Regulatory framework Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583 Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 Order
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Should I submit 6-NDFL zero if there are no employees? Do you want to know how to fill in a zero?
If, as the number of staff decreases, workers will be laid off, this is one procedure for preparing regulatory documents.
06/20/2019 0 371 5 min. When employing an individual at a permanent (main) place of work,
In accordance with Art. 402 list of Rosarkhiv, approved. by order of December 20, 2019 No. 236 (valid
What are the causes of industrial injuries? Prevention of industrial injuries is the early prevention of accidents.
In the case of studying at an educational institution, additional paid leave is also provided. This is an irregular look
The Labor Code has been supplemented with a new chapter. 50.1. It is devoted to the peculiarities of labor relations on the territory of the Russian Federation.
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