Sample request to the registry office for the issuance of a marriage certificate

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Today I will tell you about how to submit requests to the registry office, with the help of which documents this can be done.

According to Wikipedia, these are the Civil Registry Departments (abbreviated registry office or registry office) - an executive body in Russia and a number of other states that registers facts of birth, establishment of paternity, adoption, marriage, divorce, death and change of name.

Firstly, I will say that you can request information about people who are no longer alive. If you submit a request for a living person, no one at the registry office will issue you documents .

It is necessary that this person himself appears for requests with an identification document. Let me remind you that since the reign of President Yeltsin, in Russia such documents have been a passport of a Russian citizen. Of course, if you are not a military man on active duty, then you can present a military ID (sailor's book) or an officer's book. Many people think that they can show their driver's license. But we don’t live in the USA, watch less Hollywood films, especially since your driver’s license gives you the right to drive vehicles of the appropriate category on Russian roads, and some actions of the traffic police imply that the driver has a passport.

Access to civil registry office documents and metrics is also prohibited if they are not a hundred years old.

You can request a repeat birth, marriage, death, or divorce certificate from the civil registry office. How can I do that?

There are special generally accepted forms for this that need to be filled out and sent to the place of requirement.

How to Send a Request to the Civil Registry Office of Another City

“In response to your request about birth (last name, first name, patronymic), we inform you that for the search you must indicate the year of birth, since documents up to 1926 inclusive are stored in the State Archive of the Penza Region, and documents from 1927 are stored in the territorial Department of the Civil Registry Office of the Belinsky district at the address Penza region, Belinsky, st. Belinsky, 25″.

So, for example, in response to my request to the civil registry office of the Penza region, namely the department of registration, processing and storage of documents, the answer was that they did not have information about the birth of my relative, but they reported something like the following:

To the Civil Registry Office ____________________________ (read more...)

Powers of the Civil Registry Office

ZAGS is an abbreviation that stands for civil status record. Civil status, in turn, is a set of facts relating to the personality of each person, namely:

  • fact of birth;
  • fact of adoption;
  • fact of marriage;
  • fact of change of surname or first name;
  • fact of divorce;
  • fact of death.

Of course, the registry office itself does not track these events. He only records what citizens tell him. In order for a marriage to be registered, citizens must write an application, and in order to receive a citizen’s death certificate, his relatives must obtain a medical certificate of death and submit it to the registry office.

Thus, at each phase of changes in the civil status of the registry office:

  • carries out certain actions to record these changes (registers in the civil register);
  • issues a corresponding document about the entry made. These documents include birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, etc.

Some examples of forms

Please issue a repeat marriage/divorce certificate (underline as necessary) Document required ____________________________________________________________

It is necessary to contact the registry office at the place of divorce, if the marriage was dissolved in the registry office, or to the court, if divorced in court. Send a valuable letter stating the situation, that you need this document to calculate your pension, that you cannot come, etc. At the end, indicate this: Based on the above, I ask you to provide a document confirming the dissolution of the marriage between your full name and full name and send it by registered mail to the address: ____________.

How to Send a Request to the Civil Registry Office of Another City

What do people do when there is a need to restore lost information of various types or simply find out socially significant information (this could be data about relatives, obtaining copies of lost documents, restoring information about work, awards, location of people or institutions and other background information)? Of course, they go to the archives. True, to do this, it is important to know what kind of archive you need and how to make a request to the archive. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

  • How to send documents to the registry office by mail

In addition, archives are not always approached for information relating to a specific individual; quite often historical documents are also requested. This is done by those who need them due to their occupation, for example, screenwriters, writers, scientists. Archival documents are often used when writing dissertations or scientific papers. In the case where documents are needed to write a scientific work, in addition to a passport and an application for their provision, a document from the organization where the applicant studies or works, confirming his status and the topic of work, will also be required.

How to make a request to the registry office (read more...)

Information request

From time to time, for example, in order to prepare an application to the court, the need arises to request not certificates and duplicates of documents, but information.

For example, a citizen may need information about the preservation of civil status books for a certain locality. As a rule, such requests are associated with the times of fascist occupation or military operations in a certain territory at a certain time.

For information, let us inform you that such requests to the registry office are often duplicated by requests to the registry office archive.

How to make a request to the registry office

Information on state registration of acts of civil status is provided to authorized bodies on the basis of a request sent through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system.
After passing the verification, the application will be sent for registration to the specified registry office. Monitor the status of your submitted application in your personal account. If the decision is positive, the applicant is sent an invitation from the Civil Registry Office in person to provide original documents and receive the appropriate certificate. If the application status is denied, the reason for this decision will be indicated.

What can you request?

The civil registry office provides the requested information either by issuing a duplicate of the civil status act or by means of a certificate, depending on what exactly is required by the person who sent the request.

It is useless to ask the registry office to provide:

  • extracts from the civil registration book;
  • copies of certificates that were previously issued to the author of the request;
  • copies of citizens' applications for registration of civil status, for example applications for marriage registration.

If necessary, the above information can be obtained on the basis of a judicial request sent to the registry office as part of the consideration of a civil case.

How to Send a Request to the Civil Registry Office of Another City

To pick up a certificate while in another city, you can use the services of the MFC. First, it is worth clarifying whether such a possibility is within the powers of a particular center.

  • How to send documents to the registry office by mail

It is not always possible to pick up a document in person. For example, spouses live in different cities. In this case, it is envisaged to obtain a certificate from the registry office at the place of residence. Also, the ex-spouse can issue a power of attorney to a third party to receive the document.

In case of divorce through the court (read more...)

Remote Receive

If a couple has no minor children, no disagreements regarding property, and both spouses agree to divorce, a simplified procedure applies.
In this case, it is enough for both of you to go to the registry office on visiting days and write an application for divorce. Former spouses are sometimes satisfied with a divorce stamp in their passport. From a legal point of view, immediate receipt of an official divorce document is not necessary; there is no time limit for its issuance. You can easily obtain a document even if several years have passed.

Possible difficulties

Repeated receipt The question of how to obtain a divorce certificate is relevant for those who did not do it on time or live in another city. After the marriage is dissolved, it is not enough to put a corresponding mark in the passport. To confirm this fact, you will need a separate document - a divorce certificate. It is drawn up on a special form, and only civil registry offices are authorized to do this. The certificate is presented in a variety of situations - when replacing a passport, collecting alimony, applying for a loan, real estate transactions, etc.

Andrey! Information of interest is posted on the main page of the site in the section “About the state duty”, subsection “Grounds and procedure for the return or offset of the state duty”. We also inform you that the application must be submitted to the civil registry office at the place where the state duty is paid.

How to Send a Request to the Civil Registry Office of Another City

In this case, many questions arise: How to restore these documents? Where to go for questions like this? How can I submit a request to obtain a second certificate in the archives of the civil registry office of another city? What documents must be presented to the civil registry office upon receipt of the sent certificate or certificate?

  • How to send documents to the registry office by mail

Natalia! The procedure for obtaining a repeated certificate is posted on the main page of the site in the “State” section.

Make a request to the registry office of another city via the Internet (read more...)


In previous posts, I told you what can be found in the registry office archives, what documents can be obtained and what is needed for this. Let's now write a request to the registry office together. Praise to unified forms of documents. They have already made our task easier and created request forms for the registry office to receive documents. All we have to do is download them, fill them out and send them to the desired registry office.

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