Organization of the Work of the Labor Protection Office and the Labor Safety Corner!

Necessity of registration

It is quite easy to avoid accidents at an enterprise if all employees know safety precautions and, most importantly, follow them. To motivate employees to follow the rules, they should always be “in front of their eyes”, and their design should be brighter and more attractive. It is worth issuing separate penalties for violators.


In total, occupational safety stands are designed in 3 options:

  • A board with inserted documents (manuals, reference books, etc.);
  • A board containing illustrations with captions;
  • Computer program (in this case you will have to incur expenses for the purchase of an electronic scoreboard with a tablet screen);

You can post orders and contacts of regulatory authorities where employees can contact, as well as links to applicable legislative acts.

Under what conditions are they created?

The organization develops and approves the stand independently, but the need arises in the following cases:

  • The average number of employees reached 100 people;
  • If the specifics of the organization require a separate office for labor protection, then stands must be created;
  • If an office or labor protection service has already been created, although this was not required by law.

Reference! An OT office can be a regular office or a room in an enterprise. It houses equipment, equipment and safety documentation. Workplaces for security managers or other specialists can also be located there.

If, according to the law, an occupational safety service room is not required, then there is no need to allocate a room for storing the stand and materials.

Who checks safety precautions

Control over compliance with safety regulations is carried out by the labor inspectorate, regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, Art. 353. The inspection bodies may be Rostechnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2 of Art. 353. The prosecutor's office occupies a special place among the supervisory authorities. She oversees the implementation of labor protection laws and has the right of unhindered access to any objects and documentation in production. Has the authority to demand inspections, to legally demand compliance with the law by the management of the enterprise.

Trade union labor inspectors authorized for labor protection by trade unions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 370, their powers are extended to the enterprises where they work.

Stand on labor protection at the enterprise: what should be

Occupational Safety Month: order for implementation

A mandatory condition for placing a stand is that it must be accessible to all employees. This could be a checkpoint, corridors, a section of the building with locker rooms, a rest room, and so on.

So, what should be on the scoreboard:

  • Safety measures and rules in the workplace and in the organization as a whole, as well as information on the state and assessment of occupational safety at the moment;
  • Educational information, contacts of rescue services, ambulance and measures in case of an emergency;
  • Announcements informing about planned events: competitions, exercises, briefings, and so on;
  • Rules for providing first aid if necessary;
  • Links to current laws, signature of the head of the organization.

Safety precautions in pictures

Reference! You can change safety information on different boards: for example, if different work areas have different specifics, then the safety rules may be different. Even fire safety regulations may change.

It is better to arrange the corner with information in such a way that it attracts attention. There can be several boards, if necessary, and information is best absorbed through illustrations.

You cannot simply install an information corner; to do this, you first need to issue an order signed by the manager. The order must reflect the procedure for replacing information, the location of the stand and other important information, as well as certify with a signature that the materials provided are correct and up-to-date.

How to correctly draw up an order to create a labor safety corner

The order must have a structure characteristic of such documents. The header indicates the full and short name of the company, the name and number of the document, the place and date of its creation.

The main part should contain:

  • instructions for organizing a labor safety corner;
  • instructions for stand design;
  • Full name and position of the employees under whose responsibility the specified assignments will be;
  • deadlines for each task;
  • who is entrusted with control over the execution of the order.

The head of the company must sign at the end of the document. The workers mentioned in the order must also put their signatures as a sign that they are familiar with the order.

Office or occupational safety corner

The stands should include a description of the necessary working conditions for employees. And employees can familiarize themselves with them and compare whether this corresponds to reality. If the enterprise is large and there are many employees, you can allocate entire occupational safety rooms and place stands there, since the amount of information in this case will be much greater than in a small company. The more colorful and high-quality the corner is decorated, the better it will influence people.

Labor safety slogan: slogans and mottos

The occupational safety corner can be divided into blocks. For example, separate safety rules and the minimum rights of employees in the organization (the right to rest, etc.), and also allocate a separate place for first aid rules. If the organization is small, then the information can be placed in one sign and placed in the most accessible places in the organization.

Reference! The most ineffective stand is considered to be one that simply contains nondescript literature on safety precautions and workers’ rights.

It is recommended that flyers and brochures be freely available on stands, and the information should be the same as what is conveyed to employees during training.

Occupational Safety Corner

What it is?

The occupational safety corner is information stands that contain information about safety rules, basic behavior in case of accidents and rules for providing first aid.

These stands are decorated with bright colors and attractive designs so that employees pay attention more often and can become familiar with the basic safety precautions at a particular enterprise.

It is always created taking into account the specifics of the enterprise where it is installed.

A corner is issued if the enterprise has fewer than 100 employees and is located under the control of the labor protection service, which must also be at the enterprise and be responsible for compliance with occupational safety rules.

Cost of making a custom stand

The cost of one stand will depend on the package of purchased services:

  • Development of personal design in accordance with customer requirements with arrangement or layout plan, 3D visualization;
  • Use of various materials, indication of the exact size and components of the stand;
  • Availability of fliers, reference books, brochures;
  • Interior design, original design of components, stand height, availability of protection;
  • Design, use of additional lighting and so on.

Wall newspaper on labor protection: visual propaganda

As a rule, the larger the stand and the better quality the materials, the more expensive it will cost to manufacture a labor safety corner. You can save money on design and use a ready-made layout, or make a simple design yourself, based on examples in other organizations or on the Internet. The most important thing is to provide places to place everything you need.

In large cities, production varies from 500 rubles* for the smallest and simplest stand to several thousand rubles. If the order is not for one, but for several tabloids, then the price will be correspondingly higher.

Note! To develop a layout for the location of tabloids in an organization, it is necessary to provide a plan of the enterprise or call a printing employee to inspect the available places.

Some printing companies do not allow ordering your own layout, providing the service exclusively on a turnkey basis. That is, you will still have to pay for the design development. To save money, you can take a simple layout, but add more illustrations and choose a stand with a bright hue.

Bryansk region

Helping the employer in organizing labor safety work: “How to set up a labor safety corner: an example of design and ready-made document templates” The labor inspector only needs one look at the labor protection stand to suspect that the organization has a formal approach to labor protection. Outdated template information speaks for itself. In the article we will tell you how to make sure that the occupational safety corner, instead of the function of a dust collector, actually helps workers understand occupational safety requirements. An illustrated sample design and document templates will help you figure out what information to place in the occupational safety corner.

Important The responsibility for maintaining and monitoring the labor safety area must be included in the employee’s job descriptions. One of the employer’s responsibilities is to inform employees about labor conditions and safety (Art.

212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For this purpose, at enterprises of the Russian Ministry of Labor

Responsibility for violations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

If an organization has reached the number of employees of 100 people, or has unusual specifics that require stands and an occupational safety room, then the organization may be punished for the lack of a stand. This will be a direct violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Types of punishment:

  • Disciplinary – reprimand, fine, deprivation of bonus;
  • Material – only fines;
  • Civil law – fine, compensation, dismissal;
  • Administrative – dismissal, fine, warning, arrest, etc.;
  • Criminal – compulsory work, suspended sentence, imprisonment;

Good quality sample

The type of liability occurs depending on the severity (scale) of the violation. As a rule, for the absence of stands, a warning can be issued, and then a fine in the prescribed amount. The fine for missing one stand is several thousand rubles.

Sometimes, after the absence of a stand, inspectors also discover a lack of instruction, a violation of rights (infringement of their employees) through lack of rest and an excessive level of harm from production. Also, supervisors may reveal that a first aid kit is missing or is in poor condition.

Note! In offices, reference corners can be located in the personnel department, in the accounting department, near the security post and in other places. Employees have the right to make stands separately for their workplaces. It is best to show the fire safety rules clearly, and also indicate the numbers of the fire service, ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations and police for calling from landline and cell phones.

Development of a corner on occupational safety and its contents

Developing the design and content of a corner/office on labor protection means fulfilling labor protection requirements, disseminating legal knowledge, and carrying out preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

It is recommended to allocate a special room for the occupational safety office in an organization, consisting of one or more rooms (offices), which is equipped with technical means, teaching aids and samples, illustrative and information materials on occupational safety. The occupational safety corner is designed depending on the area allocated for its placement. For example, it can be presented in the form of a stand, a showcase or screen, or a computer program.

The labor protection office ensures the implementation of labor protection measures, including those organized by joint actions of the head and other officials of the organization, the labor protection committee (commission), the labor protection service, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other representative representatives authorized by employees organs:

  • conducting seminars, lectures, conversations and consultations on labor protection issues;
  • training on labor protection, including safe methods and techniques for performing work, the use of collective and individual protective equipment, and issues of first aid;
  • conducting labor safety briefings, thematic classes with employees who are required to have special knowledge of labor protection and sanitary standards, and testing knowledge of workers’ labor protection requirements;
  • organization of exhibitions, expositions, stands, models and other forms of visual propaganda and promotion of best practices in creating healthy and safe working conditions;
  • conducting analytical studies of the state of working conditions in the organization (at workplaces) and assessing their impact on labor safety.

The organization's labor protection corner ensures the implementation of the same activities as the labor protection office.

The main goals of developing the design and content of the occupational safety corner/office:

  • Prevention of industrial injuries.
  • Awareness of employees on labor protection;
  • Cost optimization;
  • Customer concentration on core activities;
  • Use of best practices in the field of labor protection;
  • Use of knowledge and technologies of professional specialists;
  • Obtaining a guarantee of the quality of work performed.

Development of the design and content of the occupational safety corner/office is necessary for: company managers, heads of the occupational safety service, occupational safety specialists from all fields of activity. What is included in support of inspections by supervisory authorities:

  • Design layout of a corner/office for labor protection;
  • Recommendations for filling the occupational safety corner;
  • Creation of an office/corner for labor protection on a turnkey basis.

The results of developing the design and content of the occupational safety corner/office are required:

  • Obtaining comprehensive answers to questions posed regarding labor protection;
  • Information support for inspections by supervisory authorities;
  • Recommendations for mandatory activities with an assessment of labor costs, timing and cost of work.

Advantages of ordering from Labor Technologies:

  • Prevention of industrial injuries.
  • Awareness of employees on labor protection.
  • Individual approach.
  • Competitive prices and special offers.
  • Receives a commercial proposal for additional services aimed at reducing the Customer’s risks and improving production standards...

Risks in case of violation of current legislation: Part 1 of Article 5.27_1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: Violation of state regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2-4 of Article 5.27_1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a warning or imposition of an administrative fine:

  • For DL ​​- from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • For legal entities - from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Repeated violation leads to the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • For DL ​​- from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles or disqualification for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

LLC EAC "Labor Technologies" LLC EAC "Labor Technologies" provides a wide range of consulting services, incl. development of the design and content of the occupational safety corner/office, and has extensive experience in solving complex problems. We are professionals and will be happy to help you solve your problems! Write your question and we will tell you how we can solve your problem. This does not oblige you to anything!

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Ready-made labor protection stand template

Below you can see a simple tabloid template for posting background information on occupational safety and health. If one is not enough, you can duplicate the stand and place all the information.

The scoreboard can be soft or hard, have a frame or be screwed (glued) to the wall. The most important thing is not to forget about the purpose of its placement: informing employees and attracting attention, as well as compliance with the rules and requirements posted on it. Bright signs are especially relevant in children's institutions: hospitals, schools, kindergartens. They contain rules with visual illustrations that are easy to understand for children of different ages.

*Prices are current as of August 2021.

Multifunctional information stands

The simplest answer to the question of how to set up an occupational safety corner is to create a multifunctional stand. The stand is a special shield, decorated with various materials in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 7.

The Recommendations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 7, propose to thematically structure information on labor protection as follows (clause 12 of the Recommendations):

  1. General information which will include:
      texts and norms of legislative acts on labor protection at the federal and regional levels;
  2. provisions of the company’s internal documentation;
  3. information on labor protection management at the enterprise;
  4. information about ensuring labor safety in the company;
  5. information about harmful and dangerous production factors;
  6. the procedure for employees to act in the event of an emergency situation or accident at work.
  7. Special information selected in accordance with the specifics of the production activity or market functioning of the organization.
    It can be:

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    • descriptions of technological processes;
    • a list of unfavorable production factors in a given company and the corresponding personal protective equipment;

  8. safety signs, special symbols and diagrams installed in production.

In addition, it is recommended not to mix educational and reference materials in the design and to give the information stand a name, for example: “Stand - labor protection at the enterprise.”

Main purpose

According to the Labor Code, owners of their own enterprises should not organize special corners dedicated to labor protection. Despite this, the Ministry of Labor recommends a similar measure to all enterprises with more than a hundred employees. In addition, such printed products should be present in educational institutions. The main purpose of a special cabinet and various types of posters is as follows:

  • Promote important issues among staff or students;
  • Instructions on how to act in difficult situations;
  • Solving various issues related to labor protection.

In order to inform employees about everything that may be required in an unexpected situation, corners and offices are supplemented with printing products. These are bright images, posters, instructions, warnings and other products that attract the attention of others. The occupational safety office often conducts introductory training sessions designed to teach employees the correct behavior.

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