List of occupational safety magazines that should be in the enterprise

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “List of Mandatory Journals in the Organization 2021”. Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

A journal is a book for recording information and documents and keeping records. It is a key element in document management. There are many types of magazines. Their list depends on the specifics of the company.

List of Mandatory Journals in the Organization 2021

At food enterprises, a commission is formed that is responsible for rejection. It includes these specialists: director, manager, medical worker, senior manager. These employees are responsible for tasting the dishes. The results of the tasting are recorded in the marriage journal. It reflects the smell, consistency of the dish, and its features.

What magazines should a company have?

Design features depend on the type of magazine. The first step to establishing a document is registering journals either with a government agency or at the enterprise itself. The following types of papers must be drawn up in full accordance with the samples:

Occupational safety journals are documents in which all events carried out in an organization are recorded: the date and place of their holding, participants (a list of names with signatures), specific data and facts. First of all, they contain information about briefings before the start of work and training. These documents are among the first to be reviewed by GIT inspectors during scheduled or unscheduled inspections - they confirm that the organization has fulfilled its responsibilities to train workers and familiarize them with labor safety requirements.

Security related logs

Any enterprise must monitor safety. In particular, fire safety. That is, you will have to keep a fire safety log. But this document does not have a single form. It is also divided into types:

  • Briefing Log . The company is required to provide fire safety training. And these activities must be taken into account. The log records employees who have undergone training.
  • Fire extinguisher logbook . It records the condition of fire extinguishers located at the enterprise. Their condition should be checked every 6 months.
  • Journal of Electrical Safety . They include, among other things, information about inspections of power tools.
  • Journal about problems in the automatic protection system . Any problems found are displayed here.
  • Logbook . Needed for document management purposes.

Mandatory paper – occupational safety journal.

Occupational safety magazines

To find out which occupational safety journals are mandatory for all types of companies, you need to analyze the appendices to the listed documents. On this basis, we can compile the following list of magazines that all companies should have, regardless of their type of activity:

Basic forms of occupational safety journals

  • GOST 12.0.004-2021, containing current safety standards;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 73, which describes the procedure for investigating accidents that occurred at work;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 80, containing recommendations regarding the development of state standards for occupational safety;
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 141, dedicated to the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs during inspections;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 328n, which defines safety rules when working with electrical installations;
  • special regulatory documents that apply to certain areas of activity.

For example, an invoice will have to be kept in the organization for 12 months longer than before. On the contrary, data on the imposition of penalties on workers can be destroyed 24 months faster than in 2021. We have collected the main innovations in a table.

From January 1, 2021, some document storage periods will change. The new regulation was issued by the Federal Archive Department. The deadlines will change both upward and downward. And they affect a different range of documents.

Storage periods for documentation on contributions for organizations

Art. 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the organization will face fines if the deadlines for storing documents are not taken into account by it. The size of the fine depends on what documentation was destroyed ahead of time and for how many years.

The retention periods for personnel documentation were last adjusted back in 2021. The changes were reflected in Federal Law No. 43-FZ dated March 2, 2021. The order and period of preservation began to depend on the date of registration of the papers.

However, the requirements of other departments for deadlines are different. Which provoked a lot of questions from users. To which the Federal Tax Service responded that tax documents should be kept for 4 years. And the rest, as much as required by regulations and laws. It’s just not clear how to divide documents into accounting and tax documents.

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How long to keep accounting documents

The Tax Code establishes its own requirements for the rules and periods of storage of documentation. Thus, papers used for tax accounting should be retained for at least 4 calendar years - p.p. 8 clause 1 art. 23 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

1. Order on approval and introduction of regulations on the occupational safety management system. 2. Regulations on the labor protection management system. 3. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for organizing labor protection work. 4. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for ensuring safe work and labor protection. 5. Order on the organization of briefings, internships, training and knowledge testing with attachments: List of workers exempt from workplace briefings; List of employees subject to on-the-job training; The composition of the certification commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and providing first aid to victims at work. 6. The procedure for conducting internships and admission to independent work. 7. Induction program. 8. Instructions for conducting induction training. 9. Order on the approval and implementation of training programs. 10. On-the-job training programs according to the staffing schedule. 11. Order on the approval and implementation of labor protection instructions. 12. Labor protection instructions in accordance with the staffing schedule and types of work. 13. Order on the approval and introduction of training programs and examination cards on labor protection and first aid to victims at work. 14. Training programs on occupational safety and first aid for victims, along with exam cards on occupational safety and first aid for victims at work. 15. Order on medical kits for providing first aid to victims at work. 16. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for organizing loading and unloading operations and placement of goods. 17. Order appointing a person responsible for maintaining tools and equipment in good condition. 18. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for electrical equipment. 19. List of employees who are assigned electrical safety groups. 20. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for testing knowledge and assigning group I in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel. 21. The procedure for testing knowledge and assigning electrical safety group I to non-electrical personnel. 22. Program for testing knowledge and assigning Group I in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel. 23. Instructions for group I on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel. 24. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for organizing preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations). 25. List of employees subject to preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination). 26. Order to conduct a periodic medical examination (examination) for a year. 27. Name list of employees subject to periodic medical examination (examination) for a year (example/sample). 28. Calendar plan for conducting periodic medical examinations for the year (example/sample). 29. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for organizing mandatory psychiatric examinations of workers. 30. List of employees of the organization who are subject to mandatory psychiatric examinations. 31. Order on conducting mandatory periodic psychiatric examinations of workers for a year. 32. Name list of employees of the organization who are subject to mandatory periodic psychiatric examination for a year (example/sample). 33. Calendar plan for conducting periodic psychiatric examinations for a year (example/sample). 34. Order appointing a person responsible for the acquisition, accounting and issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, as well as flushing and/or neutralizing agents with the attachment: Instructions for determining the suitability of personal protective equipment for further use. 35. Standards for issuing special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to employees. 36. Standards for issuing flushing and/or neutralizing agents to employees. 37. Labor safety action plan for the year (example/sample). 38. Protocol for the election of an authorized (trusted) person for labor protection from the workforce (example/sample). 39. Order on the appointment of persons responsible for maintenance, repair and inspection of the technical condition of vehicles. 40. Order on the appointment of persons responsible for the safe conduct of welding work in areas of vehicle maintenance and repair. 41. Order on the appointment of persons responsible for the good condition and operation of welding equipment. 42. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation (operation) of boilers (vessels). 43. Order on the appointment of persons responsible for the release of motor vehicles on the line. 44. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the operation of ventilation units. 45. Order appointing a person responsible for sanitary processing of vehicles and containers. 46. ​​Order appointing a person responsible for the storage, transportation and use of antifreeze. 47. Order for the appointment of a person responsible for the safe operation of buildings, structures, and premises. 48. Order appointing a person responsible for maintaining elevators in good condition and safe operation. 49. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the safe operation of a gas boiler house. 50. List of current regulatory legal acts on labor protection applied in the organization. 51. A set of current regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, incl. taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. 52. Samples of log forms, protocols, internship orders, personal cards for issuing PPE, etc. and examples of filling them out. 53. Video instructions for the use and implementation of labor protection documents in an organization, as well as recommendations for organizing basic labor protection measures.

General rules for filling out logs

Training Procedure No. 1/29 does not contain requirements for the numbering and lacing of OT briefing log books. However, the requirement for numbering is contained in the register for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations in the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations No. 328n. This document states that the pages of the journal must be numbered and protected from withdrawals and attachments.

The training log should be:

  • on the front side “start date”;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • numbered. Each sheet of the journal (not page) must be numbered;
  • laced. The ends of the lacing material should be released on the cover of the magazine or on its last sheet and secured with a sticker so that the ends of the lacing remain visible;
  • signed by the person responsible for its maintenance. The following inscription should be placed on or next to the sticker: “The magazine contains ___ sheets numbered, laced and sealed. “06” November 2021 Full name, position, signature.”

The journal is signed by the person authorized to keep this journal.

  • sealed with the seal of the organization. We place the seal so that its imprint is both on the sticker and on the cover/sheet of the magazine to which the ends of the lacing are glued.


  • When filling out journals, it is prohibited to make any corrections, omit pages, tear out pages, etc.
  • We do not leave empty lines
  • It is not necessary to purchase magazines printed in a printing house; you can print them in your organization yourself.
  • The logs will be filled out by hand by the person who is responsible for maintaining and filling them out.

These are the most basic requirements that should not be forgotten.

In a letter dated July 16, 2018 No. 15-2/OOG-1744, the Ministry of Labor clarified that the requirements related to the need to lacing magazines, page numbering, affixing a seal and a signature sealing the magazine can be established by local regulations of the employer related to the organization of office work in economic entity.

We fill out labor safety briefing logs

All labor safety briefings must be recorded in journals with the signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing (who is instructing, as well as the date of the event). It must be remembered that if no logs are kept, and there are no signatures of the person instructing and who is being instructed, in accordance with current legislation, the instruction is considered not carried out and the company risks receiving penalties for violation of labor protection.

Journal of introductory training on labor protection

The form of this journal is established by GOST 12.0.004-2015. This journal records the data of all persons hired, as well as:

  • Seconded persons
  • Students
  • Employees of third-party organizations who perform work at the enterprise
  • Or other persons who are involved in production activities

The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection specialist, or a person entrusted with these functions, by appropriate order.

The introductory briefing log is kept and stored by the person appointed responsible for its conduct. If there is an occupational safety specialist in the organization, he or she conducts induction training for hired employees. If an organization has less than 50 employees and there is no occupational safety specialist on staff, this event can be carried out by employees appointed by order of the employer.

In contrast to the registration of induction training at the workplace, which must be carried out in each of the departments, the same induction is carried out for all employees.

But, if an organization is actively recruiting third-party contractors or is constantly recruiting for on-the-job training, it makes sense to conduct introductory briefings with full-time personnel from an occupational safety specialist and register them in journal No. 1, and with freelancers - from another specialist who deals with organizational issues activities of third parties on the territory of the enterprise.

To do this, you need to: appoint such an employee from among those who have undergone off-the-job training under a 40-hour training program on labor protection from the category of managers and specialists, issue him a magazine, an induction training program, set in the order the time and place of work with third-party organizations. It also makes sense to keep separate records in a separate structural unit located at a considerable distance from the head office.

Sample of filling out the log of introductory briefing on labor protection.
Keep records in clear handwriting, without corrections. You can't cover up mistakes with a stroke. If you still need to make a correction, you need to make the following entry: “The entry for the number ... was entered erroneously” and repeat the correct one below.

Storage period for the induction training log

The induction training log must be kept by the organization for 45 years. This is indicated in the order of Rosarkhiv dated December 20, 2019 No. 236.

In some cases, these records can become evidence for those applying for preferential pensions, or in case of accidents and occupational diseases.

If this document is not present in the organization, the inspector, during the inspection, may conclude that no instructions were given and impose a fine of 130,000 rubles for each employee.

On-the-job training log

Initial, repeated briefings on labor protection, as well as unscheduled and targeted ones, are documented in the journal on labor protection in the workplace.

The log should not contain crossed out lines or torn out pages; the log should maintain the chronology of the briefings, i.e. date field October 15, 2021, the date should not be earlier than October 15, 2021. Employers often make this mistake, thereby unknowingly breaking the law.

Rules for filling out the workplace briefing log

The logbook records the results of instruction on labor protection in the workplace, which is carried out with the aim of familiarizing workers with working conditions, the possible impact of harmful and dangerous production factors and methods of protection against them.

All journal entries must be made manually. It is necessary to remember that it contains the employee’s handwritten signature, and that it is placed on time, in the right place. If an error was made when filling out, correction is permitted. In this case, the erroneous entry does not need to be covered up with a “stroke”. You need to cross it out with a thin line so that the inspector can see exactly where the error occurred. Next, write it correctly on the next line.

If an employee works at a remote site and the training was conducted remotely, for example, in the form of a webinar, his signature is still required. In this case, you should send the employee a scanned completed sheet in the form of the labor safety briefing log by email. He must put his signature, scan it and send confirmation to the employer by email.

After the initial briefing has been completed and completed, by order of the head of the unit, a person responsible for conducting the internship at the workplace is appointed. The column “Internship at the workplace” indicates the period of the internship, which is determined by the head of the department. At the end of the internship, the employee who completed the internship puts his signature in the “passed the internship” column. In the column “checked knowledge, issued permission to work,” the person conducting the instruction signs and dates it.

The columns “on-the-job internship” are filled in only during initial instruction at the workplace and only when an internship is required.

The employee designated by the mentor must take notes on the internship. Internship is indicated in working days (work shifts) according to the calendar or shift schedule.

Sample of filling out a workplace briefing log

If an accident occurs to an employee, a commission, in certain cases headed by the chief labor inspector, will check the instruction log. If it is established that the employee’s admission was carried out in violation of the training procedure, the officials will be held administratively liable. If within one calendar year a similar offense occurs, which the inspector identifies during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection, then this official will be disqualified.

Storage period for the workplace briefing log

The log must be kept for 45 years. This is indicated in the order of Rosarkhiv dated December 20, 2019 No. 236.

Each structural unit of the organization must maintain its own separate document. In this case, we are talking about internal and separate structural divisions, that is, located both at the location of the organization and outside the official (specified in the constituent documents) location of the organization - a legal entity.

Current legislation does not specify the number of workplace training logs if an organization has several structural divisions. In practice, it is possible to maintain one set of logs for several divisions of an organization.

When maintaining one set of labor safety briefing logs for several structural divisions of an organization, the name of the division should not be indicated in the relevant logs. At the same time, the procedure for conducting briefings in several structural divisions with one set of logs must be fixed in the local regulatory act of the organization.

Repeated instruction is carried out at certain intervals after the initial one. At the end of the procedure, fill out a log where they indicate information about the employee, date and other information.

Repeated instruction is carried out with the aim of consolidating existing knowledge and skills. Its content is similar to the primary one. The programs for it are the same as those developed for the primary.

Sample list of documents on labor protection

I value the time and money of my Customers, so my set of labor protection documents turns out to be as optimized as possible (“no water”), only mandatory documents and working recommendations for activities. In the future, you can always contact me for a free consultation.

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Exact cost and timing of work

Attention! The quality of occupational safety services largely depends on the completeness of the information you provide, so fill out the summary file responsibly. In this case, the principle works: “What you send is what you receive.”

Every employer must keep logs to record the conduct of labor safety briefings . This is indicated in clause 2.1.3 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.

Who should keep and store logs?

Maintaining and storing documents related to labor protection and safety is organized as follows:

  1. General logs relating to all employees of the enterprise (except for those exempted by order from conducting briefings) are kept by the employee responsible for labor protection.
  2. Logs relating to briefings in departments can be kept by the head of the corresponding department, workshop, etc.

Maintenance is entrusted to a labor protection specialist or other person appointed by management.
In the latter case, it is necessary that the job description of such an employee, if approved by the enterprise, provides for such a duty. In the event that the instructor is not the person with whom the journal is stored, the document is handed over to him against signature, and after the briefing is returned back to the responsible custodian. Completed books are transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where they are stored for the period established by regulations.

Occupational safety magazines

Each organization or individual entrepreneur must maintain occupational safety and health logs. In the article, we will tell you which occupational safety logs are required to be kept, and give recommendations on how to fill out one of the most important occupational safety logs—registration of workplace briefings.

Mandatory journals on labor protection in the organization

Also required is a log in which a pre-trip or post-trip medical examination is recorded. Inspection of personal protective equipment, tools and devices should also be recorded in logs. An accident log is also required. All of these are mandatory journals.

The number of annexes to accounting policies is a value established by each company independently. In addition, the number of applications is not constant - it can be supplemented with new ones or reduced if necessary.

Let's sum it up

  • Keeping coronavirus logs is the only way to prove that the employer has taken measures to prevent the spread of this dangerous infection.
  • The absence of a journal on disinfection, thermometry and other mandatory measures is an additional reason for a serious fine under clause 2 of Art. 6.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • You can determine what additional actions are recommended for you by studying the guidelines for a specific field of activity and regional acts.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.

Addendums to accounting policies in 2021

  • format of information - for example, a document flow diagram is usually drawn up in the form of a table with a large number of rows and columns;
  • a significant amount of specific information presented in the form of one table, for example, a working chart of accounts consists of synthetic accounting accounts, detailed by analytical accounting accounts;
  • variability of composition - this is typical for the forms of primary accounting documentation approved as part of the accounting policy (if necessary, the company can develop new forms and delete those that are not used or have lost their practical significance).

How many accounting policy attachments will be required?

  • cycle of existence of a document (registration or receipt, processing, storage, destruction) - the schedule should reflect all stages of the “life” of the document;
  • form of the document flow schedule - traditionally it is compiled in the form of a table, which allows you to clearly reflect a large amount of information in a concise form;
  • types of documents involved in document flow - an integrated approach is required here, since the timeliness of recording information in accounting depends not only on the primary accounting and tax documents, but also on the timely receipt by the accounting department of other related documents (for example, for the timely recognition of income and expenses when writing off debts, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, court decisions, etc.);
  • persons responsible for each stage of the document life cycle and the period during which the document may be delayed for processing by the responsible person at each of these stages.

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Chipping of goods is carried out in order to identify each unit of it and trace its movement - from the manufacturer (importer, seller) to the final consumer. Such measures are being introduced to protect the Russian market from counterfeit and illegal products. The government believes that the law on mandatory labeling of goods (or rather, a whole set of regulations) will create a system for monitoring the circulation of various products. With its help, it will not only identify counterfeit goods, but it will also be able to monitor the quality of goods and analyze consumer demand for specific products.

The labeling code is generated by the authorized operator of the state system for monitoring the circulation of goods. Now, according to Government Order No. 620-r dated 04/03/2021, such an operator is the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies, abbreviated as CRPT.

Mandatory identification marking: what is it?

The rules for labeling products subject to mandatory microchipping are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 515 of April 26, 2021. A year earlier, Cabinet Order No. 791-r dated April 28, 2021 was issued on the model for the functioning of the system for marking goods with control marks.

  • Logbook for introductory training on labor protection.
  • On-the-job training log.
  • Accident register.
  • Journal of labor safety instructions.
  • Logbook for issuing labor safety instructions.
  • Logbook of fire safety briefings.
  • Logbook for assigning group I electrical safety to non-electrical personnel.
  • Logbook for recording work on labor protection.

Sanitary control standards and hazardous production facilities

When creating a program, institutions are guided by Sanitary Rules 1.1.1058-01 “Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.” They reflect the mandatory list of measures necessary for assessing working conditions. For individual industrial facilities, the activities of which can cause serious emergencies, special requirements for the program are provided:

  • use of lifting machines;
  • mining, work under pressure;
  • use of toxic, flammable and explosive substances during work;
  • activities related to metal remelting and transportation.

When creating a program, such enterprises must take into account the provisions of Federal Law No. 116. They oblige to develop rules and control methods, systematically conduct tests and laboratory samples. The enterprise must have the necessary documentation and maintain the reporting forms required by law. Enterprise personnel must receive timely information about possible hazards and threats.

Occupational safety documentation

  • Internal labor regulations of the organization.
  • Job descriptions of employees (including indicating their responsibilities for labor protection) in accordance with the staffing table.
  • Regulations on the organization of labor protection work.
  • Introductory training program on labor protection.
  • Training programs on labor protection in the workplace for professions, positions and types of work.
  • Instructions on labor protection for professions, positions and types of work.
  • Instructions on fire safety measures in the organization.
  • A training program for non-electrical personnel of the organization for assignment to group I in electrical safety.
  • Fire safety training programs for employees of the organization.
  • Occupational safety training programs for professions, positions and types of work.
  • Schedule for testing knowledge based on the results of occupational safety training.
  • Examination cards (control questions, tests) to test knowledge of labor protection requirements based on training results.
  • Certificates of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for workers and protocols for testing knowledge of labor protection.
  • Certificates of knowledge testing of norms and rules for working on electrical installations (for electrical personnel - for example, for those responsible for electrical facilities, electrical engineer, electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, etc.).
  • Acts on the investigation of accidents and occupational diseases, investigation materials.
  • Personal registration cards for the issuance of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment.
  • Personal cards for recording the issuance of flushing (neutralizing) agents.
  • Schedule of periodic medical examinations.
  • Final acts based on the results of medical examinations.
  • Documentation on special assessment of working conditions.
  • Schedule for monitoring the state of labor protection
  • A set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of the organization’s activities.

List of local documents on labor protection in the organization

Local documentation on labor protection is unique for each enterprise and organization! The documentation is extensive and varied. At the same time, we will try to highlight several main types of documents that every enterprise must have.

Ignoring the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the rules of personnel document flow is fraught for legal entities with the application of administrative sanctions. The absence of documents from the mandatory list of papers that the employer must complete entails the threat of financial penalties.

Micro-enterprises that employ up to 15 people and whose annual turnover does not exceed 120 million rubles are eliminated from the need to prepare some personnel documents. Thus, according to Article 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following are optional for a microenterprise:

How to properly keep a log of workplace briefings

In order No. 1/29, the log form is not given, but it is necessary to take into account the instructions. Therefore, the employer has the right to use documents from GOST, methodological recommendations, or develop them himself. For example, a sample journal is given in Appendix A to GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions."

Sample of filling out the workplace briefing log

How to fill out the journal correctly: instructions

  1. Please provide the full name of the organization
  2. Indicate the journal number. If there are several divisions, then keep such a log in each division. But if the company is small, you can keep one journal
  3. Indicate the name of the department according to the staffing table
  4. Set the start date for logging. Record the end date of the journal before storing the journal, after the last entry in the journal is completed
  5. In the “Date” column, enter the entry in the format DD.MM.YY or DD.MM.YYYY. There will be no violation in this
  6. Please indicate the full name of the person being instructed. This can correctly identify the employee who has undergone the training. If you employ foreigners whose documents do not indicate a middle name, you can also omit the middle name. For example, citizens of Ukraine may not indicate their middle name in documents
  7. Enter year of birth in YYYY format
  8. Please indicate your profession and position according to the staffing table
  9. Correctly indicate the type of instruction
  10. In the column “Reason for conducting an unscheduled briefing”, make an entry only for an unscheduled briefing; in this field, indicate the number and date of the order. There is no need to write down “In connection with the entry into force of the Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations...”. Each unscheduled briefing and extraordinary knowledge test is carried out by order of the employer. His instructions will be sufficient.
  11. The profession or position of the instructing person - the head of the department or the workshop foreman, appointed by order to be responsible for conducting the instruction, must also be indicated in accordance with the staffing table, but the full name can be written in the format “Last name, initials”
  12. Due to the rush, many people confuse columns 8 and 9, indicating the signature of the worker in column 8, and the signature of the foreman in column 9. If such an error occurs, do not cross out the inscription. Just write the correct entry on the next line
  13. Information about the internship should be provided only during the initial briefing on labor protection



An approximate sample of the PC OPO Journal form

Similar to other accounting journals existing at the enterprise, the PC Journal is an A4 book, the pages of which are numbered and stitched.

The book includes several columns to fill out:

  • serial numbering of the control event;
  • the object or mechanism on which the check was carried out;
  • the date of the;
  • a list of violations discovered during the inspection;
  • measures aimed at eliminating problems, indicating the name and position of the controller;
  • deadlines established for eliminating violations;
  • information about the employee responsible for the elimination;
  • period of elimination of violations.

The form is filled out using a gel or ballpoint pen. It is prohibited to remove sheets from the book. Damaged inscriptions are corrected, indicating the cause and date of the error. The completion date is written on the completed ledger. The document is deposited in the archive. The minimum shelf life is 5 years.

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