Women who work in rural areas have had their working hours shortened. This is another step to popularize
Is sick leave included in the calculation of vacation pay? Is sick leave included in the calculation of vacation pay or
The remuneration system characterizes its unit of account and the method by which the amount of labor remuneration is calculated.
Since the physical capabilities of employees with disabilities are limited to one degree or another,
07/07/2019 1,509 5 min. When leaving work, an employee must collect the signatures of all managers
Home / Labor Law / Payment and benefits / Sick pay Back Published: 03/05/2016
What it is? A work book is a document that includes information about work activities, production
Tweet Official clarification on the question of what compensation for unused vacation - full or proportional
At the birth of a baby, his parents acquire the right to receive state benefits, which are calculated and issued
Length of testing for external part-time workers Since part-time workers are subject to all federal and local regulations