Is it possible to bring an employee to disciplinary liability for a disciplinary offense committed while working in his previous position?
What can an employee be punished for? Employee misconduct is divided into two types - failure to comply with conditions.
Dual citizenship in Russia: is it possible to have other nuances?
Dual citizenship in Russia: allowed or prohibited? Dual citizenship (bipatrism) is
Is the premium subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums?
Labor legislation gives every organization and enterprise the right to pay monetary rewards to its employees for quality work.
What types of vacations are specified in the Labor Code
Vacations never expire The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered the complaint of four citizens who were not paid
We transfer an employee to another employer
Source: Journal “Human Resources Department of a State (Municipal) Institution” Sometimes an employee has to be transferred to another job
What is the punishment for being late for work?
Hello! In this article we will tell you everything about being late for work. Today you will learn:
employee transfer
Reason for transfer to another position in the order
How to properly process an employee’s transfer Issues of permanent and temporary transfer of employees to other positions
Every citizen at least once in his life may encounter such situations that happened to members
Benefit from the Center for Significance
How to make an appointment at the employment center and register with the labor exchange
“Unemployed” status in 2021 Only those who can count on unemployment benefit payments
The law on strengthening administrative liability for environmental offenses came into force
Who is responsible for violating sanitary legislation is a question that would best be answered
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