Reduced working hours and part-time working hours - what are the differences? Differences between these concepts
Classification of employment agreements Determination of the type of employment contracts can be made depending on the term,
Registration of labor relations in the proper form plays a significant role in the further process of labor activity.
What are the measures to encourage employees to improve labor discipline and production indicators in various
Right to work An employer cannot refuse to hire a woman for a vacant position because she is pregnant.
Author of the article: Roman Gavrilov Last modified: January 2021 5679 Overworking working hours is possible
Employers who delayed payment of wages to employees and other violations of wages bear responsibility: administrative,
Types and features of leave for persons undergoing military service. According to the legislation that regulates
When the calculation is made Usually the average earnings for the last three months are calculated not just for
The key and first thing: asking for a raise with reason is necessary and important. I wonder what all