Black adoption market on the Internet: I will give the child into rich hands

Step-by-step instruction

To obtain guardianship of a child in Astrakhan, you must go through the procedure following the following algorithm:

  • prepare a complete package of documents;
  • submit them for consideration;
  • wait for the conclusion of the special commission;
  • take training courses for adoptive parents;
  • look after a child whom you want to adopt, establish contact with him, inform guardianship employees about the desire to become legal representatives;
  • submit an application to the court in Astrakhan to establish custody of the child;
  • await the consideration of the case and the final decision;
  • register the child by visiting the civil registry office in Astrakhan.

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How to adopt a child from an orphanage in St. Petersburg

As can be seen from the algorithm, adoption is a rather lengthy process with many legal formalities. Yes, the human factor plays a role; judges rarely refuse to allow families to adopt a child. But to go the entire way from the birth of the desire to adopt a baby to his appearance in the house, the couple will have to face bureaucracy, the difficulties of paperwork, collecting the required data and, most importantly, proving the purity of their intentions.

Adopting a child is an option for many couples who want to have children. However, like many other government procedures, the adoption process is very bureaucratic. Adoptive parents will have to overcome the difficulties of collecting the necessary documents and certificates. Often, without the help of a qualified lawyer, you will not be able to cope with “paper” difficulties on your own. The company's employees will provide assistance to couples wishing to adopt a child.

Medical examination of future parents

Potential parents must be examined by several specialized specialists at a clinic in Astrakhan:

  • therapist;
  • phthisiatrician;
  • psychiatrist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • narcologist.

In addition, you will need to do fluorography, undergo diagnostics for the Wasserman reaction, and donate blood for HIV and hepatitis.

It is possible to undergo a medical examination at any medical institution licensed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to provide such services.

How to adopt a child from an orphanage? Requirements for adoptive parents

Typically, young parents try to adopt a child before one year of age. This suggests that during these years the child does not know his real parents, which means there is no need to tell him the truth. For such purposes, an infant under one year old can be adopted and permission to enter a new date of birth into the certificate.

  • persons who have been declared unemployed;
  • spouses , one of whom is declared unemployed;
  • persons who have been deprived of parental rights;
  • persons who cannot be guardians by decision of a court;
  • adoptive parents in the past whose adoption the court rejected due to their mistake;
  • persons who cannot fulfill parental rights for health reasons;

Training courses for future adoptive parents

Every person planning to adopt a child is required to complete training courses for future parents. The courses provide legal and psychological-pedagogical training, which will allow you to properly educate and communicate with children. Training is free. You can take courses either face-to-face or online. After the course, potential parents are given a certificate of completion, which should be included with the package of documents.

Registration of the birth of a child at the registry office in Astrakhan in 2021

How to adopt a child from an orphanage: necessary documents

You can practically adopt a baby. This is exactly what many adoptive parents do. The child has lived very little and, one might say, does not realize the full negativity of the current situation, which makes it possible in the future not to reveal the secret of adoption to him at all and to contribute as much as possible to the upbringing of the future member of society, as well as the formation of his character. It is from the age of 0 to 3-4 years that children are in the Baby House.

Childhood is the most important time in the life of every person. It is at this time that the foundations of his character and attitude towards others are laid, many abilities are developed, and his perception of the world is formed. This completely depends on how the child’s childhood goes, how much he will be surrounded by the love and care of his parents, home comfort and warmth. Abandoned children are deprived of all these benefits.

Selecting a child for adoption

After a positive conclusion from the commission, adoptive parents become candidates who can receive permission to visit their children for adoption. As a rule, these are children living in centers where potential parents are registered. If it is impossible to find a child at the place of registration of the adoptive parents, it is allowed to contact the guardianship of another entity or directly to the operator of the bank of information about children awaiting adoption.

The citizen writes a petition with a request to pick up the child, and also conveys to the operator a positive decision of the commission of guardianship authorities, allowing adoption. After studying the documents, citizens are issued a permit to visit the child, valid for 10 working days.

After visiting the child, the candidate submits a report on the results of the meeting and the decision made.

File for divorce in Astrakhan in 2021

Review of orphanages and guardianship authorities in Rostov-on-Don

There are many orphanages in Rostov-on-Don. In all of them there are children who dream of a family. Of course, it’s not bad to live in such specialized institutions, because children there receive proper attention. However, living in your own home with your mom, dad, brothers and sisters, even if they are step-siblings, is much better and more enjoyable.

So, with the conclusion of the guardianship authorities on the possibility of being a guardian or adoptive parent, you can choose the child you want to take into the family. Go to some orphanage in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. Choose with your heart, take your time. From the point of view of formalities, the process of adopting a child is quite easy, but adoptive parents require a lot of mental strength. And once you have made your choice, you must submit documents for the adoption of a specific child to the district court.

Rights and responsibilities of future parents

A potential guardian has the right:

  • find out all the information regarding the child and whether he has relatives;
  • carry out medical examination of the child (under the supervision of an employee of the institution where he lives).

The candidate must:

  • get to know the chosen child;
  • get acquainted with his documents;
  • obtain information about the child's condition.

If after the meeting, the potential adoptive parents do not agree to the proposed child, the search will continue. Otherwise, documents are submitted to the court to begin the adoption procedure.

Baby house in Rostov-on-Don official website photo of children

Welcome to the website of the state-owned social service institution of the Rostov region, the center for assistance to children without parental care, “Rostov Center for Assistance to Children with Disabilities No. 4”.

The children's assistance center is designed for 28 pupils with disabilities, including children with severe speech impairments, mental retardation, as well as children with visual impairments and intellectual disabilities.

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Consideration of an adoption case in court

The application is submitted to the court in Astrakhan, located at the place of the child’s current registration. The meeting is held behind closed doors.

List of required documents:

  • a copy of each candidate’s birth certificate, marriage certificate;
  • if a child is adopted by one of the spouses, permission from the second;
  • medical report on the health status of the new parents;
  • 2-NDFL;
  • extract from Rosreestr in Astrakhan;
  • certificate of registration with the guardianship authorities.

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List of documents

To obtain a conclusion on the possibility of becoming adoptive parents (adoptive parents), you must submit the following documents to the guardianship and trusteeship authority (since 2009, these functions have been performed by the local government body - the City Administration):

  • statement;
  • passport (passports of both parents);
  • biography in brief form;
  • certificate of average salary for the last 12 months issued to the applicant and/or his spouse;
  • conclusion on the results of a medical examination;
  • certificate of no criminal record (if necessary) - taken from the MFC or the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GU MVD);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if available);
  • a copy of the training certificate;
  • documents confirming a nomadic/semi-nomadic lifestyle (if necessary).

The validity period of the medical examination report is 6 months, the income certificate is 1 year.

Important! Check the possibility of providing services during a personal visit or by phone.

To register as candidates for adoptive parents, you must provide the following documents to the guardianship and trusteeship authority:

  • statement;
  • questionnaire;
  • conclusion on the possibility of becoming an adoptive parent.

To adopt a child, you must submit the following documents to the district court:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the adoptive parent's birth certificate (if the applicant is a single person);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if the applicant is/are a single person/persons);
  • consent of the spouse (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child);
  • divorce certificate, from which more than 1 year has passed (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child, and the consent of the former spouse cannot be obtained);
  • documents confirming that the former spouses have not lived together for more than 1 year (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child, and the consent of the former spouse cannot be obtained);
  • medical report on the health status of the applicant/applicants;
  • certificate of position held;
  • certificate/declaration or other document on income;
  • documents confirming ownership of residential premises (or documents giving the right to use them);
  • document on registration of the candidate/candidates for adoptive parents;
  • a document confirming completion of preparation for adoption;
  • documents confirming a nomadic/semi-nomadic lifestyle (if necessary);
  • conclusion of the competent authority of the state in which the adoptive parents live on their living conditions and the possibility of becoming adoptive parents - for foreign citizens, stateless persons and citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad;
  • permission for the adopted child to enter for permanent residence - for foreign citizens, stateless persons and citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad;

All documents are submitted to the court in 2 copies.

If the applicant is a stepfather/stepmother, he/she provides the following documents to the district court:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if the applicant is/are a single person/persons);
  • consent of the spouse (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child);
  • divorce certificate, from which more than 1 year has passed (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child, and the consent of the former spouse cannot be obtained);
  • documents confirming that the former spouses have not lived together for more than 1 year (if the applicant is married, but one is adopting a child, and the consent of the former spouse cannot be obtained);
  • medical report on the health status of the applicant/applicants;
  • documents confirming ownership of residential premises (or documents giving the right to use them).

Consideration of adoption cases takes place with the obligatory presence of the adoptive parent(s), a representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, a prosecutor and the child (if he is over 14 years old).

In some cases, the child’s parents, third parties and the child himself (if he is between 10 and 14 years old) may be present at the meeting.

The guardianship and trusteeship authority personally provides the court with an opinion on the validity of the adoption and its compliance with the interests of the child.

Foreign citizens, stateless persons and Russian citizens living abroad submit documents to the Supreme Court of the republic, regional, regional court, federal city court, autonomous region court and autonomous district court at the place of residence or location of the selected child.

To register an adoption, the following documents must be submitted to the registry office:

  • statement;
  • passports of the adoptive parents (adoptive parents);
  • the court's decision;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • marriage registration certificate (if available);
  • consent of the second spouse (if one of the spouses applies).

Official comment from the State Services portal

US citizens: the ban is established by Art. 4 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2012 No. 272-FZ “On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Citizens of countries that allow marriages between persons of the same sex - paragraphs. 13 clause 1 art. 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Matrimonial Palace


EstablishmentMatrimonial Palace
In what areaKirovsky
When it worksno information
Phone number+7
Institution addressAstrakhan region, Astrakhan, Uritskogo street, 1
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Astrakhan region

Address on the map

How is adoption different from guardianship?

Since 2013, benefits have been provided to adoptive parents in the region for the first time

The differences between guardianship and adoption in a legal sense are quite significant. Adoption will give the child the same rights under the Family Code as his own. He will receive his father's surname and patronymic, as well as the right to call his adoptive parents father and mother. Like a natural child, he will be able to claim his parents’ housing and inheritance. The secrecy of adoption will be respected in relation to him.

Such forms of placement of children left without parental care, such as guardianship (trusteeship) or foster family, are valid only until the age of 18. After reaching adulthood, the guardian is no longer responsible for the child. A child, if he does not have housing, has the right to receive an apartment from the state.

Until recently, the maintenance of an adopted child fell entirely on the shoulders of the parents. Since 2013, the situation has changed. In the Voronezh region, for the first time, benefits were provided for adopted children, as well as one-time payments for children under their care.

Kirov Civil Registry Office


EstablishmentKirov Civil Registry Office
Operating modeno information
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Astrakhan region
What is the addressAstrakhan region, Astrakhan, Lenin street, 28

How to apply to the Civil Registry Office in Astrakhan in 2021

Road map

How to adopt a child from an orphanage

Then let's try to find out what is needed for this important step. First, a married couple will have to study all the laws related to adoption. This is necessary in order to firmly know your rights and obligations in this area, and at the same time find out what the guardianship authorities and representatives of the board of trustees have the right to demand from adoptive parents.

Before adopting a child from an orphanage, a married couple will need to collect all the documents necessary for this procedure. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that each, even the most insignificant, certificate has its own validity period, and if by the time of adoption it expires, then a number of papers will have to be reissued again. Therefore, before collecting documents, it does not hurt to develop a clear action plan and determine for yourself the best procedure for receiving and signing the necessary papers.

Leninsky Civil Registry Office department

Where to apply

NameLeninsky Civil Registry Office department
In what areaLeninist
Opening hoursno information
Institution addressAstrakhan region, Astrakhan, Academician Koroleva street, 26
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Astrakhan region

Map and address

Baby home adoption photo of children Rostov

Adopted children are treated like relatives, therefore the laws of the Russian Federation provide for payments for adoptive parents in the same amounts and terms as for parents in ordinary families - sick leave if the child is taken from the maternity hospital, benefits until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, etc. .

If children left without care are under guardianship (trusteeship), in a foster family or in a special institution (educational, medical, etc.), the consent of the guardian, trustee, adoptive parents or the head of the institution where the child is located is required for adoption. . Consent must be in writing (clause 1 of Article 131 of the RF IC), but it does not cancel the consent of the parents if they are known and not deprived of parental rights, are not recognized by the court as missing or incompetent, and also if they do not shy away from raising and maintaining a child.

Soviet Civil Registry Office department

Where to get it

EstablishmentSoviet Civil Registry Office department
What area is it located in?Soviet
Phone numbers+7
What is the addressAstrakhan region, Astrakhan, Boevaya street, 72a
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Astrakhan region
Operating modeno information

On the map

How to adopt a child from an orphanage, what documents are needed

You can adopt a child from a maternity hospital, orphanage, or orphanage. The procedure for completing this procedure is practically the same. Most often, children are adopted from an orphanage, where children are kept until they are 3-4 years old. It is up to this age that it will be most easy for a child to adapt to a new family; he will perceive his adoptive parents as his own.

Also, the tasks of the guardianship authorities include assessing the adoptive parents themselves; they must be competent, have no criminal record, earn enough to provide a living wage for all family members, and not have serious illnesses that could interfere with caring for the child. If necessary, adoptive parents can be sent to study at a special school for adoptive parents.

Trusovo Department of Civil Registry Office


EstablishmentTrusovo Department of Civil Registry Office
What area is it located in?Trusovsky
When it worksno information
What is the addressAstrakhan region, Astrakhan, Dzerzhinsky street, 44
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Astrakhan region
Phone number+7

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Adopt a child from an orphanage photo

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Why do adoptions happen?

No one is immune from personality clashes with an adopted child.

According to statistics for the year, 3-4% of adoptive parents issue refusals and return their children to the boarding school. Typically, such decisions are associated with a mismatch of characters, the greatly deteriorated health of the guardians, or the sudden manifestation of “bad heredity” in the child. From which no one is safe.

Most adoptive parents or guardians are very afraid of this situation. However, the biggest fear of adoptive parents is the fear that the biological parents of their son or daughter will come to their senses and try to get them back. According to experts, such a development is extremely unlikely.

If these and other difficulties arise, parents can contact the school of foster parents, as well as specialists from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

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