Subsidy for Russian citizens to build a house

To whom does the state provide assistance for the construction of individual housing?

A subsidy is one of the types of government financial assistance. The main criteria by which the state provides financial support for the construction of a private house:

  1. There is a need to improve the living conditions of a large or low-income family: the residential facility in which citizens live at the time of applying for a subsidy is in disrepair and requires major repairs; There is less than 18 m2 of living space per family member.
  2. The applicant belongs to the category of beneficiaries: civil servants, state employees, large and low-income families, orphans. At the same time, additional requirements are imposed on each category of beneficiaries.
  3. Former residents of the far north;
  4. Forced migrants;
  5. Former military and security officials registered as needing housing;

Attention! The state subsidy for the construction of a house is provided one-time. If a citizen has already received such assistance, he will not be given a second time.

Conditions, documents and where to apply for a large family to receive benefits and subsidies

Help for large families begins with the birth of the third and subsequent children.

  • With early registration, a woman can receive a benefit in the amount of 613.14 rubles.
  • Based on the income of a mother with many children or if she was not employed, she is entitled to a payment in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles.
  • After the birth of a child, a care allowance is assigned for up to 1.5 years. At the birth of the third and subsequent children, the benefit amount is within the range of 6131.37-23089.04 rubles
  • Maternity capital – issued for the second and subsequent child

Subsidy options

There are two options for individual construction:

  1. Targeted – the state provides financial assistance before the start of construction work. Its size depends on the estimate of the construction project and the region in which the construction of residential real estate is planned. Each region has its own legislation.
  2. Compensation – provided after completion of construction work. The amount of assistance is determined based on the documents provided by the applicant on construction costs.

The benefit is not issued immediately. A citizen submits an application to the local administration, the government agency reviews it and analyzes the grounds for issuing funds.

Where to apply for government assistance

Procedure for applying for a subsidy:

  1. It is necessary to visit the district administration, find a representative of the housing commission, and consult with him on the issue of obtaining state assistance for individual construction.
  2. Next, you need to collect documents confirming the existence of grounds for receiving benefits and submit them to a government employee for review.
  3. If a citizen meets all the requirements for receiving government assistance, has collected all the necessary documents that fully comply with current legislation, you can apply for a subsidy.

It is important to understand that the local administration does not resolve the financial issue. This body accepts and checks all the necessary documents, after which it sends them for consideration to the regional authority, where the citizen’s application will be considered by a special housing commission.

When is a subsidy awarded for the purchase of housing and is it possible to speed up the process?

If the decision of the local administration to issue a subsidy from the state for the purchase of housing is positive, the commission representative must notify the family within 5 working days. After 10 days, the family is issued a certificate confirming their right to the benefit. Next, a special certificate is issued to receive government assistance. The money is transferred to a special bank account within the prescribed period. In some cases, using the Housing Step program will help speed up your progress in the queue. It is intended for families who are unable to obtain a mortgage loan.

Necessary documents for subsidizing private housing construction

The list of documents for obtaining a subsidy for building a house in a rural area may differ slightly in each specific case. But, there is a general list of documents that all citizens submit:

  1. Application for subsidizing individual construction.
  2. Copies of passports of individuals who plan to officially reside in the new home. When submitting documents, the applicant must provide the government official with original passports.
  3. For minor family members, copies of the birth certificate (originals) are provided.
  4. Each resident is required to have a written agreement for the processing of personal data (relatives or guardians apply for children).
  5. Documents confirming ownership of the land plot designated for development.
  6. Permits for construction work.
  7. Certificate from the house register, certified by the local Federal Migration Service.

This list of documents is required to obtain targeted subsidies. When submitting an application for a compensatory subsidy, the applicant additionally submits a technical passport for the finished residential property and all documents (checks, invoices) confirming the costs of construction materials and installation work.

When is it issued?

To receive a subsidy for housing construction, a family must meet the following criteria:

  • to be poor;
  • need to improve living conditions (as confirmed by the decision of a special commission);
  • not previously participate in other social programs;
  • There is no way to allocate municipal housing.

Only families registered with the local branch of the Social Security Administration can apply. After this, parents are issued a certificate confirming the status of a large family.

The subsidy is allocated at a certain time, most often from January to July.

To successfully receive a subsidy, the following conditions must be met:

  • existing permission to carry out private construction work;
  • have ready-made project documentation containing modern technological solutions and a territory improvement project;
  • there should be only one developer;
  • the total area of ​​the house complies with established standards;
  • The land plot must already be owned by the developer.

The developer must be registered in the region where construction is planned.

How to buy a plot of land (clickable image)

The subsidy is allocated at a time for the construction of only 1 house.

Issuance of subsidized funds by the state

After accepting an application for subsidizing private housing construction, the State Housing Commission checks all documents and makes a decision within one month.

If a positive decision is made on the application, the citizen will be notified about this within 10 days. The applicant is provided with a special certificate to receive a subsidy. To receive money, you must contact any bank that is a participant in this program with this document. As a rule, these are state financial institutions.

Recommendation: if problems arise with obtaining funds, you should seek help from local authorities.

Based on the submitted certificate, a special account is opened in the bank for a citizen receiving state assistance, to which the amount of money allocated by the state will be transferred.

The main feature of such a bank account is that its owner cannot independently withdraw money in cash or make a wire transfer to another account. These are targeted funds that can only be used for transfers to construction organizations (contractors).

To carry out such a financial transaction, the account holder must provide the bank employee with relevant documents confirming the intended use of funds, for example, an agreement with a construction company.

Factors influencing the amount of benefit

The subsidy for building a house for a young family depends on the following factors:

  1. Family composition, the number of dependents living in the family.
  2. Housing norm for 1 family member.
  3. The financial situation of each family member specifically.
  4. Cost per square meter of living space.
  5. Features of the region in which the residential property is located.
  6. The degree of need to improve living conditions.
  7. The presence of other real estate in the ownership of one of the family members.
  8. Family status. Large and low-income families, as well as single mothers, have the opportunity to receive an increased subsidy.
  9. The period of receiving financial assistance from the state. The waiting period for funds in some situations can reach up to 2 years. Moreover, the longer the waiting period, the greater the amount of compensation.

The listed criteria are adjusted annually.

What is it, the amount of the subsidy

A subsidy for the construction of a house is given to large and low-income families in need of improved housing conditions. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families,” the status of a large family in each specific region is established by the local administration. They determine the number of children a family can be considered large. In regions with high birth rates this is 5 children or more.

The total number of both natural and adopted children matters.

Receiving such a subsidy assumes that the money will be used in the same region in which it is allocated. Families who need to improve their living conditions in this way have priority rights to receive it. This subsidy is provided to young families under the following conditions:

  • it can only be used for the construction of a private house;
  • the allocated funds must be used within 6 months (by this time the house must be 2/3 completed);
  • all children must be minors;
  • The children's parents must be officially married and each have at least 10 years of work experience.

If the allocated subsidy is not used within 6 months, the money will have to be returned. To receive compensation again, you will need to go through the entire procedure again and wait for your turn.

If one or more children are pursuing higher education, the maximum age may be extended to 23 years.

The subsidy amount is 10–70%, depending on the place of residence. For residents of rural areas, the amount of compensation reaches 60-70%. For city residents it is no more than 30-40%. The remaining amount of expenses must be repaid independently from other sources. For this purpose, maternity capital, own savings or a mortgage loan are used. The maximum subsidy amount depends on the following factors:

  • standard established in the region;
  • average price per 1 m2.

The time a family spends in the queue to receive compensation matters.

The amount of construction compensation you can count on

State subsidies for large families to build a house provide the opportunity to cover 10-70% of all costs for individual construction. But, in some cases, the state can pay for housing construction in full.

The amount of compensation provided for individual construction of a residential property most often depends on the waiting period of the applicant for state subsidies. In some regions of the country there are restrictions on the maximum amount of payments. The amount of state support is affected by the preferential category to which the applicant belongs. Certain beneficiaries can count on 100% compensation for construction costs.

The principle for calculating the amount of subsidies for citizens who do not belong to preferential categories:

  1. Individually, one citizen can count on compensation for the cost of 36 square meters of living space.
  2. A family of 2 people – compensation of 50 square meters.
  3. A family of 3 people costs 70 square meters.

Additionally, to subsidize a residential construction project, the following requirements apply:

  1. The design of a residential building must comply with established construction standards.
  2. The amount of compensation payment should not exceed the total costs of housing construction.

The amount of possible state support also depends on whether the applicant owns other real estate.

Subsidies provided for large families

One type of subsidy for a large family is the provision of a housing subsidy. It is as follows:

  • Funds are provided free of charge, but a number of requirements must be met.
  • Targeted use of funds: money can be spent on purchasing housing both on the primary and secondary markets, however, on the “primary” market you can only buy if the house is 70% completed
  • The purchased property must not be under arrest or be collateral
  • You can use the subsidy within 6 months from the date of registration, otherwise you will have to resubmit the documents.
  • An additional condition is citizenship of the Russian Federation and residence for parents.

Recommendations from experts

Experts recommend that young families, when applying for a subsidy for the construction of a house, sign contracts with companies that simultaneously carry out construction and finishing work to facilitate reporting. In such a situation, along with a financial report on the costs incurred for construction and finishing work, the following papers are attached:

  • a copy of the contract with the contractor;
  • certificates of completed construction and finishing works;
  • documents confirming the cost of providing construction services.

The applicant has the right to re-apply for a subsidy if he was initially denied. But, first it is necessary to eliminate all reasons for refusal.

Total: State support is a real opportunity to solve the housing problem with minimal financial costs.

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