Regulations on bonus payments to employees: what the document should contain, how to draw it up, how to approve it
How to draw up a regulation on bonuses for employees, what should it contain, how to approve
About the regulation on bonuses The regulation on bonuses for employees is a standard that is being put into effect
Informal employment: is it possible to work without a signed employment contract, responsibility
What responsibility does an employer bear if his employee performs work without drawing up an employment contract?
Is it possible to work without an employment contract? Labor law standards determine that the basis of labor relations is
Concept, types of working time and their characteristics
Home / Labor Law / Labor Code Back Published: 07/18/2016 Reading time: 7
What is administrative leave and how to apply
Conditions for granting administrative leave at the initiative of the employee The reason why an employee may ask
Art. 213 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The need for a medical examination for harmful and dangerous professions
Article 213. Medical examinations of certain categories of workers
08/20/2019 0 200 5 min. Medical examination is mandatory for all employed
The employer does not conclude an employment contract: what to do
General provisions After signing the agreement, the parties have mutual rights and obligations, which they
Article 78. Termination of an employment contract by agreement of the parties
Russian labor legislation includes 40 options for terminating a contract, but in most cases it is still
Determination of the minimum tariff rate of the 1st category
What is the tariff system of remuneration. Differences from the tariff-free system The tariff system includes a number
How to write an application for study leave
(form) with retention of wages by correspondence without payment The law protects the rights of employees
What is remote work and how is admission to it applied?
How to properly apply for a job as a remote employee?
Remote work is a new form of labor relations in Russia. There are many questions about
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