an officially registered marriage, only the spouses and the priest should take part in the wedding process.
  3. The wedding ceremony is carried out similarly to the “first time”.

It should be remembered that the ceremony must take place with a complete decision to associate one’s destiny with a person. There must be respect, trust and responsibility for your choice. And, of course, love: not only physical, but also spiritual.


Weddings are held only for those who have been baptized in Orthodoxy.
In some cases, an exception is made for representatives of Catholicism, Lutheranism and Anglicanism. You cannot marry a representative of Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism.

The wedding of close relatives is prohibited (incest).

Weddings can only take place at the age of 18, not earlier!

It is important that the wedding date does not fall on a woman’s critical days. These days, representatives of the fair sex are prohibited from entering the temple.

The wedding takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Engagement. The newlyweds are baptized three times, the presentation of rings and the subsequent exchange of wedding rings three times.
  2. Sacrament. Here the spouses must answer the priest's questions. He says prayers. At the end, the newlyweds drink symbolic sips of church wine from a special cup.

At the end, the spouses walk around the lectern 3 times and receive a blessing (with the help of icons) for marriage.

Prohibited days

Repeated weddings, like usual ones, are not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays - this is done so that the wedding night does not fall on fast days.

Also, you will not be married on the dates of Great Lent or important church holidays, including twelve, patronal and great ones. It is forbidden to carry out the ceremony during the bride’s period, since on these days a woman, in principle, has no right to enter under the arches of the temple.

Advice! Check whether the chosen date is suitable for the wedding according to the church calendar or ask the priest who will perform the ceremony.

In general, it is in any case worth communicating with the priest to whom you will entrust such an important sacrament, as well as visiting the temple, because it will become the cradle of your future family, which means it should evoke extremely positive emotions.

In what cases is a re-wedding impossible?

A registered civil relationship with one person makes getting married to another partner impossible. Church laws deny polygamy and respect a union formalized according to all the rules in the registry office. The wedding ceremony is scheduled after documentary confirmation of official registration. A monk or nun cannot enter into a church marriage if they have taken a vow of monasticism. Clergy who have been ordained do not have the right to get married. A priest, before entering the priesthood, can enter into a union once and have one wife.

Getting married is not allowed if the spouse is unbaptized or an atheist. The Orthodox Church refuses to perform the ceremony if the spouses profess different religions.

A person who has cheated on his wife (husband) and destroyed his first official relationship cannot enter into a church marriage again. This prohibition does not apply to the injured party. A spouse can legitimize a new relationship by performing a wedding ceremony. The Church controls family relationships. Weddings are denied to persons in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree of relationship.

The procedure is denied to persons who have been legally married three times. This category includes widowers and widows who have lost their spouse 3 times. This is how a marriage concluded according to church canons differs from a civil one. The latter has no such restrictions. Civil registry office employees accept for consideration all applications from citizens submitted for registration.

is it possible to get married a second time

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