Additional payment up to average earnings on sick leave
There is such a right. Not all employees have the right to receive 100% sick leave benefits.
Is it necessary to adjust the staffing table when changing the salary - design features and sample document
Reasons for change The reasons for which amendments are required to the staffing table may be
labor protection distribution of functions
Order assigning responsibility for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection: document form, explanations for filling out, see sample
The sphere of labor protection and production safety is responsible for management, since penalties,
All about the order for the transfer of material assets in connection with the dismissal of the MOL
Internal movement of inventory items The limit is set by the head of the organization or an employee appointed by his order (for example,
Sample certificate of leave from work for kindergarten
Let's summarize The vacation certificate is issued by the employer at the written request of the employee if a problem arises.
Step-by-step procedure for changing the materially responsible person - taking inventory, preparing documents, transferring inventory items
Legislation: what regulates the procedure? Among the important ones, it is worth noting the following sources: articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Photo 4
Peculiarities of dismissal of a pregnant woman at her own request - responsibilities of the employer and rights of the woman
Is it possible? Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that with an employee during her pregnancy
Basic provisions of maternity leave according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
What laws of the Russian Federation regulate the rights of pregnant women? There are several legislative acts that regulate labor relations
Labor protection service at the enterprise: mechanism for forming the service
Correct drafting of an order An exact sample of an order on the organization of work on labor protection in an organization
How to make a referral for periodic medical examination of employees
Who is required to undergo medical examinations Undertaking preventive medical examinations may be the responsibility of enterprise employees
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