What documents need to be drawn up after entering into an inheritance?

The day after the funeral

Home after a funeral - disinfect the room

If a person died at home, the day after the funeral, disinfect the apartment (house) where the death occurred. To do this, call specialists from a funeral service that provides such a service, for example, the city funeral service Ritual.ru.

According to medical research, the process of decomposition of dead tissue begins within 30 minutes after a person’s death. City statistics show that on average the bodies of the deceased remain in the house for 2-3 hours before they are taken to the morgue. During this time, the decomposition process enters an active stage, and housing becomes life-threatening. If the body has been at home for more than 6 hours, then disinfection is necessary. Simply cleaning on your own is ineffective and cannot eliminate all health hazards. It is necessary to disinfect and deodorize the premises (apartment) after the deceased - a set of special measures to destroy infectious agents and toxins.

Home after the funeral - remove the clothes the deceased was wearing at the time of death

We are talking about the clothes that a person was wearing at the time of his death, if death occurred at home. If the deceased is not immediately taken to the morgue, the process of decomposition begins in his body. Wearing or passing on clothing that was on the body at the time of death is dangerous, so it is better to get rid of it after the funeral.

Home after a funeral - remove the deceased's bed

If a person dies in their bed, it is safer to throw away the bed linen and disinfect the bed. If the deceased lay in bed for a day or more, then it is better to get rid of bed linen. If the deceased lay in bed for no more than a few hours, then after the funeral it is enough to thoroughly disinfect it.

Deadlines for registering an inheritance after death under the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The notary always explains to the heirs what documents are needed for the right of inheritance, but sometimes it is impossible to find them, or the testator did not draw them up during his lifetime. This situation often arises in relation to dacha plots received back in Soviet times and not properly registered. In addition, documents could have been lost due to fire or other reasons.

In this case, the notary will tell you which organizations you can contact to confirm the testator’s right to property, and in some cases this can only be done through the court. For example, a court decision can establish the ownership of property by a deceased person in the following situations:

  • the testator lived in a socially rented apartment, submitted an application for privatization, but died before receiving the contract;
  • the land plot was received on the basis of the right of lifelong inheritable ownership, but was not registered in the cadastral register and was not registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • the deceased openly used the property for more than 15 years, but did not register it in his own name (the right of acquisitive prescription);
  • The testator acquired real estate during his lifetime under a sale and purchase agreement, but did not have time to formalize ownership due to his death.

All documents required by the notary to formalize the inheritance must be received within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. After this period, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the heirs based on what is at his disposal.

When it is possible to register an inheritance after death is specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The time frame for registering an inheritance after all successors have assumed inheritance rights ranges from 6 months to 75 years.

A six-month period is provided so that all heirs have time to inform the notary about their existence and submit the relevant documents. Then, after the specified period, the notary has the right to issue a certificate of inheritance.

Registration of inheritance rights requires certain financial costs. Sometimes citizens do not have the means to immediately complete the necessary paperwork. For this reason, the question arises how long it takes to register an inheritance. It is not necessary to re-register the property immediately after 6 months. This can be done in a year, or two, or maybe more.

Please note: an open inheritance file is stored in a notary’s office for 75 years, which means you can complete the paperwork at any time.

The judicial authority may grant an additional period if it considers the reasons for missing it to be valid.

Valid reasons may include:

  • ignorance of the heir about the death of the testator;
  • disease;
  • helpless state;
  • completion of military service;
  • staying on a long business trip;
  • serving a sentence in places of detention.

When going to court, you must prove the validity of the reasons specified in the statement of claim. It is also necessary to attach documents confirming these circumstances.

The following cannot be valid reasons for missing a deadline:

  • ignorance of legislation;
  • employment of the heir;
  • queue to the notary.

The law does not clearly indicate which reasons are considered valid and disrespectful. The court approaches this issue individually, carefully studying the case materials and the evidence provided.

If the court restores the deadline for registration of inheritance rights, the successor is obliged to contact a notary within the time period specified in the court decision. If he does not do this, he will lose his right to receive the inheritance left after the death of a relative.

To enter into an inheritance under a will for an apartment, you must complete the following sequential actions:

  • Acceptance of inheritance. To do this, you need to contact a notary.
  • Providing documents and applications.
  • Payment of state duty.
  • Obtaining a certificate of inheritance.

It is necessary to contact a notary to enter into inheritance rights within six months from the date of opening the inheritance case. As a rule, it opens immediately after the death of the testator.

To register, you need to contact a notary at the last place of residence of the testator. If there is no information about where he was located, the notary at the location of the apartment will handle the inheritance matter.

The notary will need to provide a passport, death certificate and will (if any). After finding out what is included in the inheritance mass and appraising the property, it is necessary to pay the state fee.

Based on the documents provided, if there are no impeding circumstances, the notary will issue a certificate of inheritance. It is issued six months after the opening of the inheritance case.

Before the certificate is received, the heir has the right to write a statement and refuse to receive the inheritance. Refusal is possible both in someone's favor and without specifying a successor.

What to do with the icon from the coffin after the funeral?

There are many options for what to do with the icon from the coffin when the funeral is over.

Devout people leave it in the temple where the funeral service was held, or they assign the temple in honor of the saint who is depicted on the icon. Others leave it in the church for 40 days, while the soul of the deceased goes through ordeals and ascends to heaven, after which they take it home. The icon that was placed in the coffin along with the deceased can be kept at home and, moreover, placed together with others on the iconostasis. It is believed that on days when the deceased is commemorated, it should be placed separately and a lamp or candle should be lit. Orthodoxy also allows the deceased to be buried along with the icon.

Hold funeral services for 9 and 40 days (for Orthodox Christians)

According to Christians, the soul of the deceased first wanders the earth from the moment of death until the 3rd day (funeral), and from the 3rd to the 9th day it contemplates paradise. A wake after a funeral for 9 days helps the deceased cope with the difficulties of the first days after death. Book a memorial service at a church to bring peace to the soul of the deceased.

From days 9 to 40 the soul sees hell. On the 40th day it is decided where the soul should stay while awaiting the Last Judgment. A wake after a funeral for 40 days is scheduled at the end of the meeting at the cemetery.

If there was cremation

If a loved one was cremated, you dispose of their ashes in accordance with your decision or the wishes of the deceased. There are many options for how to deal with ashes: from the traditional burial of an urn with ashes in a grave or in a niche in a columbarium to scattering it in a memorial place or sending it into low-Earth orbit. You can separate the ashes and bury them in different graves, for example in your family's place of residence and in your hometown.

It is important to remember: after cremation, the urn with ashes is stored in the crematorium until claimed by its relatives for 1 year. If the ashes are not claimed, the urn will be buried in a common grave at the crematorium. The ashes are stored free of charge for up to 40 days, after which the crematorium begins to charge a storage fee.

Receive funeral benefits or compensation for funeral expenses

All Russian citizens are guaranteed to receive a federal funeral benefit in the amount of 5,946.47 rubles plus local payments (vary from place to place). Many Russians receive additional (federal or local) benefits, payments and compensation for funerals and memorialization depending on the category (for example, participants in the Great Patriotic War, citizens with state awards, military pensioners, disabled people, etc.). Citizens working in a number of ministries and departments are guaranteed additional payments for burial and perpetuation of memory (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, State Customs Committee, FSB, National Guard, Ministry of Emergency Situations and others).

Important to remember:

  • the benefit is received by the person responsible for organizing the funeral;
  • payments are received at local branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, OSZN, and military registration and enlistment offices, depending on the category;
  • compensation can be obtained if you organized the funeral yourself at your own expense;
  • Payments can be received within 6 months from the date of death.

The final amount of the Moscow funeral benefit for non-working pensioners and citizens is 16,946.47 rubles. The amount consists of a federal payment of 5,946.47 rubles. and Moscow allowance 11,000 rub.

What documents are required to enter into an inheritance?

The certificate is issued to those citizens who have drawn up an application or actually entered into a legal role. The candidates indicated in the text of the will, as well as persons claiming status under the law, are involved in the transfer.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation identifies seven queues and their representatives, disabled dependents of the testator. The queues are represented by close and distant relatives of the deceased.

Under special conditions, dependent persons become representatives of the eighth line when accepting property. An inalienable inheritance awaits them.

The certificate is issued to citizens recorded in the text of the will. Thanks to him, they gain official confirmation of their rights both before the notary and before other legal successors.

There are a number of actions, the implementation of which will indicate actual inheritance:

  • ownership and management of a residential building, apartment, car of the testator;
  • paying off rent arrears;
  • taking measures to protect inheritance;
  • payment of bills under a social tenancy agreement, for utilities, repair and restoration work, etc.

It is enough to perform one of the indicated actions so that we can say that the inheritance has been accepted. After this, the actual successor has the right to receive a confirmation certificate.

In case of missing deadlines, the establishment is carried out in the framework of court proceedings, where it will be necessary to prove the valid nature of the reason for the missed deadline. It will be possible to become the owner of a certificate only after a positive decision of the judge.

The judicial procedure for resolving the issue of issuing a document has one notable feature: the decision can replace the certificate, but on the condition that the act contains information about the legality of the successor’s claim.

For this to happen, during the court hearing it is necessary to petition for the establishment of the designated fact. The judicial act received in hand will become a full-fledged analogue of a certificate. If it is possible not to resort to court proceedings, in order to obtain a legal certificate of the right to part of the inheritance, you must contact the notary chamber.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • To issue the relevant document, an application is drawn up, after which it must be submitted for consideration;
  • after receiving the application, the notary verifies the identity using the applicant’s passport, accepts documents on the death of the testator and initiates the opening of a case;
  • a written request is registered, papers confirming the relationship are transferred (they need to be collected and presented to the notary according to the list);
  • after checking all the documents, a certificate is issued in 2 copies (one remains in the case file);
  • on the appointed date, the certificate is handed over to the legal successor in person or sent by mail;
  • It is mandatory to notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the tax service if one of the legal successors is a minor and incompetent citizen.

The applicant may be a representative of the heir. In this case, it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney for him.

Preparing a certificate of inheritance involves collecting the following documents:

  • certificate for the deceased testator (judicial act declaring death);
  • a certificate indicating the place of residence of the deceased before death;
  • a certificate confirming the localization of property;
  • birth certificate, act establishing dependent status (confirm the right to inheritance);
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • technical plan for the object of inheritance, if it is real estate;
  • assessment act;

It happens that some of the papers have already been filed in the case thanks to the actions of other legal successors. In this case, you only need to convey the missing ones.

The law does not set clear deadlines for obtaining a certificate when it comes to filing an application. Restrictions affect the timing of accepting an inheritance. You must declare your rights within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. It is impossible to take part in the proceedings later, and the person is also deprived of the right to inherit.

There is an exception to the rule. If the deadline is missed and there is evidence (the reason for the omission is valid), restoration of rights is initiated, but for this you will have to file a lawsuit in court.

If one of the applicants does not accept the inheritance, 3 months are given to contact a notary from the date of expiration of 6 months after death. The preparation and issuance of a certificate of title is carried out six months from the date of death of the testator. This is stated in Article 1163 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Postponement of deadlines is allowed if:

  • a court hearing is held to confirm the rights of the citizen applying for a certificate;
  • the birth of another successor is expected;
  • the provided papers require examination (raise doubts among the notary office employee).

An accelerated option for obtaining a certificate is possible only if the notary has good reason to state that there are no other applicants for the inheritance.

The cost of obtaining a certificate includes the notary fee (legal and technical services) and the state fee. The state duty is set at 0.3% of the value of the property received (for close relatives) and 0.6% for other candidates.

The following persons can receive an exemption (including partial) from payment:

  • disabled people of the first and second groups (pay half the amount);
  • dependents (disabled and minors);
  • legal successors of citizens who died while performing military service.

The cost of legal and technical government services directly depends on the tariffs in force in a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In Moscow, a certificate of title to real estate requires the payment of 5,000 rubles, and for movable property – 3,000 rubles. WWII veterans and concentration camp prisoners are completely exempt from the tariff.

In order to formalize the right to inheritance according to the law, you must contact a notary to obtain a certificate. Heirs should adhere to the following step-by-step instructions for the correct registration of inheritance according to the law after the death of a relative.

With the date of opening of the inheritance, everything is usually clear: it coincides with the date of death of a relative or a court decision declaring a citizen dead. The place of opening of the inheritance is the last address of residence of the deceased. Usually it coincides with the official registered address of the deceased. But if he did not have a residence permit, then the address of the inherited property may serve as the place of opening the inheritance.

To confirm the place of inheritance, you need to obtain a certificate from the passport office about family composition or an extract from the Unified State Register.

Stop payments on the deceased's loans

For 6 months (the period of entry into inheritance) after the death of the borrower, the bank does not have the right to charge interest on the loan of the deceased. He also does not have the right to demand payment of the loan and interest on it from the heirs, provided that they have submitted an appropriate application. Therefore, after the funeral, you should immediately submit an application to the creditor bank and stop paying the loan and interest on it. Typically, a statement and a copy of the death certificate is sufficient for the bank to terminate the deceased's existing loan.

If the loan was insured, obtain loan death insurance.

Documents for inheritance

The main list includes documents confirming the identity of the applying heir (passport, other identity card), the fact of the death of the testator, his place of residence before death (place of opening of the inheritance), and the basis of inheritance. An inheritance case is opened in any notary office located in the area where the deceased was registered.

  • Inheritance by will. For a notary, this is the main document confirming the rights of the heirs. If the will was closed, a certified protocol of its opening is submitted to the notary's office. The will exists in a single copy, and for various reasons it may not be presented to the notary, and sometimes it is deliberately hidden for selfish interests.

In addition to general documents, the notary will need a list of inherited property, information about its valuation, and location. Depending on its composition, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the testator (testator) of real estate, securities, and share in the enterprise. In each case, the package has its own characteristics.

Information on the valuation of property is necessary to calculate the state duty. According to Art. 333.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for issuing a certificate of the right to inheritance, the heirs are required to pay a state fee, the amount of which ranges from 0.3% to 0.6% of the value of the inherited property.

All real estate objects, be it an apartment, a garage, a house or a plot of land, are subject to registration in the state cadastre, and the ownership rights to them are registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Rosreestr). In addition, the real estate register indicates the cadastral value of the property, on the basis of which the notary will calculate the amount of the state duty.

If the inheritance includes an apartment (other real estate), no matter by will or by law, the notary needs the following documents:

  1. an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which can be requested through the State Services portal or directly on the Rosreestr website;
  2. title documents for real estate: purchase and sale agreement, privatization, certificate of inheritance.

What a notary needs to register an inheritance in this case depends on many circumstances. He will explain to the heirs what documents need to be taken and where, and, if necessary, will submit requests to state and other registration authorities. If the testator was a shareholder of a joint-stock company or closed joint-stock company, he could have shares in documentary form - in this case their nominal value is known. If the shares are uncertificated, an extract from the register of shareholders on the number and value of shares owned by the deceased person is required. It is requested from the JSC Registrar.

The list of documents required by a notary when entering into an inheritance that includes a share in an LLC is much longer.

  • The testator's title documents: constituent agreement, documents on the acquisition of a share of the LLC (the purchase and sale agreement must be notarized), minutes of the meeting on admission to membership of the LLC with the contribution of a share to the authorized capital, agreement on the assignment of rights.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - it indicates the shares of the owners. It must be issued no earlier than 5 days ago.
  • The charter of the company - it stipulates the conditions for inheriting shares, and may require the consent of all participants in the company.
  • Independent assessment report on the market value of the share - if it refuses to accept the heir into the LLC, the company is obliged to pay him an equivalent share in monetary terms.
  • LLC certificate signed by the director and chief accountant confirming full payment by the testator of the share in the authorized capital.

Receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after the funeral

In case of death of a person in an accident, compulsory motor liability insurance guarantees that his family members will receive insurance in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles. from the insurance company. Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002 “On compulsory motor liability insurance”) describes the mechanism for paying compulsory motor liability insurance in the event of death.

Important to remember:

  • 500 thousand rubles – this is the total maximum amount, and not the amount of compensation per applicant;
  • Only one relative of the deceased can claim compensation;
  • insurance is paid once and at a time;
  • if the accident causes the death of several victims, the insurance is divided equally between the applicants;
  • payment under compulsory motor liability insurance in the event of death is made 20 working days after the first application was received by the insurance company.

Receive money as compensation for funeral expenses from the deceased's account

To receive funeral money from the bank deposit of the deceased, you do not need to wait six months before entering into an inheritance. Using cash deposits and funds of the deceased, you can receive targeted funds in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles. to organize a funeral (Federal Law N60-F3 dated 03/09/2017) on an emergency basis within 1-2 days.

To do this, contact the notary handling the inheritance and obtain from him a decree for the emergency release of funds from the deposit/passbook of the deceased for the funeral. The decision does not depend on whether a will has been drawn up for the deceased's deposits and property.

In most cases, banks give money to relatives for funerals. In some cases, the verdict may be negative. If you receive a refusal, go to court. This is usually done after the 40th day of commemoration.

Order the production of a monument

8.1. General rules for issuing a certificate of inheritance

The heir must also correctly determine the territorial jurisdiction.

If the heir applies to restore the deadline for accepting the inheritance, then the statement of claim, as a general rule, is filed with the district/city court at the place of residence/location of the defendant (the owner of the escheated property or other heirs, if any). A claim against a defendant whose place of residence is unknown or who does not have a place of residence in the Russian Federation can be filed in the district court at the location of his property or at the last known place of residence in the Russian Federation. If the inheritance includes real estate, then the case for restoring the period for accepting the inheritance is considered at the location of the real estate (exclusive jurisdiction in cases related to rights to real estate).

If the heir applies to establish the fact of acceptance of the inheritance, then the application in a special manner is submitted to the court at the place of residence of the applicant or at the location of the real estate, if real estate is inherited.

A claim for recognition of the right of ownership of an inheritance through the court is filed according to the general rules of claim proceedings: to the court at the location of the defendant or at the location of the real estate, if the right of ownership to the real estate is recognized.

When making a decision to restore the deadline for accepting an inheritance and recognizing the heir as having accepted the inheritance, the court is obliged to determine the shares of all heirs in the inherited property. He must also take measures to protect the rights of the new heir to receive his share of the inheritance (if necessary) and invalidate previously issued certificates of the right to inheritance (in appropriate cases, only in part). When the missed deadline for accepting the inheritance is restored and the heir is recognized as having accepted the inheritance, there is no need for other actions to accept the inheritance. That is, you do not need to contact a notary to issue a certificate of inheritance. By decision of the court, changes are also made to the record of state registration of rights to real estate.

If it is established that the court has accepted the inheritance after the court ruling has entered into legal force, you must again contact the notary to obtain a certificate of the right to inheritance. After this, you will be able to draw up documents confirming your rights to inherited property. If, when establishing a fact, a dispute arises and the case is considered according to the rules of litigation, you can make a demand for recognition of the right of ownership of the property, in this case, on the basis of a court decision to recognize the right of ownership of the property, you can register the right of ownership in the registry, etc. d. without a certificate of inheritance.

We are often asked: what is cheaper, to enter into an inheritance by contacting a notary, or to receive an inheritance through the court? Filing an application to the court to recognize the right to inheritance is also subject to a state fee, in many cases quite large (read more about the costs of entering into an inheritance after death with a notary and through the court here), and, as mentioned earlier, in some cases, heirs after upon entering into an inheritance through a judicial procedure, they are also forced to contact a notary and pay a fee for issuing a certificate. Therefore, it cannot be said that entering into an inheritance by court decision is cheaper than through a notary, and is often much more expensive. In addition, going to court in many cases involves the presence of a dispute and there is always the possibility of its resolution not in favor of the heir, therefore we consider it more acceptable for the heir to accept the inheritance by contacting a notary within the prescribed period.

  • What are the nuances of registering a car by inheritance with and without a will?
  • Does the heir have the right to use the car before it is registered as ownership?
  • What is the procedure for registering an inheritance for a car after the death of the owner?
  • In what cases is it better to refuse a car that is inherited?

Anyone who has ever formalized ownership of an inherited car and registered it with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate knows what nuances one will have to deal with. But there have been changes in the norms of legislation, in the very procedure of state registration of vehicles in the traffic police. You will learn how to inherit a car today in our article.

When using a vehicle (vehicle) after the death of its owner, be prepared to encounter a number of nuances. Firstly, with the fact that the documents without which it is impossible to drive a vehicle (PTS, OSAGO and CASCO policies, registration certificate) will not have legal force.

In addition, the power of attorney issued in someone else’s name to drive a vehicle will expire. It is prohibited to use a car in the absence of the necessary documents; therefore, for six months after the death of the owner, until the right to the inherited property is received by another person, it will not be possible to use the vehicle for its intended purpose.

Before the inherited property is registered in accordance with the law, the future owner of the car can take care of it, maintaining it in working order, pay any fines, not forgetting to keep receipts and receipts just in case (if disputes arise between the heirs in the future).

The law provides two options for receiving inherited property after the death of a citizen:

  • in the first case, we are talking about inheritance by will, i.e., the testator worries in advance about transferring his property to the heirs;
  • in the absence of the will of the deceased, the property is inherited by law.

Since the vehicle belongs to the property of the deceased, it is inherited in one of the above ways. It is important not to forget that for this it is necessary to follow a certain order and procedure, within the deadline established by law.

If there is no will, then all relatives of the deceased have the right to inherit in accordance with the order and degree of relationship. The priority right to receive all of the testator's property, including vehicles, belongs to the first priority heirs - spouses, children and parents.

The right of inheritance passes to the heirs of the second and subsequent orders in the absence of heirs of the previous orders, as well as in the event that these people are excluded from inheritance or renounce it voluntarily.

The peculiarity of a vehicle as an inheritance is that it cannot be divided into parts - accordingly, the car can be transferred for use only to one of the heirs. If there are several claimants to the property of the deceased, then the main one is obliged to pay compensation to the others in accordance with their shares and on the basis of a conditional agreement. The owner of a car is determined based on a number of rules:

  • A car purchased during marriage is inherited by the spouse of the deceased.
  • If the spouses are divorced, then neither of them has the right to apply for a vehicle, since they are not a relative of the deceased.
  • If the heir is a person under 18 years of age, the car will be transferred to his parents until he reaches adulthood.
  • If the testator has disabled parents, a spouse or children who have not reached the age of majority, then the heir under the will must pay them compensation, the amount of which is half the cost of the vehicle.
  • Along with the car, the obligations to pay the testator's debts and fines pass to the heir.

If the heirs cannot agree among themselves peacefully, issues of car inheritance are resolved in court.

Currently, there is no need to issue a power of attorney to drive a car. Having received the relevant documents for it from the owner of the vehicle, you can safely drive it. With the death of the owner, the person who received the right to use the car from him during his lifetime is obliged to return the car. The vehicle is subject to inclusion in the inheritance until the claimants to the property of the deceased are identified. Third parties who used the vehicle, but are not related to the heirs, are obliged to transfer it either to future heirs or to a notary.

Keep in mind that registering a car as an inheritance requires not only effort and time, but also certain knowledge. In order to transfer the title to a car, you should:

  • prepare a certain package of documents;
  • visit a notary;
  • contact appraisers;
  • do not forget about the insurer;
  • contact the traffic police;
  • pass a technical inspection;
  • pay two types of fees.

The law allows six months from the date of death of the testator to formalize the right to inheritance. First of all, you should contact the notary at the place of residence of the deceased with an application to accept the inheritance or issue a certificate of right to it.

When submitting an application for inheritance, you must present a passport or other identification document to the notary. A list of documents for registering a car as an inheritance will be given to you at the notary's office.

When applying for a certificate of inheritance, you should collect a package of documents, including:

  • passport;
  • death certificate of the testator;
  • will (if any);
  • a document that confirms relationship with the deceased (this can be a birth certificate, marriage certificate);
  • car registration certificate;
  • PTS;
  • vehicle assessment document.

The “Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries” (Article 22) establishes the obligation to pay a state fee to obtain a certificate of inheritance. When contacting private notaries, you must pay for the service provided according to the tariff (see table):

Relationship category
Son, daughter – natural and adopted0.3% of the amount of the inheritance, but not more than 100,000 rubles.
Spouse, husband0.3% of the amount of the inheritance, but not more than 100,000 rubles.
Father mother0.3% of the amount of the inheritance, but not more than 100,000 rubles.
Brother, sister (full siblings only)0.3% of the amount of the inheritance, but not more than 100,000 rubles.
Other heirs0.6% of the amount of the inheritance, but not more than RUB 1,000,000.
Heirs who have not reached the age of majority on the day of opening of the inheritanceReleased

Start the paperwork on entering into inheritance rights

The right to register an inheritance arises 6 months after the death of a loved one. Here's a general to-do list (without details) that you'll probably need to do:

  • submit to the notary a statement of intention to accept the inheritance (plus a package of documents);
  • if real estate is inherited, register ownership in Rosreestr;
  • (if there is no will) identify the inherited property: real and movable property, deposits, unpaid part of the funded pension (if the deceased was a pensioner), accounts, shares, securities, shares in enterprises, etc.
  • If you do not have information about them, but you know or have reason to believe that they exist, contact a notary who will help you in your search.

Acknowledge and mourn the loss

Very often, the first feeling that comes after hearing about the death of a loved one is disbelief. Death is not a natural event, so what happened seems impossible. It may seem that by disagreeing with this you can avoid the experience. Therefore, denial or disbelief is normal. This is why there may not be tears immediately or at the funeral.

However, after a certain time, awareness still comes, and this is always unexpected. Sometimes such feelings are said to be “overwhelming” or “encompassing completely, not allowing you to think about anything else.” During this period, you need to give vent to your feelings and mourn your loss.

You can't let someone else decide whether a grief reaction is normal. Some may feel like they are grieving too much or not enough. It is better to forgive and forget such an opinion of others. The reaction to grief is an individual concept, and no one can impose their own standards.

One way to release your feelings is to cry. Although it may seem to someone that if a person restrains his feelings it will be easier for him or that this is a sign of strength. Actually this is not true. A person cries not because he is weak, but because he is in pain. Tears are a natural reaction; the body is designed in such a way that, along with tears, substances that calm the nervous system are released. In this way, tears really help to calm down. True, this does not apply to people whose crying turns into a hysterical state.

You can ease your worries by talking about your feelings. It can be stopped by fear of misunderstanding or reluctance to upset others. But if everyone struggles with grief alone, it will only make the situation worse. After the death of dad, it will be easier for mom and children if they unite with each other. And for this you need to talk, including about experiences, fears and pain.

There is no need to compare yourself and family members, deciding who is worse off and who grieves more. Everyone feels bad, and trying to support each other makes it easier to cope with their feelings.

There is a good chance that someone in extreme pain will say something that hurts feelings. It is worth remembering that now this person is talking about his pain. Most likely, he doesn’t really think so, it’s just how he feels at the moment.

There are situations when you can’t talk about your feelings, or there’s simply no one to talk to. Some people note that they felt a little better after they expressed their feelings on paper. This could be a diary in which everything that worries you is written down, or letters to the deceased. One woman wrote letters to her son for more than ten years. She says it helped her get through her grief.

Place a monument or tombstone

Immediately after the funeral, it is customary to install a temporary monument at the grave. In Orthodoxy, this is a forged or wooden cross. In Islam - an ordinary column with a sign. A year later, when the earth settles after burial, a tombstone made of granite or marble is installed. Caring for natural or artificial stone has its own characteristics, since improper use of chemically active substances can simply ruin its appearance.

Place a monument on the grave and improve it

When to place a monument on a grave? Act immediately. There is a widespread belief that until the ground settles, there is no point in installing a monument. This is not entirely true. It’s better to start preparing immediately after 40 days: decide what the monument will be like. Choose a ready-made project or order your own version based on an individual sketch.

Begin work on strengthening the grave in the spring. Cover the grave with reinforced concrete beams and lay a concrete base on top of them. After this, you can erect a monument in the summer - it is securely strengthened and insured against ground subsidence and distortion.

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March 22, 2019

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