Conditions for bringing an employee to financial liability An employee may be held financially liable in
Is it necessary to conclude if he is the only participant in the LLC? One can often notice a phenomenon in which
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 03/07/2016
Is it possible to take leave after sick leave later than required according to the vacation schedule? Possibility of extension
Is it possible? For what period? How to get sick leave during pregnancy? When do they give? All of us
Home page » Labor law » What is the maximum duration of daily work (shift) in 2021
The very concept of working time implies the period during which the employee fulfills his labor obligations in accordance with
1. What are working hours of employees 2. What are working hours 3. Forms
An additional agreement on transfer to another position may be necessary in cases where
Author of the article: Vladimir Danilevsky Last modified: January 2021 8015 Application to the commission on