Is it possible to join the Labor Exchange while pregnant and receive maternity benefits?

What benefits are available to unemployed pregnant women?

An unemployed pregnant woman has the right to register at the labor exchange and look for a new job. In this case, she will receive unemployment benefits calculated for her on a general basis.

An unemployed woman on maternity leave will not receive some of the payments that working new mothers receive, for example:

  • unemployed persons are not entitled to maternity benefits (except for the exceptions established by law);
  • An unemployed person will not receive a lump sum payment if she registers for medical attention before the 12th week of pregnancy.

But without exception, all women in labor in Russia, regardless of their “working” status, receive:

  • payment at the birth of a baby (the amount is paid once);
  • child care allowance up to one and a half years old (every month).

Beneficiaries can count on additional cash payments. For example, a special system of monetary support has been developed for the wives of conscript military personnel who have given birth.

Payments in connection with the liquidation of an enterprise

According to the law, unemployed women who have the right to receive maternity leave include those dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization, students and military contractors.

An enterprise cannot fire a pregnant woman unilaterally. An exception is the case of liquidation of an organization in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Female students and military contractors are actually treated as workers. Accordingly, maternity leave will be accrued to them by the accounting department at their place of study or military service.

One-time benefit in early pregnancy

This form of benefit is paid once to those women who are legally entitled to maternity benefits. To register at the place of application for benefits, you must provide a certificate from a medical institution about registration when the fetus is not yet more than 12 weeks old. If a non-working citizen is not entitled to maternity benefits, she will not be able to process the payment.

Payment of sick leave

Only working women will need sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. If a woman who is pregnant and then gives birth is unemployed, a sick leave certificate is not needed to receive the benefits she is entitled to. After all, the essence of sick leave is official medical confirmation of temporary inability to work for the employer.

Child care benefits

All mothers in Russia, including the unemployed, receive one-time financial assistance to provide the baby with proper care immediately after birth. For these purposes, the regions are allocated money from the federal treasury, and they then make payments from local budgets.

Procedure if pregnancy occurs while registered at the labor exchange

If a woman was at the labor exchange and became pregnant, there is no need to notify the civil servant in charge of her employment case. However, when the period reaches 30 weeks, the woman must send a certificate from the antenatal clinic to the employment service, on the basis of which leave for labor and labor will be issued.

So, during the period of leave under the BiR, the woman will not receive benefits. However, payments for child care up to 1.5 years can be issued. In particular, for this a woman will need to contact the social protection service with the following package of documents:

  1. Corresponding statement.

  2. An extract from the antenatal clinic confirming the fact of pregnancy.
  3. Certificate from the employment center regarding registration.
  4. A copy of the work book.
  5. If the woman is a former private entrepreneur, an extract from the tax service about deregistration is also required.

You can apply for maternity benefits to the social protection service until the child reaches six months.

Registration of unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefits for pregnant women in different cases mean:

  • payment to an unemployed woman who still wants to get a job;
  • maternity leave due to an unemployed pregnant woman if she is fired from a liquidated organization.

Depending on the purpose, you need to go to different places.

Where to contact

To receive unemployment benefits, you must register at the labor exchange (employment service). Maternity payments to a woman who is left unemployed due to the liquidation of her employer will be made by the local social security authority.

In the second case, the woman must also register with the employment center within a year from the date of dismissal and look for work in the vacancies offered to her. That is, in fact, when requesting maternity leave, she will have to confirm that she was looking for, but could not find, a job.

How can a pregnant woman register with the employment center?

A pregnant woman can register with the Central Employment Service and register as unemployed in the general manner. To do this, a woman must contact the territorial office of the Employment Service at her place of registration with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a work book confirming that at the time of contacting the Labor Center the woman is unemployed;
  • SNILS (individual personal account insurance number), confirming registration in the compulsory pension insurance system;
  • certificate of secondary education;
  • diplomas of secondary specialized/secondary technical/higher education;
  • other documents confirming the length of service (copies of GPC agreements);
  • other documents confirming professional qualifications (diplomas, certificates of advanced training, retraining, completion of courses, seminars, trainings, etc.);
  • certificate of average earnings issued by the employer at the last place of work. The certificate form can be downloaded here ⇒ Certificate of average earnings for TsZN (form) .

If we are talking about registering a pregnant woman without special education and work experience, then the basis for assigning the woman unemployed status will be a passport and a certificate of secondary education.

Who can be refused

Cash benefits are calculated within the framework of current legislation. Therefore, there are only two possible reasons for failure:

  • the woman has not documented her legal right to receive financial assistance from the state (there are not enough documents);
  • Some of the documents presented are of poor quality (fuzzy, with marks) and require replacement.

In both cases, it is necessary to eliminate the cause and submit the documents and application for the accrual of financial assistance again.

Payment of cash benefits to those giving birth is part of the state strategy for social support of the population, protection of childhood and motherhood, and improvement of the demographic situation in the country. Therefore, they try to increase financial assistance even for unemployed women every year.

Package of documents for application

The process of applying to the labor exchange is regulated by the Federal Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”. It spells out what to do if you lose your main job.

ATTENTION! First, you need to find out the address of the Employment Center in the area of ​​your actual residence, and not by registration.

To register with the Employment Center, an unemployed pregnant woman needs to prepare and bring the following documents:

  1. a statement of the established form ( it can be written directly at the center );
  2. passport of a Russian citizen;
  3. work book;
  4. documents confirming the employee’s qualifications ( certificate, diploma, certificate, etc. );
  5. a statement of wages for 3 months from the previous employer ( on the basis of this data the amount of benefits is calculated );
  6. SNILS ( insurance certificate of state pension insurance );
  7. TIN ( A4 document from the tax office );
  8. an extract from deregistration with the tax authority ( for women who were registered as an individual entrepreneur );
  9. a certificate from a gynecologist is not a mandatory document in the package, however, if the fact is obvious, it is better to prepare it in advance to eliminate questions and reject the application on formal grounds. In the end, a document can be made and provided only in case of irreconcilable disagreements with an exchange employee on this matter.

An incomplete package of documents is grounds for refusal to register. This applies to all citizens, regardless of gender and health status, including pregnant girls. In this case, the agency employee must point out shortcomings in the collected package of documents and explain the algorithm for further actions.

ATTENTION! A woman in an interesting position is not obliged to tell anyone about it.

Therefore, when asked by exchange employees about your pregnancy, you don’t have to give an answer, even more so. If it doesn't catch your eye. In addition, the law does not provide for liability for dishonest responses to questions from curious employment center specialists.

Accordingly, refusal to process documents due to pregnancy is a gross violation and a reason to check the competence of the labor inspector.

A woman can register with the employment center up to the 30th week. At a later date, according to the law, maternity leave begins.

Even if the fact of pregnancy is visible to the naked eye, they cannot refuse to register you. The only limitation is a period exceeding 7.5 months. A document confirming the period can be obtained from the antenatal clinic. At later stages of pregnancy, it is considered that the woman cannot perform labor functions and is sent on maternity leave to prepare for childbirth.

The next step is to fill out an applicant questionnaire, on the basis of which a search for suitable positions will be made. It reflects qualifications, professional skills, knowledge and abilities, education received, work experience and personal wishes for a future place of work.

IMPORTANT! When conducting an interview with a direct employer, a girl needs to remember that pregnancy is not a reason for refusal to work. This is illegal.

However, it is worth negotiating very carefully if there is this nuance. Still, the employer needs an employee, not a chance to do a good deed and help the expectant mother. This can be beneficial if you are aiming to receive benefits. In such a situation, it is better to immediately tell the HR employee about your situation in order to formalize a reasoned refusal on the part of the employer.

Do I need to notify a labor department inspector about pregnancy?

It should be noted that at the legislative level it is prohibited to dismiss pregnant women at the initiative of the employer. But this does not mean that the girl will not lose her job and constant income before giving birth and going on maternity leave.

If a girl knows how to find a job through the labor exchange, it will be easier for her to find a permanent job. When registering, a woman may not tell the inspector about her situation. It's her right. Although it is better to talk about pregnancy, since if you cannot find a job, then social protection will provide financial support.

Due to the fact that it is prohibited by law to fire pregnant women, some unscrupulous employers deliberately create unbearable working conditions for the girl so that she will leave her job on her own initiative.

Thus, at the legislative level there is a rule that a woman is not obliged to tell anyone about her pregnancy.

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Are expectant mothers entitled to social benefits while looking for work?

The unemployed mean citizens who do not have a permanent job that brings a stable income.
At the same time, the person is registered with the employment center and is interested in finding employment as soon as possible (Article 3 of Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991). If a woman quit her job during pregnancy, she has the right to register with the Employment Center (PEC) and apply for unemployment benefits on a general basis. The reason for dismissal does not matter . She can also attend various events and trainings, and take courses directed by the labor exchange.

If the unemployed person was already registered with the Central Employment Service when she learned about pregnancy, she can look for work and receive benefits until the 30th week of pregnancy. The inspector must provide a certificate from the housing complex. A pregnant woman will not be sent to work with unfavorable conditions (shifts, night shifts, heavy physical labor).

The amount of the benefit depends on the salary from the last place of work:

  • first 3 months - 75%;
  • next 3 months - 60%.

After indexation in 2021, the minimum benefit amount is 1,500 rubles, the maximum is 12,130 rubles . Unemployment benefits will not be paid above the maximum level, even if earnings were much higher. Read more about the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits in a separate article.

Orphans who are looking for work for the first time through the Labor Center, and persons who have no more than 5 years left until retirement are entitled to an increased amount of benefits (Articles 34.1 and 34.2 of Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991).

During 2021, a temporary procedure for registering for unemployment and receiving benefits is in effect. You can register remotely, without leaving your home: through the “Work in Russia” and State Services portals. For those who quit and registered after March 1, 2020, increased benefits have been introduced: from April to June they will be able to receive 12,130 rubles, regardless of lost earnings. For minor children they will pay another 3,000 rubles.

Those who have never worked or have not been registered under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will receive a minimum benefit. It is also accrued in the following cases:

  • the pregnant woman was fired due to violation of labor discipline;
  • the woman received a referral from the Center for Retraining, but was expelled from the group for violating the rules of attendance;
  • the pregnant woman quit her job a year before contacting the Health Center;
  • during the 12 months before contacting the Center for Labor Protection, the woman had been in an employment relationship for less than 26 weeks.

When calculating unemployment benefits, regional coefficients are taken into account. The minimum and maximum benefit amounts are increased by the coefficient established in the region.

Are maternity benefits paid to unemployed people?

If a woman quit her job at the time of pregnancy (or before it) or did not work at all, then according to the general rule, maternity benefits for this category of women are not assigned or paid. The exception is when:

  1. The woman was fired due to the termination of individual entrepreneurship; liquidation of the organization; termination of powers of a notary who is engaged in private practice, and termination of lawyer status during the year preceding the day of recognition of them as unemployed in the manner prescribed by law. (Paragraph 2, Article 6 FZ-81 dated 05/19/1995 as amended on 12/05/2006 No. 207-FZ). Such women will be paid benefits from the federal budget allocated to the Social Insurance Fund in the amount of 675.15 rubles for 2021. At the discretion of local authorities, in addition to federal payments, women may be paid additional maternity benefits. This payment will be made from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where the non-working mother lives
  2. A woman undergoes full-time training on a paid or free basis in:
      educational institutions of primary vocational education;
  3. secondary vocational education;
  4. higher professional education;
  5. in institutions of postgraduate professional education.

At the expense of funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are allocated to educational institutions, funds from the federal budget, such women will be paid an allowance equal to the amount of the scholarship, in accordance with paragraph “c” of Art. 9 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009.

Documents for the Labor Exchange

In 2021, citizens seeking work for the first time must submit to the Labor Exchange:

  • passport;
  • TIN;
  • insurance certificate;
  • education document;
  • work book or other document confirming the citizen’s professional qualifications;
  • certificate of income for the last 3 months.

Employment Service inspectors may require additional documents in strictly defined cases. Citizens looking for work for the first time must provide a passport and diploma (certificate). Since the applicant did not work, he does not have a work book.

How much pay

According to the established standards, 75% of official earnings are paid for the first 3 months, and 60% for the next six months, 45% for up to a year and at the minimum rate for the second year without work. Taking into account the timing of pregnancy, the girl can count on 7 months of benefits.

However, the labor exchange has restrictions on payments: the minimum benefit in 2021 is 1,500 rubles, the maximum was increased this year and is 8,000 rubles. In addition, payments may be increased by the regional coefficient.

ATTENTION! The amount of financial compensation is affected by the reason for dismissal.

There are nuances in calculating the exact amount of benefits, and the most accurate way to find out the final amount that is due to be paid by law is to consult with a specialist from the relevant authority. If a woman did not have a job before contacting the center, benefits will be calculated at minimum rates.

The exchange pays cash benefits for pregnant women until the onset of maternity leave. After this, the benefit is canceled and maternity benefits are paid. Additionally, the Employment Center helps in obtaining a medical policy, issuing a birth certificate and a sick leave certificate.

Amount and conditions for receiving a one-time benefit at the birth of a child

One of the parents has the right to receive a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, the amount of which from February 1, 2021 is 18,004 rubles 12 kopecks. If a family has two or more children, a lump sum benefit will be assigned and paid for each child. Many unemployed pregnant women are concerned about the question of where to receive this lump-sum benefit, and the answer depends on whether the woman’s husband works: in the case where one of the parents works and the other is unemployed, upon the birth of a child, a lump-sum benefit will be assigned and paid at the place of work of any working parent. This means that if the child’s father officially works, then only he can receive a lump sum allowance for the birth of a child.

In the case where both parents are unemployed or are studying in institutions of postgraduate vocational education, educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, a one-time benefit will be assigned and paid by the social protection authority at the place of actual stay (residence), or at the place of residence one of the parents. An important condition is full-time education.

A single mother who does not work has the right to receive a one-time benefit at her place of residence - it is paid by the social protection authorities. In the case when an unemployed mother is a student and is studying full-time, the payment of a one-time benefit is carried out by the public protection authorities. Previously, a woman was required to apply to her educational institution for this payment. This point is detailed in paragraph 2 of Art. 30 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n.

The benefit will be paid by social protection authorities either through a post office or through a bank, using the details provided by the recipients of the lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child. Payment must be made no later than the 26th day of the month following the month of receipt (registration) of the relevant application.

Payments through social security before and after childbirth

If a woman is unemployed, she has two ways to apply for government assistance.

If she is an individual entrepreneur, then all payments are made by the Social Insurance Fund. In other cases, you need to contact the social security authorities.

Conditions for receiving EDV at the birth of a child

A one-time benefit under the BIR is provided by law only to officially employed women or students.

If a woman does not have a job, she can count on receiving a payment if:

  • was fired within a year;
  • the dismissal was carried out at the initiative of the employer or as a result of its bankruptcy;
  • the woman does not receive unemployment benefits.

The amount of benefit for an unemployed woman is different from that paid by the employer.

It depends on the woman's stipend or her earnings for a certain period. Registration can begin at 30 weeks of pregnancy or after the birth of the baby. The payment will still be made upon delivery, that is, after the birth.

Amount of monthly care payments

Both employed and unemployed women are entitled to maternity benefits, provided for the first 1.5 years after the birth of a baby.

If there is no official place of work, then you should contact the social security authorities at your place of residence.

In this case, the benefit amount cannot be calculated based on wages, so a fixed amount is used.

It is established at the legislative level, therefore it is indexed annually.

  • From May 2021, the amount of the monthly benefit for the first child is 4 thousand 465 rubles.
  • For the second and subsequent children, 6 thousand 284 rubles are paid.
  • If the benefit is issued through the employer, then 40% of the average monthly salary is calculated.

If the family is low-income and the woman gave birth to a child in 2021, then you can apply for the “Putin Allowance”.

This is an additional payment that is provided regardless of the receipt of federal benefits and the presence (or absence) of work. Paid for 1.5 years for the first or second child.

The amount for the first-born is fixed and amounts to 10 thousand 500 rubles.

Regional multiplying factors are taken into account in the final calculation. For the second child they pay only the subsistence minimum. capital.

They apply for benefits from the social security authorities.

In addition to low family income, another condition is important. It consists in the presence of a registered marriage between the parents of the baby.

The indicated amounts are provided throughout the entire period. Also, a young mother has the opportunity to extend maternity leave and receive payments for another 1.5 years. But the amount of the monthly benefit will be only 50 rubles. It has not been indexed since 2001.

What conditions are established for pregnant women at the labor exchange?

In our country, pregnant women represent a special category of citizens for whom the legislation provided for some special privileges and additional rights.

Sometimes an expectant mother may need to urgently look for a new job. As a rule, this is due to a variety of circumstances. For example, an organization in which a pregnant woman worked was liquidated. This state of affairs, of course, always leads to the dismissal of absolutely all employees, regardless of the fact that they have various additional privileges.

Every pregnant woman will, of course, have the right to contact the employment center. To do this, she will need to write a standard application for registration to this authority, as well as submit to the authorized specialist other required documents in accordance with the established list.

After the above stage, the labor exchange employee begins checking the information provided. If all conditions are met, they make a positive decision to approve the application and register the woman. Then the following steps begin:

  1. Authorized specialists begin searching for available vacancies that are most suitable for women. Naturally, these vacancies must correspond to the woman’s qualifications, level of education, as well as other important criteria. Of course, when searching for a job as a specialist, the very fact of pregnancy should be taken into account. It can be the main reason for rejecting many vacancies due to, for example, heavy physical work, harmful or dangerous working conditions, etc.
  2. While she is officially registered at the employment center, a pregnant woman will be able to count on receiving unemployment benefits provided for by law. It is a set amount that is paid to the applicant due to his lack of regular income. The exact amount of such a benefit can be established by individual legislative acts of a particular region of our country.

After official registration with the employment center, certain obligations will be assigned to the pregnant woman. In particular, she will be required to comply with the established visiting procedures. At each appointment, an authorized specialist usually sets a date for the next meeting. Such visits are necessary to regularly confirm the status of an unemployed person, as well as to become familiar with currently existing vacancies.

In addition, the woman will be required to attend scheduled interviews with potential employers. It should be remembered that ignoring such an obligation can lead to very sad consequences. First of all, the authorized person may raise the question regarding the cancellation of the previously established status of an unemployed person. This, in turn, will lead to the cancellation of the assigned cash benefit.

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