What are the work schedules according to the Labor Code?
How to change working hours in an organization
When applying for a job, applicants are usually interested in salary and working conditions. But about the schedule
Receiving annual paid leave before maternity leave
Home / Labor Law / Leave / Maternity Back Published: 05/28/2016 Reading time:
Fixed-term employment contract: how to extend it, renew it or terminate it
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Dismissal Back Published: 04/13/2016 Time
Is sick leave paid at the labor exchange in 2020-2021?
Sick leave for the unemployed in 2021: how to get it, who issues it, what documents need to be provided and where, payment
An unemployed citizen has certain guarantees for minimum financial security. Including -
Financial assistance from the employer at the birth of a child
Financial assistance at the birth of a child It is the employer's responsibility to pay financial assistance at the birth of a child
Photo 4
XVI. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 02/01/2018 N 50 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03/22/2018 N 50460)
Legislation The main legislative act regulating the issues of service, employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, assignment of ranks,
the average number of employees is
Average number of employees: what is it and how to calculate?
Why calculate the average number of employees? The existence of any business requires analysis and evaluation of its results.
Sick leave
How many days a year can you be sick on sick leave?
Home / Labor Law / Payment and benefits / Sick pay Back Published: 05/06/2016
An employee returns to work on the day he returns from a business trip: is it necessary to pay per diem?
Registration of labor relations in the proper form plays a significant role in the further process of labor activity.
Working conditions and payment rules at night
Article 96 (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Night work
07/29/2019 0 118 6 min. According to medical research, working at night is harmful
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