Application for confirmation of work experience: sample 2021

Methods and procedure for confirming work experience

A citizen’s length of service (work experience) is one of the main conditions for obtaining the right to receive a pension, which also affects its size.
When applying for a pension, citizens provide documents indicating that the person has worked a certain number of years at a particular enterprise. The basic rules for confirming work experience are set out in Government Decree No. 555 of 2002. 2 ways to confirm work experience are legally approved:

  • Documentary
    using official documents of citizens. In this order, you can confirm all types of work experience: general, continuous, insurance.
  • Witness's testimonies.
    This method is used in the absence or shortage of official documents, it is auxiliary, with its help only the period of the citizen’s total length of service is proven.

The rules for documenting length of service are divided, in turn, into 2 stages:

  • Before registering as an insured person on the basis of the Federal Law on personalized accounting, which came into force in 1996.
  • After pension insurance.

Based on the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions,” the procedure for calculating the length of service earned by citizens during different periods of their working life is regulated. All established facts are confirmed in the form of various documents, which are stored in the prescribed manner at the place of work.

Confirmation of experience

Confirmation of work experience (video)

Confirming your work experience is not such a hopeless task as it might seem at first glance, even in controversial situations. But for maximum confidence in your chances of receiving a pension, it is better to take care of the necessary documents, without waiting until the time comes to contact the Pension Fund for its registration.

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What can be evidence?

When applying for a pension, a citizen’s length of service is calculated on the basis of the employee’s main document – ​​the work book.
They have always been maintained and are used today in all enterprises, regardless of their type of ownership, and are stored and accounted for by the company’s human resources department. They apply to workers who take permanent jobs, as well as seasonal, temporary, and freelance jobs. All entries are made in the book upon hiring in accordance with the Labor Code. The entries must match the text of the order. In addition, entries relating to personnel issues after the issuance of an order for the enterprise are made:

  • about transfer to another position;
  • about awards and incentives;
  • about dismissal.

If for any reason the work book is missing, or the entries were made with inaccuracies or errors, then the following documents can be used as documents confirming the length of service:

  • Employment contracts.
  • Certificates issued by the HR department and confirmed by the head of the enterprise.
  • Extracts from orders.
  • Personal accounts and other accounting documents regarding the payment of wages.
  • A document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the tax service on the payment of taxes and mandatory transfers.
  • Certificate of payment of a single tax on imputed income of an individual entrepreneur, which is issued by the tax service.
  • Certificates from the military registration and enlistment office, military unit, archive for military personnel.
  • Certificate from the Social Insurance Fund regarding the period of payment of benefits due to temporary disability.
  • Certificate from the employment center about receiving unemployment benefits, from the archive.
  • Statements of payment of wages in cash.
  • Characteristics of the employee during work.

Documents to confirm your experience
Thus, official institutions have the right to issue certificates confirming the length of service of citizens in the absence of a work book. There are cases when citizens do not have any official documents. In this case, confirmation may include, for example, certificates of membership in a trade union organization confirming the fact that the employee has paid membership dues.

How can an employer issue an archival certificate of work experience?

  • it is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead;
  • indicate the date of compilation and number;
  • specify in whose name the information was issued;
  • in case of confirmation of length of service, indicate the period of work with reference to orders on hiring and dismissal indicating their details, in other cases - with reference to other official orders issued by the employer;
  • indicate the purpose of issuing information based on the request. In our case - for submission to the Pension Fund;
  • Be sure to sign with the manager and affix a stamp, if available, for additional confirmation of authenticity.

For example, when registering inheritance rights or privatization, you may need an archival certificate of Form 9 - as it is also called, about registration or registration. You can get it either from the MFC or from local authorities. And if you need confirmation of length of service, for example, to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” or upon retirement, then you should contact your employer directly - the current one and, if necessary, the previous one. If for some reason the organization no longer exists, then information should be requested either from its successor or from the city archive.

Features of document confirmation of experience

The method of confirming work experience on the basis of other official documents, in addition to the work book, is a fairly common occurrence when retiring, therefore the legislation provides for various categories of work activity, where the work book may be absent (in some situations, this moment greatly simplifies life for future retirees):

  • Carrying out work under a civil contract. The length of service in this case is calculated from the moment the agreement is concluded until the day of termination.
  • Individual entrepreneurship of citizens who have a document confirming their registration as an individual entrepreneur and have paid taxes, which is confirmed by a document from the tax service or the Pension Fund, depending on the form of taxation.
  • Farmers who regularly paid taxes, as evidenced by a certificate from the Pension Fund or the tax office.
  • Workers of family communities of indigenous peoples of the North who are registered as entrepreneurs engaged in traditional crafts.
  • Employees of creative teams who are not on staff, but who performed work in these organizations and received remuneration for their work.
  • Detectives, notaries, lawyers who are engaged in private activities.
  • Military personnel, as well as equivalent employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the penal system. These employees confirm their length of service with certificates from military registration and enlistment offices, military IDs, and other documents that indicate the length of service.

The law also regulates a list of special cases when citizens need to confirm various periods that can be counted into the insurance period: detention of unjustly repressed and then rehabilitated citizens, care for the disabled by decision of social protection authorities, care for elderly relatives over 80 years of age and others.
Each case must be confirmed by official documents. You can find out more detailed information about these changes in legislation and confirmation of work experience when caring for an elderly or disabled relative from this video.

In what cases is it necessary to confirm work experience?

To avoid confusion with terminology, it would not be superfluous to immediately stipulate what types of length of service that are important in determining a citizen’s right to a pension and its size exist in the country today.

All insurance experience since January 1, 2002 is reflected in the personalized accounting system in the Pension Fund of Russia

And there are two of them in 2021:

  • The insurance period is the totality of all periods after January 1, 2002, when contributions were made to the Pension Fund (PFR) for a future pensioner.
  • Work experience is any work and other socially useful activity that the future pensioner carried out before the specified date.

The right to an insurance pension, according to current legislation, is given by the insurance period. But if the applicant for a pension also has a work permit, there is no problem. It is also counted towards the insurance. Thus, when the time comes for a citizen to apply for a pension, both periods will be counted in the insurance period - the actual insurance period he received from the beginning of 2002, and the work experience acquired earlier.

This approach on the part of the state seems quite logical. After all, it is not a person’s fault that before 2002 he did not have the opportunity to earn insurance experience. But no one had this opportunity - the pension system itself was different, and for many, a fair part of their work experience began in the Soviet Union - another state where many things were different. And it is not the fault of these ordinary citizens that we all now live in a completely different country.

And thanks to the fact that the length of service is counted towards the insurance, these years worked are not lost.

Let's consider this example. In January 2021, a man born in 1958 reached retirement age: the retirement age for men is 60 years, 2021 – 60 = 1958. His actual insurance period can be up to 16 years: from January 2002 to January 2021 inclusive. And he started working at the age of 18, that is, back in the Soviet period - for example, in January 1976. This means that his work experience can reach 26 years. Thus, if he can confirm all this existing experience, he will be credited with 26 + 16 = 42 years, which will allow him to count on a higher pension than with 16 years.

It remains to be added that each year of work experience contributes to the collection of pension points. And a sufficient number of them is a prerequisite for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension in addition to reaching the appropriate age and the minimum insurance period. And the requirements for their number are growing every year: in 2021, 13.8 points is enough, and from 2025, 30 will be required. In addition, each additional point increases the size of the pension.

But with confirmation of this very work experience, difficulties often arise.

Confirmation of experience with witness testimony

Witness testimony can be a good help for citizens who need to confirm their work experience if, for some reason, other documents are missing.
To do this, the employee should write an application to the personnel department of the enterprise, where personalized accounting is carried out. sample application for establishing the fact of work in .pdf format (Adobe Reader) The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • A document that confirms with facts the circumstances as a result of which the work book was damaged or lost. For example, confirmation from the fire inspection service about a fire at the facility, indicating the date of the event.
  • Certificate of loss of the book signed by the employer indicating the reasons.
  • Certificate from the archive about the absence of data on the requested periods of work.

If the loss of documents occurred as a result of careless storage or intentional destruction, but the employee is not to blame for this, then the testimony of 1-2 witnesses can be used as confirmation of work experience.
They must be the employee’s colleagues, that is, work at the same enterprise. According to their testimony, the duration of work should not be longer than that established by law when assigning a pension. It is permissible for a witness to provide his testimony in writing if he is unable to testify for objective reasons, for example, in case of illness. In a situation where the Pension Fund decides not to take into account length of service based on testimony, then citizens can resolve this issue through the court.

Ways to confirm work experience

If the length of service is not reflected in the citizen’s individual personal account with the Pension Fund, additional documents will be needed to confirm it.

The following are the main ways to confirm experience:

  • Using a work book.
  • Archival information.
  • Witness testimony to the Pension Fund.
  • Through the court.

Confirmation of work experience with a work book

The work book is considered the main document confirming the work experience, but does not guarantee 100% inclusion in it, and therefore in the insurance period, of all periods of work recorded in it.

The work book is considered the main document confirming work experience before 2002, including Soviet

If everything is fine with her, there are usually no difficulties with recognition of work experience.

Problems arise in such situations:

  • The entry in the work book was entered incorrectly. For example, it is not certified by the seal and/or signature of the head of the organization or the responsible person, the date or serial number is not indicated, the basis for making the entry is not indicated (this is usually an order for hiring, dismissal, transfer to another position or to another structural unit, etc. etc. with a mention of the name of the document, its number and date of publication), etc.
  • The entry contains inaccuracies. For example, they do not match the job titles in the hiring and dismissal records, or the order number differs greatly chronologically from the date of entry made on its basis.
  • There are corrections in the record that were not properly filed.
  • The seal is not readable.

The need for additional confirmation of work experience often arises among former members of collective farms. In this case, the entry in the collective farmer’s work book about membership in the collective farm does not automatically confirm the fact of working in it. This means that additional documentary evidence is required that the person actually worked on the collective farm during the relevant period and that his salary was paid, including in workdays.

In such cases, employees of the Pension Fund branch may require additional documents confirming the relevant period of work. For example, an archival certificate or other confirmation.

Confirmation of insurance experience with an archival certificate

An archival certificate confirming the fact that a citizen works in a particular organization is considered the second most important document confirming certain periods of work experience, after the work book.

The need for this document arises when certain periods of work are for some reason not reflected in the work book or the records about them have caused complaints from Pension Fund employees.

If the organization in which the pension applicant worked continues to exist, you must apply for an archival certificate directly there. It also happens that the organization itself is no longer there, but it has a legal successor. Information about its availability can be obtained from the tax office at the place where such an organization was located.

It is much more difficult when an organization has ceased to exist and there is no legal successor; all that remains is to go to the archives, where information about it and its former employees can be stored. It is also necessary to contact the archive in cases where the organization has a legal successor or continues to function itself, but they refuse to issue a certificate confirming labor activity to the applicant under one pretext or another.

Which archive to contact depends on the subordination of the organization of interest in the past. If it was of union or republican subordination, information about it is most likely contained in the federal archive, regional or territorial - regional, city - in the city archive, etc. However, it is enough to contact any archive at the location of the organization. If it does not contain the necessary information, its employees are obliged to forward the application themselves within seven days.

The minimum requirements for a request to the archive from a private individual require the following set of information:

  1. The exact name of the archive to which the applicant is applying.
  2. Full name of the applicant, his registration address, additional contact information: postal address, if different from registration, contact phone number, email.
  3. The name of the document is a statement.
  4. The essence of the appeal. Here it is advisable to state as accurately and completely as possible what information is needed:
      exact and full name of the employer;
  5. name of the structural unit;
  6. name of the position held;
  7. work period.
  8. The place and purpose of submitting the archival certificate is to the Pension Fund for the assignment of a pension.
  9. Date.
  10. Applicant's signature.

Sample application for issuance of an archival certificate

To the archives of the city of Novokuznetsk

from Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

date of birth: 01/12/1958,

residing at the address: Novosibirsk, Krasny Prospekt d..., apt..,



I ask you to issue an archival certificate confirming your work experience in the foundry shop No. 1 of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant OJSC as a foundry worker for the years 1992–1997.

The certificate is required for submission to the Pension Fund for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension.


It should be taken into account that there are two types of archival certificates:

  • about work experience;
  • about the salary for the period of interest.

Often the Pension Fund requires both certificates. After all, the size of the future pension depends, among other factors, on the average salary for any five years preceding 2002, and it may happen that information about it precisely for the period that needs confirmation will be the reason for its upward revision. In such a case, it makes sense to request both certificates at once - both about confirmation of experience and about salary. To do this, you can request both with one application (“I ask you to issue archival certificates confirming your work experience and salary…”) or write a separate request for each.

Certificates confirming work experience and archives are issued free of charge. After all, this service is classified as socially significant. The law allows 30 days for its preparation from the date of receipt of the request. If this time was not enough, the archive notifies the applicant about the extension of the period for consideration of his appeal, indicating the reasons and a new deadline within which he will respond.

The archival certificate must satisfy a number of mandatory requirements:

  • Be issued on the letterhead of an enterprise, organization or archive.
  • Contain in the text information about the subject of the request.
  • Contain archival codes of documents and sheet numbers of archival files that served as sources of the information presented in it.
  • Provide information only regarding the citizen referred to in the request.
  • Present events in chronological order in the same order as in the sources.
  • Reflect all renamings of the organization itself, structural divisions, positions, etc., mentioned in the certificate, which took place from the time of the events described until the day the document was compiled.
  • All discrepancies with the information contained in the request must be accompanied by explanations, for example, that this is exactly how it is stated in the original document.
  • Corrections in the text of the archived help are not allowed. If they are in the source, a corresponding note is made about this.
  • Salary information is presented separately for each month of accrual; average annual and average monthly income are not calculated. No adjustments are made for inflation - all information is given in prices of the corresponding period, which can be stated in the text. If there is no information about the salary of a specific former employee, the figures are taken from the staffing table for the period of interest.
  • The certificate is certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of its head or other authorized person.

In the 80s of the last century, a relative of the author of these lines, at that time a young nurse, was sent to Afghanistan. There she worked for almost two years as an operating nurse in a front-line hospital in Kabul. Then she returned home, graduated from medical school and became a cardiac surgeon. In 2014, already close to retirement age, she sought advice from her Pension Fund branch, where she was advised to take an archival certificate regarding the Afghan period of her biography. The archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense could not help her. The necessary information ended up in the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan. But thanks to the certificate she received from there, she not only confirmed her length of service, but also retired early with the same rights as combatants.

Photo gallery: samples of archival certificates of length of service and salary

Sample of an archival certificate of work experience, part 1

Sample of an archival certificate of work experience, part 2

Sample of an archival certificate of work experience, part 3

Sample of an archival salary certificate, part 1

Sample of an archival salary certificate, part 2

Sample of archival salary certificate, part 3

Sample of an archival salary certificate, part 4

Confirmation of work experience by testimony in the Pension Fund of Russia

In some cases, the law allows for confirmation of work experience by testimony of witnesses. But there is a mandatory condition - data for the period of interest was not preserved in the archive due to a natural disaster, military operations or other emergency events, and this fact is documented. As a rule, the confirmation is a certificate from the archive where the documents of interest were stored.

Then the future pensioner is required to find at least two witnesses with whom he worked together, and be ready to inform his Pension Fund office of their full names and addresses. In turn, each witness must have documentary evidence of the fact of working at the same enterprise during the period of interest. Another condition is that by the beginning of the period for which the length of service is being confirmed, the witnesses must have reached the age at which it is permissible to conclude an employment contract, that is, 16 years.

In some cases, you can confirm your work experience with the help of colleagues

They are afraid that they will have to drag the witnesses to their Pension Fund office, but don’t. They can give evidence at the fund’s nearest branch or provide it in writing, having previously certified it to a notary.

To attract witnesses, you need to write an application to your Pension Fund branch with a request to interview witnesses to confirm the insurance record for such and such a period and indicate their full name and address, and attach a certificate confirming the fact and reason for the loss of documents in the archive.

But there are also limitations. When confirmed by testimony, no more than half of the minimum length of service is counted for calculating the insurance pension. This experience in 2021 is nine years; accordingly, a maximum of four and a half years can be counted. By 2025, when the minimum insurance period will increase to 15 years, if there are no further changes in pension legislation, it will be possible to confirm up to seven-and-a-half years of experience using testimony.

If the testimony of witnesses regarding the length of service differs, the shortest period confirmed by them will be counted.

A case from one's life. In Soviet times, a woman was a member of a collective farm and worked on it for three years, from 1985 to 1988. However, the work book only contained a record of membership in a collective farm, which is not enough for work experience. The collective farm was transformed into an agricultural enterprise, which still exists today, but its archives for the 80s were destroyed by fire. Therefore, from there the former collective farmer was only able to obtain certificates about the new name of the agricultural enterprise and about the destruction of the archive. The witnesses who confirmed that she was a milkmaid during the period of interest were the former chairman of the collective farm and the ex-manager of the farm, who held these positions at that very time. The chairman confirmed his work on the collective farm with a work book, the entry in it did not raise any doubts in the Pension Fund of Russia, and the head of the farm - with a certificate issued to her upon dismissal. As a result, three years of collective farm experience were counted.

Confirmation of work experience in court

In a situation where it is impossible to confirm work experience either with entries in the work book or with an archival certificate and the conditions for attracting witnesses through the Pension Fund are not met, and in other difficult cases, the pension applicant can apply to the court for confirmation of work experience.

A special feature of this option is that the plaintiff has the right to present to the court any documentary evidence of his work in a given period, including those not accepted for consideration by the Pension Fund. And if he takes them into account and makes a decision to satisfy the claim, the decisive vote will be his.

The court also takes into account witness testimony, including evidence that did not satisfy the FIU in some way. And it can render a verdict in favor of the plaintiff based on the totality of the evidence presented by him.

A well-drafted statement of claim increases your chances of winning your case in court. In this document you need to set out in detail all the circumstances of the case and provide a list of documents confirming your words. Simultaneously with filing a claim, you can immediately attach to it a petition to call witnesses, which will somewhat speed up the consideration of the case.

Photo gallery: sample statement of claim to the court for confirmation of work experience

Sample statement of claim to the court for confirmation of work experience, part 1

Sample statement of claim to the court for confirmation of work experience, part 2

Sample statement of claim to the court for confirmation of work experience, part 3

Sample statement of claim to the court for confirmation of work experience, part 4

Other documents to confirm work experience

If the information from the main documents about the work experience is incomplete or requires additional confirmation, the law allows the use of any paper on the basis of which it can be concluded that the applicant for a pension during the relevant period worked or performed other activities useful to society that are to be included in the work experience.

The following may be considered in this capacity:

  • Labor and civil law contracts, one copy of which always remains in the hands of the employee or performer.
  • Copies of any orders related directly to the pension applicant (on hiring, dismissal, transfer to a new position or to another structural unit, awards, bonuses, penalties, etc.), and any others where he is mentioned as worker.
  • Certificates 2-NDFL.
  • Characteristics from places of work.
  • Trade union cards.

    In the absence of other evidence, it is possible to confirm work experience using a union card with marks of payment of dues at the place of work

  • Certificates from trade union organizations that participated in the conclusion of employment contracts.
  • Certificates from employers confirming the fact and period of work, salary, positions held, etc.

In short, any documents containing information about where, when, by whom and for how long you worked.

By law, the Pension Fund is obliged to accept them in the absence of other confirmation. But even if he rejected them, there is a chance to defend his case in court.

As for current and recent places of work, we can recommend asking them for copies of those of the listed documents that seem feasible to obtain. This right is available both to an employee who is in an employment relationship and to an individual who is a party to a civil contract.

Application to the archive

In the process of applying for a pension, a person can contact the archive if there is no work book and there are no other sources of obtaining information about places of work.
An archival extract is an official document that certifies the facts of a citizen’s labor activity at a particular enterprise. The legislation does not contain strict rules for filling out an application, but certain points must be contained in it:

  • name of the archive;
  • FULL NAME. applicant, date of birth, address, contacts;
  • title “Application for confirmation of experience”;
  • contents of the application: request for a certificate, name of the enterprise where the citizen worked, position, period of work;
  • name of the institution where the document must be submitted;
  • date of application, signature of the applicant.

sample application for archiving in .pdf format (Adobe Reader)


How to make a request for a certificate to confirm work experience

Pensioners quite often have to prepare an application for confirmation of work experience. However, individuals either do not know how to correctly draw up such a document and what information to enter into it, or have a rather vague idea about it.

I recently submitted an application that I had written, relying on intuition, but I never received a positive response, since the archive staff wanted to see completely different information in the document. After that, I consulted with a lawyer I knew, and he helped me draw up the application properly.

In the article I will talk about why a document of this kind is needed, what structure must be followed when preparing it, and also what information should be present in it. In addition, emphasis will be placed on the required application details.

What to do if the archive does not have the necessary documents?

Working throughout their lives, few citizens care about the safety of all documents, relying on the integrity of human resources departments and personalized records.
However, there are often cases when it comes to applying for a pension and a lack of documents confirming work experience is discovered. This affects the amount of the pension, so potential retirees need to know how to solve the problem. The impossibility of confirming length of service most often arises when we are talking about periods of activity of citizens when registration in the compulsory pension insurance system has not yet been legalized.

Future retirees need to have information about the status of their personal account on the eve of retirement in order to make sure that all periods of working activity are reflected in it. Options for obtaining information from a personal personal account:

  • on the website of government services or the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • visit to the nearest PF branch in your locality;
  • at the place of work (in this case, the employer can familiarize the employee with data about employees, which he transfers to the personalized accounting authorities).

If a citizen discovers that the personal account does not contain the data that is written in the work book, he needs to immediately contact the Pension Fund. Pension fund employees, in turn, also organize a search for lost information.

Evidence of experience by witnesses

If the company no longer exists, as well as its successors, along with archival documentation, then a person can use witness reports. Their words confirm a certain period of employment, but not information about the salary.

If the organization’s archives are lost through no fault of a person, then the terms of his work at this enterprise are confirmed on the basis of reports from at least 2 witnesses who know the applicant from general activities during these periods. Witnesses must have certificates proving their employment with a specific manager while working in common with the person for whom they are providing information.

A person will need to send an application to the Pension Fund with a request to confirm the duration of work based on reports from witnesses, indicating their full name and registration addresses. The application is accompanied by an archival certificate stating that the documents of the liquidated organization were not found.

The duration of a person’s work at the enterprise, which is confirmed by reports from witnesses, cannot exceed 50% of the insurance period required to establish pension payments.

Witness reports are accepted to establish the period of work in Russia before a person is registered as an insured citizen. It will not be possible to confirm military service or time spent caring for a child with a disability with the help of witnesses.

How to confirm work experience if the company is liquidated?

Another case that citizens often encounter when applying for a pension: the enterprise where the citizen once worked has been liquidated.
In such a situation, it is necessary to make inquiries about the company at the tax office, whether it has a legal successor, or whether it has merged with another company. If there is a legal successor, the situation is simplified, since all documents must be in his possession. If there is no legal successor, then it is recommended to look for information about the company in the archive. Depending on who the enterprise was subordinate to, the documents are placed in the appropriate archive: regional, federal or municipal. All information about this can be obtained from the tax office.

When they retire, citizens confirm that they have worked for a certain number of years at a particular enterprise. Considering the fact that searching for information about work experience that is not registered in the work book can take a lot of time, future retirees are recommended to study their personal account in advance and start processing the missing papers.

How to make a request to the archive through State Services, order and receive a certificate

Archival certificate is a necessary document. Using it, you can obtain information in cases of need: confirm relationship; take data on length of service, salary; study a genealogical matter; collect information about a cultural institution, museum, and its history.

The service is provided by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Before executing a request, decide on the topic of the document: thematic, social and legal sphere, or searching for relatives.

If necessary, contact the archive at your location. However, using the government services website, the operation is much more convenient and saves time.

From the article you will learn how to make a request to the archive through the State Services portal.

Who can contact the archive through State Services?

Individuals and legal entities can apply through the State Services portal. Submission by proxy is possible. Regarding the required certificate, the time frame for completing the procedure will vary. In Moscow usually twenty working days.

To submit to the archive, you must describe the question and attach all known information. It is enough to submit an application and write in the field all the materials that are requested. Passport details will not be required, since they are already entered during registration.

Applications are accepted from those who are registered on the portal.

Types of archival references

Before receiving the material, you need to determine the type. They differ by type (genealogical, thematic, socio-legal).

Types of archival references:

  1. Personal (genealogical). Regarding pedigree, it is suitable for ordinary people.
  2. The most common ones are about work experience. It is possible to obtain salary data.
  3. Education. Needed for provision to pension and other funds.
  4. About cultural issues. To identify a sufficient amount of knowledge about the institution and its history.
  5. Will.
  6. About deportation, etc.

Sample request

If an application is submitted through the public service portal, it must be clear and concise, without containing unnecessary information. First of all, in the preparation you need to indicate personal data: full name, telephone number and postal address (if the person is an individual). However, legal

When drawing up, the person must note the name of the organization. The next step is to describe the topic, all the requested facts

It is important to provide the signature and initials of the applicant, feedback address

Statement No. 1 (to provide information from the archive)

Application No. 2 (to provide an archived salary certificate)

Application No. 3 (for issuing an archival certificate confirming the award of a medal)

filling out application form No. 1

filling out application form No. 2

filling out application form No. 3

Refusal to solve a problem occurs in the following cases:

  • there is no information required for the case;
  • last name, first name, patronymic are not indicated, there is no signature with feedback;
  • there is not enough specificity about the third party (if necessary);
  • the submission constitutes a federal-level issue, or news that cannot be disclosed because it is a state secret (provide authorities who can receive this kind of information).

Required documents

They differ depending on topics and types. If the topic is of a labor nature, you need information about length of service and salary.

Related aspects are resolved using personal information about a relative (in this case, written confirmation of the processing of personal information is required). If the surname is changed, the same initials will be used.

Genealogical questions - everything that can somehow help in the search can be studied independently in the archive room.

It is important to describe the most accurate information about the service. Individuals and legal entities can apply

Individuals and legal entities can apply.

  1. Before sending a request, you need to determine the form of the request and prepare the material that is necessary to solve the problem.
  2. There are 3 types of requests: genealogical, thematic, socio-legal.
  3. When drawing up an application, you must indicate your full name, phone number, feedback and personal signature.
  4. You can easily submit an application through the public service portal by entering your email address, and you will receive a notification of consideration or refusal.

From the article we learned what types of archival certificates there are, why they are needed and how to obtain them through the State Services portal.

GPC agreements

This type of contract falls outside the scope of labor relations, however, payments under it are subject to insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Article 420-1, paragraph 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Despite the fact that there will be no entries in the work book about this event, contributions must be transferred by the employer.

Proof of this fact will be the GPC agreement itself and the information transmitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the citizen providing services (performing work). They are requested in the same way as documents confirming the employment relationship. Sometimes a note about the payment of amounts to the Pension Fund is made directly on the agreement, sealed with the signature of the responsible persons.

Individual entrepreneurs working under such an agreement pay contributions independently (Article 419-1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), therefore, they are fully responsible for their pension savings during this period.


  • The length of service that affects the amount of the pension must be proven in some cases. Periods of work are confirmed, first of all, by the data of the work book, and then, if they are not enough, by other information about work and payroll, deductions of amounts to the Pension Fund. This could be certificates from the archive, from the employer, other information, even testimony from former employees. In some cases they go to court.
  • Other periods included in the insurance period can be confirmed depending on the situation: a certificate from the employment service, a child’s birth certificate, a certificate of disability, etc.
  • Under GPC agreements, insurance premiums are transferred and confirmed by analogy with labor relations.

How are employment contracts and work contracts included in length of service?

There are often cases when employers enter into a work contract with an employee instead of an employment contract, since this form of relationship is more profitable for the employer. The differences between the agreements are as follows.

Interesting information

The amount of benefits for an employee with insurance experience equal to or exceeding 8 years is not calculated, because in any case the amount of benefits will be 100% of earnings.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee on the latter’s performance of work in a specific specialty and position. The employee is subject to internal regulations and other rules in force in the organization. In turn, the employer is obliged to provide him with healthy and safe working conditions and regularly pay wages. Delay in payment leads to penalties for the employer.

The entire period of work under an employment contract is included in the length of service. Relations between the parties in this case are regulated by labor legislation (mostly the Labor Code).

A work contract is one of the types of civil law contracts and its parties are subject to the norms of the Civil Code. The contractor is not an employee of the employer and is not obliged to obey his orders and instructions. The main purpose of the contract is the final result of the work, which the contractor must deliver on time.

The employer should not be involved in the contractor's labor protection. His responsibilities include only payment for the result of the work. In this case, if there is a delay or refusal of payment, the employee will have to recover the payments due to him in court.

Is maternity leave included in the length of service? Read this article

A work contract is included in the length of service only if contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were made during the work. For example, if the contractor is an individual entrepreneur and pays fees.

At the same time, the law provides for the possibility of converting a work contract into an employment contract and, accordingly, counting it towards the length of service. This can be done in court at the request of the employee, provided that the contract actually regulates the labor relations between the employee and the employer (Article 11 of the Labor Code).

The video talks about confirmation of work experience

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