moral injury
Compensation for moral damage in labor relations
Moral harm is the infliction of moral and physical suffering on a citizen as a result of the actions of other citizens
What are the conditions for dismissing an employee by court decision and the procedure?
In some cases, the employer is forced to part with the employee due to circumstances unrelated to the performance
elements of a tariff-free wage system
Tariff-free wage system: formula and features
Last changes: January 2021 In the usual understanding, wages are formed on the basis of tariffs
Rules for staff reduction during liquidation of an organization and the procedure for payments to employees in connection with dismissal from the enterprise
Responsibilities of the employer when reducing the number of staff or liquidating the organization Responsibilities of the employer, guarantees and compensation
Payment of compensation
Employment of a former employee: subtleties of registration
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring Back Published: 07.25.2016 Time
Director and founder in one person. How to sign documents while on vacation?
Who can sign documents? Naturally, a constant process of signing a wide variety of documents cannot be
How to reflect financial assistance in accounting: postings
The concept of material assistance is interpreted as a form of social support provided by an employer to an employee. Payment does not depend
Notification of employees about the liquidation of the enterprise. Part 1
Sample notification of an employee about the liquidation of an organization and rules for its execution
Notifying employees about the liquidation of an enterprise is a method provided by law for notifying employees of an enterprise or organization
Attracting foreign workers to work. Step-by-step instruction. Once again about quotas
How is the need to attract foreign workers determined? What is the procedure for attracting foreigners to work?
The procedure established by the court
Holding an employee financially liable
Home / Labor Law / Responsibility / Material Back Published: 05/21/2016 Reading time:
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