How many days is a police officer's vacation?

Providing leave to police officers



5 minutes.

A police officer's leave is calculated differently than that of a civilian employee. If a person was in the status of a “police trainee” during the year of rest, then the calculation will be made on a mixed basis.

During the period of service, the issue of granting leave is regulated by internal documents. In this case, the Civil Code is valid only in the part not affected by the stipulated legal acts.

Conditions of provision (duration, to whom it is due)

Leave at the Ministry of Internal Affairs is granted according to a schedule approved by the immediate supervisor. If it is necessary to move it to another time, a transfer report is submitted. The main vacation is 30 calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays, as well as the time spent en route to the place of the main vacation.

Everyone who entered the service wondered how many days the vacation is in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When building a career in the police department not from the beginning of the year, it is calculated by dividing the number of days of the main and all additional days assigned to a police officer by 12. The resulting number is multiplied by the actual time worked for full months. If such rest is less than 10 days, it will be added to the next main period.

During service in the second and subsequent years, police leave will be a full 30 calendar days, as well as all weekends and holidays that fall within this period. When recalculated, about 40 days are provided only for the main vacation.

It is important to know! The total duration of the entire rest period will not exceed 60 days. This period does not include travel time. For police officers serving in the Far North region, there is no limit on the duration of continuous leave.

How is it paid?

The legislator has determined an algorithm for how vacation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is paid: funds are paid based on the amount of salary determined on the date of departure and monthly additional payments. If during the employee’s absence from the workplace the amount of his income has changed, a recalculation is made after the end of the vacation period.

The employee receives compensation in cash equivalent (clauses 81–84 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 65 of March 31, 2013):

  • if he resigns from the authorities without using the prescribed rest days;
  • in exchange for part of the main period over 30 days (at the employee’s request).

If an employee serves in the Far North, in equivalent areas, in harmful conditions, compensation is prohibited (except for the option of dismissal from service, part 7 of article 56 of Federal Law No. 342).

The amount of compensation is calculated by dividing the accrued amount (salary + monthly additional payments) by the average monthly number of calendar days. The latter is established by dividing the number of days in a year by 12. It is possible to pay the cost of an employee’s travel to the place of rest and back (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 514 of May 16, 2012).

Types of vacations

Police officers, like ordinary citizens, have the opportunity to use different types of leave. There are several options for mandatory rest time, which is enshrined in the legislation on social guarantees:


Absolutely all police officers, without restrictions on rank or length of service, can count on such leave for police officers. By law it is 30 days. Weekends and holidays included in this period are also added to the 30 days. In addition to the specified rest time, the days necessary to travel to the place of rest are provided. Money spent on tickets is paid from the budget.


In addition to the main vacation, which is mandatory for all categories of police officers, some of them are entitled to additional days of rest.

For experience

This type of time off, like all additional ones, is incentive. It is provided to police officers whose service experience is more than 10 years. However, its duration changes over time:

  • if you have served from ten to fifteen years – 5 days;
  • for service from fifteen to twenty years – 10 days;
  • for over twenty years of service – 15 days.

An important nuance is that the internship time is not included in the calculation. Thus, for the payment of a long-service bonus, it is included in the accrual period, but for the provision of leave, it is not.

Irregular day

Leave for an irregular work day is provided to a police officer in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2016 No. 842. It regulates the procedure, as well as the list of positions that are entitled to it.

This type of vacation can be provided either together with the main one or separately from it. In this case, length of service is not taken into account; everything will depend only on the position held. For example, operatives who are included in the specified list are entitled to additional days of rest from the moment of appointment, even though the employee has just begun his duties.

Another important nuance is that you can use it either in the current year or in the next one. This type of vacation cannot be accumulated; it automatically expires if it has not been implemented.

The question of how many days of vacation a police officer has for an irregular day varies depending on the position he occupies:

  • for managers and supervisors in positions of senior and command staff - ten days;
  • for managers in senior management positions – nine days;
  • for the rest of the employees reflected in the list – seven days.

For performing duties under special conditions

The main criterion for its provision will be documentary evidence that the police officer is in special circumstances. The very concept of “special conditions of service” is established in Art. 35 Federal Law No. 342-FZ. An employee can stay there for no more than 6 months. In this case, it is necessary to issue an order stating what kind of special conditions were present:

counter-terrorism operations, martial law and others established by this article.

Such vacation can be provided immediately after return or together with the main vacation during other periods. However, its duration depends on the time spent in special conditions:

  • 3 days – stay up to 30 days;
  • 5 days – from 30 to 60 days;
  • 6 days – from 61 to 90 days;
  • 7 days – from 91 to 120 days;
  • 8 days – from 121 to 150 days;
  • 9 days – from 151 to 180 days;
  • 10 days – from 180 drain and more.

For personal reasons

Leave for personal reasons in the police can be granted an unlimited number of times per year. This type of vacation is unpaid. This requires, as a rule, specific family situations: the marriage of an employee, the birth of a child, the death of a close relative. For other reasons, days can only be provided with the permission of the direct manager.

Advice! The duration of such a vacation is 10 days. For registration, a report from the employee is also required, on the basis of which the order will be issued.

Presidential leave

Such a vacation began to be called presidential among employees of the Department of Internal Affairs - in fact, this is not its official name. It is provided for 30 days and is intended for recreation and rehabilitation after protecting the state system of the Russian Federation. To issue it, you need the opinion of a commission of doctors.

Maternity leave

Maternity leave will include maternity leave and parental leave for up to 1.5 or 3 years. In the first case, a certificate from the women's office is required to obtain

consultations about the presence of pregnancy and its duration.

But after giving birth, the woman herself chooses how long she will stay at home (1.5 or 3 years). In order to apply for such leave, you must take a certificate from your husband’s work stating that he does not intend to take advantage of this type of vacation and provide it together with the child’s birth certificate.

Are police officers allowed?

The time allocated for rest of specialists working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is regulated by special documentation. In particular, special attention is paid to Federal Law No. 342.

In accordance with the information reflected in this regulatory act, police officers are entitled to the following types of leave:

  • annual;
  • additional;
  • unpaid - due to personal circumstances.

In this case, an additional type of vacation time is subject to payment. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may well qualify for receiving it.

Additional leave can be added to the main one, i.e. issued at the same time.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the total duration of rest for a police officer cannot be longer than 60 days.

The time spent by the employee on the road to the place of rest and back is not taken into account. This rule does not apply to specialists living in the RKS and regions equivalent to them.

Additional paid leave is also provided:

How many days are provided for an irregular working day?

An irregular work schedule is a special mode of work in which the worker performs his job duties outside of the established time.

For working in this mode, officially employed citizens are entitled to additional time for rest, subject to payment.

The possibility of its registration is regulated at the legislative level.

Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to this topic.

The fact of working an irregular work schedule must be reflected in the employment contract concluded at the time of employment.

Information of this nature may also be present in the regulatory documentation of a government agency. The same papers must contain a list of persons who may be involved in work on an irregular schedule.

In the case of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this list may include the following specialists:

  • leadership positions;
  • employees whose working hours are not limited;
  • employees whose working day is divided into several parts, each of which does not have an exact duration;
  • employees whose activities are assessed by the final result;
  • support workers.

The duration of the period of additional vacation time for an irregular work schedule is determined depending on the specific position of the civil servant - duration.

The overall picture looks like this:

  • ordinary police officers – a week;
  • managers – 9 days;
  • senior management – ​​10 days.

For harmful working conditions

The professional activities of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are often associated with harmful working conditions.

The presence of this factor gives workers the right, in addition to the main one, to apply for additional paid leave.

The length of rest time depends on the department in which the civil servant works.

Taking this feature into account, the following vacation duration is established:

  • IVS – 10 days;
  • security and escort – 10 days;
  • special detention centers – 10 days;
  • medicine – 10 days.

The last division includes doctors working in departmental institutions.

In general terms, we can say that for civil servants working in conditions dangerous to their health, they can take out an additional type of leave lasting 10 working days.

For length of service

Expert opinion

Davydov Dmitry Stanislavovich

Deputy Head of the Military Commissariat

Length of service is another factor, the presence of which gives a civil servant the right to take additional leave. This possibility is established by Federal Law No. 342, in particular, Article 56 of the normative act.

The number of years of service available is a key factor influencing the length of the additional leave period.

Depending on this, it can have the following duration:

  • 3 days – for length of service from 5 to 10 children;
  • 5 days – for 10 to 15 years of service;
  • 10 days – for service from 15 to 20 years;
  • 15 days - for service of more than 20 years.

This information is confirmed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1236. It also states that Saturday and Sunday are included in long service leave.

In most cases, the specified rest period is added to the main one. It can be issued separately if its duration exceeds the 14 day mark.

Upon retirement

The dismissal of a police officer due to retirement has a specific feature. Before ceasing to perform his/her official duties, the employee goes on additional paid leave. The duration of its period is 30 days.

It is important to take into account that you can only apply for a vacation of this nature under certain conditions.

These are the following factors:

  • work experience in government agencies for more than 20 years;
  • reduction;
  • deterioration of health;
  • retirement age.

In other cases, leave before dismissal lasts from 7 days.

Its specific duration is determined in each case individually, depending on the conditions of termination of the employment relationship.

Registration procedure

All main and additional days of rest are issued only according to the employee’s report. It should contain references to the article of the regulatory legal act under which the rest is provided and its duration. It is also necessary to indicate by what transport he will get to the venue, since the number of days for the journey will depend on this information.

Based on the report, an order is issued. At the moment, the Government Decree under which vacation certificates are issued has ceased to be in force. But some territorial authorities issue their orders approving the form of such a document. They are necessary to mark your holiday destination and confirm your stay there.

Calculation and payment of vacation

When calculating vacation, mandatory nuances should be taken into account. The most important thing is its duration; by law it should not exceed 60 days a year. For example, when we are talking about an employee who has served for more than 20 years, he has the right to take:

  1. 30 main days.
  2. 16 additional.
  3. And no more than 10 on weekends and holidays.

The result is 55 days, to which travel days can also be added.

The calculation of vacation time is made taking into account the monetary allowance that is accrued to the vacationer during the period of service. As for the payment of accrued amounts, they are made in advance, before the start of the vacation, but no later than the last working day.

Accrual of vacation pay

A police officer does not have vacation pay in the same form as an employee of a civil organization receives it. The procedure for their calculation is established by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2013 No. 65. Issue is carried out between the 20th and 25th of each month. Moreover, the employee has the right to early payment if he goes on vacation. Then the accrued funds can be transferred 3 days before the start of the vacation. In addition to monetary allowance, the employee also receives financial assistance in the amount of one salary.

It is important to know! If financial assistance is not received before the vacation, then by order of the direct manager it is compensated at the end of the reporting year.

Vacation and its types

Who can get it?

The wording itself “for family reasons” is not indicated in the documents. Such leave is called “without pay,” that is, the employee receives days off, but is not paid vacation pay, unless otherwise specified in the regulations of a particular enterprise.

According to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation at their own expense can be taken by:

Signing the agreement

  • WWII participants;
  • working disabled people;
  • working pensioners;
  • parents, wives or husbands of military personnel who died during
  • performance of service;
  • employees of organizations if children are born in their family, close relatives die, or in case of marriage registration.

It is the last point that is commonly called leave for family reasons. Other reasons may also be included. The legislation gives the right to receive up to five days of rest for these employees, but the employer has the right to set the period it deems necessary or which is specified in the annex to the employment agreement (collective agreement).

The right to rest for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is regulated by Federal Law No. 342-FZ, issued on November 30, 2011. This document regulates all the main issues of labor relations between employees and the employer, but does not abolish the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Answers to questions that are not covered in Federal Law No. 342 should be sought in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As for vacations, they are issued on the basis of:

  1. Article 56 of Federal Law No. 342.
  2. Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Police officers have the right to take an annual break from duty, receiving payments during the leave provided and retaining their position. The expanded range of vacation periods and their longer duration are associated with the difficulties that accompany work in the authorities. For the most part, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the same guarantees as other working persons, but in some aspects they are endowed with more extensive rights.

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The content of the report depends on its purpose.

As a general rule, in order to receive leave, a military man must write a report.

It is drawn up on a sheet of A4 paper and filled in with handwritten or typewritten text. The report is accompanied by documents that confirm the grounds for temporarily leaving the unit.

The stay is provided for up to 10 days.

In this case, the time that must be spent traveling to the destination and back to the place of duty is not taken into account in this period. Travel documents are issued for travel by land, water and air.

A leave report for personal reasons is submitted to the immediate commander if:

  • The occurrence of an exceptional case requiring the presence of a person undergoing military service. Such cases include marriage and the birth of a child.
  • Fires or other natural disasters that befell the family of a serviceman or close relatives.
  • Severe illness, death, death of a member of the immediate family, or a person raising a military person.

In practice, relatives of a serviceman contact the military commissar at their place of residence, who confirms the occurrence of the circumstances. This is reported by means of communication to the military unit where the person called by the relatives is serving.

Usually this is a telegram. The text in it is presented without conjunctions, prepositions, or punctuation marks.

Report on leave for personal reasons

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The material is available via the download button! To the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for ______________, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V.

REPORT to Karpov I ask you to grant me leave for personal reasons from November 20, 2021 with travel to Yekaterinburg by rail. Senior inspector of TONDiPR (Sterninsky district) UNDiPRGU EMERCOM of Russia for ___________ internal service lieutenant A.E. Dokov “___”____________ 2021 Head To the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for ______________ Colonel of the Internal Service V.V.

REPORT to Karpov I ask you to grant me leave for personal reasons from November 20, 2021 with travel to Yekaterinburg by rail.

Senior inspector of TONDiPR (Sterninsky district) UNDiPRGU EMERCOM of Russia for ___________ internal service lieutenant A.E. Dokov “___”____________ 2021 To the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for ______________, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V. Karpov REPORT I ask you to grant me leave for personal reasons from 09/24/2018 to 09/27/2018 (to pass entrance examinations and enter the Siberian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA;


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The basis for granting such a period is an application. In this case, the application must contain an indication of a specific circumstance. In some cases, it will need to be confirmed in writing, because such days will be paid as working days.

As stated above, the basic leave of a police officer is 35 days. However, it does not include Sundays and holidays. For example, if during the holiday there are 5 Sundays and two holidays, then it will increase and amount to 42 days.

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