Conflict resolution
What to do if you are fired from your job without reason: is it legal and where to go?
Situations of legal dismissal To understand when the dismissal was made legally, you need to refer to Chapter 13
control over the implementation of the collective agreement agreement
Who monitors the implementation of the collective agreement?
The conditions for monitoring the implementation of a collective agreement (agreement) have been approved as legislative norms. But even
cool business
Personal cards and personal files: systematization, prompt storage and transfer to the archive
Maintaining personal files of employees is not mandatory for all categories of employers. But more accurate
Retirement age for municipal employees
Municipal pension - terms of assignment, procedure for calculation and registration
Municipal employees, according to their official duties, perform the functions of the state. They communicate between the population and the authorities
Article 402 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Consideration of a collective labor dispute by a conciliation commission (current version)
From this article you will learn: What are the causes of collective disputes? What is the procedure for resolving collective disputes?
Additional maternity leave 2021
Employer's burden Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n regulates the period of sick leave for pregnancy
Salary below the industry average: how to justify yourself to the Federal Tax Service
From January 1, 2021, tax authorities will begin to check payroll calculations. This will be done
Shortened working hours for women with children under 14 years of age - Art. 63 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Shortened working hours for women with children under 14 years of age - Art. 63 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
There is a rule in Labor legislation that guarantees certain categories of workers the right to short-time work
Temporary disability benefit in 2020
Features of calculating temporary disability benefits
If a working citizen wishes to take sick leave, then he is entitled to temporary disability benefits.
Example of vacation pay calculation
How to calculate wages by hour based on salary?
Home Accounting and HR Accounting Since salary is a separate type of remuneration
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