What it is?

Despite the fact that when buying an apartment in a high-rise building, people pay for square meters of housing located “above ground,” they would like to see the area around the house landscaped.

Why is landscaping and landscaping of the territory of a multi-storey residential building necessary? Children should walk on neatly constructed playgrounds, there should be a parking space near the house, and we should also not forget about landscaping standards, because we all need clean air, and our eyes need aesthetic pleasure from the sight of flower beds and public gardens.

The adjacent territory is a piece of land that is located under and near an apartment building, and also includes all the infrastructure available on it, which we listed above. This site has its own clearly defined boundaries, which are common property.

A mention of this fact can be found in the technical passport for construction, issued by the BTI. In addition, this norm is reflected in Order No. 59 of August 26, 1998, which refers to the size of land plots.

What is landscaping of the local area of ​​an apartment building? The initially landscaped plot, immediately after the house was commissioned, is a credit to the developer. But such services immediately after delivery of the house are a rare exception. Landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building means carrying out various activities that aim to improve the sanitary and environmental conditions around the house.

In addition, landscaping the courtyard of an apartment building aims to bring the condition of the land and the objects located on it to an aesthetically pleasing appearance. This may require the construction of small architectural structures, work on the relief and landscape.

The importance of landscaping and decoration

Landscaping the territory of an apartment building is an important event that allows you to give the proper aesthetic and environmental status to the building.

Unfortunately, often the surrounding area is not formalized, developers pay little attention to this factor, and often, along with the apartment, the owner receives an undeveloped vacant lot filled with construction waste instead of fragrant flower beds and neatly trimmed bushes. And the question arises: how to design the local area?

Landscaping of the local area is a complex of works carried out in order to give the site its proper appearance.

This list of works is not developed by the owners, developers or employees of the management organization, but is already contained in the rules for the technical operation of the housing stock, number MDK 2-03.2003.

In the text of these rules, paragraph 3.8 is devoted to landscaping issues. From them, owners can glean important information about what work should be carried out as part of the design of the adjacent territory of an apartment building and if mistakes were made on the part of the workers, they can be eliminated without delay.

Here are the basic principles of landscaping work.

  1. Work can only be carried out after the area has been cleared of garbage and construction waste.
  2. Cutting down trees already existing on the territory is prohibited unless there is an appropriate permit.
  3. When selecting tree species for planting, it is not recommended to plant female species of mulberry, poplar and other plantings that contribute to the clogging of the territory and air.
  4. Planned implementation of comprehensive work to eliminate and prevent the appearance of pests on plantings.

In addition, the rules contain a huge list of prohibited actions that can lead to the loss of plantings or lead the territory to decay. Not only workers in the housing and communal services sector, but also residents need to comply with the requirements.

Who is responsible and who should be responsible for landscaping the courtyard of a residential building?

Many owners are concerned about the question: who is responsible for landscaping the local area?

Who should you complain to if reality does not at all correspond to what you want? Who should be responsible for landscaping the local area?

  1. Check the agreement on the transfer of an apartment building from the developer to the residents or management organization.
    If the paragraphs of this document contain a basis that allows you to require the developer to work on the development of the local area, do not accept the transfer certificate until the relevant work has been carried out.
  2. If the agreement with the developer does not say anything about the site, then the burden of arranging the courtyard area of ​​an apartment building falls on the shoulders of the residents and the management organization.
    The owners of premises in an apartment building are required to contribute funds for the needs of arranging the local area of ​​the apartment building, and the selected organization for the maintenance and management of the building must carry out the corresponding work with these funds.

Rules for landscaping the local area

The main regulatory act regulating the rules for landscaping the local area is the current building codes - SNiP. Essentially, these are technical regulations.

In addition to this document, issues of arrangement of the site near the building are regulated by the Code of Rules - SP, which are approved at the federal level. This regulatory act contains requirements and descriptions of construction, installation, operational and other processes related to landscaping.

However, despite many regulations, there are significant shortcomings in the legislative field of improvement of the area near the house. So, for example, according to the law, the area of ​​a house cannot exceed the size of the local area, but in reality, taking advantage of the inconsistency in the current regulations for calculating this area, unscrupulous representatives of the municipality receive a certain benefit.

The result of legislative contradictions leads to the fact that residents have to take responsibility for a disproportionately large area of ​​the site or, on the contrary, the owners are faced with a complete absence of local territory.

Sometimes the only measure in the fight against arbitrariness is the privatization of a plot near the house. Residents, being the owners of the territory, have the right to independently make decisions on its maintenance.

Landscaping rules

In addition to the rules for landscaping, document MDK 2-03.2003 establishes the following rules for landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building. Rules for landscaping the yard of a residential multi-storey building:

  1. The need to install waste containers.
  2. The need for garbage and snow removal, as well as water drainage.
  3. Construction and renovation of recreation areas and playgrounds.
  4. Painting and proper maintenance of fences and benches.
  5. Cleaning common areas.
  6. Landscaping of the territory.
  7. Carrying out work to ensure residential safety.

Landscaping plan for the local area of ​​an apartment building:

Owners' responsibility

All residents must do their part to improve the area and pay for cleaning and repair work on time. In case of violation of the established rules, a fine is imposed and the violator is brought to administrative responsibility.

If the management company violates the rules, a fine is imposed on it.

If the activities of the management company caused damage to the territory or buildings, then residents have the right to demand compensation. Each apartment owner must do his or her own job of landscaping, because no one wants to see dirt in the yard and heaps of uncollected garbage or let children play on the playground in disrepair.

The adjacent area is necessary for the comfortable rest of residents. All work carried out to maintain the site in proper form is agreed upon at a general meeting of residents. In case of failure to fulfill their obligations for improvement, a fine will be imposed.

What yard improvement programs and projects exist?

In some regions and municipalities there are programs for landscaping courtyards that make it possible to subsidize a number of needs for the improvement of apartment buildings and their territory.

The most popular and effective program for the improvement of courtyard areas of apartment buildings, carried out in the Tula region, which is designed for 2014-2016 and was adopted by the Resolution of the local administration No. 135.

This program finances the costs of:

  • landscaping;
  • arrangement of children's playgrounds;
  • carries out repairs and reconstruction of facades and fences;
  • creates so-called green areas;
  • creates recreational parks and improves them.

The state does not actively subsidize these programs; funds are mainly allocated from the regional budget.

You can find out whether a similar program operates in your place of residence on the official website of the city administration.

Improvement elements

If you are thinking about how to arrange a local area, let's look at what belongs to the elements of landscaping a local area:

  1. Landscaping:
  2. vertical;
  3. adjoining
  4. Surface coatings (ensure ease of movement):
  5. soft;
  6. lawn;
  7. combined.
  8. Surface mating elements:
  9. ramps;
  10. stairs;
  11. side stones.
  12. Fencing
  13. Small architectural forms.
  14. Water devices.
  15. Furniture.
  16. Municipal and household engineering equipment for streets.
  17. Technical equipment.
  18. Play equipment.
  19. Sport equipment.
  20. Lighting equipment:
  21. functional;
  22. light information;
  23. zone lighting;
  24. light sources.
  25. Non-permanent structures.
  26. Non-stationary structures.
  27. Venues:
  28. for relax;
  29. sports;
  30. for garbage receptacles;
  31. for walking with animals;
  32. parking lots;
  33. pedestrian connections;
  34. transport passages.

All these elements, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of our country dated December 2011, number 613, are among the main ones in matters of territory improvement.

Project for landscaping a courtyard area (yard of a residential building).

What is included in the concept of “improvement”?

On the territory of the yard there are many buildings that are necessary for the convenience of residents, for example, buildings where residents can dry clothes. Places where you can wash your car and walk your pets are a must.

The following are also installed on the site:

  • benches;
  • gazebos;
  • fencing;
  • flower beds.

Residents must look after them. Therefore, the concept of landscaping includes not only cleaning and keeping the yard clean, but also repair work, which is designed to maintain all elements of the site in proper form.

The homeowners' association independently decides what work will be carried out and how to organize the improvement. They have the right:

  1. Erect new buildings on the territory.
  2. Build playgrounds or carry out landscaping.

All work is carried out either personally by the HOA, or with the help of specially invited organizations. The concept of improvement includes:

  • cleaning and disinfection of public places;
  • parking lot cleaning;
  • installation of waste containers;
  • care of plants, lawns and flower beds;
  • installation and maintenance of children's and sports grounds.

At the meetings, all residents jointly decide:

  1. What work will be carried out?
  2. Where to get money?
  3. What should you pay attention to first?

Only after all issues have been agreed upon do they begin to carry out landscaping.


Green spaces are designed to provide the site with a harmonious appearance. A large number of plants has a positive effect on the health of residents. The landscaping of the area is carried out by the residents themselves; they decide what to plant and where. The concept of landscaping the local area includes:

  • arrangement of lawns;
  • tree planting;
  • arrangement of flower beds;
  • care of all plantings;
  • planting and caring for the garden.

Typically, such work is performed by several residents. It is worth noting that tree cutting and sanitary cleaning is carried out only by the municipality, and not by residents.


All cleaning work is carried out by housing department employees, who are paid by the apartment owners themselves. Site cleaning is carried out according to a predetermined schedule. During the warm period the following work is carried out:

  • sweeping paths;
  • collecting leaves;
  • watering green spaces;
  • lawn mowing;
  • washing sidewalks and alleys.

In winter, cleaning work is also necessary. After precipitation, everything must be removed within six hours. The following work is being carried out:

  • snow removal;
  • sprinkling slippery paths;
  • cleaning icicles;
  • clearing roads for vehicles to leave.


At the request of residents, entry into the yard may be restricted for other citizens. But at the same time there should be free entry for cars:

  1. Fire services.
  2. Ambulance
  3. Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  4. Police.

Cleaning of underground and surface parking lots is carried out in accordance with SanPin standards. The rules also specify the requirements that must be met:

  • there is at least 10 meters of free space from the parking spaces to the walls of the building;
  • ensuring unimpeded exit and entry of cars into the parking lot;
  • Installation in the parking lot of vehicles that do not belong to the resident of the house is not permitted.


In almost every yard, fences are installed that protect the local area. They are allowed to be installed, but it is important to follow these rules:

  • access to the territory must be constantly regulated;
  • ambulances, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations must freely enter the yard;
  • fences should not interfere with the passage of residents of other houses;
  • providing access to utility service personnel.

Installing a fence costs a lot of money, but if at the meeting all residents agreed to pay, then the work is carried out. Illegally erected structures may be demolished by the competent authorities and no compensation will be paid. Therefore, it is worth obtaining permission to erect a fence, and only after that proceed with their installation.

Our lawyers will advise you on any issues of interest; all you have to do is take advantage of the online consultation.

Other questions

Landscaping the yard takes a huge amount of time, because issues constantly arise that need to be resolved promptly. For example:

  • demolition of old attractions on the playground and construction of new ones;
  • arrangement of new playgrounds;
  • path repair;
  • renting out land for commercial organizations;
  • painting fences and benches;
  • care of green spaces;
  • installation of billboards;
  • allocation of territory for walking pets.

All these issues are resolved at a meeting of the residents of the house. If some residents do not agree with the decision, it is necessary to come to a compromise, otherwise the decision is considered unlawful. Our lawyers will answer all questions if you use the online consultation.

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