Reasons for absence from work Employees are asked to take time off in most cases for several hours, sometimes -
How many rates can you work part-time if the employee has such an opportunity? The question is really
How to formalize a change in an employee’s salary: a unified order form The first steps in the procedure are registration
08/27/2019 0 1445 5 min. In a business environment, communication is very important because
What is meant by the concept of “internship” By “internship” we mean training a new employee on the rules and conditions
Do they have the right to ask an employee in an early position to leave work and what?
How does the concept of “induction training” stand for? This term hides the familiarization of newly hired employees of the enterprise
How to calculate sick leave for child care Sick leave for caring for minors Working
General rules for filling out form 6-NDFL Rules for filling out section 1 in 6-NDFL are prescribed in the order
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Bonuses Back Published: 05/15/2016 Time