How to reflect sick leave in 6-NDFL - examples of reflecting sheets for illness and pregnancy and childbirth
At the end of each quarter, before the end of the month following it, employers who are tax agents
Cerebrovascular disease
Sick leave codes and their decoding according to the ICD, causes of disability
Cerebrovascular disease is characterized by damage to the blood vessels of the brain, as a result of which the supply of brain cells is disrupted
What are accounting entries for dummies with examples
Let's understand the concepts of Postings in accounting - what is it? This is a way to reflect business transactions
Payments in case of an accident at work: amount and rules for receiving
This or that production can lead to an accident. How to compensate for damage, how to prove
Assigning additional responsibilities to an employee without additional payment
Assigning additional responsibilities to employees Additional responsibilities: how to assign an employee Here you should refer to the article
additional days off
How can an employee get an additional day off?
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, weekly rest is given to every employee. It is at least 2
Subtleties and pitfalls of signing a dismissal record in a work book
Who signs the notice of dismissal ending the employment relationship of the parties. Clause 35 of the Rules specifies the algorithm
Payments and deductions Is compensation issued for additional leave not taken off?
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Compensation Back Published: 05/28/2016 Time
Transfer from main job to part-time job without dismissal
Rules If any changes in positions are planned, HR employees must know how
What do the codes on the sick leave mean?
“38 is mom”: all about the rules for indicating relationship codes on a sick leave certificate
06/26/2019 0 137 4 min. A sick leave certificate is the main document evidencing the transferred
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