How to draw up a labor safety action plan - sample

Planning your work is very important in any field of activity, even in everyday life, because if we set goals or objectives, it means we must perform these actions in the future. And if they are set correctly, it means that working time will be used wisely and, of course, when achieving goals, results and success are guaranteed.

That is why it is so important to prepare a labor safety action plan. It will help the employer create conditions for effective and safe work, and such an employee’s right is enshrined in paragraph 3 of Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. and is the responsibility of the employer Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In this note we will analyze why a plan is needed, how to draw up what to include, and if after reading the note you still have questions or suggestions and additions, please join in the comments.

Why is this plan needed?

Every employer is obliged to improve working conditions, create an optimal and safe working environment, in accordance with Art. 163 TK. An action plan to improve working conditions and safety is mandatory if significant funds are spent on occupational safety and the employer intends to use these costs to reduce contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for injuries. You can return up to 20% of the contributions paid for the previous year.

To do this, an application must be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund in any form before August 1. The program for improving working conditions for the current year will be the main document for the return of contributions for injuries for the previous year.


The standard labor protection action plan was approved by Order No. 181n. In the process of developing its own internal corporate plan, a company can include in it those activities from the departmental list that it considers necessary and is able to implement based on technical capabilities and the specifics of production.

You can familiarize yourself with other features related to labor protection at the enterprise in the articles:

  • “Regulations on labor protection of workers - sample 2020”;
  • "Job description of a labor protection specialist."

Sources: Labor Code of the Russian Federation
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Regulatory basis for developing the plan

It is necessary to develop a plan to improve working conditions and safety in accordance with the following regulations:

  • Art. 212, 226 TK. Art. 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A manufacturing enterprise is required to spend at least 0.2% of production costs on improving working conditions and labor protection. Actually, the action plan determines where the allocated funds will be spent.
  • A typical list of measures annually implemented by the employer to improve working conditions and safety and reduce occupational risks, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated March 1, 2012 No. 181n. This document contains a list of activities that can be included in a plan to improve working conditions.
  • GOST This state standard describes the occupational safety management system, planning and prevention.

Good and safe working conditions must be ensured:

  • rational distribution of the load between the employee and the equipment;
  • using reasonable standards of work and rest;
  • improvement of technological processes and equipment;
  • selection of professional personnel.

The most important occupational safety measures

Legal measures – provision of documentation, which includes regulations and local documentation on labor protection of the organization. This is the conclusion of individual employee contracts, lists, orders, regulations, etc.

Socio-economic measures - includes compensation to employees for accidents, compulsory insurance, payment of labor benefits to employees with whom the employment contract has been terminated, provision of benefits to employees working in hazardous work, etc.

Organizational and technical measures - creation of an occupational safety and health management system (OSMS).

Sanitary and hygienic measures – ensuring a reduction in the level of exposure to hazardous and harmful factors on enterprise employees, creating favorable working conditions.

Treatment and preventive measures - medical examinations and psychiatric examinations, provision of proper nutrition to workers involved in hazardous work.

Rehabilitation measures – ensuring the speedy restoration of working capacity of an employee who has had an accident or who has received an occupational disease.

What measures to improve working conditions can be included in the plan?

The list of all possible measures is in the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 181n. The list given here is not exhaustive:

  • special assessment of working conditions (SOUT);
  • modernization or purchase of more modern equipment;
  • installation of equipment protection from external factors;
  • improvement of alarm and warning systems;
  • providing workers with special clothing and protective equipment (especially relevant in the current “coronavirus” realities);
  • lighting of workplaces in accordance with standards;
  • equipping production with first aid stations, or improving existing ones;
  • arrangement of comfortable recreation areas;
  • a separate dining room (or other room for eating), which is also relevant during a pandemic;
  • installation of drinking water coolers;
  • carrying out mandatory preventive medical examinations.

The list can be continued, everyone writes according to relevance and necessity. Especially, as already mentioned, it is necessary to pay attention to the explanations of Rospotrebnadzor on combating the spread of diseases. Based on the recommendations, you can make changes to the existing plan. By the way, doing this throughout the year is acceptable, especially if it benefits the employees.

A complete list of events is in the Order. It is advisory in nature and offers a classification into groups:

  • organizational;
  • sanitary;
  • technical;
  • are common;
  • private;
  • individual.

The organization may expand the list.

External events

Organizing these events will require interaction with professionals in this field. It’s not that you can’t do it all yourself, no. The law requires that these actions be carried out by specially accredited organizations.

  • training on labor protection for managers and specialists (commission members) - in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor 1/29;
  • special assessment of working conditions - in accordance with Federal Law 426-FZ;
  • conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations - in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 302-N;
  • assessment of professional risks - in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor 438-N;
  • regular independent audit of the state of labor protection.

As for the last event on the list - an audit of the state of labor protection - its implementation is regulated by several documents at once. This is an order approving the standard provisions on OSMS, and GIT checklists, and the general provisions of Section X of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to make a plan to improve working conditions

To create this plan, you can’t just sit down and write it on a piece of paper. The whole process will have to be divided into several stages:

  • The head of the organization issues an order appointing a responsible working group and a person regulating the direction of its work.
  • The group itself is created from employees of the enterprise.
  • The group develops a draft action plan, the project is approved by management.
  • An estimate is being developed in accordance with the approved plan.

To develop the plan, the group analyzes similar events in past years. If the plan is being drawn up for the first time, you can use the work of your colleagues and look for forms on the Internet. But it is better, of course, to turn to professionals who will take into account the specific features of your enterprise.

Attek company has been in the technology market for more than 20 years. We will not only prepare an action plan for you that complies with current legislation, but we will also train your staff. Yes, an integral part of ensuring safe work is regular testing of safety knowledge and training of your own specialists. In our training center you can train all categories of your employees in one place, including using remote technologies.

When drawing up an estimate according to the plan, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors:

  1. The need for SOUT.
  2. The need to modernize equipment.
  3. Types of activities of the organization.
  4. The presence or absence of regulations from regulatory organizations (for example, GIT).

Who is on the working group to develop the plan?

The working group includes the management of the enterprise at all levels. There are three levels of system management:

  • senior level - manager and his deputies, chief engineer, chief specialists;
  • secondary - heads of structural units, mechanics and technologists;
  • junior - foremen, foremen, foremen.

People are selected from among the managers of each unit to form a working group. The composition of the working group is approved by the leader by order.

Where to get a sample plan

The standard form of the specified plan for improving labor conditions and safety is proposed in the specified order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 181n. The most important thing that should be there is information about the financing of the planned events.

The plan should also contain information about the persons responsible for its implementation at the enterprise. As a rule, these are department heads and specialists appointed responsible in the labor protection regulations.

The deadlines for the implementation of the plan, both as a whole and for individual activities, must be indicated.

Where to start making a plan

Any planning consists of the following stages: Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives. The goal has a general formulation, and the objectives clarify what actions need to be taken to achieve it. Stage 2. Designation of an action program. Optimal are detailed programs that make the upcoming work as transparent as possible. Stage 3. Compiling a list of necessary resources to implement the plan. Stage 4. Determination of performers. It is recommended to draw up a work plan for an occupational safety specialist based on an analysis of working conditions, the state of occupational injuries and occupational diseases in departments and in the enterprise as a whole. At least 75 percent of working time must be devoted to inspecting production facilities. At the same time, special attention is paid to areas with a high level of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity, with harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions, as well as high-risk facilities.

The work plan must contain preventive and control measures implemented in the following order:

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  • removal of dangerous and harmful factors;
  • tracking negative impacts at source using engineering controls or organizational measures;
  • reducing the influence of production factors to a minimum by designing safe labor systems, including administrative control measures;
  • where residual hazardous and harmful production factors cannot be controlled through collective measures, workers are provided with free personal protective equipment, including special clothing and safety footwear;
  • organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations;
  • training workers in safe working practices, etc.

Plan approval

A prepared and properly developed draft plan to improve working conditions and safety is approved by all departments. Optionally, an act is drawn up with the participation of a trade union (this is not necessary, but is used in large companies).

When the plan is approved, it may be adjusted “on the spot”. After this, the action plan can be formalized as a section of a collective agreement or contract. All those responsible for its implementation are included in it. The plan is drawn up in a final document and signed by the manager. Then comes approval by order for the enterprise.

After it has gone through all stages of approval, large companies or at the request of a trade union may require its publication on the company website. For this, as well as for making ongoing changes, it is recommended to appoint a separate responsible person (this can be a manager).

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