Dismissal of a disabled person at his own request can occur according to the rules set out in Chapter 13 of the Labor Code
The right to an old-age pension without length of service According to the new reform, in order to reach
Benefits for blood donors in 2021 Donation of blood or its individual components is noble
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Bonuses Back Published: 04/08/2016 Time
Author of the article: Sudakov A.P. An officially employed person is obliged to carry out the employer’s tasks provided for by the job positions.
Not every employer sends employees on business trips abroad. However, if the company still
The Labor Code and other regulatory legal acts do not contain a unified form of the document. The employer’s right to
Accounting certificate for the return of an unused advance by an employee to the current account And yet optimal
The occupational safety action plan is a local document of the organization, which is approved by the employer. He
The procedure for issuing a copy The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of labor interactions requires that the employer keep the labor