Is there an obligation to provide instructions to the performer/contractor under a civil contract?
The procedure for conducting occupational safety briefings is established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.
The procedure stipulates that any persons participating in the production activities of the organization undergo introductory briefing on labor protection (clause 2.1.2 of the Procedure), and any persons participating in production activities undergo initial training at the workplace before starting independent work (clause 2.1.4 Order).
In this regard, the Ministry of Labor explained that if persons with whom a civil contract has been concluded participate in the production activities of the organization (for example, perform work or provide a service on the organization’s premises, use the organization’s equipment and raw materials, etc.), then they will be subject to initial training at the workplace (Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated May 17, 2019 No. 15-2/ОOG-1157).
What is a labor protection agreement
In 1995, “Recommendations for planning activities related to occupational safety” were formed. However, in 2013, this act lost force due to the fact that an order developed by the Ministry of Labor came into force. Despite this, the structure of the agreement in question is standard. The goal is to protect the activities of the company, or rather its employees, during the performance of their functions. The agreement must describe:
- deadlines established for the implementation of actions of protective significance in the world of work;
- citizens who are responsible for the implementation of security measures.
In practice, this agreement can take several forms. In particular, this is executed in the form of a separate act or as an annex to the main agreement. Most often, a table is used to draw up a contract. Authorized employees of the company state in it:
- measures aimed at labor protection;
- price for execution of work;
- the number of citizens working in the company;
- the period allocated for the performance of work.
In addition, it should be stated who is responsible for the production of a particular event. Often you will need to indicate the name of the action being carried out, the period and an indication of the person responsible for it. When the deed is formed, signatures must be placed on it.
Signs are affixed to the company management and citizens who are responsible for the implementation of safety regulations.
Comments on the document “Agreement for the provision of security services”
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Valery | 08/05/2013 at 11:19:02 A very bad agreement! |
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Contract-Yurist.Ru Status: Legal company rating 460 | 08/05/2013 at 19:27:03 reply to Valery Thanks for your critical comment. You can give a master class to our student journalist. 1. Register on the site as a lawyer. 2. Upload your version of the document to the website through your personal account. 3. On the page with the document there will be an Author of the document link leading to your profile. 4. Post a link in the comments of this document so that users can download the correct service agreement. |
Video on the topic “Rendering Agreement” 201. limited society...
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Contract No. for the provision of security services , 201. , hereinafter referred to as the “performer”, represented by acting on ...
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Agreement for the provision of services, work → Agreement for the provision of paid security services
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The difference between an action plan and an occupational safety agreement
There are several differences between these acts. They are that:
- The standard agreement contains a larger list of issues related to labor protection. The list of these measures is reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Labor, developed in 2012 under No. 181.
- Also, the differences are in the amount and period, and the persons responsible. The agreement helps the company plan its budget more accurately.
- When the management of an organization signs the act in question, the citizen can demand their execution. If the requirements are not met, then the complaint to the labor inspectorate will be justified.
Labor protection of specialists engaged under civil contracts
Since civil contracts are regulated by civil law, Contractors under such contracts do not have the right to social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity (unlike employees). Accordingly, the Customer company does not pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for remuneration under such agreements. It is also worth noting that, according to clause 16 of the “Regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations” (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 N 73), serious accidents and accidents with fatalities that occur with persons performing work on the basis of a civil contract are investigated in the prescribed manner by state labor inspectors based on a statement from the victim, members of his family, as well as other persons authorized by the victim (members of his family).
How to register correctly
This act is in written form; it reflects measures aimed at labor protection. The process of forming an agreement begins with the parties to such a relationship negotiating. This event has a collective significance. This means that representatives of the company administration and team members are present.
It will be necessary to issue an order that a commission is being created. This body is entrusted with obligations related to the preparation of the text of the document. The law specifies that discussions can last no more than three months. When complete agreement is not reached between the participants, the act reflects only that part of the issues on which consensus has been reached.
At the same time, it is necessary to create a protocol reflecting the disagreements that have arisen between the parties. The meeting participants can then continue to resolve these issues. As a result, a collective dispute is formed, reflected in Art. 61 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
If it happens that the participants accept each other’s position and sign the document, then it begins to take effect. The act becomes valid for three years. Persons then have the right to extend it. It is worth considering that the parties have the opportunity to choose a different way to form an agreement. Then the document becomes part of the collective agreement. At the same time, the duration of these acts will be the same. It is understood that the application must be signed on the same day as the specified act.
Labor protection measures included in the agreement
When the document in question is generated, it must indicate a certain list of activities. These include:
- Organizational type. It is assumed that an assessment is made of the conditions in which citizens work. This must be done at least once every five years. The agreement specifies the conditions that an individual employee can use.
- Conducting qualification testing and training related to the area in question. This must be done every year.
- Formation of instructions related to the safety of the activities performed.
- Drawing up a list of professions that require additional fees. The reason is the connection with activities that affect life and health.
- There are also technical events. It is envisaged that a check will be carried out regarding what conditions exist in the company. The current standards and requirements of the sanitary plan are taken into account.
- All workers should receive personal protective equipment. Responsibility for ensuring it falls on an individual employee of the company. This is necessary to ensure that work is carried out safely.
- In addition, attention must be paid to fire safety. Management takes upon itself the responsibility to create acts prescribing rules of conduct for citizens during the outbreak of a fire. It is also necessary to install alarms that would warn of the occurrence of fire in the premises. This includes the formation of an evacuation scheme.
In order for a particular company to comply with all the rules, it is necessary to form a commission. It includes the management of the organization and citizens who are responsible for the implementation of safety regulations. These persons are obliged to check the fulfillment of the listed conditions every year, 2 times.
Employment contract with a specialist employee
Approximate form
Employment contract
with a specialist worker
___ _____________ 20___ city __________________
Administration _________________________________________________, called
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)
hereinafter referred to as the Employer, represented by ___________________________________________,
(position, surname, first name and patronymic)
acting on the basis ______________________________________________,
(charter, regulations, power of attorney)
on the one hand, and the citizen of Russia _______________________________________
(last name, first name, patronymic, details
___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as (May)
passport or equivalent document)
— An employee acting in his own interests and on his own behalf, with
the other parties have entered into this employment contract as follows:
Article 1.
1. This employment contract regulates labor and other relations
between the Employer and the Employee (a specialist in the field (business, part) -
name of specialty, qualification characteristics, etc.).
2. Work under this employment contract is the main place
Work of the Employee.
Article 2.
The employee is hired as a __________________________
(specify position
________________________________________________ to perform the following
and place of work - structural unit)
labor functions: ________________________________________________________________
Start date: ___ _______________ 20__
1. Option 1. ______________________________________________________________
... labor functions: (indicate the name of the topic (task), type (form),
structure (composition) of the work performed).
Start date: ___ _______________ 20__
2. The completed work must meet the following requirements: _______
(indicate the requirements for the results of the work, its scientific, technical and
socio-economic level, efficiency, quality, etc.).
Article 3.
The employee is obliged:
— fully comply with all requirements and conditions of the employment contract;
- when working in buildings, premises, on the territory of an enterprise
The employer must comply with established labor protection rules;
- use equipment and devices correctly and for their intended purpose,
transferred to him by the Employer under the terms of the contract or lease;
- maintain the confidentiality of information that has become known to him
in the process of work, if they constitute a trade secret of the Employer.
Article 4.
The employee has the right:
- attend meetings and participate in events,
related to the performance of work under an employment contract;
- independently organize work to fulfill conditions
employment contract;
— rent the necessary instruments and equipment;
— demand from the Employer to fulfill the terms of the employment contract.
Article 5.
The employer is obliged:
— fully comply with all terms and requirements of the employment contract;
— inform the Employee about ongoing scientific, technical and
production meetings and activities related to the implementation
terms of the employment contract;
— control the Employee’s work in terms of timing, quality and volume of work
in the manner prescribed by the employment contract;
— immediately inform the Employee about circumstances affecting the progress of
fulfillment of this agreement.
Article 6.
The employer has the right:
— allow the Employee free of charge or on a rental basis
use existing equipment and production facilities;
— take the necessary measures to change the progress of labor implementation
obligations under this agreement without prejudice to the interests of the Employee;
— at the request of the Employee or organizations, evaluate his work according to
employment contract (recommendation).
Article 7.
1. For the normal work of the Employee, the Employer undertakes to create
favorable and safe working conditions for him.
2. The Employer also undertakes to: provide the Employee free of charge
(option: rent) the following equipment (devices): _____________
for a period of __________ on the following conditions ________________________________,
provide the following services ________________________________________________,
allocate the following financial and other resources to ______________________________.
Article 8.
This employment contract was concluded on » » ______________ 20__
indefinite term.
Article 9.
1. The Employee’s place of permanent work is ____________________.
(department, workshop, etc.)
2. Position of the Employee _____________________________________________________.
3. The workplace must be equipped with ___________________________
(telephone, office equipment, computer, etc.).
4. Transfer of an Employee to another workplace is permitted only with
his consent.
Article 10.
Option 1. The Employee, in agreement with the Employer, determines
your work schedule.
Option 2. The Employee’s work is carried out in accordance with the schedule,
established by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise
(organization) of the Employer.
Article 11.
1. Option 1. The employee is paid a salary of
____________________________________________________ rub. per month.
(in numbers and words)
Option 2. The employee receives wages for his work in
in the amount of ____________________________________________________________ rub.
(in numbers and words)
per month, which consists of a guaranteed salary ________________
(in numbers
_______________________ rub. and allowances _________________________________
and in words) (in numbers and in words)
rub. for high qualifications or performance of particularly important work. Surcharge
can increase as the volume of work increases and its quality improves
or decrease (cancel) if tasks are not completed on time,
deterioration in the quality of work, as well as violation by the Employee of labor
2. After completing the specific work assigned, the Employee may
remuneration for high final results in the amount of
________________________________________________________ rub.
(in numbers and words)
3. The employee is additionally provided with:
— quarterly (monthly) bonuses in the amount of ____________________
___________________________________________ rub.
(in numbers in words)
— remuneration based on the results of work for the year in the amount of _________________
___________________________________________ rub.
(in numbers and words)
4. Salaries are paid no later than the _________ date of each
5. By agreement of the parties to this employment contract, the size and
the remuneration system may be revised.
Article 12.
1. The employee is granted annual basic leave
duration ___________ calendar days with payment of compensation in
in the amount of _________________________________________________________________ rub.,
(in numbers and words)
as well as additional paid leave of ___________ duration
calendar days.
2. Vacation is provided in accordance with the vacation schedule for
the employer's enterprise or at any time during the working year according to
agreement of the parties.
3. Annual leave for the first year of work can be granted according to
after 6 months from the date of conclusion of the employment contract.
4. With the consent of the Employer, the Employee may be granted leave
without pay.
Article 13.
The employee fulfills his obligations under the employment contract
represents to the Employer:
1) the result of work corresponding in form, volume and quality
the requirements of this agreement;
2) an acceptance certificate drawn up on its part in two
3) other documents provided for by the terms of the employment contract;
4) materials and equipment purchased on account of the cost
employment contract (if provided for by the terms of this
Article 14.
If the results presented do not meet the requirements
contract, the Employer can give the Employee time to finalize them without
additional payment within a mutually agreed upon time frame or make with him
calculation with a corresponding reduction in the amount of remuneration.
Article 15.
If it is impossible to complete the work on time, the Employee will
appeals to the Employer with justification of the reasons for non-compliance and a request for
postponing work completion dates. If there is consent of the Employer between
he and the Employee enter into an agreement to extend the deadline
work, which stipulates the relevant conditions (including
financing of work and remuneration).
Article 16.
1. The right to use inventions and innovation proposals,
which are created by the Employee in the course of work at the Employer’s enterprise,
belongs to the Employer, unless otherwise provided by law.
2. The employee receives for an invention or innovation
offer remuneration, other rights and benefits in accordance with
legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. If the invention or innovation proposal will have
of particular importance to the Employer, the Employee may be paid
additional remuneration in the amount of ___________________________________ rub.
(in numbers and words)
Article 17.
If due to the fault of the Employee the deadlines for completing work are violated,
provided for in the calendar (work order, work plan, etc.).
The Employer, by warning the Employee in writing, may reduce funds
to pay wages by ___________%. In case of repeated
violation of deadlines The employer has the right to stop paying wages
fees until violations of the approved schedule are eliminated.
Article 18.
In case of violation by one of the parties of the conditions provided for in Article 7
of this agreement, the other party has the right to compensation for losses incurred
damages in accordance with current civil legislation
Russian Federation.
Article 19.
1. The Employee is fully covered by benefits and guarantees,
established for employees of this enterprise of the Employer
(organizations) legislation of the Russian Federation, industry regulations and
collective agreement.
2. The employee is subject to all types of state insurance for
period of validity of this employment contract.
Article 20.
1. This employment contract may be terminated or terminated in
in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Additional grounds for considering the issue of early
termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the Employer are:
a) failure due to the fault of the Employee to meet the deadlines provided for
calendar plan;
b) provision of intermediate results of a different type, quality and
volume than provided for in the contract;
c) disclosure by the Employee of a trade secret of the enterprise
G) ________________________________________________________________.
3. Additional grounds for considering the issue of early
termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the Employee are:
a) failure by the Employer to comply with the terms of the employment contract;
b) ________________________________________________________________.
4. The party terminating the employment contract provides another
party a written explanation of the reasons for termination.
5. Upon termination or termination of this employment contract, all
Settlements between the parties must be made within ________ days.
Article 21.
In the event of reasons beyond the control of the parties that prevent
successful fulfillment of the terms of the contract, the parties may suspend
the contract is valid for a mutually determined period.
Article 22.
The Employer undertakes to provide the Employee with ______________________
(housing or compensation for renting living quarters, child support
a place in a nursery or garden, provision of a garden plot, etc.).
Article 23.
The Employee’s cash income is subject to indexation in accordance with
legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 24.
Damage caused to the Employee by injury or other damage
health related to the performance of his work duties,
subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 25.
1. In the event of a dispute between the parties regarding the execution
terms of the employment contract, it is subject to settlement by
direct negotiations between the Employee and the Employer.
2. If the dispute between the parties is not resolved, then it is subject to
permission in the manner prescribed by labor legislation
Russian Federation.
Article 26.
This employment contract during its validity period may be
amended or supplemented by its parties.
In this case, all these changes and additions will have legal
valid only if they are written and signed by the parties in
as an integral part of this employment contract.
Article 27.
For all issues not resolved in the terms and conditions
of this employment contract, but directly or indirectly arising from
relations between the Employer and the Employee regarding it from the point of view of necessity
protection of their property and moral rights and interests protected by law,
The parties to this employment contract will be guided by the provisions
Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations of the Russian Federation.
Article 28.
Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution
terms of this employment contract, the parties will strive
resolve amicably by mutual agreement. If not achieved
mutually acceptable solution - the dispute can be referred for resolution to
in the manner prescribed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 29.
Details of the parties to the agreement:
Employer Employee
(full name)
Postal address (with zip code) Last name ______________________
________________________________ Name __________________________
Telegraphic address Patronymic _____________________
________________________________ Date of Birth ________________
Fax ___________________________ Address (with zip code) ___________
Telephone ________________________ ______________________________
TIN ____________________________ Passport series ________________
Current account N _______________ N ____________________________
in the bank ________________________ Issued by (by)_________________
in the mountains _________________________ (When)_______________________
correspondent account N ____________________ INN __________________________
BIC ____________________________
* *
This employment contract was signed in the city. _________________________
___ _____________ 20__ in two copies: one for each of
parties, and both copies have equal legal force.
Signatures of the parties to the employment contract:
___________________(Last name, I.O.) ________________(Last name, I.O.)
Employer Employee